Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1007: The bewitching of death

In the eyes of Kane, the Marvel Universe was born because of the constant bragging ratio based on the setting that has collapsed and even his mother did not know it, plus various elements in the name of "tribute", to follow the current cultural popular elements. Hodgepodge.

It is because there are too many heroes who are so powerful because of the broken pot, so after realizing it, he was deeply hated and feared.

Of course, there is still a difference in detail.

Like the Marvel movie universe, it is the one with the lowest invisible maliciousness to outsiders in the Marvel multiverse.

After all, the difference between the carrier, even if I did not plan to tell a story at the beginning, but used audio-visual drugs to stimulate the audience's perception, it was ultimately because of technical difficulties, cost investment, grounding gas, etc., I chose to greatly weaken the power grade.

So even if Ms. Death appeared in person, Kane didn't feel soft legs. The five gods of creation are only compelling, and there is another "true father" who truly creates the world above OAA.

This also means that Ms. Death does not have true GM authority. Here, she will also be weakened.

Not to mention, although Ms. Death is the source, creator and manipulator of all living souls in the Marvel Universe, he did not pinch his handle, he is a foreigner.

Before, it was Hei Kane who assigned the mission to hold his soul. But after meeting with salary king Kane, he has become a free body, so he has no loopholes in this regard.

Uh, reluctantly, there is still one, humanity avatar Zhao Wenrui.

Jian Wenrui was receiving the first creature who came to the universe of the Great Star Realm, the old witch, when he met the death lady in C Caine.

Is actually not a reception, that is, he walks in the jungle and then ‘encounters’ with the old witch.

Although the sales of the old witch are a little different, the last interaction proves that the old witch's reminder is really for his good. Under such a premise, for Zhao Wenrui, who is deeply influenced by oriental culture, even if he is still vigilant about it, he will not be so desperate to meet others, so he will talk about it.

As a druid, C Kane will naturally not follow the avenues and pathways of the Holden area, the wilderness is like home, any natural terrain is on the same level, and will never get lost, even through the spell, easily You can understand the geographical structure within a radius of 5 kilometers.

So this walk is in the secondary forest.

One of the main characteristics of secondary forest is that neither the environment itself, nor the creatures wandering in it are as dangerous as the primitive forest, let alone the area of ​​the Black Forest that has a strong Warcraft habitat.

The old witch pointed to the felling area not far away, and then the two walked over to sweep away the remaining snow on the stump. The old witch waved his staff and ingested the nearby fallen leaves to form a pile of firewood.

It's just a little weird after the bonfire is lit. The orange flame can't illuminate the surrounding area as if it exists in another space, but the heat is clearly transmitted to the surroundings. Even Martian fly ash is true and true, blown by the cold wind, floating into the air, like a flying firefly.

It's dark in the mountains, not to mention that it's near dusk, the mountains in the distance are darkening, the nearby trees are sheltering, and the presence of campfires makes people feel unconsciously dependent on emotions, and at the same time they are quietly raising their surroundings.

As a shadow druid, darkness has almost zero to Zhao Wenrui's visual image (how much is still a bit affected), but human instinct still makes him more used to light and warmth.

Especially in the cold winter mountains, the contrast is strong.

He took out a stripped and washed snow rabbit from the bag and put it on the campfire to roast. The rabbit was caught by him since he walked for many days.

He hasn't eaten anything since the river entered the water.

Is not someone to catch up, but just too lazy to manipulate. After becoming a druid, like many predators, he can let go of his belly and eat a lot at one time, and then he will not be weak even if he does not eat for a long time.

Is not hungry right now. This meal is prepared completely to cover up the awkward atmosphere.

He is still wary of the old witch and does not intend to speak on his own initiative.

However, the old witch also behaved extremely leisurely, and asked with a small talk: "Do you have my share?"

"Of course, I caught several before."

"Oh, then I will be familiar with it."

"Okay." Zhao Wenrui took out his homemade survival knife and made a few openings on the rabbit meat, and then roasted it, brushing the sauce while the fat was leaching, and the skin was brown, and began to spice. The scent of food that makes people swallow can't help but spread ...

Three mature, rich gravy, rude, that is, the blood water has not completely coagulated, some people say that it is myoglobin.

