Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1046: Pixie wool

Zhao Wenrui's occupation of the body of the commander of the puppet of evil gods, C Kane naturally knows it.

After all, I just saw a drama that was jointly betrayed by the subordinates and had to explode. The vigilance in anti-betraying was naturally improved.

C Kane let it go and let Zhao Wenrui pretend to be a good match, because the incident itself was another great gift for him, that is, the need to prevent the old factors.

Do you think you have finished washing the floor, and there is no color of the old branch? Wrong, the old Yinbei of these multiverses is very deep, and maybe they will jump out and stage a surprise.

C Kane once felt that as long as the kung fu was deep, the iron pestle was ground into needles. No matter how old the old ones are, they are not without ceilings. After all, they can be thoroughly digested.

Later, as the years passed, he slowly realized that no, at least the expected future (about 1 billion years), could not be done.

Old branch factors are like pharyngitis, which can only be maintained and cannot be completely eradicated.

In fact, there are many such examples in reality, but on the contrary, there are not many cases of smallpox prevention once and for all.

C Kane realized that he had to set up a special immune system, and carefully brushed his body over and over again.

In return, C Kane allowed Zhao Wenrui to continue performing.

Through the latest feedback from the exploration ship, Zhao Wenrui knew that the civilization on the newly discovered life planet was still in the stone age, and he left in disappointment.

Is different from Kane's cognitive exploration. His only core idea is to go home.

Anyway, his life is very long at present, without the lack of technology and power, he supports his willfulness.

After many years later, Zhao Wenrui changed from a keyboard donkey to a senior donkey. The technology is still those technologies, but the gameplay has become obvious.

On this day, his ship jumped out of the transition point, and then entered the solar system.

The old fleet has disappeared. Now Zhao Wenrui has only one ship, the Double Hammer, which looks like Pleurotus eryngii with heads on both sides.

The mushroom head that is larger than the diameter of the hull, but the proportion is not too exaggerated, can better arrange weapons, propulsion systems, etc.

So do n’t look at the Double Hammer, which is 21 kilometers long, accelerates and reverses abnormally quickly, and it is not reluctant to do these maneuvering operations that are easier to see on the dinghy.

As soon as the ship passed the Kuiper belt, he received a communication request, specifically a piece of audio:

"This is a star system belonging to the Earth Federation. The Earth Federation is a member of the Nova Galaxy Alliance. Please show a valid ship number, or stop the ship to wait for inspection, or leave."

Zhao Wenrui naturally chose to stop the ship and wait for inspection.

After more than half an hour, a more than 100-meter-long assault boat approached. Compared with the double hammer, it was like a mosquito beside the cat.

"I see this big spaceship for the first time!"

"This is supposed to be the legendary fortress class, and it seems that there are one or two ships at the most glorious time of the Nova Army."

"and then?"

"The idiot problem, other planetary regiments of parallel universes naturally have the same problem, and all of the melee battles have hung up."

"So if the members of this ship are biased towards us, it would be really good. The battle over the Centaur Galaxy is very fierce and urgently needs strong support." ...

The three representatives of you are talking and talking, and the tense mood gradually calms down.

Their boat was led into a certain dock, and the environment outside was perceived as an earth-like environment before disembarking, without auxiliary equipment.

After disembarking, he was stunned by the magnificent industrial beauty, mechanical beauty, and unusual neatness of the dock for 2 or 3 seconds before recovering.

The mainstream style of ships of this era is basically biased towards the mechanical punk style of the Star Predator (Courage).

Of course it is generally not so messy, but it is also difficult to show neatness.

As for why this is the case, it is mainly a matter of cost performance. Those pleasant shipbuilders who are willing to spend more money to dress up the living area are already the conscience of the industry. Many are made of film and television walls, projecting forest scenery and so on, supplemented by pots of potted grass, grass-type air, etc., to solve the boring, empty and lonely space journey.

The interior of the Double Hammer, even if it should be the most messy large dock area, is also neat like a post-modern business square. The three-person assault boat is compared with other boats moored here. The overall environment is like a small piece of rag Resting on a brand-new white shirt, he looked very sullen.

Clicking footsteps sounded, a beautiful star-studded beauty stepped on high heels and walked towards them.

"Hello, I am the guide 9527, please follow me." The voice is also superb, sweet and gentle.

The trio followed 9527 a bit embarrassedly, and 9527 was very understanding that it could answer most of the questions about the Double Hammer. The trio gradually opened the conversation box, and at the same time, through the self-proclaimed word of 9527, they realized The other party is not human at all.

Along the way, there were really many dazzling scenes, but the most impressive one was the quantum transmission room that replaced the elevator.

