Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1008: Not saved

C Kane had not dealt with Ms. Death before.

Although some subjective cognition made him not very fond of the death lady, he was still willing to give some minimum trust to his ability.

Is also one of the five gods of creation, in theory, the master of all life and soul in the Marvel universe. With regard to this compulsion, the accumulation gained from the immeasurable amount of time should not be as shameless as some demon gods, it is not necessary.

Moreover, Ms. Death took the initiative to point out the relationship between the green worm swarm that slaughtered the Kerry Empire and him, and the dynamics of the human avatar Zhao Wenrui. In C. Kane ’s view, it was both a muscle show and a show of good.

So he completely shut down the spiritual contact with Zhao Wenrui completely.

In this way, the relationship between Zhao Wenrui and him is basically equivalent to the relationship between the secondary avatar and the deity. You can't directly communicate with each other for presence or peeping. Even if you share your memories, there will be an inspection link like a postal parcel.

In this way, even if the loophole is completely closed.

Zhao Wenrui is obviously not clear. The old witch is actually an avatar of the dead lady, and suddenly appeared. The main reason is to add a safety plug to herself.

The avatar that negotiated with C Kane is the most important avatar of the dead lady, and there is no one.

While C Kane was afraid of the mighty Marvel universe, he was also very afraid of him like the lady of death.

Due to lack of reference, C Kane did not know that from the beginning, he was in Marvel 199999 where he could kick the kick.

Because he was born under the ceiling of Marvel 199999 Cosmic Law, it is a limit state. The five creation gods, such as Lady Death, can't do this kind of extreme in this universe.

The reason is, of course, the independence of the Marvel movie universe.

In the source world, there are many people who know Marvel movies but have little knowledge of Marvel comics. From an extraordinary perspective, this means the split of spiritual power.

The existence and orthodoxy of the Marvel Universe are heavily influenced by readers. To put it bluntly, only enough readers and audiences recognize it to be valuable and have a high significance of existence.

This is a bit like belief in God.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is far more famous than Marvel Comics. Although Marvel Comics is Zongjia, the separation is now so good that Zongjia has to move closer to the rules of separation, such as some new comics, super The image of the hero is obviously closer to the image of the film universe.

It is precisely because the Marvel Cinematic Universe is inside Marvel, it has gone beyond the stage of the resistance of the chambers, but overlooked the anime. So, correspondingly, it also created the fact that the Marvel 199999 world is extraordinarily special and very important.

This is why after the fourth secret war, a completely new and different Marvel universe has been formed, but the rest are not swallowed and digested, or cleared by other powerful forces, but stubbornly divided, The main reason for derivation.

Inherently has the strength of a self-contained pattern, and under all circumstances, the characteristics of being able to coexist independently are fully reflected.

In such a chaotic multiverse with Marvel 199999 as the main, it is not 199999 that really replaced the original 616 cosmic status, but the 20K parallel universe with C Kane in front of which needs to be prefixed by darkness.

Is mainly because the special variable C Kane is too forced. His backstage, Kane deity, is a member of the original world, representing this existence from the high dimension.

It's said that because Kane's authenticity is high enough, affected by this, this small piece of chaotic Marvel multiverse has become meaningful.

Here is a bit of a mysterious cross-reference like ‘flowers see me, I see flowers’.

It is precisely because C Kane is special enough that Ms. Death only came to talk, even if C Kane did not personally shoot, as long as he was under his command, it represented the variable.

Even the presence of super mourning Reeds, Richards and Susan Stone, which are obviously just 'side-striking balls', triggered a series of twists and jams under the butterfly effect. It is conceivable how powerful the power directly under C Kane is.

To put it in a more specific way, a war worm, its existence itself means a lot of information that the Marvel Universe did not have before.

Kane has traveled through so many worlds, gathering knowledge, and absorbing experience. These are more or less reflected in the War Bugs.

And this information, for the chaotic Marvel Universe, is a brand-new element, which makes the evolution of the universe have a richer and more delicate combination, and then gradually revitalize the overall situation. It doesn't really matter what it becomes. The important thing is operation, and operation means that one day it will die, then quietly conceive, and then start a new birth. This is the instinct of universal will, or natural will. Just like biological instinct is to survive and reproduce.

Therefore, the needs of Ms. Death can be said to be high, and very compelling.

Is C Kane himself, thinking is still hovering in the stage of human-level resentment, hatred and hegemony.

He also had some self-knowledge. When he met, he voluntarily admitted that he was still a human mindset. Ms. Death did not laugh at him, and of course he dared not laugh at him.

C Kane walked back and forth on the platform after obtaining the information given by Ms. Death. This was his subconscious behavior when analyzing and thinking.

The scene was a bit embarrassing. No one squeaked and looked at him.

