Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1009: City, prison, cemetery

Civilization represented by the creation, development and growth, one of the manifestations is to shape the material through the operation of energy to make it desirable, or order.

Creating and maintaining this order requires energy consumption and can be regarded as entropy-reducing behavior.

And the heat of the universe is from chaos to chaos, which is just the opposite of order, and is an increase in entropy.

Under such a background, the existence of civilization can be understood as the act of reducing entropy by madness, accelerating the process of increasing entropy. Many mass-energy conversions and heat dissipation, which originally took millions of years to complete, were completed within a few years, or even days, and hours due to the intervention of civilization.

Not to mention the more direct and violent behaviors such as war and destruction that accelerate the increase of entropy by destroying the fruits of order.

Therefore, the more high-end civilization, the greater the energy consumption, the stronger the destructiveness, the more prominent the acceleration effect of entropy increase.

From this perspective, it seems that extinction of civilization really can delay the arrival of the heat of the universe.

But it is really a stupid choice to actually do this.

Because even for a life like C Kane, it is meaningless to delay the heat of the universe itself, it is meaningful to find a way out for life, of course, mainly your own life.

Then, it is the right choice to go out of the pit before the arrival of the heat of the universe, or to save enough supplies and acquire materials or abilities to resist all kinds of dangers like winter.

And these are generally solved by technology.

How is technology born?

Is nothing more than discovery and creation.

And civilization is a platform for discovery and creation.

Therefore, Shi Lezhi is a civilization whose extinction is not easy to produce but easy to destroy.

But what about a civilization that has lost its upward momentum?

This is really a matter of opinion.

Some people think that the dead wood may also have new branches; others think that the effect of artificially strengthening the Black Forest Law is the right choice.

Because stress is the driving force, life can often find a new way out in a miracle way only when there is enough pressure, and this search process often represents the progress of ideas and technology.

C Kane is biased towards the latter.

But he did not admit that this bias was because his indifference to life (the life of others) was far more than ordinary people.

At least he did not admit that this was the main reason.

He feels that changing other people in his position will not make too much difference in this respect. After all, human beings, as short-lived species, are born with a sense of urgency that they can't wait for me, and they can't tolerate thousands of years of waiting.

So, human life is like a 90-minute family carnival movie, ‘they are together at the end, very happy! ‘It ’s just that as of the moment they came together, they did n’t talk about the troubles of chai rice, oil, salt, vinegar and tea, the interpretation of his wife ’s physiological needs during pregnancy, or the possibility of deriving the seven-year itch ...

Once life is lengthened, the party-like friendship that could always present its good side becomes a bump in pots and pans that get along with it, and the claws and claws are exposed.

This is the shortcoming of the short-lived species 'thinking mode and life habits, and it is also a manifestation of the short-lived species' unbearable weight.

Kane, according to the information given by Ms. Death, arrived in the first jammed world, which fully reflected the world that could not bear the weight of time and fell into a nightmarish crash.

He came here to get a very rare product of the mixed technology of science and technology born under a series of coincidences-nano network cloud.

Once the creation is completed, it can complete the molecular reorganization within its coverage area. In theory, everything can be shaped by thought, as long as there are corresponding materials and thoughts can edit every detail of the creation.

There is no doubt that this creation is an artifact for those who have developed the brain domain.

Transcendence can complete creation editing through the construction of spell-like models.

And the science side can edit the creation through computer-like computing construction.

And the final result is the same, that is, you can shape everything without carrying any excess. Even ordinary people can easily create by keeping in mind some stereotypes.

Of course, C Kane's preference for it is not mainly for the ratio of being able to pretend to have nothing, but it represents more advanced productivity.

And according to Ms. Death, with it, you can get the next high-value item better. This is the crystallization of higher intelligence + extremely high luck. It is too violent to sit and watch it die in destruction.

C Kane's favorite thing is to obtain such an object, without constraints and no additional conditions, he can do whatever he wants.

In the words of Ms. Death: "Even if you strike the star, it will follow you. I just provide high-quality information, and you kill all the creatures in that world. For me, it is a free death to collect debts, which is good."

But when Kane went to the place, he found that there was still some suspicion of being fooled.

Look up and see the dome directly. The atmosphere is as thin as Mars in his memory. The star is not seen and the temperature is below minus 100 degrees.

Light is such a temperature, which means that this planet-level artificial creation is not a wandering celestial body.

Because if it is a stray celestial body, the surface temperature will be lower. The current temperature is only representative of the temperature difference between day and night. Perhaps it has to add the four seasons, apocalyptic point, and perihelion point, because the existence of the atmosphere itself is a manifestation, he can perceive The main components of the atmosphere, and then derive some information.

The coordinates given by Ms. Death should be more comfortable in theory and more suitable for the initial growth after the advent.

