Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1045: 1 Series Upheaval

Every real soul needs a true love.

Even if you eat mixed food and die to make salted fish, at least you really love the concept of “alive”.

Zhao Wenrui did not. His birth determined that his hobbies and interests were all false, so he could not stand the test and was willing to be a **** again and again.

Now, when he knows that he is likely to be taught by ‘the country ’s interests are above everything’, and he still chooses to rather take a loss and have to try one, the emotion in his memory of his hometown becomes true.

So after he set foot on the land of the heavenly dynasty, he suddenly found that everything in the heavens and the earth was twisted, and finally turned into lines, forming an endless earth.

"If this is surgery, it is really too powerful!"

He stepped forward, and the ground rippled like a calm lake falling into a stone.

Sea of ​​Consciousness!

Zhao Wenrui realized, then quickly cleared the ins and outs of the whole incident.

Simply put it that he was caught in a very powerful spell and was hit with autism.

This kind of autism is not only a loss of sensation to the outside world, but even the inner heart has become calm and calm, just like the mentally ill patients who have used hard drugs, their eyes are empty.

Zhao Wenrui thought for a while, and suddenly snorted, and at the same time his body shook, the golden light was released from his body, and gradually formed a beam of light, looming, there was something like a tentacle ...

A few minutes after the thorough beam of light was formed, far beyond the end of the line of sight, bright lights appeared one after another, first flickering like a starlight, after a while it became a constant light state, and after a while, the light range gradually increased, and Faintly heard the deep rumble like thunder rolling in the sky.

After a while, the roar became louder and louder, and all the golden light clusters flew towards me like a meteorite.

Zhao Wenrui smiled, it was indeed his knowledge of the sea, and scattered fragments of souls were returning.

Boom! The first soul fragment hit Zhao Wenrui, turned into golden dust, and penetrated into his body.

Soaring flames, the beam of light quickly thickened.

And as the fragments of souls continue to increase, the might of the sky's flame finally dyes the gray dome.

When the soul was completely complete, Zhao Wenrui made a sudden effort, and the dazzling light sprayed up, ‘Ka! ‘The dome cracked like an eggshell.

Zhao Wenrui stepped out of deep autism, and the soul reappeared on the major material plane of the universe of the Great Star Realm.

Came back to the town of Gaota where the war took place, but now it is a wilderness.

The first thing to do is naturally the Recruitment Department.

He has a special mental connection with the black lich, so he does not need to cast a wide area network like the radio wave.

It did n’t take long for the first response to appear, and it took less than three minutes until the seventh.

After a simple communication, Zhao Wenrui flew towards the East. His original body was destroyed by the dimensionality reduction strike, and this time he was ready to build a powerful body, not to wear it.

The town of Gaota belongs to the Kingdom of Baibosa, and to the east is the Kingdom of Katyn, but more than a thousand years have passed. These countries have disappeared, and even civilization has shrunk. The former towns have become ruins, not to mention farms. Village.

Zhao Wenrui flew for three full days before arriving at his destination. It was an underground palace where one of the black witches discovered and completed the strategy.

The Earth Palace was once a demigod castle of the earth system. Its specifications are not bad, and it has been repaired by the black lich, and it can carry the raging energy. In this way, the creation ritual will not be shocking and cause unnecessary trouble.

"See you!"

After Zhao Wenrui entered the main hall, the black lich-level subordinates kneeled respectfully. The whole hall, under his command, was more than 20,000, neatly uniformed, shouting on his knees, and he had a card.

Zhao Wenrui is usually not rare, but this is not a reunion after a thousand years, and the etiquette is also understandable.

Zhao Wenrui's perception of the soul is no worse than that of ordinary people's five senses. Seeing that under his leadership, not only has he opened branches and leaves, but he has also made considerable progress one by one, and he is happy in his heart. Especially after seeing enough sacrifice fruits in the end, I was even more happy.

Complete transformation and absorption of these powers is a proper supplement for him.

Without further ado, be prepared for consciousness. Strengthen the soul first, then shape the new body.

Commands were issued one by one, and the whole group started to operate. Under the control of Zhao Wenrui, it was quite efficient.

After about 40 hours, the sacrifice fruit was transformed into pure divine power, and the preparation for the ceremony was fully prepared.

