Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1044: Lone wolf

"Marquez ?? Zhao, it's not easy to contact you."

Zhao Wenrui heard that his female boss, as soon as he came up, seized the high position of the discourse, which made him very tired.

"The people in the church had to rely on even the deceitful words to say that it was just killing, and the scene was very scary."

"The Special Service has already asked you this question clearly. Would you like to know?"

"miss you."

"It's not convenient to talk on the phone, come back! You are still a member of the special bureau, and the church's apology compensation is also very generous."

"I'm sorry, I was too frightened. I still invite the leaders in the Bureau to visit Alaska, make things clear in person, call me somewhere." After that, I just hung up.

And far away in a small meeting room of the Federal Special Service, several analysts finally came to the conclusion: normal, consistent with the character's consistent performance.

The people of the church walked as quietly as they came.

Zhao Wenrui ushered in a wave of sticks.

"Is that someone from a special department of the church just now? You can make this kind of person serve before the pommel horse, are you afraid that Marquis is a big man?"

Although the sticks that can play camping in this season are basically people who have good money and have life and vision, but they can identify the roots of the special department of the church through the cuffs in a short time.

Sure enough, it was followed by surprises like "Really?" "It's unbelievable!", Which has quite a acting component, making Zhao Wenrui feel a little embarrassed.

He tacitly understood that he ended the topic directly and greeted people to continue eating and drinking.

The windless midwinter, eating yak hot pot under sufficient daylight, really has a unique flavor.

The next day, at the campsite in the northeast of Lake Bigger, Zhao Wenrui met with the representatives of the Special Service Bureau who followed his directions all the way.

He did n’t play with people. Dahu Airport was only a few minutes drive from the campsite. The representative got off the plane and took a taxi.

"Is it you? Marquis?" The representative turned out to be Zhao Wenrui's direct female supervisor in the special bureau.

"It's me." Zhao Wenrui didn't show any obvious emotions, snapped his fingers, and a ray of blood flame appeared on the fingertip like a flame of a lighter.

"I'm relieved to see you completely unharmed. Would you like to make a phone call to Cathy first?" The female boss said, drawing a satellite phone from her bag.

Zhao Wenrui hesitated a little, shook his head, and made a gesture of "please inside".

Is the rented RV.

"What do you want? Black tea, coffee, hot cocoa and mineral water."

"Coffee, thank you." The female boss said a lot of casual car interiors.

A moment later, I took the coffee cup from Zhao Wenrui and took a sip. "Well, it tastes very good. It seems that the quality of the casual trip these days is good and the details are very fruitful."

"Okay. What is the situation with the Soul Well in the reserved area now?"

The female boss shook her head. "The church intervened strongly, and the cover was very strict."

Zhao Wenrui made a big noise and didn't ask too much.

Just then, the female boss ’s satellite phone rang, and the female boss took a look at the caller ID and smiled at Zhao Wenrui: “It ’s Cathy, do you want to answer it?”

Zhao Wenrui shook his head: "I'll talk about it later."

"Alright. Then I will simply appease him." Then, the female boss answered the phone.

At the next moment, a bright beam of light suddenly fell from the dome, everything on the car was melting, smashing, rising, as if the sun suddenly came near.

The female boss holding the phone was surrounded by pale golden oval light, and Zhao Wenrui quickly turned to ashes in the dazzling light.

More than twenty seconds later, the female boss came up deep and shallow from the pothole that had been transformed into a lava pool.

Walked for another hundred meters, only to see an agent ran away with gasping: "The people in the church said that the soul well was not closed!"

The female boss closed her eyes, clenched her fists, and said blankly: "Let's go!"

A few kilometers away from the summit of a snow peak, Zhao Wenrui in a snow suit stopped looking.

This time thoroughly confirmed the attitude of the church and the Federal Special Service towards him.

The reason is not so important, but the essence is nothing more than a measure of interest. Of course, there are again factors that underestimate his overall strength.

Turned around, jumped violently, and then opened his arms. The extraordinary power turned the snow suit designed by the flying squirrel into a hard but more aerodynamic hard shell shape.

