Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1016: Space god

Although C Kane brought three points of arrogance due to his roots, it is not very worthy of the existence of tall people like the Marvel multiverse creation godless by the "pro-daddy" and "blow".

However, as the saying goes, it can be despised strategically, but tactically.

The five gods of creation, a properly accumulated old goblin, compared with others, he is an absolute small generation.

Therefore, when dealing with this kind of existence, a few more minds are fine.

And now, a safety measure that Kane arranged before the operation started with the start of the finger.

To put it simply, with the snapping of his fingers, Kane completed the operation of "turning back in time", and returned to the moment when he had just communicated with Ms. Death and had not yet begun a cross-boundary journey.

Is more complicated to say that similar to the five gods of creation, it is beyond the existence of time and space. This also means that, in the face of the game set by them, once in the urn, it is not easy to simply rely on time to go back in time.

This is like a clear tape, or using the system to delete hard disk files, it seems to be deleted, but it has not been deleted completely, or it has left a trace, there is a possibility of recovery.

Kane has arranged in advance to avoid such problems.

Some descriptions, he takes self time as the axis, and returns to the archive point time in a way of soul reading.

The events that occurred after the archive point and the series of sensational or insensible changes that were triggered, regardless of good or bad, are discarded.

But these are not enough.

Because of pure abandonment, it means that you have no knowledge of what you are going through, and you have the possibility of repeating the same mistake, even worse.

What should I do?

In fact, as long as there is enough crisis awareness, make arrangements in advance, these problems are not big problems.

First of all, there are prompts for reading files.

This made him realize that he was facing a great crisis in the future after reading the file and chose to read the file.

Second, it is the great prophecy based on divine intuition and the effect of the supreme gem.

Predicting your future is a very, very difficult thing.

God wants to predict his own future, it is even more difficult, saying that it is impossible to complete the task.

But the supreme gemstone is really special, and more importantly, there are infinite gemstones in all Marvel monolithic universes. In other words, from the perspective of the basic laws of the universe, any Marvel single universe recognizes the power of infinite gems.

And the power of the infinite gem is simply summarized in one sentence, omniscient and omnipotent.

Since this is the case, then the power of the supreme gemstone united by infinite gemstones, whose force extends to other Marvel single universes, is theoretically established.

And the specific operation of Kane's great prophecy is actually of the nature of 'backtracking'. It seems to be predicting the future, but it is actually looking at what has happened.

Prophecy is often difficult to see in the future, and it has changed at the same time as it is seen, but it is relatively easy to look back in the past, and it will not change when it has occurred, so it can be seen more clearly and comprehensively.

Of course, it is expensive.

But it's worth it.

Just like this, Kane got back to the past and got his own story at a certain time in the future.

Is bystander or personal experience, which is very different for him. The former can learn a lesson, but it is not troublesome. The latter has taken care of itself. Although the experience is more profound, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it.

After reading the related story, Kane wiped cold sweat.

His main concern is how long is the distance from being positive and progressive to giving birth to boredom.

Is like an invisible level that is invisible, intangible, but does exist.

Upgrade requires experience, and this upgrade in belief requires victory over and over again, a sense of accomplishment, or self-movement.

This is not based on years of accumulation, or simply killing monsters to gain experience, but it must be unintentionally triggered, and at the same time take the heart during the experience process, after the event is completed, the cognitive gain is considered.

Also relied on this continuous success to maintain a positive attitude and form an inertia.

Then suddenly it was decadent. This is how much invisible experience is lost?

Has this kind of thinking. Kane believes that future direct reading of his own files is definitely not a trivial matter, but it is really a worse situation than being defeated by people and hiding in a dilemma.

After all, the key to God ’s existence is ‘consciousness’. The health of consciousness is the main indicator for judging whether a **** is born like a rising sun, or is somber and impending.

Once the consciousness collapses, the strength will often fall. Hold can't hold the huge power, and it is difficult to maintain like a horse drawn cart.

Therefore, the damage to the soul is definitely a more serious loss than the damage to the divine power. As for the loss of industry and belongings, it is even worse.

This time Kane was a slap. In general, because of vigilance and pre-arranged means, the loss was not too big. The advantage was that it made some "sleepy" agitators wake up.

People can't have no opponents, people can't be too leisurely. He understands this truth, but deliberately keeps the state and things happen naturally to find the door, and the results will still be different after all.

Recalling the experience of the past 100 years, it is indeed a bit dull, and unconsciously slowed down the pace.

Of course, this is not a big mistake. After all, he inherited the memory of his deity to a considerable extent. Throughout his career, the past has still seemed too exciting and tense. The rebound is inevitable and also an important link. Zhang Chi has a degree and is also suitable for gods, except that the scale of time is much greater than that of humans.

So now I am awakened, the timing is not bad, although I feel a little uncomfortable, but it is indeed time to fully adjust the rhythm.

With this idea, Kane made a series of relatively specific decisions.

For example, let the yellow insect swarm start the expedition, go to the end of the 20K universe, and execute the "round bite plan".