Zhao Wenrui floated to the throne, and the ceremony of soul enhancement began with a milky white light curtain covering him like a curtain of water.

Then, at this moment, the seven black lich who were kneeling on one leg in the distance and staring at the side, preparing to sing praises after the ceremony was completed, suddenly a magnificent fiery flame burst into their bodies, and their eyes were also from the original Scarlet, turned oily green.

The next moment, they instantly moved to their respective positions, from the angle of no force to the throne, the magic circle also quickly formed at their feet ...

This situation, Zhao Wenrui really did not expect in advance.

Mainly because he walked all the way, it was still too smooth. Basically, he had never eaten anything that would make him remember the loss. Even if it was a dimensionality reduction strike, he was still broken by him all the way. It just took more time. .

Such self-confidence and arrogance, he feels that the black lich he built step by step with his own skills will not betray him, at least if he is distracted, he will know the first time.

I do n’t know that the old dominators dare not say that their team swept the diversity and never lost money. The Big Star universe is also a special universe with an excessive development of divine culture.

More importantly, the thousands of years he left was the era when C Kane ’s Scarlet Army was active. The Scarlet Army was like Sun Dianying who had robbed the tomb. He did n’t pay attention to the flash he wanted, but he also Let some ancient things reappear.

And Zhao Wenrui, who was hit by dimensionality reduction, turned off the phone voluntarily and lost contact with the younger brothers for thousands of years. These younger brothers are a proper dark department, and it is for his master to work hard and diligently everywhere.

Darkness is a hotbed of evil filth. Without Zhao Wenrui, the gardener's clear weeds from time to time, evil filth gradually began to breed on the black lich, from ringworm to severe illness, and finally a personality emerged.

This is a self-personality completely built on the black lich, the body will not resist.

As for the brain, the puppet system used by Zhao Wenrui is very good, but it is a fatal shortcoming without spirituality.

Evil personality changed from ignorance to intelligence to wisdom over time, and gradually understood the weakness of the puppet personality, and began to use various puppet personality like a real man.

Because the power of darkness in the Zhao Wenrui family is very pure, the evil personality is naturally a high-grade nutrient solution that you want to vomit and grow very fast.

Finally, the balance point was broken, the evil personality became bigger, and began to become the master personality, while the puppet personality was only occasionally released.

Then was a long period of water milling time, or by bullying the honest person, the evil character gradually understood the status and mission of the black lich, Zhao Wenrui's position and situation.

Eventually, seven black liches gathered together and decided to take advantage of the opportunity to tear up their souls in the future, and the seven families were divided equally to establish the Dark God Department.

So now there is this scene, Zhao Wenrui is simply a fish climbing the chopping board.

C Kane felt that Zhao Wenrui used his life to give him a vivid lesson: the path of life, if he walked too smoothly, he would gradually lose his vigilance, and then the ditch overturned the boat and was KO.

Therefore, the heart of defense is indispensable, no matter how close you have been.

When C Kane summed up his experience and lessons, Zhao Wenrui was facing the biggest crisis in his life.

The operation of the black lich is simple and effective. The more this kind of tricks are, the harder it is to crack quickly.

He runs the high-speed thinking of the soul and finds that he can certainly disintegrate the killing event by awakening the puppet personality, but before that, his spirit will be torn apart first.

This seemingly ingenious game was not because the black witches were far-sighted, but because he himself exposed himself unpreparedly when he was the weakest.

"Hey! Take the blame!" Thousands of statements all come together in this sentence.

Zhao Wenrui knew that his end was coming.

Has always had no firm and long-term goals, so after working hard to a certain level, he began to question and began to want to be lazy.

Like him, his self-destructive complex is also heavier than most people. The world familiar to friends and family is far away, and the world of thousands and thousands of people hasn't felt much amazing. Since life has become boring, then death is really no big deal.

"I hope that after my death, I will be able to return to my hometown." Zhao Wenrui left his last wish, and then burst his soul.

Has no grandeur, but forms a black spot inwards comparable to dust.

In the next moment, this black spot became infinity, and the Great Star Realm Universe dug by the Scarlet Legion directly disappeared, leaving only a deep nihility.

C Kane was shocked and stood up with a rare gaffe.