Zhao Wenrui flew like a glider against the hillside, and soon found an ascending airflow and flew to high altitude. During the climb, the optical invisibility effect caused him to disappear completely in the vast airspace.

A few minutes later, a certain person in charge of the church fell badly and fell: "We were tricked by him, not only invisible, but also completely shielded from the energy radiation, now we can no longer lock him by tracking the overflowing super-energy radiation. 'S location! "

At about 21:00 that night, Zhao Wenrui had arrived near Anadyrsk.

In Mao, both Geler and Sk represent ‘Fort’. The original title of being imported from Germany is that the former is larger and the latter is smaller.

And Anadyr is a meandering river. In addition to the river, this area still has pristine jungles and swamps, which is probably one of the most sinister natural environments in the world.

Of course, no matter whether it is a shrub under the snow, forming a crater-like pattern, or a germ and a poisonous insect under a thick leaf, Zhao Wenrui can't be treated like that.

Blood quality is for all life, blood quality is successful, and automatically obtain the top creatures of the natural food chain for medals.

'S dim vision, which is brighter than nocturnal animals, and a more subtle intuition, let him quickly find a prey, a hibernating brown bear.

After a few minutes, with the help of various tools that blood can shape, Zhao Wenrui has started to eat slate barbecue, and even has a dip made from the forest, supplemented by fungi, vegetables, roots There are also materials, and salt can also be extracted from certain stones, which looks like a very rich table.

At the same time, whether it is a church or a special bureau, otherwise anyone who follows up the case of Zhao Wenrui looks like a dead mother.

Several billions of projects that can be done have been made into more than 10 billions of dollars, with a few human relations, and there is still no light in the distance. Eventually, if you win, you have to bear the blame and retire. It is the best ending. Who is not frustrated in this future? What's more, they have always boasted of the elite among the elites, and many of them are of good age and full of vigor, and they are showing their great golden age.

However, they finally decided to cut the meat and asked Master Tianchao for help in a low profile.

Since entering the space age, the heavenly dynasty has gradually divorced from the low-level fun, from his father to the grandfather, ignoring the secular world for some years.

However, its influence has increased unabated. After all, it has been decades, and even Niuniu's black jets have to admit that Tianchao has established a foothold in space.

The main attacking remarks of the current black sprayers are: Why do brothers with a long history have a deep history, and can't pull one when they are developed? What are the traditional virtues that the Celestial Kingdom has always advocated?

As for the word ‘one dress with water’, it is naturally because of the ratio of the sky to the sky, the Pacific Ocean can only be regarded as a small puddle.

This kind of buzzwords and sour words that are shouting from day to night are, in fact, swearing at the angle of the legs for the thighs to cheer for the thighs. They have been shouting for several years, and they are still the main news hotspots in countries around the world.

Those who participated in the election often fooled the voters, saying that they have connections and secret weapons, and it is very likely that the cold master will fly with everyone.

These details reflect the desperate height of civilization like the Everest from one side. It is estimated that in a few years it will be replaced by: Uncle, poor and pitiful, just give some food.

It is precisely because of the celestial dynasty that has become so powerful that everyone is clamoring for support, including but not limited to over-interpretation.

Happens to be that the culture of the celestial dynasty is really broad and profound. Therefore, the earth has long been learned by the whole people. In the early years, only the shangguotong, which was only popular in the power circle, has become a tall atmosphere. Now it has flown into the home of ordinary people.

In this context, the church and the special affairs bureau are naturally more of the Shang Guotong. They really want to test Chinese language subjects and the like. It is estimated that many authentic Tianchao people are better than Zhao Wenrui, and most of his relevant knowledge It was returned to the school at the beginning of entering the society.

The person in charge of the church said that there is a saying in the east: there are again and again, not again and again.

The special affairs bureau understood that the church was not ready to take the lead, and they were afraid that Zhao Wenrui would take the church ’s global industry and let it go. Maybe it's already on the road or started now.

Zhao Wenrui's female boss also said that Zhao Wenrui is obviously a qualified old beep, and she also has a certain understanding of political means. She does not dare to bet that Zhao Wenrui will have no more killers. After all, Zhao Wenrui's rise, no matter how you look at it It's a mystery, and it's also very different from the original Marquis Zhao in terms of human design.