Anyway, in Zhao Wenrui's eyes, there is a suspicion of Ru Mao drinking blood, especially with white periosteum, tendons, and burnt yellow teeth, which makes him very uncomfortable and has no appetite.

"Uh, uh! Um ..." The old witch grunted and hummed, the food was clearly appetizing to her, but the gluttonous eating phase was really a bit of a surprise, with blood on the corner of the mouth and rubbing on the face. It ’s just oil, just chewing on the bones and eating the sound of “clicks and clicks”. The people who listened to it were horrified. It ’s really hard to believe that they saw such a rotten tooth in advance. Reminiscent of a shredder.

"It's very delicious, can I have another one?" In less than two minutes, there is no leftover **** left for a rabbit with three pounds of bone and bone. The old witch asked Zhao Wenrui while sucking the twig-like fingers stained with oil and spices.

"no problem."

"A little more tenderness."

"Okay." Zhao Wenrui is also nonsense, devoted to playing the role of a cook, and soon another one is made.

"Hmm ..."

‘Click! Click! ’

Zhao Wenrui just set the third rabbit on the fire, and the old witch had finished eating. At the last bite, Zhao Wenrui clearly saw that his mouth opened to an abnormal level, as if the mandible were dislocated, and the cheeks on both sides of the mouth It became a rubber band with better stretchability, and the entire upper and lower gums were exposed at once. And the teeth have all become knives, and there are more than one layer, and more than two layers.

This is when Zhao Wenrui realized that the previous clicks and clicks were not the omnivores' molars chewing forcefully, but the layers of saw-tooth razor blades cutting and opening. Because there are many layers, so Only then did they make a coherent sound as if they were chewing repeatedly.

"Damn, what the **** is this?" Zhao Wenrui swallowed secretly.

At this time, the old witch was already asking for a third, and hoped to be more tender.

"You just say you just add some heat, and then you can't eat it raw?" Zhao Wenrui was abdomen, but he didn't show any signs of the outside.

"Well, great, this is it!" This time the old witch was completely satisfied. I probably ate it too, started to chew slowly, and had a leisurely chat.

Zhao Wenrui still chose to be cautious, and echoed: "You are satisfied." He continued to focus on barbecue.

"Are you going to find another town and live with the people here?"

When Zhao Wenrui heard this, he secretly rejuvenated and said: "Come!"

He nodded calmly: "I do have this plan."

The old witch grinned and continued to eat rabbit meat.


After a little thought, Zhao Wenrui decided to continue to stretch, so he roasted the rabbit meat. The atmosphere was gradually embarrassed.

At the same time, C Kane and Ms. Death were okay.

As far as acting style is concerned, C Kane has no good feelings for Ms. Death.

To be more precise, he doesn't like all well-known women in Marvel Universe.

In his view, the well-known women in Marvel Universe are basically buses.

Is not used to this, mainly because of the chauvinism caused by masculinity and the double standards that only state officials set fire and not allow people to light up.

He feels that the indulgence of the physiology is largely due to the lack of psychological self-discipline and weakness.

But this is understandable and tolerable. It is too critical to expect everyone to be strong-willed. After all, many people become superheroes, driven by fate, not spontaneously and proactively.

What he can't tolerate is infatuation.

Every time is true, and every time is true feelings that are from the heart, including a one-night stand that resembles a nightclub. In his eyes, this kind of ‘fraternity’ is unchecked, unselfish, and cheap.

Feelings are too cheap, but also too shallow. When something happens, you will be sentimentally on your face, and then you will feel excited and throw it away within a few days.

Marvel's well-known women basically have this trend.

Not to mention Ms. Death, there are countless faces, heavy mouths, and eccentricity. The tyrant is her back support, and the deadpool is her new love.

Rushed to the types he liked, and gave C Kane the impression of being extremely bored and flying all kinds of waves. He has always looked down on this kind of stop going forward, wanting to die and never dying or afraid of dying, so the existence of various demon killing time has always been despised.

There are some people like the Marvel Universe, such as collectors and Gao Tianzun. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the two are amused, but in the Marvel Universe, they are god-level gangsters. The information advantages accumulated through the long Shouyuan make these two have unfathomable energy.

