Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1000: down

Four types of forces operate within Kane.

The first category is heat and electricity in natural energy, which is produced by a cell-level ultra-micro reactor. This technology has many details borrowed from Renn ’s cell cluster reactor technology.

The second type is cosmic particle energy. There are some 'black vortex' open cosmic energy in this technology.

Previously in New York, "Kanzai", Kane was still rewarded. After all, with his current abilities, if you think about it, you can keep your legs flying. The energy used by ‘Black Vortex’ still has a certain reference value.

The third category is dark matter energy. This kind of specificity is actually very detailed, but for humans in the original world, it is still a general concept, even a hypothesis.

The fourth category is extraordinary power. In fact, it can be understood as a type of energy separated from dark energy. The two can be converted, but even Kane, this technology can only be said to be a first glance.

In any case, with these four types of energy, Kane is basically a human warship, or a dream-class starship.

He wandered on the surface of the super city for about 50 hours, watching the scenery and ingesting energy. Then officially start the task of capturing the nano-network cloud.

He pressed his hand on the ceramic metal ground, and the power began to penetrate inward. Here is a weak point, the thickness from the case to the inside is about 30 meters.

Penetration is accomplished by ultra-high-speed nanoworms engulfing and multiplying, and it has many similarities with Zhao Wenrui's ghost shadow generation.

Soon, a tentacle-like long tapered channel was created. It was still solid, but it had been completely infested, and was composed of nanoworms that Kane could mobilize at will.

Such a special channel is much more energy-efficient than molecular cleavage and sufficient means, and more importantly, it can play more tricks. For example, planting trees.

Of course, it is not so much a tree as a metal device. Even if it is external, it is not very similar to the growth of plants. That is, the concept of proliferation has a little meaning.

Kane entered the interior of the super city from a channel with a diameter enlarged to 20cm like flowing water, leaving a special unit wrapped around the command set when detached.

This particular unit is not intelligent, but more like instinct, just like the information contained in genetic genes, formulating the regulation of the construction process, so that after Kane leaves, the nanoworms are scheduled to build a self-sufficient self-sufficient growth Kind of life equipment body.

So according to Kane's plan, if he comes back after a period of time, this wall will be a supply house, arsenal, and even have an escape cabin function. It's like a magic tree pod with compound functions.

Metal Druid Warfare is also named after such technical means with obvious Druid qualities.

Fell like a drop of water, then returned to the adult form in the air, hovered before contacting the collision, and Kane looked around.

From the perspective of human beings, it looks like a palace of giants. But it still has a cyberpunk flavor. It is full of unknown large mechanical equipment and electronic instruments. It is dark, depressing, solemn, and has unique obsolescence and gloom. It is not rotten, dirty, and rusty. Not too much, but the ubiquitous mottle and aging also embodies the weight of the years.

Kane didn't relax like he was on the surface. After a little observation, he found a flyover nearby and jumped straight down.

The class is an important concept of this super city. The height of each layer is 3-5 kilometers, and the total number of layers exceeds 6000.

Kane wanted to come, since it is a layer of shell-like outward expansion around Yingzhou, most Yingzhou is in the most central space-like gravity-free zone.

Since this is the case, then the approach of going all the way down in a free-fall manner is a way to quickly approach the Yingzhou.

It would be best if it could have large enough fissures or shaft passages like Faer ’s dark area.

However, this idea quickly broke down, and I just enjoyed the thrill of falling in a few seconds, and it came to an end.

Kane's ability to exert his power instantly made him lighter than goose feathers. The inertia of falling caused him to fall for a distance quickly. When his toes stood on the ground, he stopped completely.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and he enjoyed the right precision. As for flying and falling, he was already used to it.

Did not rely on walking, but moved forward, he did not know the specific configuration of the monitoring system here. But when he wanted to think about it, it was about vibration, spectrum, and energy. All the equipment capable of monitoring and observation were assembled, and then combined, anyway, the productivity was enough to squander and squander.

And as an intruder, Kane is still more inclined to infiltrate, rather than chopping down with a kitchen knife.