Nick ?? Fury's heart was shocked. The destruction of the Cree empire, he still heard about it, after all, Captain Marvel was on the side.

And he has long tried to pave the way for the integration of human civilization into the universe family, specifically from the news acquisition.

So what is the concept of the Cree empire is still clear to him, it is also shocking for him to be destroyed overnight. Unexpectedly it turned out to be C Kane's handwriting.

The members of the first Marvel family were equally shocked.

As the saying goes, if you do n’t climb Mount Everest and you do n’t know the height of the mountain, the family only fully experienced the true taste of power being suppressed by the law after they came to the Marvel Universe. Franklin did not completely exhaust his power before entering the 20K universe.

On the contrary, because of his previous experience, he is now more clever in controlling power than it was at all.

Used to be like an early Hulk, and had to be ruined by the ruthlessly, and the emotions were in place, so that a powerful force could erupt.

But this outbreak is accompanied by an obvious loss of control, often harming the enemy and the enemy together, so that overall the harm is greater than the benefit.

Coupled with the bear-child period, it became an unstable humanoid nuclear bomb, so Reed had to make Franklin a vegetative.

With the opening of the fourth secret war, after a series of major events, Franklin and Valeria quickly grew up. Their IQ is far superior to ordinary people, the only thing that is lacking is experience. After this link is made up, although the body is still young, in fact, it can already be treated as an adult.

As a result, he entered the 20K universe, and Franklin suddenly found himself saying that he became powerless, almost almost.

The laws of the 20K universe are really ruthless, the stronger and weaker the stronger. Rather than cutting according to a unified standard in proportion, or in multiples.

In this context, C Kane's power not only makes people think that this is the pro-son of 20K universe. It ’s better than it is. In the 20K universe, C Kane is really strong.

To this end, there is a small episode, Ms. Death said to C Kane: "I know you are waiting for an enemy like a fatal opponent. But as long as you are in the 20K universe, you will never be able to wait, and some existence would rather wait until the 20K universe. The day the heat died ... "

For this, C Kane felt very unhappy. Because of his career in this universe, he hardly felt much sense of accomplishment. Without having fought with any powerful character, he is already invincible in the world, and already invincible, but he can't even talk about it afterwards. It was only known to others when he told him.

Kane has no shortage of joking ingredients: "It seems that we are really destined to kill, delaying the heat of the universe, and killing high-end civilizations that are no longer advancing. For example, Kerry, Skullu, Shia."

Nick ?? Fury listened sweaty. The Kerry Empire is over, and the other two, also seem to meet the conditions.

Skuru people have been trapped by warlords for thousands of years. This is a warlord separatist based on super-interstellar civilization. The torn destruction is really gone.

To give a specific example, if a nuclear bomb is a strategic weapon of human civilization in the cradle of the earth, then a negative wave bomb is a nuclear bomb of the Skuru people. The killing radius is generally 2.5 light-years. After an explosion, any material in the area disappears. Its basic principle is the annihilation of positive and anti-matter.

This is not yet considered. The three major universe empires, the reason for the universe empires, in addition to advanced science and technology, strong military power, but also because of the eradication of civilization.

This is also one of the reasons why the Green Insect Group adopted a comprehensive aggressive strategy against the Kerry Empire. I really want to give the Kerry Empire enough time to deal with it, and I can't figure out what moths are.

The Skuru had enough of the Andromeda Nebula to scourge, while still not forgetting to explore claws like other regions. As for the civilization itself, it has long been stagnant. It really meets the conditions of Kane's killing.

As for the Shia empire, just to say one thing, this empire believes that artistic creation is a signal of mental missteps and deviance.

The empire has long been committed to killing all the dreamers of its own family, trying to completely remove the so-called stains from the genetic level through this method.

However, to this day, this kind of "illness" will still occur periodically, and then it will be violent repression and massacre. This is an imperial characteristic.

In addition, the empire also implemented the imperial system, and there are fanatical levels of dual theology, kingship and religious power, which has always been the biggest hidden danger in its interior.

According to Kane's argument, to kill this backward system that has persisted for many years, it should be killed.

So Kane's ridiculous words sound terrified at Nick Fury.

As for the Reeds, they have become numb.

Franklin's strength determines that they cannot be lonely in the series of major events, and the creatures who directly and indirectly die in their hands are more than a billion.

Regardless of the fact that they are fighting for the death lady, Reed's family's desire is mainly to take refuge. At least at this stage, there are not too many big ideas, such as saving the world.

Of course, it can also be said: with the genius and self-confidence of Reed Richards and his son, if all the methods that can be tried are tried, and finally output the light, will honestly accept the grace of the dead lady, so that the family will not die , Ran to pay as a messenger, to attract C Kane's attention?