Entered the door, the light flashed in front of him, went out, and went to the place.

The three met Zhao Wenrui in the living area. When they saw the view of the living area, they were already very bright, because their design style can be said to be a very authentic earth wind, and they can even distinguish it from Asia. There are pine and cypress in the north and bamboo forest in the south. , The small bridge has flowing water, the courtyard is deep ...

Seeing Zhao Wenrui was even more determined. They were worried about taboos and never asked, even if they were mixed blood, as long as they could distinguish some human characteristics, the relatives had to shy their faces, now take a look No need at all, black hair, black eyes, straight posture, handsome face, must-have hair has been carefully managed, handsome and slightly intellectual, a typical Chinese elite handsome uncle.

At first, the three of them felt a little pressure, but Zhao Wenrui was easy-going and sincere, and soon improved the communication atmosphere, and the three became more and more relaxed.

Until the limit time agreed with the headquarters is about to come, the three talents are reluctant to bid farewell.

Zhao Wenrui also said that they are welcome, and follow the Earth Federation Diplomatic Corps afterwards. If they have enough time, they can visit for a vacation and stay for a while at the Double Hammer.

Thanks for the politeness of the three people, to know psychologically that with their status, it is impossible to participate in a series of contacts between the two parties. After all, the Double Hammer appeared very abruptly. The three of them were temporarily found by the Federation from the airspace closest to the Double Hammer, and now their lives are completed.

Sure enough, a few hours later, when the diplomats dispatched by the Federation boarded the Double Hammer, they no longer saw the three figures.

The Federation will approach Zhao Wenrui as a very formal diplomatic event, but the details are not complicated, because Zhao Wenrui quickly agreed to the Federation ’s request to dock the Double Hammer at the designated location and turn off most power. system.

This means that even with the advanced level of the Double Hammer, you need to return to normal operation for more than half an hour. However, there is no energy shield in this half hour, and it is easy to get rid of it.

Threw the double-hammer out of Pluto, Zhao Wenrui, accompanied by a special person, went to the inner planetary circle.

The inner planetary circle of the solar system, with the small meteorite belt as the dividing line, is now the main living area of ​​the earth's federal population, and the earth itself is morphing toward the capital star.

On the main channel to the earth, Zhao Wenrui saw the traffic-like grand scene in his memory, and the earth fully realized the goal of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature in his young illusion, wherever he is the most livable city.

Of course, including what he sees now, and what the accompanying consultant explained, is what the federal officials want him to see in order to catch him this big fish.

But if you did it, you did it. At least some people got rich first. It is better than everyone miserable. After all, he already knew that the wars between the parallel universes made the interstellar situation very complicated, and countless civilizations have been wiped out. The world ’s earth can take advantage of this opportunity, which is a remarkable thing.

Not to mention, his buttocks are not on the side of the general public. The fetal cast is good. Although it should not be flaunted, there is no need to feel owed to the world.

When he entered the heart of the Federation of the Earth, the Federal Building, he saw many Asian faces down the road, compared with Europeans and Americans, at least 6: 4, which made him feel relieved.

It was later learned through some channels like this that the white ideology did not eventually support the interstellar civilization. At least in this universe, the Orientals will be governed by the forests and the management will be better.

Happens to face the annihilation crisis of the war in the parallel universe, and the population on the capable appeals to raise the Yellow Man in one fell swoop and become the leader of the new civilization torch.

Among them, the Chinese perform best, and there is no way. The annual Spring Festival is very exerciseable. The Chinese have experience in managing a large population.

The highest power of the Federation is in the hands of 11 standing committee members. The chairman is Chinese.

The other party did a lot of homework in advance, knowing that Zhao Wenrui came from a distant parallel universe that was difficult to calculate. In that universe, many people didn't even know who Iron Man was.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have been able to come up with such a strategy as "far and near attack". At this moment, they have the advantage of first hand. Naturally, they try their best to tie Zhao Wenrui to his chariot. .

Chairman Li did not rush to climb the relationship, but said that he can invite the most professional tour guides to take Zhao Wenrui around, after all, there are still many cultural heritage-level buildings around.

Zhao Wenrui naturally had an appetite for the 'Journey of Feelings', so he quickly went on the road.

Financial freedom, there are no people or things that distract people. What they want to do is a three-month emotional journey. Naturally, Zhao Wenrui made up for the regrets of this life and even the previous life. That is quite enjoyable.

In the last few days, I also went to several famous scenic spots around the world. The final overall evaluation is: if you love him (her), send him (her) to the earth.

No need for the second half of the sentence. They are not worthy of enjoying everything on earth.

