Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1014: Hiking is good for body and mind

"Hey, Takuno, it's me, Kane, I'm about to arrive. The sudden appearance may surprise people. You say hi to me first."

Kane greeted Takuno with telepathy.

Tuoye was immediately happy, and said loudly: "Master, the outsider is coming soon!"

Then I saw people staring at him with a serious face, and then I realized that I was a bit smug. After apologizing to people, I said as calmly as possible: "Masters, outsiders have notified me by telepathy, and soon Will arrive, let me speak to you on behalf of him, so as not to be shocked. "

The secret Kane noticed that what Tuo Ye called the master was a sturdy man with a half-white hair, aged between 40-60, not easy to recognize, calm and majestic, the scar on the left cheek was not only Without prejudice to its charm, it added a bit of heroism.

The master nodded and said to everyone: "Everyone, I hope everyone will behave more politely. If you don't know how to deal with it, keep silent and don't have too many physical movements. Don't behave arrogantly. The strength gap between us and the other party is too great. As the weaker party, we can only hope that the other party can be kinder for the sake of being human. "

Had an older question: "Is the performance too weak, is it easy for the other party to gain a measure?"

Said: "The other party is strong and expresses goodwill. We responded with obedience instead of showing fangs. In order to survive, we bowed to the strong and did not lose face."

Kane nodded secretly. Realizing that this master, not only mastered the technology, but also the wise mind and not low EQ, should be the leader of the village.

With this mention of masters and craftsmen, Kane felt that he could enter the stage.

In order to avoid abruptness, he spent some thoughts and made a light door that gradually emerged.

First there was light, then it was elongated and widened like a glowing crack, and the crack opened further, and a door with light shining appeared.

Waves of light, Kane traveled out of it, came out in front of everyone, spread his hands and greeted in local language: "Hello, my name is Kane, from a world outside this huge city."

Although some preparatory work was carried out, the indigenous people still showed a very obvious social panic disorder, especially when they felt that the strength of the two sides was too wide, they were speechless and even embarrassed.

And the master craftsman deserved to be the best performer, he saluted Kane respectfully. "My name is Lutong, and I am the leader of this village. I welcome you on behalf of all the villagers in Tiepi Village. In addition, thank you for your assistance to the young soldiers in the village. Please do n’t mind our humble hospitality. "

Kane was not overly polite, just returned the sentence: "That's too much trouble."

Afterwards, the master craftsman Lutong was the guide and drank some tea in the big house, during which Lutong roughly introduced the situation of the village.

In fact, there is no need for Lutong to explain, and the details can reveal a lot of things. The ancestors of these people were not Han people, but He people, but they were seriously infested by Chinese culture. Although they still speak Japanese, many customs have changed, but they have not been completely changed.

For example, when named, it has the simple and condensed characteristics of the ancient Chinese in ancient times. For example, Lutong, I hope that the road is clear wherever I go; Tuo Ye, I hope that the horizon is wide and far, and so on.

As for the surname, the surname has disappeared with the disappearance of the "household" in the context of continuous internal integration and basically no foreign population joining. The way of life of the people here, like a commune, or a large family, closely united, has become a basic need for survival.

According to Lutong, there were more than 400 people in this village at its peak, and now it is less than 150. The main reason for the downsizing of the population is disease and food shortage.

Recently, there has been a famine, because the nearby pipelines that can collect ‘thick juice’ have dried up and have to go to distant areas to collect, which increases the probability of being discovered by the monitoring tower and chased by the expel.

Lutong did n’t worry about what Kane was plotting in this village. He said: "The last wanderer appeared when I was a child. Those who can survive alone in this super city are powerful warriors, I remember My grandfather had recruited him at the time, but he just took a break in the village for a while and left. He is a prosthetic human, and he has a mission to find humans with urban qualifications ... "

Lutong has talked a lot about it, probably meaning that in a village like them, the leader ’s post is a chore, very difficult to do, and there are also places where people eat and drink, such as a settlement, for For those who can survive alone in the super city, there is really nothing to plot.

In addition, the last wanderer appeared almost forty years ago, and it was still a large-scale prosthetic reconstruction. This obscure means that human beings capable of becoming wanderers are extremely rare, and the slow death in loneliness is the most serious problem facing settlements like them.

Not to mention anything else, it is very sad to just reproduce it. There are only a hundred individuals in total. It can be said that everyone has a relationship, so the harm of marriage between close relatives need not be repeated.

If you have to say that there is still a good side, then the closure makes the people here have a simple quality, and morality is about one. In fact, it is only relatively speaking. There are still some characteristics of dark human nature and numbness, such as the treatment of deformities, and the emphasis on Jiawu over human life.

As Kane expected, the highest leader is called a master craftsman because the master craftsman represents the most knowledgeable and skilled craftsman.