But C Kane neither envy nor admire these two people. If he is in power, he will not hesitate to find a way to kill or seal.

The top five creation gods don't see much, especially the dead lady.

So when facing Ms. Death, he was obviously not surprised, and he might as well treat his attitude towards Mr. Magic. At least the latter, although not intimate, can treat each other as equals. They voluntarily ran over to the meeting and did not put on a stinky shelf to show off their strength and foundation.

Ms. Death also seems to know that C Kane does n’t like her or fear her. After appearing, she does n’t have a lot of concave shapes. She soon opened the door and said: “I asked Mr. Magic ’s family to come first. I ’m sure there is. After all, you ca n’t stop it, let the worms under the worms do things, and send messengers to go hunting in a foreign land. "

"Thanks for your attention." C Kane said with a snap.

The rabbit is already close. Zhao Wenrui, who is about to start eating, suddenly has a dark eye, and his mind becomes trance at that moment, but it lasts for less than a second, and everything becomes normal again.

However, he felt that a certain connection was broken, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out what kind of connection it was.

No longer think about it, he used a survival knife to eat the rabbit meat layer by layer, and drew out a bottle of half-bottle of wine from the pouch.

"Are you coming?" He asked the old witch.

The old witch shook her head and said, “For the caster, drink less wine, preferably not.”

Zhao Wenrui smiled a little self-deprecatingly: "Throughout my first half of my life, the thing that aroused me most was that there were too many rules. I was tired and wanted to put aside the shackles as much as possible, including related to 'what kind of person do I want to be' Those ones."

Talked about unscrewing the cork and pouring a big gulp. Like a fire flowing, this stimulation made the body subconsciously tremble, and then even the heat spread to the whole body.

Feels good.

The old witch smiled silently, stood up, and said, "The entire Holden area can no longer find the life you want. The civilization, organization and exclusivity of this world are much higher than you think, but There are some remarkable things, so you can do it yourself. "

Said that the dark gray and dirty robe turned into a rotating stream of light, scattered like a whirlwind.

‘Call! ’

With the departure of the old witch, the bonfire returned to normal, the light shining five or six meters away.

Zhao Wenrui stayed for a while, shook his head, and continued to sit on the stump, barbecue and wine. Think lazily, love it. He knew that if he went on like this, sooner or later, there would be a moment when the touched head bleeds, or even be behind bars or simply be killed.

But what about that?

Many times, people do n’t wake up without hitting the south wall, so let ’s do it. He is really tired of the heavy-minded and expensive lifestyle of the past.

C Kane also has feelings in this regard and feels exhausted. But his emotions are more stable and his self-control is stronger. At the same time, he also has a good channel to loosen his emotions, such as spending a small life with Rachel.

Because of this, C Kane will not get out of control, and the anger is not too heavy. Even if she does n’t like the dead lady, she can communicate normally.

"I have always had my own small and large goals, and I do have some interest in Marvel's other universes, but I have my own habits and rhythm in doing things."

"Of course, I just provide some valuable information, haven't you always pursued the rate of return?"

"It is so ~ ~ It is also because of this, the cost of obtaining intelligence is also included in the cost."

"Information is free." Ms. Death seemed very generous.

"There is a saying in my hometown, the one called free is often the most expensive."

Ms. Death laughed: "I know where the problem is. Trust!"

"It's true that this is true. I'm sensitive and afraid of death, and I still think about it. Taking the things in front of me, I will instinctively produce this. This is a` `black hole" waiting for me to jump.

"The pit may be really a bit deep, but that's just because of the risk that comes with great benefits. Hei really can't talk about it. Maybe my other siblings don't like you very much, but I ... but died, Kerry Empire The genocide was almost there overnight, I do n’t know how happy it was. The killing efficiency of Shannos (Babo) is far worse than that. "

"I think this is a kind of compliment. Although I still have doubts, I am still willing to take the first step of the initiative. Let's start with a small goal and let me see your sincerity."

"I promise, you will not regret this decision of your own." Ms. Death said, and passed a piece of information to C Kane in a special way.

If the conspiracy is not secret, the matter will be leaked. For specific operations, Ms. Death also pays great attention to confidentiality ...

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