Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1050: Gather soldiers

"Captain, captain!"

Zhao Wenrui, who completed the substitution of characters, glanced at the sound, even though the power combat uniform could feel the confusion of the other party.

"What's wrong, Newt?"

"We are blocked, Captain!"

"Oh, let me take a look." Zhao Wenrui's fake look peeked out of the window.

Retracted, "Your observations are still keen, Newt. Practice more in the future and try to turn it into a special skill."

"Oh, oh!" Newt responded absent-mindedly.

Zhao Wenrui looked at the other two Marines and a medical soldier.

"I know that everyone is exposed to bugs for the first time, and they are in large numbers. They are all brutal and die, plus the previous heavy losses, everyone was frightened."

Several people focused their attention on Zhao Wenrui.

"I was also scared." Zhao Wenrui said frankly: "It's not shameful. The most frightening thing is the unknown. Before the bugs came into contact, it was unknown to us. We knew too little about them. We do n’t know anything about the way of fighting, the weakness of the longboard, and then the raid ... "

"But now that we have won the respite, we have calmed down and can think calmly. This is the time for us to use our greatest advantage, 'wisdom.'"

"I happen to have some personal gadgets, upgrade yourself first, and then go out and kill the bugs that block the door to see the effect, you just need to put me in pressure."

Several marines looked at each other, and thought the captain was crazy? At this time, you are going to play Warframe Magic Change. Are you afraid that the sound is too low to attract the attention of bugs? Also, when were you brave enough to single out the bugs to hold us up?

Thinking about preventing it, Zhao Wenrui said: "The upgrade is complete."

What did you do?

"Okay, watch me show."

"Captain, let's say goodbye. We believe that your fighting strength is very original, but let's think about other ways."

"This is an order, you just need to witness."

"It's over, the captain is mad and wants to deliver food!" Several people were pessimistic when they couldn't see the organization.

Wearing a cmc350-powered combat uniform, Zhao Wenrui has a c-14 "nail" Gauss rifle in one hand and a rotten iron piece in the other. This is the new weapon he just tinkered with.

This is naturally not an ordinary rotten iron piece, but processed by nanoworms, otherwise it will not be able to cut the **** shell of Zegner that is comparable to alloys.

Nanoworm is naturally the basis of Zhao Wenrui.

There is a space specially created in the Soul of God. Although it is not big, there are only 3 cubes, but it is full of nano bugs, which is enough to do many things.

Just 300 meters away from the front, the head of the worm, a Hydra, first discovered the movement here, and screamed at Zhao Wenrui from afar, and was about to fire a needle.

Each of the Hydra's acupuncture is comparable to a steel core armor-piercing projectile fired by an anti-tank rifle, and even a chariot can still penetrate.

But this time it had no chance.

In other words, there are too many foreplays.

Zhao Wenrui shot first, and the Gaussian electric rail technology accelerated the magnetized nail projectile to supersonic speed. Three rounds of fire, weakly spread, directly opened three big fist blood holes on the Hydra ’s huge head, and half pulled his face They were all smashed up, the injuries were too concentrated, and they hung up on the spot.

The Hydra's death disturbed the jumping insect, and the five velociraptor-like jumping insects jumped out of the soil, discerning the direction, and rushed towards Zhao Wenrui.

As soon as one of them jumped, a bullet penetrated its body.

The other one just landed two seconds later, and a bullet pierced the base of its leg, causing it to fall over and unable to move quickly.

The third person who was shot was shot while jumping in the air.

Obviously, Zhao Wenrui was very time-stricken, and while the Zergling was in the air, there was little use for flexibility and evasion, and he shot it in one fell swoop.

To be honest, as long as you can hold your breath, and a little bit of technology, it is not too difficult to do, not much harder than shooting a flying saucer. Of course, weapons and equipment can not fall off the chain.

There are still two, Zhao Wenrui has basically no time to shoot. The jump of the hoppers is really fast. For them, the distance of 300 meters only requires two or three breaths of ordinary people.

The jumper let go, and the human visual and judgmental responses can only barely keep up with their movements. It is even more difficult to keep up with the hand and foot reactions.