The special background created a special deformed technology system. In the Lutong generation, the other parts of Jiawu are okay to say that the helmet part can't be solved anyway. Because the auxiliary system and related software with the microcomputer as the core, the professional knowledge of the personnel is very high.

In fact, there are many basic and key subjects such as materials science, and the people here have not been able to pass it on. The so-called masters and craftsmen only play the role of a senior mechanic.

Based on Kane ’s understanding and analysis, the related equipment they inherited and used was the portable pioneer product used by people in the super city.

For example, when it comes to a planet, a small expedition convoy starts from the mother ship, explores and finds a place suitable for establishing a base, and various types of equipment carried by the vehicle play a role to establish a semi-permanent base.

This model was later replaced by a fully automated builder system. People only need to issue some commands remotely, and the specific details are AI to lead the highly automated machinery team to complete.

Kane estimated that it was human beings who were confronted with the Central Control Bureau and deprived of the qualification to use fully automated equipment before they had to churn out this semi-automatic technology that had been eliminated to survive.

This is a semi-automatic system. Until now, only fur is left. Some equipment can only be repaired and cannot be built. After all, there is a day when it is scrapped, and if no similar replacement equipment can be found, it immediately becomes vacant. There are no substitutes for its production, and a category of creations has basically disappeared.

Kane secretly calculated, if he did not intervene, this village, for a maximum of 100 years, fearing that it would have to die, the premise is to solve the food crisis, no longer like the frequent deaths in the past year.

Had to say that even with Kane's strong will, in the face of this ubiquitous suffocation-level despair, there is no way to be optimistic.

One careless move, all losses, and dying in the end. The humans here have interpreted such a story very well. It makes people sigh.

Kane's ability can naturally build this place into a paradise that can be self-sufficient. But in his view, it was equivalent to throwing a mouse into a rice tank, that is, to eat mixed and wait for the end of this life, meaningless.

Of course, the existence of life itself is meaningless. Some people forcefully gave some statements to make it seem tall.

But Kane still feels that the civilization built by countless intelligent lives still has a certain meaning. It is a kind of model of the evolution of the universe, a display, whether it is the magnificence of the whole, or the colorfulness of the details. Don't lose to the magnificent scenes of the universe such as the explosion of new stars and the formation of planets.

So even for charity, Kane is inclined to integrate human beings here and give it to ‘fishing’ instead of superficial pity, to build an exquisite ecological nest for these hundred people.

Of course, good gifts still have to be given.

Not all, but only one-twentieth of the output of a batch in an automated factory. Even so, it is enough for people here to eat for a year or two. After all, it is super compressed and expands into a state of bread. Every adult You only need to eat a palm-sized piece for each meal, which is enough to supplement the required nutrition and feel full.

Get food gifts, people in the village are naturally very happy, even the most grand festival, not so happy. But perhaps because of the long life in a desperate atmosphere, the expressions of emotions such as being happy all seem to be faint. There is no such kind of enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the indigenous people. It's the kind of sweet little joy, but most people still look very cautious in the face of Kane.

Kane doesn't care about this. The main purpose of his coming is to listen to the story. The most educated masters and craftsmen in the village can communicate and communicate normally, which is OK.

But it turned out that the way he had hoped to obtain clues through legends was obviously taken for granted.

Legends are not reliable, especially by word of mouth, and those legends that have not been sorted out and localized are often based on eloquence, in order to be clear and interesting in the future.

Even if you can tell a story, it does not mean that you can retain the truly valuable focus.

Kane summed it up and found that in general, all the legends are basically left with only two big pieces, the most prominent, one is sensational, twenty bragging ratio, and the other is for these two services.

It can be said that people listen to stories and love to listen to this, and they have the deepest memory of this kind of memory, so this part is the most circulated.

The more professional content, the more difficult to remember, the more difficult it is to accurately circulate it.

So expecting to look for clues from word of mouth legends is simply asking about blindness.

Kane reviewed his previous thoughts, and felt that it was probably poisoned by the film and television drama. Only the summary of the film and television drama can make the coincidence as normal. In reality, the key points in the legendary poke are probably rare.

Okay, with such a lesson, Kane has basically rested his mind on obtaining clues to solve problems from the indigenous people. Rather than looking for such a short-cut between existence, it is better to honestly explode the soldiers, and first achieve the goal of ‘full map’ in the super city.

This project is indeed a bit big, but under the effect of the geometrical proliferation of honeycombs, it is not an impossible task.

Just think about it, Kane gave orders to the honeycomb arranged before, from mass production of soldier bees, to full self-splitting and expanding the production line.

Soldiers that have been produced at present continue to focus on the exploration and attention of foreign insects and the battle between the Central Control Bureau.

