Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1015: Suspicious

Kane didn't stay in Tuoye's village for a long time, just a few hours before and after, and left on the grounds of looking for clues elsewhere.

And before that, Kane helped repair several valuable machines in the village.

Is actually more about reconstruction than repair. After all, the biggest feature of the metal Druid system is that through the use of metal nanoworms as the core, it can better communicate with the scientific creation methods.

Theoretically, Kane can manufacture any mechanical equipment he has seen, or knows about blueprints or even specific parameters.

'S powerful spirit also supports him to carry out efficient deconstruction analysis, clone various types of creation materials, or simply obtain the required materials through molecular reorganization.

It's just that the latter consumes more energy.

And even if some materials are not on hand, he can also create through the mysterious side of extraordinary means, such as powerful alchemy. This includes small-scale simulated collisions of neutron stars to create heavy elements such as gold.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Kane to help these indigenous people repair equipment. Not a loss. After all, in the process of repairing or rebuilding, you have a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the principle of the equipment and the structure and performance of each component, which is equivalent to learning knowledge.

In the eyes of indigenous peoples such as Tuoye and even Lutong, Kane is like an omnipotent god. The dead can save lives. The scrapped copper and iron are gently brushed by hand, and it has become a brand-new equipment, which has completely exceeded To understand the category, we can only use miracles to describe it.

It is precisely because of this, Kane has a feeling of being offered, thus losing interest in interacting more with people here.

After left, he thought about these things himself, and felt that he was hypocritical.

Approached with the attitude of an ordinary person, he felt that the interaction process was unsatisfactory, and at the same time, he was also worried about stimulating the dark side of the human nature of the other party, and broke the interest.

Approached with a mighty attitude, and he thought the other party was too awesome and eager, or he equated him with monsters, ghosts, etc. In short, he could not communicate with ordinary hearts.

But the two sides are already strangers, how can they be as calm and natural as old friends, chatting and laughing?

Thinking about this, Kane feels that he is more disappointed with the "dream of becoming a god" than he is difficult to serve.

Dream of a certain country, dream of getting rich, dream of success ...... Everyone has their own dream.

The essence of becoming a dream is not different from these, but it is higher in level and difficulty.

Unconsciously, he has already done it, but the original throb and thirst, but did not know when, lost, and forgotten.

Was touched by accident, and suddenly realized that I had dreamed, worked hard, and got it, but I didn't feel as good as I thought.

Further exudes sexual thinking. What he is struggling with now seems to be dull.

"Is this what I am after is really what I want? Are they really worth the risk of life, should they be pushed forward?"

Such a question came up in Kane's mind.

Then, he suddenly got a touch of heart and woke up.

'S new touch was a scene in which he suddenly found himself thinking about philosophy now, with a strong sense of both eyes.

Then naturally thought of the human avatar Zhao Wenrui who was lazy in the universe of the Great Star Realm.

"Is my current decadent tendency influenced by the idea of ​​human avatar?" This was the suspicion that was first triggered.

"Or, due to the natural flaws caused by the birth process, some of my relevant cognitions are not deep enough, so the will to forge ahead is not really firm enough?" This is a kind of self-probability comparison of birth after in-depth analysis Big possibility.

But in the end, he rejected all these speculations.

1, the birth of his soul, the birth of Black Kane, the process is not more complicated than him, and the memories and habits it possesses are just incomplete clones of the deity, not really experienced.

But according to the description of salary king Kane, for at least thousands of years, the core idea of ​​Black Kane has always been firm and unshakable, and the background still faces the intimidation and divine influence of the old dominators.

2. From the beginning of his birth, he knew that his soul was a shortcoming, especially after Asgarde pretended and delayed the arrival of the gods at dusk, he clearly knew the importance of this aspect.

Therefore, after that, rarely pay a lot in this area, after collecting infinite gems, pay more attention to this improvement. Although Infinite Gems gave salary to King Kane, he only left a shell, but this shell is like a small bottle of water in the water well. With it, it can complete the water seal and listen to more water.