However, it is up to him to decide how to play. He would rather make the problem more complicated and more difficult, and he is not willing to follow the path designed or planned by others.

For the existence of Ms. Death, beware is a permanently effective concept.

After all, interacting with this kind of existence, each other's perception of interests is often very different, and talking about feelings is a joke. If you do n’t talk about money or love, then there ’s really nothing to talk about. Be careful.

This time C Kane was almost in person.

The Marvel universe beyond the movie universe has an upper limit of extraordinary combat power. Especially after a big collision, what can survive is either the powerful comprehensive strength or the auspicious luck. No matter which kind it is, he can't get it by sending some people.

And there is an old beep-level security alert here, that is in case the real purpose of the dead lady is to let the non-Marvel cosmic information represented by him leak as much as possible.

He is in the 20K universe, and no one is surprised. The particularity of the 20K universe makes any existence come here, but it is only at the level of the ceiling of the law of this universe.

Comprehensive strength is at the same level as him. He is completely uncomfortable. After all, there are a series of advantages, including the Kaiser Palace left by his salary king Kane, and the combination of infinite gems.

Can be out of 20K universe ...

Send miscellaneous fish, I'm afraid it won't work. How can a civilization and force that can create or hold such a magical thing as a nano-network cloud be an easy generation?

If you want to succeed, most of you have to send high-end combat power, and high-end combat power often means a lot of investment in technology, but also means information enrichment.

That way, in the eyes of some people, is it that the nano-network cloud is more valuable, or is this high-end combat power enriched with information from the outer universe sent by him more valuable? It is hard to say.

So, he rolled his sleeves and played in person.

1, so that he is more confident to escape.

2. Even if he can't escape, he can destroy important information instantly.

3, if he goes on his own, he can rely on force to support his strength, and has the least dependence on technology.

Was cautious. He didn't even use the genetic technology system he was best at this time, nor the dark technology system he was good at.

But targeted a metal druid.

This is an extraordinary battle he designed himself. As a **** who values ​​knowledge and has rich technical accumulation, he has the ability to build an advanced extraordinary battle system under similar circumstances.

He also prepared a deputy post for himself, the earth element.

The two battle positions add up to correspond to the most common matter in the universe, earth and metal.

Plus life occupations are spa therapists and hackers. Make up the state of million gold without obvious shortcomings, and the rest rely on the gods to push the grid to the high position.

Counting, he is now a hundred-year-old old goblin, and during the period is still diligent, practice is not embellished, he is still confident in his comprehensive literacy.

Shortly after the arrival, Kane wriggled on the ground made of rough ceramic metal material.

He now looks like a slime monster, translucent.

In order to obtain a more suitable body, he arranged for Black Kane to invade the Marvel Universe to learn, and came up with a Low version of the first advent and then incubation mode.

Is now in the material collection stage, so the ground where he passes is as clean as a plate licked by a cat.

Is different from the mechanical environment of the dark old ruler universe. Although it is vast here, there is no flat metal field. Instead, it is a steel jungle made up of rugged, cold-hard buildings. Simple and powerful lines and corners can be seen everywhere.

Whether it is energy perception or light perception, it can recognize the light in the steel jungle. Let ’s treat it as a light. It is very limited, so that the entire building complex looks lifeless, like a cosmic stronghold operating in an energy-saving state.

This is also consistent with the relevant information given by Ms. Death.

This super city is about 1.5 times the size of the earth. The original core is a refugee boat.

Earth from 2260, called Yingzhou.

Knows the name, it belongs to the East Asian category, and is dominated by the Chinese people. After all, the word ‘Yingzhou’ was used by the ancient Chinese people to refer to the fairy mountains above the East China Sea. Later, Dongying once referred to Japan.

According to Ms. Death ’s popular science, the universe ’s earth, in the second half of the 21st century, developed into a pattern of competition between East and West camps.

By the beginning of the 22nd century, the friction of the camp caused by the competition for resources intensified.

Both sides are brave soldiers, even poor soldiers, and the war is about to break out. The invasion from extraterrestrial civilizations prevents the two sides from temporarily suppressing the contradiction and unifying the outside world.

As a result, all the secret weapons originally intended for the other party were used, and they were not opponents of extraterrestrial civilization. Later, they were almost entirely supported by superheroes.

However, the ultimate is too passive, the battlefield is always everywhere in the solar system, and the rear of the extraterrestrial civilization is not affected. The combat power and combat materials are continuously transported over, and the superheroes are also killed in frequent battles.

If you have to say something, then the war with extraterrestrial civilization promotes technology that is mainly based on military technology *.

Just when the confrontation was unsustainable and the two camps had to prepare for the hands of begging and exile, the fourth secret war began.

Since is called a secret war, it is naturally said.