The direction of this war has not escaped Kane's expectations. Invaders have now completed the first phase of the beach landing goal, transforming the area of ​​more than 10,000 cubic kilometers into a fortress-like nest area.

These alien worms also possess the ability to eat iron, but the utilization rate of the most abundant silicon and metal substances in the super city is not high.

Is specifically expressed in that their most resource-consuming combat units and even facilities are organic. The use of silicon and metals is limited to infrastructure and the formation of carapace rich in metal elements.

So, with the high casualties and the increasingly enlarged battle situation, alien worms had to rely on collecting corpses to obtain food ingredients, melted to raise new war worms, and invested in the grand battlefield.

The Control Bureau apparently also noticed the corpse-collecting behavior of alien worms. Based on the simple principle of “what the enemy wants to do, we tried to prevent it from achieving its purpose”, the Control Bureau pretended to be a plasma flame launcher for the newly-produced evictionists. Instead of losing the grid.

In addition, the side of the Central Control Bureau also changed the combat mode of the individual soldiers. The expellers changed from the original beast form to the human form. One-handed plasma flamethrower, one-handed plasma beam energy sword, sprayed away, cut near, All of them are agile assassins, and play the leap of faith whenever they move.

Has to say that once the war is on scale, it is really magnificent. On a huge bridge, or on the side wall in kilometers, thousands of expelled people were created, and then played the leap of collective faith, like a rainstorm baptizing like a torrent of warfare under the baptism, and then the flames flying, lightsaber Flurry, grand and magnificent mess. And this is just the tip of the battlefield. There are at least a hundred similar situations happening in different regions at the same time, or soon.

Is not only the ground, but also a meat grinder in the air. There are no dog fights between flying insects and flying machines. Because there are too many air combat units, any individual can't survive for 10 seconds.

The so-called trump card is meaningless in this kind of battle, because almost every individual is targeted by dozens of enemies at the same time. No matter how coquettish the position is, it can always encounter an attack that just makes the opponent comfortable.

This act of repeatedly turning yourself into fat before being sent to someone else's mouth guarantees that even the highest luck value will be quickly consumed and then wiped out.

The fate of all individual flying units is the same, thinking that the two parties involved in the battle are really too many.

In such a war, even if the heroic units on both sides are tens of thousands, they have all become members of the cannon fodder. Even if it is a collective performance, there is no way to let the entire war serve as a background board to set its own power. Rather, it is as ordinary and fleeting as a wave in the sea.

This is the main reason why Kane did not rashly intervene before. Although he can kill the Quartet, he can't do anything about lasting. Whether compared with foreign insects, or with the Central Control Bureau, it is very false.

It is interesting to estimate according to the latest situation. Kane summed up two points:

First, his speed of development cannot keep up with the expansion of war. In other words, when he really intervened, he couldn't hold the situation, and he couldn't be the fisherman who benefited from the clam fight.

Second, this war developed to a later stage, and the victory will be the Central Control Bureau.

Because although the swarm is still dominant in the situation, it even means that the control bureau is playing a little bit. .

Next, as the corpses of the worms' war dead are continuously destroyed by the side of the Central Control Bureau, the replenishment of their soldiers will gradually shrink.

Then the initiative will be lost, and when it is pressed by the Central Control Bureau in turn, it is the beginning of an avalanche.

So this war is a non-existent third party, he does not need to intervene, and he is incapable of changing anything. This made him feel a little lost.

A big man who needs to be personally lobbied by Ms. Death to visit such a not-so-big-world world, but can only be reduced to a stolen dog.

Think again about the superheroes in the Marvel Universe that are ubiquitous in single-universe and multi-body universes. Suddenly, the gap is wide and exhausting.

Therefore, it is most important to say that you are self-confident and satisfied with the status quo.

He gave orders to the yellow swarms that have been in semi-dormant status on Titan, demanding that it grow and develop and play the role of ‘planet devourer’ among the five creation gods. It converts the stellar energy in the universe into a storage that can be used efficiently and with greater controllability.

In addition, both green and red worms can also act.

After all, through communication with Ms. Death, he has probably got a clear idea of ​​the current situation.

As long as he is in the 20K universe, basically no one will come here to tear up with him, then, what is the need for his swarm? Of course, it is a big development, and completely manage the 20K universe into his pan-kingdom, and then talk about other things.

The situation has changed, and the thinking has to change accordingly. Here, acting as a third party that ca n’t get in, and has little meaning in it, has become an incentive to change the thinking.

Think about it, this is actually quite good. I'm really going to die in the 20K universe and wait for death. In a few hundred years, maybe I will be under the banner of 'the enemy will appear at any time, I will change constantly', and I have lost my good habits of striving forward. .

Thinking so, C Kane's mentality has become balanced again. Just awakened to this stream, even if he didn't succeed in this action, he felt no loss.

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