Then he wanted to understand the reason.

Zhao Wenrui carries information from different universes, and the intense release of these information directly caused the operation rules of the Great Star universe to crash.

Then the information carried by Zhao Wenrui met the basic information needs of destruction and creation.

A broken monolithic universe is completely singularized.

C Kane knew that as a part of the cosmic egg, this singularity is deformed, and the probability of forming the universe is not high.

And humanity avatar Zhao Wenrui did die. Those of his personality memories are false, only related to his hometown has become true, and Zhao Wenrui cannot be restored by these alone.

"Also count as a free move, maybe it will be available.

There is no doubt that C Kane wants to be suspicious of being self-explanatory. After all, even if this chess is indeed available in the future, time may be calculated in tens of billions of light years.

This time he failed to get it right.

He underestimated the tenacious survivability of the old forces.

Just after the formation of the special singularity, it completed a high-dimensional jump inside, and Zhao Wenrui's real memory was transferred away.

Destination—Urban Planet.

Thousands of years have passed, and the projects of C Kane here have naturally been completed long ago.

C Kane listened to Ms. Death ’s fooling, how much she ate a little, and went back to the time to solve the problem. The commander who was sent later was a relatively puppet.

After the completion of projects focusing on nano-network cloud acquisition, C Kane completely abandoned the deployment there, and bringing it back was costly and uneconomical.

So after the deployment there has been running for another period of time, it automatically started the shutdown mechanism, and the urban planet has become a grave.

And the boarding of Zhao Wenrui is the body of the puppet commander, because he is the only organic creature, made by C Kane using evil spirit cells, in order to solve some problems that require high-end combat shots.

The body contains old branch factors, and the frequency of the soul is also similar, which determines the priority of Zhao Wenrui's reincarnation.

After Zhao Wenrui woke up, he was dazed for a long time, and he forgot many. However, all the memories about his hometown have become real, which means that his personality framework is still there. To a certain extent, it is equivalent to returning to being a waste picker in New York, even earlier than that. Personality status, after all, the various experiences of scavengers are false, and failed to survive.

Was followed by a long period of combing, integration, self-consistency, and adaptation. In the urban planet, Zhao Wenrui wandered aimlessly for more than 2 years before completing this step.

After some time, Zhao Wenrui made a decision. After mastering the body of the puppet and the nano-mechanical legion under his command, he knew the true source of the urban planet. It was a lost refugee ship. He currently has the transition technology It is much more advanced than similar technologies that people mastered when the urban planet was first built. He wanted to trace the roots to see if he could find his hometown.

Although hope is slim, even if it is found, it may be only a ruin, but at least it is a head. Is it that the founders of the planetary city are too similar to the civilization of the earth and heaven he knows? And his greatest ambition is to go home.

It ’s been another three years, and the efficiency of Zhao Wenrui ’s Nano Corps is actually very high, but the interstellar voyage is extraordinary. Zhao Wenrui is now a little bit cringed by the new rookie, so he built a large enough fleet to feel at ease. . UU reading books

On this day, the long-distance fleet set off and many ships covered the airspace.

After the fleet left, from a distance, the urban planet simply lacked a huge angle.

The fleet has been sailing in the silent dark universe for seven years. In the process, whenever Zhao Wenrui felt the opportunity was right, he would make up some resources and release a large number of exploration ships that had been built before.

The mission of these ships is eternal wandering, intentionally drawing star maps, and of course including finding life planets and civilizations.

Seven years, finally came on the edge of the galaxy, and then will be a long journey across the galaxy for hundreds of years. Although Zhao Wenrui knew that he was probably in the wrong direction at all, and with the transitional technology of the starships driven by the original builders of the urban planet, the possibility of successfully playing drifting between galaxies was very small, but in the end, he chose to go forward.

So, more than a hundred years later, the large fleet, which had shrunk by more than half, finally arrived at the outer edge of another discus-like galaxy that was similar to the Milky Way, but much smaller.

The galaxy also has an outermost layer similar to the top layer of the stellar day, and the fleet completed the minor inspection rest in this area and entered.

Then it was another three years.

On this day, Zhao Wenrui, who was in deep sleep, was awakened, and the exploration ship sent back a report: Discovery of life planet, discovery of civilization ...

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