But Zhao Wenrui felt okay.

Because their behavior is predictable, they all want to attack him, which is relatively easy to pinch.

Fighting one after the other, a small time difference, the beast's tactical play, but the fire is perfect.

Zhao Wenrui avoided the first and engaged in the second, but was still scratched by the first. The thigh leg armor on the right side was directly damaged, and Zhao Wenrui's machete also shoveled away the second head.

With a backhanded knife, he flew the first tail shot, shot and hit the jumper's waist just after landing.

As a result, the second one, who was dead but not stiff, made a slight stroke with an arm knife and a tail knife, staggered, and missed a supplementary shot.

The waist of the first jumper was blurred, and he still slammed hard.

Zhao Wenrui turned sideways in time, hit it with the right shoulder of the gun, then shot it with a rifle, then turned back and gave the rifle twice to the second jumper that originally had no head, this thing stood up and was not drunk Boxing is also possible, but it is safer to completely destroy the texture structure.

Look again, just after being swiped just a bit, the carapace has left a deep dent.

The impression is that the alloy carapace is like a piece of paper with a slightly thicker root in front of the sharp limbs of the bugs. Zhao Wenrui also deliberately cut the arm-knife test of the jumping insect, and found that the arm-knife is of high density and hardness, a natural treasure knife, and cut gold and broken jade.

"Well, you can make a survival knife ..."

1 Hydra 5 Jumper, Zhao Wenrui undoubtedly handed over a heroic transcript.

The rookie named Newt all danced happily on the spot, as if it was himself who achieved this result.

Zhao Wenrui couldn't help being infected when he saw him, and raised his mouth.

The members of the Marine Corps are mainly prisoners, and some are clones. However, the cost of cultivating human clones is not low. Whether it is the former Terun Federation or the Keha Empire established by Mengsk, it is a bit unbearable. So the most common is orphans. There are also ones that have been cultivated all the way from fertilized fetuses, but those are the seeds of **** troops that ordinary troops cannot see.

Several of Zhao Wenrui ’s team members were prisoners, including medical female soldiers, who became qualified soldiers after ‘re-socialization’. Not to mention sensitive points, you are good friends. Once you touch the scales, you will most likely run away on the spot.

So Zhao Wenrui decided to reform them early in the morning, and the Empire's brainwashing program was too bad.

The killing of Li Wei this time is to make them more obedient to him. After all, before this, the original captain was not successful at all.

With Nano Worms in hand, Zhao Wenrui is almost a DIY master who can do everything.

He quickly built the equipment. Then tell a few people: "You saw all the bugs I had seen before, just do what I said, you can do it, it's very simple ..."

Then transcranial scanning with high frequency electromagnetic. It seems to be shaking the head back and forth with a magnetic device, without even touching the scalp, but in fact the operation has been done. The brain itself has no tactile nerves, so even if it is cut, it will not feel pain.

"Hey, don't say it. The effect is really obvious. I feel calm. I don't feel too scared to think about the bugs."

Child, do you really think it's a good thing to have no fear and no more excitement?

Obviously, young people like Newt do not understand how precious they are.

So in fact, Zhao Wenrui still has a strong scum attribute.

As a fighter, these four players are indeed above the qualifications, but not excellent.

Then Zhao Wenrui took the opportunity to let Nanoworms merge with their power armor suits.

Comprehensive optimization and transformation, under implementation ...

The old and outdated cmc-350 (the herds are all cmc-600), began to undergo reborn changes, naturally including weapons.

Two hours later, the magic reform was completed, during which they also collected some materials.

Now they look more like well-known mercenary war pigs, the armor is obviously more slim, it looks very fit, but it has the classic overall shape of the cmc series of power armor suits.

It's just that there is a huge and thick shield on the left arm. Even if it is hollow, the weight is too much. The marines can hold it but can maintain balance, and it is not difficult to travel.

The Gauss rifle, which has an external extended barrel, deflects the style of the entire gun from the assault step to the style of the precision rifle. It looks a little bluffing.

