Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1013: Blocked

Realizing that the relationship between the invading Zerg and the super city may be more complicated than he expected, Kane felt that he needed to reconsider his strategy.

His original idea was relatively simple, that is, he had to hold back the pace of the Zerg advance, and once the control bureau took advantage, he would have to send his own power to help.

But now, we have to consider as a third party, hastily exposed military strength, and has a shortcoming with a long history and shortcomings, is it really okay?

Of course, such considerations are mainly based on the background that obtaining nano-network cloud precursors is not smooth enough and requires more time or steps.

At present, it can only be considered as a precautionary measure, and I have a lot of thoughts, and even a bit worried. After all, the invasion was smooth, he had reached the outer layer of the core area.

The area feels as if entering the dust-free laboratory from the ruins.

Strong maintenance guarantee makes the area very clean and tidy. There is plenty of light, the floor can see people, the air quality is exceptionally high, and there are even plants and fragrance.

Then, Kane saw the green plants and saw a lot of life-like settings. The neighborhood parks, benches, and playgrounds are very detailed. The overall style is science fiction and there is no lack of warmth. It is a bit more harmonious and harmonious with the clever combination of man and nature than what he saw and heard in Shandal.

But no one.

Is huge and empty, lacking popularity, so that the scenery is exquisite and timeless, too perfect, and seeing more, but it makes people produce a different kind of horror, just like sightseeing in a nuclear test simulation town.

"The scenery that exists to please people's aesthetics, once there is no one, it loses the most important spiritual charm, becomes unreal, and even loses the meaning of existence ..."

Kane had a little interest in watching and even learning at the beginning. Later, he simply passed by at a high speed, leaving only some soldier bees to collect information and enrich the relevant information database.

It is too much for something, and the scenery is the same. It will get tired if you look at it too much, or even disgust.

Crossed the perfect community block and continued inward, the expected obstacles appeared.

This is already the core of a super city, the environment is more biased towards space, and gravity is less than 0.1G. The most troublesome thing is that a fully enclosed high-capacity field ball blocks Kane's road.

He originally thought that there will be a stable channel, such as the void bridge connecting the inside and outside, but it is not. The silver energy is extremely stable, and it hardly feels the flow. It is like a super huge stainless steel ball that can be used as a convex lens. .

The situation inside cannot be seen directly or perceived.

Kane couldn't even use brute force to crack forcefully, not because he didn't dare, but his achievements were not high. The energy scale represented by this force field ball was too large. In his current situation, he wanted to win with the positive wrestling, too much Look at the face.

Unsuccessful effort, then only to use their brains.

Kane's first thought was to collect information, such as the legends circulating in the human survivor community of the super city, maybe he could point him in the direction.

In addition, the high tightness of the force field ball also means that the central control bureau is either of its core communication technology of quantum entanglement type, or the central control bureau itself is not in the force field sphere.

No matter what kind, for him, it means the direction of solving the problem. Cracking the communication technology of the central control bureau or simply invading the central control bureau is an option.

Of course, Kane also arranged another stupid way to solve the problem, that is, let the nanoworms completely swallow the solid matter on the outer layer of the force field ball.

The main purpose of devouring is to control the "external gallbladder" at a critical moment. In this way, in the internal area bordered by the "external gallbladder", instant mass-energy conversion cannot be performed through the nano-network cloud, which is considered to be a certain degree of disintegration Lasting resistance.

It's just that he didn't want to use it at the last minute. After all, the key to achieving his goal is to avoid the self-detonation of Yingzhou's fishnet, and not to have more power and control than anyone else.

In order not to be noticed by the Control Bureau, the Nanoworm must not be too aggressive.

Furthermore, the total area of ​​the "outer gallbladder" exceeds 200,000 square kilometers. Even if it blooms more, the devouring project is also very vast.

Kane calculated that even if everything went well, it would take about 50 Earth days.

Therefore, this trick is quite a bit helpless because the water is indistinguishable. It can only be said that at least it is a solution, anyway, the cost is not large, what if it can be used?