It can be said that the supreme gemstone synthesized by him mainly plays the role of converter. Transform the three strange materials collected by him into extraordinary power mainly based on the power of the soul and the power of the soul, to nourish the soul.

In addition, he has not been out of the house for 100 years, either engaged in scientific research or playing with Rachel, in fact, he is strengthening relevant memory.

The core of his personality is first of all to have a positive energy, and it is precisely such a positive that can be uncompromising, not giving up, working hard and being positive under various negative influences.

Therefore, Tucao is Tucao, and hot hands are hot hands. What is the basic mentality of the climber?

And the thirst for knowledge is to repeat the theory of "knowledge is power" and "information first" repeatedly. This is the most critical manifestation of his values.

Therefore, the efforts to strengthen these two points is the main means of tempering the will, and the absorption of extraordinary power, one inside and one outside, to achieve the purpose of a powerful soul.

Therefore, he did not waste time in this century, even if it was only a split soul that was stripped from the split soul. After such a long time of deliberate development, it is enough to be called a determined person. How can it be because of the emotion of the moment , Easily shaken the fundamentals of Endeavour?

With such an analysis, Kane felt that he was likely to have been subjected to a very terrible attack.

This kind of attack is subtle and insidious. Its function is to make people lazy, give up, and then collapse and soul.

The fear of the gods is soul silence, which means that it is meaningless to do anything. Even the roads that have always been adhered to, such as the road of seeking knowledge, the road of exploration, the path of pursuing power, etc., feels boring.

Then, like a fluorescent tube with an end of life, it began to flash intermittently instead of always on.

Manifests itself as a magnifying holiday for himself, indulging in various superficial enjoyments, or taking a deep sleep, based on seasonal, annual, or even tens, hundreds, or thousands of years of deep sleep.

But none of these can actually solve the problem, just like drinking can't solve your worries.

As the frequency of indulgence gradually increased, the time gradually extended, and finally the mentality completely collapsed.

Every time of indulgence is actually consuming the long-standing habit of endeavor. Originally, I was slipping and intermittently applying the brakes. Naturally, it was not far from the result of a complete stop.

And now he seems to be entering this mode.

Although there is no sign of external intervention on the surface, it seems to be entirely his own problem. But if you compare them longitudinally, you will find their abruptness and instability.

Hasn't had this problem in the 20K universe for more than 100 years. When I traveled far away, I suddenly felt sighed with emotions, and even affected the core ideas. Is this normal?

If this phenomenon is defined as abnormal, his first reaction is to be attacked.

Who is the attacker, he can think of three at present.

1. "The Great Enemy", this mysterious man, has been nagging since the earth in the 20K universe has not been infected by the super bereavement virus. He hasn't seen his trace until now.

But Kane believed that his divine instinct did exist such a powerful enemy. The reason for the enmity with each other is mainly a series of operations after he invaded the 20K universe, blocking the other's way.

Therefore, the opponent has been looking for opportunities all the time, and the thunder hit.

For the gods, it is common for an action plan to brew for hundreds of thousands of years, especially for dealing with other gods who can let themselves down, tens of thousands of years of pre-operation, and then push at a critical moment, This is considered fast and effective.

Then, by this time, his soul ran out of the 20K universe to play, and secretly exerted force. Just like siege, let the internal chaos first, and then destroy it with external force. Isn't that an effective strategy to overcome the strong city?

2, the old dominator.

I am aware of my so-called bad things. At the time, Black Kane engulfed the old-day dominators in the dark old-day ruler universe, which was dominated by a certain face of Sabine Nicholas, which was itself a swallowing date. While gaining power, he absorbed a hidden danger.

This hidden danger has always existed. The old **** of Black Kane is the most intuitive embodiment. This is just extraordinary power, and the influence of the soul.

If it is tougher, the spirit of the old ruler is like the original diamond, and the black kane's is the diamond grinding wheel. The diamond grinding wheel has planned and targeted grinding of the original diamond, which can naturally be ground into powder, but the consumption is absolutely not low, including time consumption.

Therefore, the more you swallow, the more laborious it is to wipe out the imprint of the old ruler's soul, which is a protracted project.

