Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1062: 1 must make money

On the third day, most refugees rated the current living environment as A +.

They did not expect that the simple living environment in the past tens of hours could be so beautiful.

Many people even think that it is good to live for so long.

No, soilless cultivation technology results are gratifying. People have begun to grow vegetables, and they are already in shape. Such progress can be described as quite amazing.

As for the home environment, in addition to some details, there should be some in general, safe and comfortable, really good.

Everyone even has time to stroll around in the small park. It was changed to tens of hours ago. This kind of life is not even thought of.

Just because the dream came true, the creator of all this, First Order, and even Zhao Wenrui, has great authority, because he can decide whether you want to stay here or get out of bed or eat a meal.

This is a typical example. It is a violation of order and will not be tolerated. It is completely impossible for people to imagine a dismal and desperate situation when a family is expelled from the central residence in this difficult environment.

Therefore, it is true that all refugees are somewhat trembling. Someone could cry in fear because of not doing well. People are in awe of the First Order.

Zhao Wenrui has no time to enjoy this sense of accomplishment that is high and controls the joys and sorrows of all people. He can be called Chief Engineer Zhao and has always been busy.

Today's task is to 'eat up' all the metal materials visible in the central settlement.

After all, Spider Mine is a trick, and it takes some time. If you really want to build a defense, you still have to wear a tank.

Now, in combination with actual combat, extensively collecting the suggestions and opinions of the first-line fighters, he has upgraded the penetration tank to 0.9, which is one step away from a brand new version.

Once the large rack was opened and the electromagnetic shock gun was opened, the caliber of this large-magic modified penetration tank has increased from 180MM to 240MM.

It is not a traditional round muzzle, but like a short thick electric fork, the distance between the inner diameter of the iron arm of the iron bar is the caliber of the gun.

Therefore, from 180MM to 240MM, instead of a thick barrel, it becomes a typical mortar gun that launches unconscience shells, but only allows a larger volume of electromagnetic force storage.

Matching it is naturally a smaller nuclear fusion engine with higher power.

This engine is specially used for firing artillery. As for the drive system of the tank, it is powered by a high-energy battery. Follow gun is not a system at all. Each tube has its own.

Due to the advanced nature of the fusion engine and the electromagnetic gun system, the energy storage time, that is, the interval between bombardments, has not been extended compared to the past, but it has also been slightly shortened.

In other words, the 0.9 magic tank changed, the shooting frequency was higher, and the power was significantly improved. Within a radius of 8 meters, the CMC600 will also be directly killed by the shock wave. Maybe the exterior of the power armor suit looks pretty good, but it must be one inside. The meat is spread out.

This is also effective for people and insects. The impact gun is particularly good at internal shocks. The skin outside looks okay, but inside it becomes a tofu brain, which is a fatal death anyway.

Zhao Wenrui made full use of his horsepower to make the 0.9 Magic Change Pierce. The first to be deployed was the northern high platform where the towed ship was originally parked.

The range of 0.9 Magic Modified Penetration has also been increased. It is arranged here. At least half of the northwest and northeast intersections are within its attack range.

In this way, the large, originally extensive passageway actually became a narrow alley.

Zhao Wenrui specially prepared a sharp weapon for the narrow lane-fusion driven electromagnetic rail gun array, or called heavy rail machine gun.

This weapon occupies a relatively large amount of space, almost belongs to an armored vehicle, and can only carry one type.

It relies on multiple barrels to achieve firepower density, which is a bit like the old machine gun that appeared in the western film, a wheel-like runner with a rifle tied to it, although a rifle can only fire one shot, But turning the wheels, the rifles sounded one after another, and the fire output similar to the machine gun was almost achieved.

This is similar in nature.

The penetrating power of this kind of electromagnetic orbit is so terrible that it is a good show to perform skewers. It is very suitable for dealing with the intensive and fearless charge.

So that night, the impact artillery rang, the orbital gun shot wildly, and a large number of Zerg and Zerg died.

