Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1048: Fairy life

For a fleet that is planning to make a group jump, more than one-third suddenly becomes a bumper car, which is undoubtedly a disaster for the top.

In particular, these bumper cars seem to be random and random, but in fact cooperate with each other, so that the entire fleet has almost no complete unit to stay out of the situation.

This also blames and exterminates itself, always a mess, without so much talk and attention.

This is not because of its lack of food, but because of its chaotic nature.

The insect concubine Kalusina realized that the catastrophe was coming, and issued an evacuation order in a decisive manner.

It must be said that Karusina's super intuition is indeed okay. Before closing the window period, together with a small fleet of insect swarms, they broke out of a strange death pocket.

When they looked at the dark star field behind them, the flashes of explosions became more and more frequent, just like a shining star, with a feeling of the rest of the life after the disaster, and quietly made a decisive decision for their previous crash and the escape. Likes.

But this kind of euphoria did not last long and was replaced by a new panic.

From the very beginning, the Nanoworm Corps has left behind. Those Namibia teams that did not hit any wormships completely during the throwing operation of guns and spears flew into deep space, and then assembled, united, fine-tuned, and prepared.

Now, they play the blade of death.

When the ships of the worm swarm discovered these black blades, it was too late. Then it was a close fight with the dogs.

The exclusive, splendid and luxurious hall suddenly turned off, the emergency avoidance lamp turned on, and the gloom dimmed.

The attendant who had been there before disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Ren Kalusina did not respond when she called.

Loneliness and fear slowly climbed into my heart, and Kalusina got up from the couch in a panic, and took a few steps forward to realize that she didn't even have a goal.

Where are you going? Here is its mobile nest.

It regretted it and initiated the action on a whim.

Of course mainly because of failure.

In the past, time and time again, she had never regretted her whim when she saw howling and screaming in the flames and explosions.

It felt like there was a difference behind him, and when he turned around suddenly, he didn't know when he came behind him, and there was an identical existence.

Too late to express any emotion, the other person suddenly pointed his finger, and the long needle was inserted into Karusina's brain, making his movements stiff.

Karusina didn't die. On the contrary, its death process was afraid that it was several times longer than the annihilation process of its fleet. Because it takes time to extract information ...

This is the first time that Zhao Wenrui has witnessed the actual combat of the Nanoworm Corps.

Although he has inherited this army for a long time, he has spent time on the road, and even for so many years, he has not encountered a creature that is worthy of the enemy.

The fake handle finally opened this time, after all, as long as he wanted, he could get any perspective that nanoworms can generate at any time.

To be honest, the war style left by his predecessor seems to be nothing in theory, but it can be substituted into the details, and it feels a bit cruel and weird.

He knew that the killing itself was cruel.

He also knows that protecting himself as securely as possible while killing him quickly and effectively, there is nothing wrong with such tactical guidance.

But when cruelty and sly figurativeness are in the details, he still feels uncomfortable and makes him feel that even making some irrational concessions can be tolerated.

Zhao Wenrui thought a bit self-deprecatingly: "There is no slight discomfort in killing hundreds of millions of intelligent lives at one time. Instead, is it a sly way to obliterate, is this a psychological distortion?"

In any case, Zhao Wenrui finally specifically asked the Nanoworm Corps to hand Karusina to the Earth Federation in the form of a specimen, which was regarded as a transaction voucher.

A crisis that was enough to destroy the Earth Federation was thus strangled, but his aftermath was far-reaching.

Among them, naturally includes a re-recognition of Zhao Wenrui and his Nanoworm Corps.

To be honest, many people's first feeling is thrill.

Anyone who is a little bit familiar with Nanoworms knows that for this little thing, moving 1 cm is a more miraculous miracle than a lame running out of the Olympics.

In addition, since they are called nanoworms, they are really small to a certain level, and the polymerization of tens of millions of units may not be larger than the volume of a drop of water.

Okay, simply combine these two points, and then understand the series of performances under the double hammer, and then understand the series of performance under the single hammer. Anyone may say that I have a big grass. This is how many Olympic miracle nanoworms are in jobs?

Then add the wisdom.