The monolithic universe is constantly expanding, like a soap bubble blowing bigger and bigger. The phased purpose of the round bite plan is to determine the scale of the 20K universe by the green insect swarm. Anyone who passes the line will be swallowed up.

This is a single universe version of the Happy Valley enclosure, which regulates the border.

Or it can be understood as building a super magnificent Dyson sphere, using the 20K universe that has spread for more than 10 billion years after the explosion as a star, and making a shell with its constantly emitting matter and energy.

So this plan is also called the artificial crystal wall plan. The ultimate goal is to create a small single universe level **** kingdom universe in the endless void through the shrinkage of the artificial crystal wall system.

And the success of this project depends largely on the geometric amplification efficiency of the yellow worm. It can be said that this is a grand experiment to test the ultimate expansion ability of the swarm.

At the same time, it is also testing the expansion capacity of mechanical civilization. Because the characteristic of the yellow insect swarm is terrestrial civilization, the insect swarm is like a human, and the virus multiplies and multiplies, while vigorously using tools. Machinery is just a more representative tool that was born based on local conditions and choosing the most suitable materials.

And the green insect swarm was ordered to open the 'species plan'. Taking the wormman as the pioneer, using the 20K universe as the scale, collecting species, observing the evolution of life, and enriching the material library, pave the way for the creation of the universe of the equivalent of limited re-creation.

The red insect swarm is divided into two parts, and part of them implements the ‘super-aggregation plan’ to collect three strange substances in the 20K universe.

Relatively speaking, the 20K universe is a rigorous and perfect rule, but the extraordinary power is also relatively poor in a single universe.

On this issue, Kane views it this way:

A single universe. During the period of the cosmic egg, its attributes were determined to a considerable extent. Eggs and duck eggs. This period has a conclusion.

And egg white is the energy that hatches the universe, let's call it chaotic force.

The chaotic force will be subdivided in the process of three things. In theory, the more mature the universe, the older the universe, the more detailed the chaotic force will be.

This is like science and technology. From the first industrial revolution to the 21st century, the system has expanded at a high speed for more than two hundred years, and the categories of subjects have soared.

And the degree of detail is proportional to the degree of perfection and thoroughness.

Under such a cognition, the chaos value of the new universe is much higher than that of the old universe, and within the single universe, the chaos value of the core of the universe is higher than the edge of the universe.

At the same time, being extraordinary and ordinary is an inevitable process.

On the basis of such a theory, the 20K universe is characterized by an ordinary orientation before the Big Bang, and the overall evolution process after the explosion is relatively stable. It has now entered the single universe of the year.

Therefore, the Red Super Swarm's 'Super-Assembly Plan' is to march towards the center of the 20K universe, grow while advancing, and then spread out at a suitable point in a circle and collect inwards. After completing this plan, search for relics in the outer periphery A point of extraordinary power.

And the other part is to execute the "Predatory Plan", specifically to dig the tomb of the gods in the universe of the Great Star Realm and obtain information-based resources.

The Great Star universe and the 20K universe are two examples of a sharp contrast.

If the 20K universe is an egg, then the Big Star universe is a duck egg.

If the 20K universe is a burst egg, the Great Star universe is a crack egg.

At the moment when the latter was born in the universe, the explosion intensity was obviously not good, so compared to 20K sputtering, it is more like spreading out the contents of the egg.

This means that extraordinary power is more concentrated and enriched, and it takes more time to mature.

Then, without waiting for the delicate level like 20K universe, it is already premature and aging, because the gods born in the rich environment of extraordinary powers are too tossing.

Even after death, these gods condensed into a mass of extraordinary blocks, which made the already slow evolution further weak. He looked like he was going to stink.

Therefore, the universe of the Big Star universe is very magical on the whole, the rules are rough, and the volume is much smaller than the 20K universe. For Kane, the most valuable point here is that the divine system is developed and relevant information is abundant. In addition, Sanqi resources are also relatively concentrated. Maybe there is also chaotic power accumulating in some places. Once obtained, for research The formation of the universe, the roots of extraordinary power, and other high-level topics are of great help.

Therefore, although the nature of the plundering plan is a tomb thief, it is an act of intensification of the doctrine of doctrine, but the interests are tempting, and Kane can not care about eating.

But this plan is very difficult to implement in the present.

Because, if his humanity avatar Zhao Wenrui, and his previous experience in the super city, if someone behind him is really a ghost, it means that the swarm is at risk of losing control.

Understand that even the super-divine spell that affects him, the swarm is unable to block.

As the lord of the worm swarm, his most feared way of attacking is to take control.

For this reason, he invented a series of packages of shielding force field + brain closure + biological brain transformation, forming a completely closed mode, so that the swarm can obtain defensive control protection capabilities including divine erosion. The communication with each other is through a unique pattern similar to barcode and corresponding to quantum entanglement.

But even so, the swarm may still be controlled. For example, the gods, regardless of the cost, launch confusion and control magic against the army commander level brain worm.