What Zhao Wenrui didn't quite understand was that the big mouth in the south had never moved.

You know, although it was blocked by a lot of obstacles, it was definitely the weakest link in the entire central residence. Even if the Zerg did not attack from there for three nights, what did they think?

Do you think that this method can make people paralyzed?

Wish it too wishful thinking?

Zhao Wenrui originally prepared the mushrooms, but since the bugs didn't show, he also came to stay there. Sooner or later, it will become the tipping point, but it depends on when and how.

On the fourth day of the day, Zhao Wenrui inspected the settlement that the Rangers had cleared the previous day and counted it, indicating that he would not need to pay special attention to maintaining the integrity of the infected settlement in the future. If the infection is too serious, it basically has to be returned to the furnace, and there is nothing to recycle and reuse, no new creation is needed.

The Rangers said they liked it so they could let go of their hands and feet to destroy, especially Zhao Wenrui allowed to set fire, so Jim Reynolds prepared a group of fiery chariots and thought they set fire to bugs, listening to the bugs in the burning room The point of being burnt is really refreshing.

Zhao Wenrui said that you should be happy.

For him, the coming of rain is the truth facing the Rangers.

The fighting last night exposed some problems. He will solve it today.

The first is that the northern high platform lacks a cover and is vulnerable to aerial attack by insect swarms.

So Zhao Wenrui installed a force field generator there. After this thing is activated, it cannot completely prevent the damage of the tanks opened on the high platform, but it can achieve the effect similar to the speed of the bullet, so that the targeted mass strike and the kinetic energy are greatly reduced. Make the attack on the tank lighter.

The tank armor he made has memory and regeneration functions and can be recovered slowly. In this way, the maintenance intensity can be reduced, and the maintenance personnel only need to send ammunition from time to time.

Due to the relationship between dust storms, the effectiveness of the missile tower has been greatly reduced, both in terms of searching for the enemy's range and combat efficiency.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui simply did not participate in this project. But he put a large array of electromagnetic orbits on the tank chassis. Thus there was a rail car gun car.

An ugly tank with a large, heavy barrel is mounted on the chassis of this tank, with a maximum range of up to 5 kilometers, enough to serve as an anti-aircraft gun.

However, they wanted to resurrect the anti-aircraft guns, using the three-dimensional laser to search the enemy network.

To put it bluntly, this network is to establish a three-dimensional laser grid in an airspace. Anything that enters this grid will be locked by the induction system, and then the data link will be shared with the railcars so that they can fly.

Since the laser is invisible to the naked eye, this grid does not exist in the ordinary field of vision of ordinary people, and the establishment of such a laser grid system really requires equipment with vector control functions.

This device has no combat power and is invisible. It is suspended in the air like impurities in the water. Apart from emitting lasers that are invisible to the naked eye and maintaining the existence of the grid, they do nothing.

Zhao Wenrui deliberately designed them into a single function type, so that the professional efficiency is stronger, and the cost is also low, in addition to the problem is also easy to replace.

In this way, on the fourth night, in the middle and empty space of the central residential area, there began to be tracked by artillery cars, and frequently fired violently for a while, and then accompanied by blood rain.

They are also hit by worms from the air, but the hard fight is often that they are better, not to mention that most of them are the first enemy to fire, and they are far away, the maximum range is 5 kilometers, the ideal situation, They are all playing diagonally, that is, the car is in the south, and the target of the northern edge, and vice versa, so the target hit by them is basically impossible to retaliate, only to see if you can catch a sprinkle. get a flat.

The ground attack, the worm swarm has had a bit of suspicion of life, the power of the 240MM impact gun, even if it is to wipe the edges, it is still terrible. The orbital sniping is even more transparent, and dozens of Zerg are killed by a bullet. It is not uncommon for Zerg to hate this high-penetration killing method.

The main point is that in the environment of large sandstorms, the visibility of the worms is not good, so the way of attacking the human side is very evil, I do n’t know where, but I can hit you, the worms are all kind of The way of being slaughtered comes from the inner panic.