Many imaginative federals will come to this conclusion:

Zhao Wenrui didn't come to the Federation alone on a big ship alone, but came with a civilization with a population of trillions and trillions!

It ’s just that people ’s demographic form is not the same as that of the Earth Federation, and they were super good animals at that time, with loyalty, risk, patience, and ultra-low requirements ...

Why is it a population, because of wisdom! Each tiny subunit has enough wisdom to think independently and has the ability to perform tasks independently. This ability is far superior to humans in some respects. Is this not enough?

Faced with such a group of wise bodies, ask, who does not panic?

Especially from the perspective of the organizational structure of the state, it is absolutely necessary that even if the tiger is harmless, people must be tiger-proof. So, I am sorry, although Zhao Wenrui can be said to have saved the federal government and saved the people of the federal government, it has not received friendship and closeness, but a deeper alert.

Of course, coveted again.

So Zhao Wenrui began to taste the feeling of being exhausted.

For him, these concepts are still relatively new, and can be played with for a period of time without any negative precipitation.

In fact, for him, the three years of colonizing the satellite city of Hongmen was three years of solid personality.

The original memories of Zhao Wenrui's hometown are enough to support his complete three views of personality. After all, the design given by C Kane is an inactive officer from Earth China who has many stories.

The main problem of Zhao Wenrui who was awakened again is that the lack of memory always makes him into a state of inconsistency, and many of these parts that are made up by speculative brain holes are not very persuasive. Willing to replace.

Therefore, during the life of the Hongmen colony, we encountered similar problems, and the memories of real experiences replaced these brain hole memories little by little.

So Zhao Wenrui really didn't plan to leave in a hurry.



As always, Zhao Wenrui went out for a walk in the morning, and occasionally greeted the acquaintances on the road.

The early morning here is almost the same as the national fitness scene that he interpreted in the American drama in his memory. There are many people who go out in the morning to exercise, walk, jog, and do exercises. Most people's bodies are well maintained.

Sometimes you can also see some alternative landscapes. For example, Zhao Wenrui walked along the embankment of the artificial river. Far away, he saw several boys and girls in school uniforms pushing and pushing a girl.


This Zhao Wenrui can find relevant memories, but there is nothing particularly outstanding, such as extremely brutal means, endless and so on.

Zhao Wenrui thinks that this may be because in the time when he lived, everyone was a poor child, and they all took a lot of part. They were afraid of going too far and would bring disasters to their families. Moreover, family education was generally successful and the overall social atmosphere was also good For the sake of it.

Anyway, there is not too much bad things happening on campus.

Because of this, he would feel a sense of anger and lack of realism for the particularly cruel and cunning calculation of the unlimited brutal operation he saw later in his memory.

He also retains a memory of such issues as an active military officer: What happened to the children of this era? How could it be more cruel than you who are fighting terrorists in frontiers? We have sacrificed so many defenses, are these things, and the human soil that breeds them?

Zhao Wenrui does not have much indignation in this regard now. After all, he did n’t pay much, not to mention the sacrifice. The key is that he is not very worried about the world and the people here.

He just looked at the problem after he entered it, and there were some touches, mainly temporary and sensuous, but the rational one was actually unsettled.

This is not the first time Zhao Wenrui has encountered bullying, but this is the first time he has seen such a serious situation.

The five men and women pushed the girl's head into the water and repeated it several times, causing it to directly suffocate and coma, forming a floating-corpse-like effect.

Zhao Wenrui frowned and walked over in a few steps.

At that moment, the five men and women were a little flustered and were about to slip away. Zhao Wenrui thought for a while and slapped them directly into the water.

He leaned over and threw the comatose bully on the embankment. He said blankly to the five 'falling soup chickens': "How do you feel about being forced to drown for the exam question? Let me talk about it. Please learn carefully. "

Speaking, he held two of them and pressed his head in the water, no matter how he struggled, it seemed like a dragonfly rocking a stone pillar without shaking.

The other three screamed for help, cried for mercy, but couldn't run away. Zhao Wenrui's slap was very exquisite. They are now sore and a negative effect of excessive secretion of adrenaline.

"Let go of my child!" A woman rushed over half crazy.

Zhao Wenrui also rewarded her with a slap.

