Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1049: Reincarnation

Without the bullying incident, Zhao Wenrui returned to a peaceful and public life.

In his time house there are two half-day workers 'front desk, two half-day workers' cleaning, and a manager.

The sum of various expenses, including wages of hired workers, is much lower than the daily turnover, but if you add the technical expenses generated by soda and calculate the rent at the market price, you will lose money.

Therefore, his shop is actually relying on the storefront without spending money, and the production technology is also posted by itself, so that it is profitable.

Zhao Wenrui will come here at more than 9 o'clock in the morning, leave at about 11 o'clock, come at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and leave at about 5 o'clock, plus he always walks, so even the staff can figure it out, he comes to the store , In fact, just tired, rest and rest.

A large part of each day is spent walking the streets, and the shop assistants privately call them shopping men.

Of course, the Earth Federation Central Think Tank has a different interpretation, especially after Zhao Wenrui helped kill an annihilation swarm of a fleet of more than 50,000 ships.

Think tanks believe that Zhao Wenrui is observing human life.

If the Double Hammer is regarded as a peculiar life group, then Zhao Wenrui is one of its eyes. A pair of special ones, with eyes that look at the society and the world.

Therefore, a normal career is meaningless to Zhao Wenrui. Observation is the meaning of Zhao Wenrui's life in the world and is also a task.

Of course, this is not the truth. The truth is to perfect oneself and stabilize one's personality. Nanoworms are tools, not masters.

Another three years is like water.

Zhao Wenrui thinks he can. He deliberately conducted a series of tests with the help of Zhinao, and the test results satisfied him.

Now he is a complete person. Although he has lost a lot of memory, he has basically no adverse effects.

Just when he thought about what to do next.

A thing of special significance to him happened.

This morning, he arrived at the store, brewing a cup of tea for himself, and then lying on the sofa watching the news with a tablet computer. He saw a news about the attack on Sirius ’pioneering colony.

Sirius is 8.6 light-years away from Earth. For the Earth Federation, its strategic significance is similar to that of Barnard Star, which annihilated the annihilation swarm of Carusina.

Zhao Wenrui naturally started related searches. This kind of search can often collect some small videos from folks, of course, it must be timely enough, because a lot of them will often be killed by the official team.

As a result, in a folk video, he saw Flash Gundam!

How could the Marvel Universe have flash Gundam?

Zhao Wenrui feels that the only explanation is-reincarnation!

He became interested in it, because he vaguely saw the way home.

This video was quickly deleted, but this made Zhao Wenrui more and more believe that Flash Gundam is not a prank made by some people.

After a little thought, he called the Federation directly and asked for the Sirius domain, the latest war report during this period.

The federation did not respond slowly, and dozens of T's data were transmitted in spite.

Zhao Wenrui asked Zhinao to help sort and classify.

Finally, the information about Flash Gundam is about 14 G. Among them is the section shown in the folk video, but the shooting angle is different and the duration is longer.

Well, now that there is indeed such a thing, then you can try to contact its driver.

The flash Gundam comes from the mobile combat biography, referred to as G Gundam, is the protagonist's car.

The main feature of the Gundam is the all-day screen man-machine integrated system. No matter how people move inside, the Gundam moves outside. Some are like the Pacific Rim, but the flexibility is not as good as the sky and the ground.

This is the only reason to explain why the mecha is designed to be humanoid.

Otherwise, the same technology can definitely build a better firepower platform, even the rich and self-willed Tony? Stark dare not really develop mechs and buy them as arms, which does not meet the needs of the market and the battlefield for weapons. Will be slagged by peers with cheap and good quality other designs.

Mobile Fighting Biography is also the only pilot in the Gundam series that can be demolished by hand. For example, the BOSS inside, the East is undefeated, and it can really bare hands and Gundam just front.

Even so, it is the same for human beings in this world and this era. After all, the steel armor has been invented for more than a thousand years, and now the Earth Federation does not lack all kinds of armor and larger armaments.

So just like Stark had put out anti-hulk armed forces, the Federation implemented a mature plan almost immediately to deal with the Flash Gundam, so as to quickly print out a batch of mechas and pursue the Flash Gundam. .

When Zhao Wenrui arrived in Sirius, the flashing Gundam was hiding with the mechas.