Like the previous three secret wars, one of its characteristics is that it was shocking when it happened, but only a few knew it afterwards, and most of them forgot.

Therefore, the people on the Yingzhou, whether it is the captain, the crew, or the people who took refuge, do not know the past. Only a limited number of people, once superheroes, now the guardians of Yingzhou know the truth.

The following centuries are stories about interstellar exiles and finding new homes.

After searching hard, the people on Yingzhou decided to build their own home, so they chose a star similar to the sun, and regarded one of its planets and its satellites as a resource star, with Yingzhou as the core, constantly Extending outwards, and finally having the current super city.

However, the history of the struggle between the exile and the construction of a super city is not the focus of this civilization. The key point is that in the late stage of the construction of new homes, the gap between the rich and the poor has become so outrageous.

One of its manifestations is the invention of the nano-network cloud.

It enables the small group of people with power and wealth to gain the power comparable to the power of the gods, and can enjoy the ultimate material life without the help of others.

At this point, the dignitaries and the general public are completely separated. Powerful people have power, technology, resources, and productivity, and production creation can be completely freed from ordinary people and completed by ultra-automation.

So ordinary people in the eyes of power, gradually reduced to playthings. For serious use, there is only one item left for picking technology research and development fruits.

Learning and scientific research are directly linked to survival.

This nationalization of scientists caused by the oppression of survival has certainly achieved a technological leap, but it has also planted the seeds of hatred.

Finally, on a certain day, the science demon was born from ordinary people. The hacker-style network attack launched by the demon had tampered with some core data, making the powers use the nano-network cloud's authority invalid, and the devil also died in the conflict.

Just like this, the super city has changed from the noble heaven to the prison for everyone.

Lost the core wisdom brain of the administrator. According to the relevant regulations and the old rules, the stereotyped operation was used to expel humans in a comprehensive manner based on the logic of thinking that the owner is not present, and the owner must take care of the property.

One party is meticulous and loyal to his duties.

In order to survive, one side succeeds the other.

So the confrontation is constantly escalating, and the core wisdom brain is also constantly improving the security level.

After going back and forth, the killing has become a universal tool.

But what really caused people to fall into chaos and die quickly was the lack of living materials.

After all, it was close to the ‘compassion of successful people’ that they were able to eat. Of course, the surface still looks very good, even far more decent than most people in the original world. After all, after the invention of the nano-network cloud, the height of productivity lies there.

Kane is puzzled that technology is so good, but did not expand to the wide area.

Worrying about tiger breeding? Or the sequelae caused by interstellar exile?

Anyway, for here, the time has passed for more than 3000 years. What was the meaning of the once tremendous mystery, to humans who live like millions of mice?

So, since even the suffering master does not care about this, he, an outsider, lacks the motivation to explore the truth.

For him, the main task is to get the nano network cloud. If it is convenient, you can try to help the people here to improve the living environment.

But this ‘by the way’ is also pretty face-saving. He has to figure out the needs of people living here before he can know how to help.

The possibility of encountering human beings is relatively low. After all, it is 1.5 times the volume of the earth and is a three-dimensional space. Humans are living in hiding.

Controlled by Kane's idea, the metal body gradually formed in the slime-like translucent material, first forming a central vein around the core, which looks like a nerve, but it exists in the form of bone marrow and is most closely protected .

Then bones, then functional organs, tendons, skin ...

In the end, a hole was opened in the navel, and the translucent substance was quickly absorbed into it.

This is the embodiment of extraordinary technology. Here, in theory, Kane also has the ability to create a pocket universe.

Of course, this space for storing the medium is just a space implement created by him ~ ~ Kane moved his body, and without feeling the difference, he felt little difference from the body and pressed the skin. Flexible, elastic and normal to the touch.

He raised the corner of his mouth with satisfaction. What he was satisfied with was not the body of the creation, but the accuracy of execution. Even if the laws of the universe had changed, the generation process still completed the plan with quality and quantity, which was the point.

Raised his hand to take a picture, the invisible energy was released, and the silicon material was deposited on the ground of the ceramic metal, and then turned into a beamed inner armor with obvious honeycomb dents.

Waving his hand again, the nearby ground was torn apart by a large piece, and then it was also sufficient at the molecular level, forming an armor part in the air, and then shining silver light, like a saint cloth, wearing and fitting with his body movements. .

This time Kane was not proud, on the contrary, not very happy.

Originally, he did not have such ability, and suddenly he could only explain one thing. The **** of the ultimate gem after the unification of infinite gems was more serious than he thought, and even his soul was affected. .

This is not a good thing for him. After all, his technique of soul cutting is still relatively rough and jerky.

He now hopes that there will be enough time to advance the maturity of the technology, or find a way to replace it, otherwise, as far as the current situation is concerned, once he has a major situation, he will not be able to escape.

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