C Kane realized this earlier. He could imagine the pride of a human leader and the blood of a bear child. Under the ideological background of "the greater the power, the greater the responsibility", The father and son, or the family, when facing the big event, is definitely a face of 'whoever we are'.

The beginning of a standard American drama, but the end in reality is often not a just victory represented by these heroes.

"So, even from a wide-area point of view, I wasn't asked to intervene to save?" C Kane asked such a question after analyzing the information given by Ms. Death.

"I think it is more accurate to describe the end of the dead loop."

C Kane nodded and felt that this was right. After all, this is a death lady. Even if there are trillions of ways to die, this one has definitely seen and tasted. So the reason for her asking for help cannot be ‘too bad. I ca n’t bear to look at it, so help them! ‘This kind of, but something like‘ I ’m worried when I look at these bad debts, saying that it has no hope, it seems there is still, saying that there is hope, it has n’t been up to ... ’This kind of.

In general, for the existence of Lady Death, the birth and death of the universe, faster, slower, tragic, and beautiful are not important. The important thing is not to derail, now the remains of the abandoned Marvel multiverse, It is a typical derailment, including the 20K universe he is in.

Although the 20K universe is the most core, but the surroundings are decaying grapes, and corruption has continued, then it is only a matter of time before the 20K universe is affected, and it will not wait too long.

So for him, taking the initiative to attack is better than passively fighting. Although he has always lifted the fetters caused by infinite gems, he has been out of the mind of the Marvel Universe, and has made some attempts. But it is obviously not very reliable to pin all hopes on the line of the Great Star Universe where Zhao Wenrui is located.

C Kane, after deciding to intervene and abandon the Marvel multiverse as prompted by Ms. Death, the first thing to do is to meet Grand Master Gu Yi.

Now that the Supreme Master of the Guardian family is Doctor Strange, Gu Yi has been given the name of a Grand Master who has more honor characteristics than his job title.

As of now, the ancient one of the 20K universe has the best ending in the parallel universes. It was really the golden basin that washed hands, retired safely, and gradually became free, letting go of themselves and making up for regrets.

And in other parallel universes, although Gu Yi had a very compelling expression more than once, he should use his own death to teach the young successor the last lesson. Sounds and looks detached.

But if you look closely, if it is not allowed by reality, how could Gu Yi give up the step-by-step training of successors, but this tragic way to carry out the maturation of pulling seedlings to promote nature?

And from her own perspective, how about living for a hundred years? The least anxious thing in the world is probably death.

So, some free and easy, in fact, reveals a deep frustration, just like the face of painful life, some people choose to cope with a smile.

Guyi was not on Earth, but he greeted Dr. Kiwi when he went out, leaving a clue. With the power of C Kane, I quickly found it.

“I ’m going to invest heavily in the Guardian, and I do n’t know how to do it. Are you willing to open your doors to recruit disciples? Increase the population base of human beings? Or directly nurture qualified individuals? Or in interactions with official agencies Gain policy bias? "

Gu Yi smiled and asked C Kane: "So what do you want from it?"

"Co-location of exotic coordinates."

"It seems that after communicating with Ms. Death, you realize the peculiarity of this universe."

"That's right." C Kane admitted frankly.

The singularity of the 20K universe has two main points.

The most important point is that it is similar to white cloth for painting. It is precisely because the 20K universe has too much content to show compared to other Marvel universes, so it has a very high degree of uncertainty, so that various possibilities can be born.

Of course, this feature also exists in other Marvel movie universes, such as the real Marvel 199999 universe.

The real Marvel 199999 universe and the non-20K parallel movie universe have no elements represented by C Kane.

That is to say, no change, can not jump out of the scope of the Marvel universe. And as long as you ca n’t jump out, facing the ‘great dad’ ’s ‘great destiny’, you have to get rid of it by bumping during the fourth secret war.

The second singularity is that although the Marvel monolithic universe freed from the curse of 'Great Destiny' by the influence of C Kane has more than one 20k, strictly speaking, the existing subunits of the abandoned Marvel multiverse are all Count.

But at the present location, only a 20K universe has been twisted high enough, with no extra dimensions, no pocket universe, and no negative space, such as ancillary space hanging around the main universe.

If this is not the case, then C Kane absorbed the infinite gems, which caused the historical line to be distorted, and the self-consistent supplements that have occurred (such as the past, present, and future have no time gems, the eye of Agomomoto is still born smoothly) There are other possibilities (such as the discovery of the wreckage of the Doomsday Miracle bomber and the absence of the US team) under the ice of Antarctica.

An interesting situation arises. Since there are no extra dimensions and no subspaces, where are the ‘aliens’ that the mysteries of Karma Taj went to?

One of the possibilities is that a star is very far away from a planet, but it is also in the 20K universe. This C Kane was discovered early in the morning.

Also has other possibilities, such as the dark dimension of the ancient Yi very familiar (Domam's nest).