So, while giving the brain worms a powerful mental power (implemented by the giant magic to change the brain), strengthening the resistance to deceptive attacks (and also easier to control the legion), he also added an encrypted erosion self-destruction system.

Therefore, it has always been that trying to seize control of his swarm is not impossible, but very difficult, and the cost is so high that God is discouraged.

But now, this kind of mental attack of the invisible level of the elephant, even he inadvertently recruits, is a new way, not seeking control, but negative consciousness, starting from the cultivation of bad habits bit by bit, making The target is degenerate and blackened. It can be described as very poisonous.

Under such erosion, the swarm may reverse his dominance, especially when the emperor Shan Gao is far away.

In addition, such erosion also caused great resistance to his control.

He can no longer think of the chaos as he used to, and perceive the idea of ​​exaggerating (brain worm).

Because the brain worm is invaded and infected, it will affect him through the spiritual link, although the degree may be very slight. But he still understands the truth of dripping water.

And this long subtle impermanence, it can't be solved by playing "backward time".

What's more, 'turning back in time' is equivalent to going back to the past again, not to mention whether the accumulation of tens of thousands of years is so abandoning whether it hurts. The consumption of this operation is an astronomical number. A few.

This is also an important reason why he wanted to pursue the project of "the universe of the kingdom of the universe" that maximizes the land complex.

He needs a stable rear for rest and production, and the 20K universe can be said to be the most suitable at present.

The rules of are relatively perfect, no matter what kind of fairy power, the strength must be severely cut in. It is estimated that OAA's humiliation is coming, and he can tear it with him, and he can also open five or five, and even have more home advantage.

He has a certain accumulation in the 20K universe, but his control is obviously insufficient.

Therefore, he took great control and reformed to prevent all kinds of devastating guys from destroying all kinds of delusions, and accelerate the heat of the 20K universe.

In short, in this direction, at present, the trend is good.

Can detect claws externally, but it is undercurrent, which may be clawed at any time.

The face of the super city was beaten, and the universe of the Great Star Realm was not very secure. He needs to fight with twelve points.

For this reason, he arranged another advent of the super city.

This is not the main consciousness this time, but learning like the deity, sending a secondary avatar to go.

There is no doubt that the secondary avatars are even weaker in the battle between the annihilation of insects and the control office.

But it also has its own advantages, such as the degree of map exploration, the understanding of the super city, and the prophecy of the annihilation insect attack.

Therefore, at the same time, the progress made by the secondary avatar was actually greater than he was at the time.

For example, the surveillance tower for the super city has been redesigned to make its hiding ability stronger.

In addition, the little partner who saved the indigenous human Tuoye and interacted with his village also did it again.

After all, the right opportunity is often the most rare. By saving, he can quickly get closer to the indigenous people, skip some links, establish basic trust, and then gain a window of benign interaction with more indigenous people.

Believes that when the time is right, the people in their village in Tuoye can promote his positive message to more people, thus greatly reducing the cost of communication.

There is this invasion, he is more focused on building combat power.

He hopes that after a period of time, he can form a three-legged pattern with the Oblivion and Control Bureau.

He originally planned to take advantage of it (nano network cloud original body) to flash people, but now, he feels that building a super city into a bridgehead for his claws is also very good, so that he can study to deal with invisible negative spiritual erosion Approach. After all, the premise of research is careful observation and understanding.

And the big star universe is another window to explore claws.

Here has also suffered negative mental erosion, it is not yet completely certain.

Although the human avatar Zhao Wenrui showed obvious eroded characteristics, the particularity of the environment of this universe and the personal vulnerability of Zhao Wenrui made the judgment process more complicated, and it was not appropriate to make a conclusion directly.

Therefore, Kane issued two coping orders.

The first is to strengthen the protection, self-test, and isolation level of the Scarlet Legion and the Firearms Fleet.

The Scarlet Legion was built on the basis of the Scarlet Vanguard ~ ~ The second confluence of large troops was established, and it is the main force of grave digging.

Originally, this unit is rapidly multiplying, with a view to expanding the scale of production (tomb-digging) in the future.

But with Kane restarting time (the Scarlet Legion was in place before Kane met with Ms. Death), the Scarlet Legion's main work is currently self-checking and anti-erosion patches.

And the swarms that expanded during this time are all returned to the furnace.

Kane is worried that the swarms produced have potential safety hazards due to the lack of corresponding preventive measures.

Keep in mind that the proliferation of insect swarms is geometric, and it is now in the early stage of explosives. If there is a safety hazard during this period, most of the war bugs produced by explosives in the future will have problems.

The second command is to strengthen the bystander monitoring of the human avatar Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui has already completed the main task established at the beginning, and was originally a layman.

But now Zhao Wenrui's depravity and blackening process has become a good source of practical data for researching the subject of temperament change after negative energy erosion.

Just like this, Zhao Wenrui returned to the spotlight and became a hero.

From a certain point of view, heroes are like this. Only when they are needed, when they have a strong background, are they precious, and they are heroes, otherwise it will not make much sense to make trouble.

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