Therefore, it is really not suitable for head iron. Please cut the meat to stop your loss.

The decision was actually made early in the morning, but he didn't make any move. Is it that the church and the special service spend a lot of time on the idea of ​​kneeling and licking, is it a 45-degree angle of fragrant buttocks? Still winking.

In fact, there are very few heavenly dynasties that can be seen on the earth, so the idea of ​​kneeling and licking directly determines the possibility of success or failure and how much money can be saved. If it is the classic idea of ​​"the diamond is forever, a legend will last forever", it is very important. The face of the uncle Tian Chao may have a sip.

Randomly calculated, this is a round of tens of billions of federal green notes, so even if Zhao Wenrui retaliated with **** slaughter, he can let him slaughter for a while, after all, he is just a person, no matter how efficient, the cost of time will not be compressed much , And whether it is the church or the special service people, there is a price tag.

The next day, Zhao Wenrui came out of the cave wearing a bearskin cloak and a bear head cap.

A young brown bear has been completely eaten by him, and he feels awake to sleep naturally. So I feel pretty good.

Taking advantage of his clear head, he began to analyze what to do next.

Actually, I started thinking about this problem very early, but at that time I just came up with a rough idea.

Now that this step has been reached, it has to be more real.

Heaven was indeed his first choice. There must be a lot of feelings there. I believe it will be very comfortable to stay in. And on such a vast land, if there are no fragments of his soul, he will not believe it.

But this problem also has to think about the bad side.

According to his knowledge, Tian Chao implemented the rule of "not allowed to become fine" thoroughly.

Of course, they will not abandon the martial arts and kill all the transcendental people in their own country, but find a way out that "transcendence is the corner of the science of the future".

At first, it was natural that most of them were shy, but now, a little bit has become a reality.

In the heavenly dynasty, the main direction of transcendence is the universe, and they are natural pioneers.

In this context, the transcendence has gradually faded the class characteristics of the natural superior, and the relationship between ordinary people and transcendence is not desperately ruled, let alone what is similar to the situation between mutants and humans.

The earth is big, the country is the largest, and the extraordinary people must be clinging and holding no matter how powerful they are. Otherwise, there are ways to teach people.

The situation in this respect can be summed up in one sentence: the status of the transcendental person in heaven is not as high as in other countries.

Since the transcendental is not so precious, it becomes more logical to have a price tag,

Tian Chao is not bad money, but he is not involved in anything simple this time.

After all, the church's face is gone, first plant mushrooms in the reserved area, and then use space-based weapons in Alaska.

Take a deeper analysis, after all, the earth is the planet that gave birth to life, which itself is a miracle in the universe.

And the Native Americans ruled the land for so long, he would n’t believe it if there was nothing strange.

The value of this strange product is not worthy of the heavens: what about the country?

Throughout history, how many countries are under the banner of ‘national interest’, today they are playing dog brains ~ ~ Tomorrow, they are crying, brothers are in love, and the day after tomorrow they will start to demolish each other.

So the country is actually the most impersonal. Losing more and profiting more is the normal operation of a good country, but some things are too cruel to think about, and it is not suitable for display.

Since there is a low probability that the national version of "My Wife and My Wife" will happen, shouldn't we miss it as soon as possible?

Be aware that Tianchao has long been fully wearable, and it will be impossible to walk without a certified system. And high-altitude orbits have high-power irradiation systems covering the whole world. Some years ago, extraordinary people in many countries used blood and tears to prove that smuggling is death, and digging tunnels is not enough ...

Zhao Wenrui made a careful calculation while advancing toward the south. The road was still long enough for him to think clearly.

And what made him unexpected was that after walking more than a thousand kilometers, he looked at the borderline not far, and he still could not make a choice.

"Ah, the more you think, the more you will be gambled. Anyway, my luck has always been okay." He comforted himself in this way, and strode forward to take the last voyage.

C Kane, who was secretly observing, could n’t help applauding and wondering: “It ’s really the top of the Chinese Games, so I took the shortcut!”

Of course, C Kane would not applaud for good luck, the reason why he applauded is that the humanity avatar from this moment, from false to real ...

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