Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1017: Struggling between transcendence and ordinary

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the broken ship has three thousand nails.

This idiom is applied to the human avatar Zhao Wenrui, which means that he will be spoiled and deteriorated, and it will not be achieved overnight, but a slow and fast acceleration process.

Now it is clearly still in its infancy.

With the warning of the old witch who was suspected of a dead lady, Zhao Wenrui also failed to come out of decadence.

He still didn't want to do the right thing, but wanted to live for several days.

However, his foundation is good, vigilance and rationality are not so easy to wear off, so the old witch's warning will inevitably make him feel like a throat.

The Holden area is now comprehensive, and for him it is almost the same as the clear wall. Then he had to consider the usual contact, and the flesh was not eaten, and he was confusing.

As for role-playing, with his experience in Hejiancheng, he no longer intends to come again, suffocating.

For him now, holding back is a big problem, he wants to let go of the waves, just to be free and free, these are the opposite of holding back.

Thinking about it, Zhao Wenrui decided to go back to the old town first.

His family is there.

There is no survivor here. He intends to leave the Holden area directly to drill into the core area of ​​the Kingdom of Katin, where the city has a large floating population and it is easier for him to integrate.

Transforming into a ghost wolf hurried between the shadow plane and reality, back to the old town, it was already night.

From far away, I found the atmosphere a little strange.

Like Kane, he trusts his instincts.

There are so many indescribable hazes and paradoxes here that they did not explore and conquer at the beginning, so they left at will.

Leaving the family here is to expect the dangerous abilities here to deter those strong men, so as not to ask for trouble, and as far as not aware of the sinister Xiao Xiao here, the flow of bone beasts he arranged is enough to deal with.

If you examine it now, you will find that you really took it for granted. In fact, the biggest threat to leaving the family here is the danger itself. After all, he did not find out exactly what kind of force is behind it.

Now I have to bite the bullet.

Losing his belongings, at least 70% of the accumulation over the past year has been floated. Re-provisioning, even if he has the heart, may not be able to do it. Some families only get it under chance, and they don't get it if they are willing to work hard.

As a result of careful investigation, it was discovered that the bone beast had a problem. More than half of it had been destroyed and collapsed, and nearly one third had been eroded by the force. The orange light was scattered in the eyes, making you think of it. The devil is evil.

Counting the skull beasts, the former master also felt pressure.

Thanks to the dead hand prohibition that was set up at the beginning, it can also be triggered by direct contact. Otherwise, the toughness of the bone beast and the hard fight will make him the last one to be torn.

After killing the bone beasts, Zhao Wenrui felt miserable and annoyed in the face of the ruined convoy.

But he didn't dare to stay long.

The movement caused by the battle was a little bit bigger. He was injured again, bleeding a little, and consumed a lot of spells and physical energy. If there were any powerful strange monsters at this time, he would be able to escape.

He picked up a handful of important and usable things, and patched up the two skull beasts, repaired the cart with the least damage, and then left the old town in a panic and gray.

After escaping dozens of kilometers, I chose a forest and settled down, just spread out, and a magical falcon flew in the air.

Soon after the old witch warned, Zhao Wenrui noticed this kind of bird.

Slightly related, it is known that most of his previous series of actions annoyed some people, even the firm and clean operations, and it is not bad to invest in some spirit bird hounds or something.

Now, although the magical falcon just flew over without hovering above his head, he still repacked it and escaped into the shadows for safety.

As a result, as soon as the traces were cleared and the shadows entered the gap, a demon dog came to parade, which made him cry out in cold sweat.

The name of the demon dog, which he learned when playing role-playing in Hejian City, is a kind of evil creature with the characteristics of the world commonly used by the powerful casters, and there is a figure of an evil spirit behind it, and this Evil God is known for doing all kinds of dark business with humans, including renting and selling demon dogs.

Therefore, these demon dogs often have dual identities, are the pawns of evil spirits, and at the same time they are also the tools of power.

Once spotted by the monster dog, the evil spirit will be disturbed first, and the evil spirit is also happy to temporarily strengthen the monster dog to make it stronger, obtain more information, and then sell the crop transaction.

Of course, the general target is not worth the evil **** to do so, but Zhao Wenrui believes that his reward price will not be too low.

This is the main reason for his sweating out of fright. Once spotted by the evil spirit, it is really a tarsal maggot.

Zhao Wenrui escaped for dozens of miles again, and it seemed that the sky was about to dawn before he used the druid to detect the geography and palm-printing talent, and found a stone cave where there were only stomata and no entrances to the outside world.

At this time he was very tired and hungry, but he lay down and turned back and forth, making it difficult to sleep.

Several times, he simply got up and checked the loss, and waited for the excitement to pass before sleeping while taking advantage of the sleepy sleepiness.

It turned out that at least one-third of things, including some precious ones, seemed to be cursed.

Who would you like?

I can only wish myself.

At the same time, I also saw the terrible side of the world.