Zhao Wenrui quickly participated in it, not in the pursuit, but in the process of the federal mech pursuit, jumped out to cover the flash of Gundam.

Naturally, it was natural to communicate with the Federal Party in advance, and even arranged extremely simple battle scenes.

Zhao Wenrui promised to still be a large fleet that helped solve the sudden invasion like the Karusina fleet at a cost price. The Federation readily expressed its willingness to cooperate fully.

Then, one day, the federal mech unit suddenly sent out heavy soldiers, flashing up to dangerous dangers, and looking at it with cold eyes. Suddenly a third-party mech entered and the operation was as fierce as a tiger. The attack of the federal mechs was overwhelmed, and the third-party mechs took the opportunity to lead the flash Gundam to escape into the nearby meteorite belt, and then disappeared.

In a simple hollow refuge in the meteorite belt, the armor chest of Zhao Wenrui's car was opened upwards, like the lifted front cover of the car, and part of it was turned forward to form a small platform from which Zhao Wenrui passed the zip line. Fall to the ground.

The opening design of the Gundam opposite is similar, but the driver jumps directly.

"Hello, this is Zhao Wenrui, not someone from this world."

"Well, I can see that MS-18E Jingbao Fan, the mecha armoured in the Pocket Wars, I still have it in my house." The other party pointed to Zhao Wenrui's mecha car, like a few treasures.

The other party said, "Oh, yes, my name is Li Xiang. I accidentally discovered the universe and came over with my teammates to collect some resources. What about you?"

With that, Li Xiang held Zhao Wenrui's right hand out and shook it vigorously.

"I came across."

"Of course I know you came through, and we ... wait, you mean that you crossed here directly from the earth? Didn't you go through the main **** system?"


"I'm going, Real European Emperor!"

Zhao Wenrui saw Li Xiang a little bit excited, and then said quickly: "If I can, I would like to be a member of the main **** system, it is better than being trapped here."

Li Xiang's eyes widened and his breath was short, "Then someone is willing to give you the qualifications, do you want to do it?"

"of course."

"Haha!" Li Xiang laughed twice and said, "Do you know what kind of trouble you need to face to become a reincarnation?"

"Please say."

Li Xiang said briefly.

In fact, the well-known ones are mainly mandatory tasks and failure to obliterate.

In addition, the existence of the space of the Lord God must not be revealed. In fact, the rules of the space of the gods are different.

Like Li Xiangtai's, it can't be disclosed. How to find a successor?

But correspondingly, the requirements for successors are also quite high, and can only be stronger than the successors.

Therefore, whether it can be achieved or not depends on whether it can pass the mark transfer.

Yes, indicating that the Lord God recognizes that the replacement is better.

If it can't, it will use the power at the time the contract is concluded to hate the successor.

As for the successor's account, turn around and slowly liquidate.

"You're willing to tell me this, you didn't take the opportunity to lie to me, you have a good character." Zhao Wenrui praised.

Li Xiangdao said: "This kind of thing is mainly because you like it, to lie is to pit yourself."

Zhao Wenrui smiled, no more entangled in this issue, but a very happy statement: "I have no problem, if you plan to transfer the qualifications to you, then you can."

Li Xiang's eyes lit up and his face was happy.

"It is indeed me, you do n’t know how difficult it is to find a qualified person willing to take over like me. Great! Let ’s make a deputy contract first, so that we can go back and arrange the next thing, and then formally make a contract You take over and I retire. "

"OK, I have no problem here."

In addition to representing each other ’s intentions, the deputy contract can also establish a connection. In addition, it can conduct a certain test to test whether the successor is qualified.

The signing of the contract was exceptionally smooth.

Li Xiangxin said: "Sure enough, I can't underestimate people, it looks very ordinary, the strength is still above me!"

Zhao Wenrui felt that with the establishment of the contract, some law entered his soul.

As for C Kane who was watching in the dark, he thought: "It is very good to help the deity to solve some of the grudges of the year."

Of course, in fact, it is not easy at all. Although the main **** space is the same as the Vientiane door system, but like people are different, the main **** space is also an individual who operates independently, and the details are greatly different.

A few days later, Zhao Wenrui and Li Xiang met again and quickly entered the theme.