After walking a while, Kane realized that this way is still inefficient. So he decided to build a group of small assistants specializing in pathfinding.

He found a corner away from the monitoring tower, released a slime-like cultivation substrate, and soon eroded a huge pothole.

About an hour later, when he put away the substrate, there was already a tiny factory in the corner that could be called a honeycomb.

This factory is like a real beehive. It is composed of worker bees, soldier bees and queen bees. It can fight and multiply. The most important thing is to respond to his call and cooperate with the teleportation circle.

These soldier bees do not look like bees at all, but are like mines, covered with needle-like synapses and posture control nozzles, they can hover or turn from any angle. It is the ultra-miniature reactor that powers them.

Spent another hour to save three waves of 15,000 soldier bees, and Kane released them and let them help find the way.

During this period, he also performed an energy supplement.

Although he is always ingesting matter and energy, and constantly produces energy and reserves energy, he still has the strongest energy extraction mode in terms of efficiency.

This accumulation is mainly to deal with possible battles.

The result is exactly what he expected. The surveillance tower here is precise, high-end, and sensitive. The soldier bee of the size of an adult's thumb belly is still found by him.

‘Om! 'The monitoring eye on the huge monitoring tower hung like a stalactite changed from blue to red. Immediately, the nearby area, either the ground, the bridge deck, or the side wall, as long as the size meets the requirements, Can become a 'download' venue.

The so-called 'download' here refers to the process of molecular-level manufacturing in the environment of a nano-network cloud.

Because of the addition of extraordinary elements, the efficiency is higher than the holographic printing technology mastered by Kane.

From the external point of view, the download point is the core, and a small energy storm is blown. In this luminous storm accompanied by frequent lightning and high-speed rotation of the airflow, the creation of the adult physique is generated in only about 3 seconds. Too.

This reminded Kane of the Ninja movie he saw after hours, ‘Boom! In the sound, the dazzling flash of light and a handful of smoke, the smoke was half scattered, and then saw the original open space with more ninjas.

Is almost such a rhythm and rate, but this is not a concealment or appearance technique with a bluffing character, but a real equipment manufacturing.

The creation itself is indeed a humanoid puppet. At first glance, it looks like a black polymer inner armor, supplemented by a crustacean plate armor, but they seem to be more accustomed to beasts on all fours, and their joints are also more flexible. Change, there is no discomfort when the human limbs touch the ground, but the posture looks strange and not beautiful.

Their face is a white mask with the same texture as the shell of the plate armor. There are no three-dimensional facial features, only a smiley face composed of one large, two small and three crescents. It may have been designed for the people (to act as a policeman), but in the present day Against the background of the environment, there is an indescribable gloom and a taunt.

Anyway, after watching Kane, he couldn't get a positive feeling at all, which may have something to do with the body language expressed by the strange posture of his humanoid beast.

These puppets, called evictions, were ordered by the Bureau of Control, and behind the Control Bureau was the AI ​​management core of the super city.

Although the evictions appeared in a timely manner, the number was sufficient. Kane was relieved in secret.

Obviously, even though the Control Bureau has a mechanism of self-evolution, for some reason, it has not been able to achieve a significant improvement in the 3,000 years.

Otherwise, with the sharpness of the nano-network cloud, no expellers were created to deal with the soldiers and bees. It was simply anti-aircraft artillery to fight mosquitoes.

It is such a rigid performance, which means that the central control bureau cannot effectively use the real power of the nano network cloud, which is good news for him.

Just when Kane was thinking, the expellers had already begun to ‘mosquito repellent’.

Although their hands and feet look similar to the shape of human hands and feet at first glance, their structures are very different.

The claw toe can be divided further, and there is also an electromagnetic suction cup, which can be hung on the side wall or the top wall firmly like a shelter.

Perhaps for the sake of simplifying the structure as much as possible and reducing the functionality to improve the durability, the expeler ’s long-range weapons are not on the claws, nor on the arms, but on the head.

They have Medusa snake-like hair, dirty braids that seem to flutter at first glance, and there are many shiny hoops that bind them into sections.