Soon it will be two 'floating corpses', and then make two, and the last one.

Of course, it will not kill people, killing but boring.

When the nearby police rushed to the police, they saw six ugly young men gasping on the river embankment. The biggest problem is actually a middle-aged woman shivering.

Zhao Wenrui did the most serious damage to her.

Behind every lawless bear child, there is at least one unscrupulous parent.

Today, Zhao Wenrui let the bear child watch with his own eyes, because he, his mother's taste was completely taken away.

This kind of education is basically not recognized by the public, too violent and rude.

But Zhao Wenrui did not feel wrong.

He even felt that these operations, with a precise purpose, could not be regarded as education, but as warnings.

Education and education is a matter for ourselves, parents, and specialized institutions.

Other people or organizations are not responsible for helping someone become a talent.

It ’s only your own business to fail to learn well. It ’s different if you endanger others.

As a consequence, Zhao Wenrui used a fierce modern newspaper to express the existence of this concept.

After all, under normal circumstances, the expression, process, and final manifestation of the consequences are always not so satisfactory.

For example, the influence of the law of youth and heavyness.

From the perspective of federal law, Zhao Wenrui's behavior was a crime. Zhao Wenrui knew it himself, so he didn't leave, and was obediently taken with a bracelet and arrested at the police station.

Other people involved in the case are all going to the hospital, mainly because the psychological shadow area is somewhat large.

In the interrogation room, Zhao Wenrui confessed to his injury, but he did not plead guilty.

He said: "I only admit that I have violated relevant federal laws and I am willing to accept sanctions. But I will not say that I did something wrong, nor will I apologize to the victim."

The two sides haven't engaged in any more intense disputes on these issues. The police station received an absolute order. Zhao Wenrui must be released immediately and unconditionally. Anyone who has difficulty in implementation will be laid off from the police.

Then Zhao Wenrui was free.

Zhao Wenrui didn't say much and left with a smile.

The law originally restricted the general public and was ineffective against the ruling. Of course, in order to facilitate the general public to be an ostrich in this aspect of cognition, they will generally give a face to not expose the bad things that need to be jailed or beheaded according to the law.

As for the development of modern information, paper can't keep fire. In fact, it is all about seeing it or not.

Like Zhao Wenrui this time.

He acted as a policeman, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger. In fact, there are many onlookers, and some people use mobile phones to shoot.

But in the end, not on the Internet, nor in the phone. Except for the parties and a few witnesses on the scene, no one knows what happened on the river embankment in the morning.

Zhao Wenrui is an attentive person. He knows that his operations are similar. For victims, the impact of the incident will be a problem.

For example, the gang is evil, does not repent, and cannot find him, nor dare to find him to vent, so he leans more evil fire on the victim.

Things are indeed moving in this direction.

So Zhao Wenrui appeared again in time.

But this time he appeared in front of the victim, after he was abused.

"You think bitterness can recognize the head, but they obviously get worse. How about, accept my help? Help you solve this problem."

The battered girl looked like a scared rabbit, and looked down at Zhao Wenrui silently.

Zhao Wenrui held out his hand, and there was a blue translucent capsule in his hand, which looked like a hard candy.

"No third parties outside of you are involved. You also saw my skills while on the river bank."

"I ~ ~ I won't fight!" Bunny whispered.

"Without your fight, simulated wisdom will fight with your body. Of course, fight is not the point, but there is a means for higher reasoning. As for simulated wisdom, it is a set of programmable human brain waves. "

The little rabbit hesitated and agreed.

As a result, it is true that as Zhao Wenrui said, fighting is only a means, but Zhao Wenrui did not say that the only means of reasoning he prepared was fighting.

Seeing one fight at a time, all kinds of pain are unbearable but no superficial injuries can be seen. It is useless no matter whether it is one battle or five, or one-on-one. Finally, the three men and two women who were beaten transferred to school.

The victim himself, from being forced to adapting, to accepting, to having fun, despite being crooked, walked out of inferiority, no longer dodge and wince like the past makes people feel pitiful and ridiculous.

The Federal President also talked about this later: "It seems that our guest is a person with a strong sense of justice, and I personally appreciate his handling."

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