So it finally started, so for this, it took nearly 10 hours before and after to arrange nanoworms at various points.

If there is any gain, the basic exploration of the senior livable community is counted.

The latest information gives Kane reason to believe that the area should have been a place where the dignitaries lived.

Later, the dignitaries were hacked by the rebel hackers and ruled out. They were expelled from this area, where they were neatly and neatly reorganized, waiting for qualified people to move in.

Kane thinks such a situation is quite ironic. Most of his memory is that humans worry that AI is too intelligent to generate self-awareness, and then start a torture war with its creator in a posture of turning over the serf.

It's better here, it's the other way around. AI is too loyal, and it turns into dogmatism. It also pits its creators.

After completing the creation and layout of the phagocytic proliferation of nanoworm nests, he directly transported away from the high-grade livable community and appeared in an automated factory on about 940 floors.

This area was discovered by soldiers. After analysis, Kane believed that it was once a comprehensive production center affiliated with the original outer residential area.

This production facility is very different from traditional industrial facilities. From the outside, it looks like a super large artificial aquaculture base.

The estimated area of ​​is more than 4 million square meters. With such a large span, there are no columns in the whole field, and the field of vision is transparent.

In Kane's eyes, this means that the structure of the facility has a self-maintenance function.

After all, even super alloys have a fatigue period.

The internal space of 4 million square meters, the huge span itself means that the load-bearing technology of the material has extremely high requirements, not to mention the time and strength test.

In Kane's perception, no material can be so strong that it can maintain thousands of years of deformation without such a huge span in the absence of maintenance capabilities.

In addition to the analysis and research value of this technology, Kane is also more interested in the related technology of the printing pool.

The main technical support of the printing pool is the molecular-level sorting creation in the nano-network cloud environment.

Nano network cloud itself is a supernatural creature created by a series of coincidences under the extraordinary effect, even the creator can't copy and create.

So this pure application is really precious, but it is still a bit worse than technical knowledge.

Interested Kane is the auxiliary equipment of the auxiliary nature of the printing pool.

Through it, ‘creating things out of thin air’ can be more energy-efficient and more stable.

And in Kane's view, this device has inherited the creative ideas of the nano network cloud, and the analysis difficulty is much lower. It is a relatively easy technology.

Therefore, in line with the idea that ten birds in the forest is not as good as one bird in hand, he is willing to spend some effort to obtain this kind of technology.

I understand my own situation as I call it. He possesses the technical knowledge of high mountains in the eyes of many people. However, at least 70% of this knowledge comes from the habit of picking up ideas and picking up waste.

Among them, creativity and ideas are the most valuable.

This is because of the malpractice of the swarm system, or the malpractice of the puppet-like swarm system he took, that is, there is no creativity.

Most of the time, creativity and emotional thinking are inseparable, and need enough passion to burst out. And emotion is the main support of the independent self.

Therefore, his puppets did not have a truly independent personality not because of lack of wisdom, but because of lack of feelings.

In this context, his R & D team is good at the kind of laborious and mechanical R & D, for example, it takes a lot of time to analogize, eliminate, and falsify.

Because of this, good ideas and ideas are precious assets.

For example, this nano-network cloud, even if he fails to obtain its original body in the end, it does not mean that the operation has failed completely. As long as a certain percentage of relevant information is collected and sent back to his Kaishen Palace, he believes that his strong R & D team, through With unremitting efforts, at least a Low version can be researched out, so that the height of the entire civilization-level huge technical system can be raised.

Has such an idea, Kane naturally does not mind investing more time and energy to analyze the automatic production plant.

For this he obtained the citizenship of the super city through some means.

From a certain point of view, it is not difficult to obtain this qualification, and even hacking is not required.

But for the human survivors who now live in this super city, this civic authority is extremely difficult.

Nothing else, just a bloodline certification, you can not pass.

This bloodline certification is also simple, just a drop of human blood.

But what is involved is the detection at the genetic level.