Although Black Kane had used relatively pure power as far as possible before letting him perform the mission, Black Kane itself had been completely polluted, so he could not clean it.

Furthermore, he was born using the extraordinary power of pollution. The amount of pollution may not be as good as that of Black Kane, but the degree of integration is higher.

It's like the ink has just entered the water and hasn't fainted, and the ink has been blended with who is fully integrated.

The concrete manifestation of is his body, the lower body is obviously old and branched, like a face of Hasta, the upper body of the person, and the tentacles below.

The old dominators who feed on the universe are more and more patience opponents. For a hundred years, it is an impatient operation.

3, the abandoned Marvel multiverse.

This possibility was derived from the analysis of Zhao Wenrui's experience on the human side.

Zhao Wenrui's big star universe is so hungry for the power of the soul, he sees clearly.

After communicating with Ms. Death, he realized that although Godhead has lived for more than 10 billion years, it has not reached the level of jumping out of the pit of Marvel's multiverse.

So correspondingly, Godhead's creation ‘Black Vortex’ does n’t have this kind of forcing.

Not to mention, although Godhead lived for a long time, it does not mean that the "black vortex" was created by gathering the achievements of his 10 billion years of experience.

Analysis from the currently known relevant information, Godhead ’s tens of billions of years of life is actually very water. It has been dried up and entered a long sleep, relying on some of the arrangements left during his lifetime, waiting to reawaken.

Most of these years are made up by long sleep, what quality is there?

Therefore, the black vortex provides the source world of the demon, that is, the universe of the Great Star Realm for the summoning of New York Scavenger Lucas. The probability of being a Marvel parallel universe is very high, and most of them are abandoned. A Marvel monolithic universe.

This is because the real Marvel multiverse, after the fourth secret war, has completed a comprehensive self-combine, reached a brand new disparity, and abandoned all the problems.

And his involvement in the unitary Marvel Universe has become a major criterion for abandonment. After all, for the orthodox Marvel multiverse, the information he carries is absolutely super pollution.

But for the abandoned Marvel multiverse, which has been stuck and unable to continue to evolve, he is also a variable that can add a lot of possibilities and allow Yanhua to re-run.

Because of this, this part of the Marvel multiverse that has been abandoned is likely to instinctively want to obtain all kinds of non-Marvel universe information that he has enriched.

And the best achievement is his soullessness, dust to dust, and soil to earth, fully integrated into this multiverse system.

Therefore, the entire universe is hostile to him.

In the 20K universe, he is a ceiling-facing existence, and he is surrounded by supreme gemstones, and he is also in an alternative kingdom of gods such as the Kaishen Palace. The broken multiverse universe can't do him.

But beyond the 20K universe, the universe that is tolerant of these cosmic laws and allows all kinds of unimaginable power to wreak havoc is another story.

Following this line of thought, Kane could even think of some darker possibilities. UU reading books

For example, Ms. Death is a ghost behind the scenes, or at least an insider.

As the existence of the basic rules of Marvel's multiverse, the five great creation gods and the fate of the multiverse are bound together the deepest.

It can be said that if the Marvel multiverse does not exist, they will also be completely annihilated.

Nowadays, in the face of the current situation where Marvel's multiverse is being cut, the five creation gods are also divided into two.

The brand-new and totally different side is bound by the rules set by the ‘pro-daddy’ and it is impossible to interact with him to avoid being polluted. The abandoned part has both a reason to hate him (his intrusion is the key to a series of bumps), and a need for survival (For the five creation gods, the Marvel multiverse is like It is an investment that overwhelms all the net worth, and there is a beginning and an end to completion, and the jamming is equal to the daily business of debt).

Therefore, there are good reasons for the five great creation gods to engage him.

"Damn, the more you think, the more sinister you are. Fortunately, as a suspicious conspiracy theorist, I am quite prepared."

Thinking of this, Kane did not intend to ink anymore. He is now wearing shoes, and he will not easily rely on the iron, even if it turns out that he is cranky and fussy, he has enough reason to give up this bad experience that he has been given.

So, Kane snapped his fingers ...

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