But in fact they are energy generators, as the ejector throws his head, a wave of arc will fly out, and then turn into a net of energy like an arc shooter. It is natural to think of the purpose of arresting riots. But looking at the energy intensity, if ordinary people without any precautions are trapped, they can still be disabled if they don't die.

Soldiers who are good at dodge quickly, are indeed powerless in the face of saturation strike-type coverage without dead ends, but the intelligence of soldiers and bees are comparable to dolphins. They know how to use terrain and are good at hiding cats and cats.

So generally speaking, the expelers faced them, and it was still the sight of anti-aircraft artillery against mosquitoes. Kane was not even interested in seeing more, so he followed the best route after summarizing the information from the soldiers ’exploration information.

He is invisible no matter from which angle he speaks. The monitoring tower may be able to detect abnormal airflow and a little energy spillover, but it is often past when it is detected, and it is difficult to predict his trajectory.

His speed is naturally faster than that of the soldiers who find the way, so he often advances a way and finds a corner. Like a druid summoning an animal ally, he creates a temporary teleportation array to let the hive throw a wave of soldiers. Bee came over.

Taking advantage of the soldiers to find a way, he took a short break and did whatever he wanted.

For him, although this kind of journey is not pleasant, it is also quite chic. It is really not difficult to fly, fly, see the scenery along the way, and take a nap.

Just walked down a thousand layers in this way, and there were no special discoveries, including the soldier bees that were still tirelessly exploring, and there was no information worth mentioning.

This is fully consistent with the concept of a large-scale functional facility that still has energy and maintains the most basic operation, but has been abandoned for many years.

But when we go down to about 1200 floors, various situations follow one after another.

First of all, the Central Control Bureau launched a large-scale annihilation of soldiers and bees, and began to deploy a large amount of combat power in each node area.

Kane knew that this happened was actually well understood. Although the Central Control Bureau still failed to find him, the soldier bees appeared at a deeper level and explored the surroundings from time to time. From a macro perspective, this phenomenon can depict a clear invasion into the interior. Schematic diagram.

And the control of the AI, this basic logical thinking is still there, realizing that there is an external force to quickly advance to the core, so the alert level is greatly improved, and the interception operation is launched at the same time.

Of course, this is not a big deal for him. He can completely abandon the inherent invasion mode.

After all, it has penetrated more than a thousand layers, and more and more soldiers have continued to explore for nearly 10 hours, collecting a lot of information.

The information is enough to sum up some laws, so that he can discern and figure out which way to travel the fastest. So even without the help of soldiers and bees, it won't be too slow.

So, next, let the soldiers continue to attract the attention of the Central Control Bureau, and he sneaks alone, believing that after crossing the high security level, he can relatively easily penetrate a distance.

The radius of this super city is about 9500 kilometers, and the current itinerary is more than half. If you sneak around alone, this trick will work ~ ~ Even if the last road is forced to kill a road, the success rate is also very high.

The second thing that followed was that the soldiers discovered the living body, which seemed to be silicon-based.

Judging from the human aesthetic, the appearance is uglier, but the IQ seems to be okay, and it is deformable and social.

It is not yet possible to judge whether these creatures are the indigenous people here, but it seems that they have lived here for a short period of time, have their own territory, and seem to be hostile to the Central Control Bureau, but they are not strong enough to resist the court. Instead, it is based on concealed hiding. Soldier bees witnessed the process of this biological fishing-style hunting expulsor.

They seem to feed on the expelers, thus eliminating the need to extract and synthesize certain silicon-based composite materials.

The third thing is that there are only six traces of human beings finally found. It seems that they are also acquiring food. Looking at the body shape of these people, they are either half-age teenagers running out of waves, or people of this era, at least part of them. For various reasons, people have once again degenerated into a petite state.

According to Kane's knowledge, many ancient Japanese were of such height and physique, about 150cm in size, and thin and thin.

So the question arises, whether to continue the task of acquiring the nano-network cloud, or to send it to the area where humans have fallen into danger, pretend to continue?

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