This kind of spiritual pollution is everywhere. The damage to puppet-like artificial souls is particularly serious. In particular, the trick of taking advantage of the emptiness is even more so.

He was lazy and wasteful, and it turned out to be what he is now.

Even the last two skull beasts had to piece together a complete one due to problems with part of their limbs, and the remaining one was temporarily paralyzed.

In short, after the final sorting out, the initial ten percent of the family is now only a little more than ten percent, let alone worrying.

In fact, the loss does not stop there.

As the saying goes, karma is good at diligence and frivolity, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days is a taboo in any industry, including extraordinary battles.

Since leaving the old town, he either hid his mind, hibernates without preparation, or hangs out. No matter what, the art industry is a lot of waste, and even the connection with the holy tree in the deserted land of the gods is much weaker.

Practice is like sailing against the current, and retreat if you are not. Not to mention that this world is full of malice, and if you are a little careless, it will be eroded. Most of the strange things in the world are actually like this, even the dead people are not peaceful.

Zhao Wenrui now combed it carefully, only to find that the post and related matters were thrown away in less than two months, and even the safety of his life was shaken. Really want to cry without tears.

c Kane watched all this in secret, pouting with jealousy.

Zhao Wenrui's luck has always been good, and this time it's the same. It's a good start, which makes him sober and can cheer up for a long time.

This was not what he wanted to see, although it seemed very impersonal to say so.

However, he does not think how long Zhao Wenrui can go on the positive road, because Zhao Wenrui has not found a reliable way to relieve and express pressure. The previous vent has not been completely released. Solid state germination is a matter of time. He believes that he can see it in a while.

This is 11 months.

It was another cold winter, and the world seemed to have entered a new round of ice age. It was very cold last year and even colder this year. And the coming of severe winter is almost half a month earlier than last year.

It was this half-month advance that caused the abundance of the product to fall by at least 15% compared with previous years, and then it was intuitively reflected in the rise in prices. More people were starving and could not survive the winter.

Zhao Wenrui's situation is pretty good.

As a person with gold fingers, he pays off every effort and can intuitively reflect it. Only this point is much stronger than the ordinary people who do not necessarily work hard.

Not to mention capacity theory, his position is much higher than most people in this world. As long as he does not do it himself, he may not be able to survive the disaster of the world.

After nearly a year of hard work, his family was barely restored to his old outlook.

The reason why it's still a little bit worse is that because of these 11 months, he has been working hard and hasn't started the adventure mode, so he lacks the fortunes made by Qiuzhai and Mojing Mine last year.

After making some preparations, he went back to the old town unswervingly, trying to lose some of his old age.

But in the end, apart from the gold and silver that he least value, he could not get anything back. Even the gemstones have been scrapped because they are easier to become vehicles of extraordinary power.

He simply ruined all of them, and there was a little bit of self-reliance in his heart to save himself, and he also saved no related incidents in the future.

The two surviving skeletal beasts, the cart, were eventually destroyed by his own hands.

He was suspicious, and instead of keeping his hair in his heart, and responding to it from time to time, it was better to rebuild it completely and ask for comfort. Anyway, the big heads have been lost, and now they have accumulated again, which is not too bad.

In addition, relying on diligent cultivation and ploughing to please nature, he was promoted to another level.

The 16th-level druid does not have too many highlights, and the transformation element is one.

According to Zhao Wenrui's situation, it is naturally transformed into a shadow element. This is of great help for combat in the shadow plane and the use of shadow power. But there is only one chance every day. It is calculated separately from the wild transformation.

In contrast, the Shadow Druid as a hero template, the talents given will be much more powerful.

Perhaps due to the influence of corruption and blackening, the talent given this time is biased towards the Necromancer, called the Soul of Pain.

This talent allows Zhao Wenrui to enslave the ghosts, evil spirits, and fierce souls that remain in the world after death due to negative emotions like a necromancer.

Among them, the soul of enslavement of pain is the most handy. The more miserable and miserable during his lifetime, the more powerful he can exert in his hands after death.

Correspondingly, Zhao Wenrui will automatically gain a profit and loss buff that tortures and curses when he controls the soul of pain. The effect of this curse is that all things that cause the target to feel pain increase the pain level by 30%.

Undoubtedly, this is the new talent that c Kane specifically deals with for Zhao Wenrui.

He has already thought about it. In the future, all his talents for upgrading will be based on this standard. While giving, he will be punished, so that people can fully feel the duality of ice and fire.

At the same time, the talent is also dark.

This is indeed suspected of cheating, but the range is within the prescribed range, and it is not considered frenzied. After all, the shadow has the suspicion of taking the gray route and playing with the sideline.

It can be biased towards light to become light gray, or dark to dark gray, then dark gray, in short, to promote its accelerated decline.

Zhao Wenrui was naturally very happy to get a new hero talent. Because the soul of pain and shadow demon are very good, the combination of the two can make the strength of the shadow demon a level higher, and there is no shortcoming of the general artificial soul.

But soon, he realized the painful price of running this talent.

The strength of the Shadow Demon is enhanced, and the key value is reflected in the operation.