First of all, it must be a pure human being.

Just this one, it killed most of the existing humans. Because they have all changed to different degrees, or in order to adapt to the environment, life has undergone a little bit of adaptive evolution in the long years.

The stereotyped dogmatic control bureau does not recognize non-standard gene sequences. This standard was more than 3000 years ago.

Secondly, it must be that the three generations have no political record.

This article is the main reason for the loss of basic rights and the death of people.

At the beginning, people's violent confrontation caused the regulations issued by the Central Control Bureau to become more and more severe. Become a dead man. Finally, a complete break.

So at that time, the vast majority of people eventually lost their citizenship and harmed future generations. The Central Control Bureau even issued special bans and regulations, and repeatedly strengthened the punishment, such as affecting the seventh and tenth generations, and even refused to accept new citizenship.

Wait until these uncomfortable regulations in the special period gradually reduce their strength with the passage of time, and finally be abolished. It has been hundreds of years later.

At that time, the surviving humans of the super city had basically been reduced to savages, and there were only a handful of equipment that could be used neatly.

Plus the first bloodline aberration, the AI ​​system that once served humans has completely become the role of prison guards.

In the process of saving those little guys before, Kane got the genetic data, compared it with what he had, and then generated a bionic skin bladder that met the standard, easily letting the central control bureau give the green light.

Because there was a serious conflict between the ordinary class and the noble class, and the noble class restricted the citizen's authority for safety, Kane could not produce weapons, and even produced vehicles and other equipment, required corresponding credit points.

Fortunately, Kane did not have the urgent need for manufacturing in these categories. He just needed the printing pool to run, and the other thing was to produce some portable food. After all, he promised that the little guys who were rescued would bring food for his next visit.

Although he can also produce food through molecular order, he consumes too much. It's far less cost-effective to borrow chicken and lay eggs.

The 30-meter-long printing pool shines like a hoist full of goods rising from the hoistway to the surface, printing the food.

Looks like a giant rock after cutting, showing a huge piece. But in fact, it's just that the yard is particularly neat, and it's already cut.

30 cm long, 5 cm square, strip-shaped, angular, with metal-grade hardness, density and quality, one of which has 5 pan-shaped depressions arranged on one side, and the screen of how to use it on the other side.

The approximate process is to find a pool with clean water, throw it in, and wait for it.

According to the relevant instructions, this food is for prisoners, and the taste is average, but the nutrients required by the body, including trace elements, are included.

Kane simply tested it and found that this high-compression food is indeed convenient.

In the case of low water, it is easy to preserve the noodle food, one can produce a large piece about 1 meter square.

If the proportion of water is higher, it will produce soft and fluffy bread-like food, or bun food like buns, and the volume can be increased to about 8 cubic meters.

Add more water to produce thick soup.

The last kind of soup is similar to rice batter.

So generally speaking ~ ~ one person only needs to carry such a piece, and you do n’t have to worry about food when you go out for a month. You need to scrape it with a knife and add water to treat it. set.

Kane roughly figured out that it was just a batch of this food, which was enough for those survivors to eat for a while. Therefore, there is no more production, and the metal nanoworms are used to build the cabinet and hold it, and then use space magic to compress separately.

After, he directly teleported away and reappeared, already Takuno's village. He had previously made hands and feet on Takuno and they could be used as teleporting coordinates.

At the right time, Tuoye they were wondering around the physiotherapy cabin.

This equipment is a high-tech product created by Kane by extraordinary means. Its therapeutic function is actually not powerful. The main function is to regulate the function of the person lying in it through energy field and energy acupuncture. Carry out manual intervention integration.

It is most suitable for weight loss, burning fat, and turning it into energy for other purposes.

But it can't cook without rice, so for the indigenous people whose main lesions are derived from malnutrition, the role is nothing more than to dismantle the east and make up the west.

But even so, the indigenous people are still ecstatic. After all, they have a profound experience that ordinary people can't imagine. And the three physiotherapy cabins are simply three health care doctors in vain ...

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