The final step of the contract also seems easy, that is, a special handshake. The two have specialized equipment in their palms, piercing their palms, and then the information data using the material as the carrier begins to flow.

When the circulation is successfully completed, a data will be fed back to Li Xiang, while the dead hand system existing in Li Xiang's body is closed, and the disintegration process is also started.

The so-called disintegration process is a system of ability improvement based on the system framework provided by the main space, and most of the impact will be dissipated, including a lot of important memory information.

This aspect requires the active cooperation of the target person to erase.

After completing this procedure, Li Xiang was officially released from the main space.

In the words of Li Xiang: "This space of the main **** is to make it clear that taking samsara as an exploration tool and a nugget tool. It is hard to live as a samsara, but the relationship is pure and the benefits are pure."

After Zhao Wenrui succeeded, he first concluded a treaty of overlord. Then opened a special band of soul channel, which is considered to be a group that has landed in the main **** space.

Just wait for the announcement, and do n’t need him to stay too long.

As for the rest, everything is just as usual. Every master space is a good player in manipulating time and space, and it will not directly occupy too much time under it. Often in reality, the time of the tea, a task is already over.

On this day, Zhao Wenrui had just spread out from the early morning and was about to go shopping to the time house, and the notice of the main space was here. To ask him to do the task, or try the task.

Zhao Wenrui said: "The application of thick underworld in the main space of God is really okay. All the appointments have been signed, and the name of the job test is made. It is nothing more than just wanting to talk about it. Not at all atmospheric. "

However, Lord God Space also has an atmospheric side, or it can not be said that it is atmospheric or not, but a mechanism of Lord God Space, that is, Lord God Space will give the reincarnation one hour to understand the mission time before the mission begins.

Like this time, the relevant information of the task was collected and listed as far as possible in front of Zhao Wenrui. He just flipped through. The main part of the task has also been given.

Of course, this also means that sometimes it is a zero-progress exploration task with a glimpse of the main **** space, then the reincarnation is really looking at the grass and taking the life.

However, this does not matter to Zhao Wenrui. Since he woke up, he has always had a strange mentality. He can get out of this mentality, but the mentality has always been there.

This mentality is summarized as follows: I am a cow, a cow beyond my own imagination. What I have experienced now is just a small episode to go on the road to greatness. Isn't there anything like that.

He didn't know why there was such a strange state of inexplicable self superiority, but there was.

In fact, C Kane can explain: it is related to the old branch factor, and it is related to the soul.

Some old branch avatars, the first cry of birth, the concept of howling is ‘great’, even if it looks like Tuo Xiang itself. This is determined by the information engraved in the genes.

There is no need to say more about the soul of the gods. Everything has never been equal. God stands on a high place without question.

Zhao Wenrui looked at the specific content of this mission just like the briefing of the mission.

StarCraft, Wings of Liberty chapter period.

Jim Reynolds helped the Mobius Foundation to dig the Sarnaga artifact under the frustration of his friend Teks Finley.

It just happens that the old lover Kerrigan and her swarm are also bound to get the artifact. So the artifact fragment was in hand, but it was surrounded by insect swarms, and now we need to stand firm and wait for the breakthrough.

If this period of warfare is treated as a copy, it can be called-a critical moment.

Zhao Wenrui knew that Jim Reynolds and his party in history had successfully waited for the Huberian, the captain of Horner, to flee before being overwhelmed by the swarm.

The problem now is that the enemy is feeding. In the later period, genetic engineer Abathur, who was the chief technology officer of the new Queen of Blades, invested some experimental bodies ~ ~ I want to pass the actual test.

The thing that the guy made was either fierce, insidious, or fierce and venomous. In short, it is synonymous with freshness and super difficult to deal with, so if Jim Reynolds is knocked down by this dull, it may well be invincible.

The Wings of Freedom broke off, and the Rangers became a group of dead mules.

The main task of Zhao Wenrui is to avoid such things.

As for his debut identity.

He will be the captain of one of the three Imperial Marines teams scattered in this area.

In the original history, Renault let people turn on the base equipment, search for available combat power in the area, and then find and rescue them to save them from the dead mouth. Finally, these marines survived to board the Huberian, basically All joined the Rangers.

Zhao Wenrui feels that this person set up in the space of the Lord God is okay.

And this mission is not too difficult for him ...

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