However, fighting is not normal, especially for his farming school, who is in an awkward position, strong like legends and holy domains, he will either be very injured or simply not, and the level is lower than his, For example, a senior caster or something, the value of the shadow demon is not enough to reflect it well.

Theoretically, he is now suitable for beating high-ranking people above the Archmage and under the legend. By virtue of his hero's extraordinary battle position, by his group fighting flow, he can kill the enemy by leapfrog, which is both cost-effective and a sense of achievement .

But the reason why high-end people are high-end people is not only because they are strong enough, but also because they have a matching network and social status.

It is difficult for him to form a deep hatred with these people because of his simple work and rest, so that he will kill soon.

In turn, the bad things he caused in the past have not been able to stop now, but are getting worse.

In other words, if he appeared publicly, the possibility of being besieged by a group of powerful people was extremely high.

Speaking of this pot, it can't be his. He didn't expect that the endorsement of the golden finger was a bunch of stubborn monsters.

Wherever he sacrificed, Qiuzhai, Mojing Mine, and Xiacheng District of Hejian City have now become well-known black pits. In the past year, more than one hundred masters who have lost the rank of senior mages have exceeded one hundred, and even the legend has died in double digits.

Of course, the monsters and monsters are also quite damaged. Some legendary strongmen have shown the first level or emblem of the hunted monsters, claiming to kill more monsters.

He also tends to be a demon and a monster.

But the key point is not this.

The key point is that it seems that all the sacrifice points are reduced to a portal to a sinister place. Behind the sacrifice points, it is likely that a demon walks around the world.

This makes the kingdom feel painful all over the kingdom. The Kingdom of Katyn is stronger, and its extraordinary combat power can't be compared with a world?

The Orthodox Church has organized three consultations, two of which are with the elite, which can be said to be a third of the kingdom ’s elite.

What were the results?

It is said that it has gained a lot.

He thought the opposite was true. Because the sacrifice site has not been erased, it still stands there. This alone shows that the main purpose of the coalition forces has not been achieved. No matter how much you win, you lose from a strategic perspective.

What's more, the more you lose, the more you have to bring a few heroes out to divert people's attention. This political trick he can still imagine.

Therefore, as soon as the dignitaries and the churches knew about the people who had blown the river between the rivers, even he, who was a hermit in the mountains, could hear that the coalition forces had suffered a lot. It is estimated that it is not as good as the gains from those who are nomadic.

Moreover, it is hard to say what benefits can be obtained by killing the demon. Even if it is of research value, it must be researched. It ’s just that it has more information about the opponent, and its value is very limited. After all, behind the sacrifice point is a whole world. God knows how many species there are.

In total, the three sacrifice points have become an incurable wound in the Kingdom of Katin, and even caused border border instability.

After all, there are more than 100 extraordinary units above level 10, which are not a small number for the Kingdom of Katyn. Although with the hidden power of the church and the free transcendents that can be hired, the transcendence of level 10 or above that the kingdom can put together should be more than 1,300, but this can only be drawn out of life and death, and smashing family property. If he can respond, he will be able to fight on the court. He estimates that even 400 is not available.

The greasiness here is mainly due to the complicated internal intertwined relationship and lack of money.

To put it bluntly, the Kingdom of Katyn cannot afford to spend on the super-luxury caster team. Every day's consumption is equivalent to selling an earl of the kingdom's essence. This kind of bold throwing, the kings and the dignitaries will be painful when they unite, even if the Orthodox Church has the heart to help, it is not much. For a few days, after all, the fighting power of the church system was not captured by the strong wind, and it was also saved a little bit.

Therefore, the loss of more than a hundred people has already made the neighboring countries that are not well-connected ready to move.

What's more troublesome is that in order to prevent the expansion of sacrifice points and the appearance of more sacrifice points, the kingdom and the church have to set up a project team to follow up on this matter, which is a huge expense.

Coupled with the early arrival of the winter this year and the signing of the crops, he was worried for the dignitaries and the church leaders.

The above is not easy, the following is naturally more difficult.

Piggybacked, he hated him up and down.

Because he is the culprit leading to this series of troubles, and there is the possibility of making more sacrifice points.

This is also a big reason why he has been courageous in the past year.

As far as he knows, as of now, dozens of suspected bad luck eggs have been sentenced to death by mistake. If he is exposed, he will probably be skinned if he does not die.

Therefore, he has decided to take advantage of the cold weather and the outdoor activities have dropped sharply, leaving the kingdom completely and changing his country.

He estimated that this is what the people of the Kingdom of Katyn hoped for. Although there was a suspicion of defeat in this way, he finally decided not to dispute that name. Now he didn't want to torture anyone, but wanted to breathe a few free air and spend a few days in peace and comfort.

In the view of c Kane, this is the call of the pre-existing state, and Zhao Wenrui can't help it because the goods are a little 'small money'. Just like a person with alcoholism, for a while, I can't help it. To be more specific, it often starts with a small indulgence like "a few drinks".

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