Zhao Wenrui nodded with satisfaction, he can be sure that now his several men, the fighting style and combat effectiveness have reached the level of elite Marine soldiers, that is, there is still some lack of technology.

"Brothers, we need to search and rescue other trapped marines and practice the marksmanship."

The four team members readily accepted the proposal. So the pedestrian went on the road.

By this time, the three nearby worm nests had been outputting squadrons steadily. Their main tactics are blasters + sideways. Before then, squadrons were responsible for clearing out the passages and probing the enemy ’s firepower deployment.

So the worms of the safari are basically wreaking havoc, and anything that obstructs their eyes along the way will rush up and shred. The jumping insects are very good at doing this, and tearing up a large camper of this era, it is only a matter of tens of seconds.

The three Zhao Wenrui encountered the most along the way, it is this safari soldiers, usually three or two companions, not enough Zhao Wenrui they killed.

Newt also said: "Really like the captain said, is to practice the shooting method of moving targets."

But just a few hours ago, a dozen of them were run by their farts chased by two jumpers, and they dared not return their heads.

At the T-junction, Zhao Wenrui found the ambush with bugs under the newly loaded equipment.

Like the worm he had killed by himself, a Hydra carrying five jumping insects.

Shock wave bombs serve.

The earth conducts energy very rigidly, and the worms are squeezed out of the ground, and then they are collected from a long distance. Fierce and precise bullets tore them into pieces.

After killing this small group and solving several similar blocked gates, Zhao Wenrui rescued three marines and a medical soldier from a small dirt slope. There are also good resources, high-energy gas and silicon crystal.

The four people naturally expressed their willingness to follow Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui said, "I do n’t take you as an outsider either. You see my brother is sturdy and strong. In fact, less than two hours ago, they were not much different from you now. I do n’t know if you are interested in ways to improve your personal combat strength. "

Of course there is too much! In this situation, combat power is the guarantee of life. And several of Zhao Wenrui's subordinates were majestic and murderous, and they were also eye-catching.

Then, without further ado, let's start the transformation. Once cooked two times, this time it is more efficient.

In fact, it is more important to take advantage of the opportunity to let Nanoworm help digest the resources, just to supplement the previous deficit, and there is still a large balance.

Zhao Wenrui felt that the battle was a correct way of adding value.

The team went on the road again, seven soldiers, two medical, each elaborate, looks like a strong soldier.

Zhao Wenrui is naturally different. He has more long swords, and those with sharp edges and corners look rough, but they also have a lot of beauty. This long sword not only represents the commander's blade, but also means that he cuts a few times.

Zhao Wenrui returned with the same way. In fact, when he was at the T-junction, he could completely cross the bridge and throw to the Renault Rangers, but he eventually went to save the gang on the small high ground.

At this time, the bugs were already operating in a small team mode. Often there were more than a dozen teams. Their demolition efficiency was very high. The roads were flattened to the ground. In the distance, even the long carpets could be seen.

The entrance area of ​​the small highland is precisely the main passage of the western worm swarm, and the northern worm swarm will also pass here, going south to cross the bridge to attack Jim Reno and his rangers.

Therefore, the insects also pay more attention to this kind of conspiracy. The king insect came over to lay the germ blanket and planted a demon tumor to control the germ blanket network and spread further.

Zhao Wenrui had to go back to the front with the defenders here.

He first organized manpower to shoot Hydras from a distance.

The Hydra shoots at this side, and a large number of jumping insects get out of the ground and rush to Zhao Wenrui's position.

Zhao Wenrui ordered the soldiers to continue to aim and shoot with a heavy shield, and to fight against the Hydralisks, and he should solve the jumping insects.

He didn't shoot this time, because he couldn't kill a few, and when he rushed in, he abandoned the gun and used a knife, but it was more inconvenient.

So when he put the soldiers in the shield, two treatments were hidden behind the soldiers in a dense array. At the end, he held the knife with both hands to protect the crowd.

Several heads of leaping insects crossed the heavy shield array one after another, but the swords flickered, and they no longer lived.

Zhao Wenrui's movements are now much faster than that of ordinary armored suits, plus the sharpness of the long sword, it is so refreshing to cut, killing one life.