Although time has passed for a long time, the human class structure still has that familiar taste, even more extreme.

The extreme manifestation is that the gap between each other is so great that the enslaved class feels desperate, and even the thought of fighting and doing things cannot be born.

So, it was widely recognized that the birth of the "Clan" was noble, and then went back to compete for the semi-open social ranking in the same group.

Zhao Wenrui met his brother-in-law grandfather who was very capitalized and expressed his views on this: "Just as they are fairies who don't eat human fireworks, the living circles of fairies and ordinary people can't get together. It ’s okay to think of the opponent as an opponent. Is n’t it ill? The mortal circle is enough to climb. You really need to have the ability to start from scratch and become a life planet owner to build your own fleet. There is no space for you to display. Alright? "

The reason is actually so simple. Everyone has a life. It ’s not many years since they were full. Since a certain class did n’t stand in the way, why hold the banner of doctrine dead? You must know that a thousand years will go forward. Ordinary people will not rebel as long as the society is stable and prices are stable. The wife and children of Kangtou will not be rebelled. Now that they are broad, but there are also vast interstellar stars that can display their talents. That kind of reason is like a grin that was run over by the fairies like a bug, thinking about the five steps of blood splashing, right? That's called terror-terrorism-righteousness.

Zhao Wenrui slowly pondered this social structure, and felt that this was probably the ultimate beautiful form of capitalist victory. Raising a class to the altar, the general public also recognized. And basically everything is fine.

Feelings are over, and naturally it is time to talk about the business.

Zhao Wenrui was very kind and expressed his warm hospitality, which made him deeply impressed. As an oriental tradition of giving back, he was willing to donate a batch of technology to the Federation, provided that the company leader who received the technology must be the original Chinese.

In fact, during the time when Zhao Wenrui played, the Double Hammer made many small actions, including Internet intrusion and field investigation.

Is to investigate the current level of human technology.

He does n’t mind sending some technology, trading some technology, or even making more profits to make certain guys happy, but he also does n’t want to be a big deal. And he knew the truth of Sheng Mien and Dou Miqiu.

Finally, at least at this stage, he doesn't want to be deeply tied to the human civilization chariot in this universe. The upper battlefield is a warrior and the lower battlefield is a technician. Sorry, he hasn't realized that yet.

In any case, Zhao Wenrui's feedback is very satisfying to the federal boss.

Chairman said: "Look, it is deeply influenced by our Chinese culture, it is to understand etiquette."

After this smooth operation of Zhao Wenrui, the two sides successfully grew into the cooperation mode. Zhao Wenrui performed very cheerfully and directly put out more than 5,000 technology transfer agreements, indicating that these are sales products.

Is actually behind this, after precise calculation, those technologies can be sold, sold to several versions, and so on.

The federal side naturally also has a think tank to perform calculations. After calculating, it shows that Zhao Wenrui ’s sincerity still exists. What do these technologies represent? In a word, it means that the level of starship manufacturing in the Federation has been directly improved by 300 years, and the Federation currently has experiments The room-level related technologies can just take over the effect. With these technologies, the Federation not only has the guiding light in various fields, but also does not delay the actual application.

Is such a coincidence, naturally it is personal to see that it is greasy.

Then he naturally thought of Wang Wangshu.

However, the management style of the current management of the Federation is orientalized. The President of the Federation: Treat friends ~ ~ We want to be as warm as spring ...

So at the end of the fall of this year, when the trading dust settled, the tight spell on Zhao Wenrui finally loosened a few buckles. And Zhao Wenrui has a formal identity in the Federation, except that the Double Hammer has to stop there, and there are no restrictions in other aspects.

As for the traded goods paid by the federal party, they are basically heavy metals.

Zhao Wenrui remembered that when he was an earthman, when people imagined the space age, one of the obsessions is that a certain planet is pure gold, and pulling it back can directly crash the gold market.

Thinking about this now, I feel a bit like the emperor's Jin Biandan. Heavy metals are scarce in the entire universe. When you have the ability to pull back the gold meteorite in space, you will know the value of gold. It can be said that there are not too many.

Zhao Wenrui has been driving the Double Hammer for so many years, and has done many times to blast the planet for heavy metals.

Of course, the Earth Federation certainly earns more than him. The benefits in time alone are astronomical figures that cannot be calculated. Not to mention that for up to half a year, new technologies can begin to have a positive impact on the federal landscape.

Zhao Wenrui was willing to buy a scalpel ticket when he was willing, who had left him alone for too long.

"How can he be replenished in popular places for decades to get rid of that lonely cold?" He thought.

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