From the perspective of the Marvel Universe, the dark dimension is actually an extra dimension.

On the forced form, it needs the regional zombie set.

Seth was born on earth, the power of the famous Phoenix of Marvel Universe, did a lot of things, as a part, let Omega-grade Gretchen almost turned upside down, and Seth swallowed Phoenix.

Seth's residence is the "gap" between the single universe and the single universe, so it is called the serpent connecting the multiverse, the master of the void hell, and so on.

Compared with that, Dormam has to be downgraded. If Dorset stands for border pass, then Dormam represents a tunnel that can also cross the border but is more Bic.

Anyway, the multidimensional connection nature of the dark dimension makes it special, especially for the 20K universe.

C Kane had to consider such a possibility: the alien teleportation of the mystic wizards is a very potential arbitrary door that can be teleported to any place in theory, including other multiverses outside the Marvel universe.

So how high is the specific value of luck to complete this kind of Kane deity who can make a break. "Kane went to the medieval Warhammer universe, but also because of the patchwork of dimensional stone as a guide, only kicked. What a feat?

C Kane thought it might be difficult, but the 20K universe has more possibilities because of his intervention. Then discuss it with the dead lady, get some awesome souls, and the son of destiny, may lead to another way out. . In other words, the real way out.

Because he now suspects that the artifact "Black Vortex" and its creator Godhead are not enough to jump out of the deep pits of the Marvel Universe. At least it was not possible before interacting with him.

This also means that the great star universe in which the human avatar Zhao Wenrui is located is actually just a single universe in the abandoned Marvel multiverse.

'S grotesque and impending destruction features also fit Ms. Death's description of the currently abandoned Marvel multiverse.

The significance of finding the real other universe has two main points.

1. For the current abandoned Marvel multiverse with 20K single universe as the core, he represents variables and represents more and more abundant combinations and results.

But this does not mean that the abandoned Marvel multiverse will be able to return to the normal birth and death orbit.

Metaphorically said that although he is oil, it may also be lubricating oil instead of fuel. Moisturizing the gear and turning it a few times is very different from the engine re-starting the wheel rolling.

And if his tentacles can reach other universes than the abandoned Marvel multiverse, he can get more information, so that there are more possibilities, even infinite possibilities.

In this way, it is possible for him to end the story of the Marvel multiverse with a satisfactory attitude (ideal result) and leave happily (of course it is not necessary to leave, but whether this ability is the key).

2. After 10,000 steps back, he still has a trick to survive.

When Black Kane dispatched him to invade the Marvel Universe, he fully considered the restraint of different cosmic laws, so he used the method of "breeding after arrival".

And the specific embodiment of this method is the existence of what can be called ‘source matter’.

The source material represents the crystallization of the biological creation technology mastered by Black Kane. It can give the most suitable solution according to the external environment (the law of the universe) of the specific creation point. An important reason for birth.

That is to say, the source material represents something outside the region that is not contaminated by the 20K cosmic law. Even the energy to protect its purity comes from Black Kane, not C Kane.

Although after the formation of C Kane, the source material is basically depleted, leaving only a little. And it is impossible to supplement recovery (any act of using the material or energy of this universe is a kind of pollution).

But with C Kane ’s vitality, even if it turns into an earthworm, as long as there are nutrients, it can grow up.

Therefore, that little bit of source material is the last means of escape, cutting and compressing your own soul, using the source material as a carrier, and throwing away.

Human avatar, Zhao Wenrui, is a practical attempt to cut the soul.

But all of this is based on the existence of destinations and channels ~ ~ So, as long as you can catch the universe beyond the fairy pit of the Marvel Multiverse, even if there is only a little hope, C Kane Willing to invest. What's more, the cost of investing in the Mystic Master is really nothing to him.

Of course, he actually has a retreat, that is, the dark old-dominator universe where Black Kane is located.

However, there is too much difference in the time flow from the 20K universe. He is worried that when he needs to run, there will already be eaten up by the old dominators and only the void is left.

Even if not, if Black Kane was still alive at that time, it would be hard to say to what extent it was blackened, but his creator, a natural nemesis, when Black Kane would play Spiritual Unity or Devour, he was afraid It's hard to resist.

The former salary king Kane came and brought the last gift of Black Kane. The meaning inside and out of the words was to ask him not to go back. Black Kane had become too much, even he himself realized that he would drag on further. In the past few years, I may not be able to do anything, so I took advantage of the unrecognizable and decent farewell, and gave the advice of "meeting not to miss".

C Kane even thought that Salary King Kane resolutely left the universe and no longer turned, and there was another factor that did not want to see himself completely blackened.

So going back to the dark and dominating universe is a bit worse than just coming out of the tiger's den, like a wolf den, but wherever there is help, C Kane doesn't want to choose.

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