Soon, the venomous Hydra almost died, and the Zerglings were almost dead. The swords and guns advanced, and quickly disappeared.

Zhao Wenrui stopped the Marines' intention to repair the sword from the Hydra, and threw a shock bomb directly.

As a result, dozens of Hydralisks and Jumpers were run out.

To say that these bugs are indeed very cruel, in order to be able to ambush, indifferently watched the death of allies.

It's a pity that those who have been paid off are brave, and this time Bai Xiu is gone, and Zhao Wenrui didn't give them a chance to be white-edged.

After the ambush point, the small high ground was already in sight.

Walking, walking, Zhao Wenrui suddenly hit him with a shoulder, hit his companion, and flew out at the same time, and just where he had just stood, a thick black spear spewed out of the ground, and then retracted back , Abruptly and swiftly, many people didn't see it clearly.

"Retreat! Retreat! Z route, there is a broken cone on the ground!" Zhao Wenrui warned loudly.

The benefits of transcranial brain surgery were reflected. No one was in a panic. Everyone immediately retreated in zigzag movements, and Zhao Wenrui stopped until after the ambush point.

"Two or two groups of vigilance, pay attention to the ground shaking at any time, pay attention to the appearance of insects such as jumping insects."

Zhao Wenrui said that he quickly got a gyroplane out, and then hung a bomb to go to the armed investigation.

The Zerg's defensive weapon, the ground spear, can only be deployed on the carpet. This information itself allowed Zhao Wenrui to determine its approximate location.

As expected, the rotorcraft found a ground spear.

There is nothing to say, this guy does not have air defense capabilities, so he can only be bombed.

Zhao Wenrui just used a gyroplane to drop a bomb, the blood exploded and his limbs twitched, and he was not alive.

Time is not waiting for people. Zhao Wenrui made people create barriers here and knocked out a simple line of defense, but he himself went to the small highlands to accept people.

As a result, the small highland walked halfway, and the people above came down by themselves.

"We have seen your performance above. We have been troubled by the ground spear before. You are good, with many ideas and effective. We follow you."

In this way, the last battle recovered, 5 Marines, plus 2 wounded, no treatment.

But Zhao Wenrui finally ran a small highland, carrying a large package of seemingly tattered things to catch up with everyone, and joined together with the marines who established a simple position.

Then there is the brainwashing + equipment upgrade that I like to see, and even the two wounded are quickly returned to the team. The medical soldier ’s injury reduction particles are certainly magical. Zhao Wenrui ’s nanoworms are even more artifacts, not to mention repairing the injury. It is not a problem to grow an extra organ Difficult. But in that case, it became the monk Astalt of the Warhammer series.

14 elite marines, 2 medical soldiers, plus his commander. This is the final staff structure of the team.

Zhao Wenrui felt that, until now, his captain was justified, and at least the number was enough.

Next, it's time to get in touch with the mission goal ~ ~ to convince your subordinates to do so, it's not too difficult.

"Brothers and sisters, although we just tasted it, it is an indisputable fact that the worms are gradually rising. If they rush out of a certain ditch like a crowd of crazy horses, simple work and our dozen lives But we can't bear it, we have to find a way out for ourselves. "

"I just received a letter from an acquaintance saying that Jim Renault ’s Rangers are still in the excavation site. But they ’re doing some planes there, and they ’re stuck there until now, indicating that they do n’t lack a way out, maybe it ’s A large ship, such as the Huberian, the former driver of the Mengsk emperor. "

"I think we can go to a seat, just because they lack some good hands to deal with bugs. And we, although they were hostile to them before, but in the face of zerg, humans should unite under the banner of population civilization and fight together. Bugs can It does n’t matter if you are an emperor or a Ranger. So, let ’s go with Jim Renault. ”

Although the brainwashing made Zhao Wenrui almost utter a word, he still paid much attention to methods and methods. When the explanations were clear, they were unambiguous. After all, the little brothers willingly contribute to the virtuous circle and make him more authoritative in the hearts of these people. On the contrary, there will be a moment of impulse after all.

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