So halfway through the fourth night, it became a cold gun. The worms were studying the feasibility of a breakthrough in the center of the tunnel worm. To this end, they began to send elite soldiers, trying to break through the defense line and observe the internal situation.

This single soldier broke through the penetration, and under the cover of the big sandstorm, it became very powerful. Whether it is a piercing tank, a machine gun fort equipped with a large track, or a rail gun car, they are not very good at dealing with such single strange soldiers.

The white worm swarm Belrog produces flying cockroaches dedicated to assassination tactics.

These guys are slender, and when they stand up, they look like a human in a coat. Of course, they can be disassembled immediately at close range, but they are deadly at close range, and the six knife arms are not what the average person can handle.

Flying cockroaches crossed the line of defense by a large sandstorm and entered the central residential area. In the empty large square area, they encountered the patrolling T880.

So the two sides fought in the sandstorm, even quite a bit evenly matched. The flying cockroach's fighting skills are strange and brilliant. After all, it has six blade arms, and the T880 is very well-fought and adaptable. They soon get used to the dazzling six-arm operation of flying cockroaches, which is almost magical. And focus on the fatal blow, no longer thinking about the combination of defense of those sword arms.

So flying cockroaches often succeed, as does the T880. Changed to an ordinary marine, he was already hacked to death by the flying cockroach's artistic combination, but the T880 will not. Their replacement of injuries can cause heavy damage to the flying cockroaches, and several of them are too serious. Eventually he failed to escape, and the fifth day of the day became Zhao Wenrui's anatomical object.

Jim ?? Renault and Teks ?? Finley naturally took a breath, they could imagine what kind of **** scene would be created by flying cockroaches into the barracks or inside the residential area.

At the same time, I am also thankful that Zhao Wenrui was careful enough and Niu Break. He let everyone move into the cliff building early, but to assault the cliff building, assassin technology alone is not enough.

And flying cockroaches will obviously never be a super hacker. Therefore, they can only wreak havoc outside the cliff building. There are no facilities to destroy them. There are only open squares and T880 that do not know the cause of death, so flying cockroaches have no way to bring out their sharpest side.

This is the misfortune of flying cockroaches, but it is the great fortune of human beings.

"Okay, at least we can sell information. I believe that even the Mengsk emperor will be concerned about this kind of special worm that once infiltrated the rear of the empire, enough to cause major personnel and property losses."

Of course, the fight between Zerg and Rangers is only now beginning, and there are still more cards to play.

However, the system built by Zhao Wenrui has gradually taken shape. He can pretend to be very compelling: the enemy will not move, I will not move, if the enemy moves, I will move first!

On the fifth day, Zhao Wenrui has completed the integration of resources for the entire central residence.

He summoned Jim Reynolds and used the six iron belly of the Rangers as the backbone to launch a powerful attack on the Golden Ample.

In fact, this attack is not an overkill.

Because from the beginning, I didn't plan to deal with the Gram ethnic group regularly.

Instead, the nuclear bomb was sucked in all the way. The nuclear bomb was launched by the Galactica, the Mach 15 missile. The speed is incredible, and the accuracy is extremely guaranteed.

And this nuclear strike is a series of strikes, which can be called a textbook, one by one and one by one.

Under such circumstances, it is useless to prepare the insect swarm in advance.

Because the explosion point of the first one is just against the weak outer edge, but the damage after the explosion is enough to destroy some facilities. The explosion point of the second one is similar. It is based on the damage of the first explosion. It explodes on the edge of weak defense, and it also depends on the scope of the nuclear bomb itself. It will push the destruction inward.

Just like the edge of a blast injury, no matter how powerful the defensive side's defensive power is, it is difficult to take care of the edge. As a result, the edge of the way is wiped into depth, the defense system is destroyed and the pit is impossible.

Five 100,000-ton equivalent clean fusion bombs were completed in less than a minute, which means that when the first hit, the second three, four, and five were already on the road, and they were so confident.

After the five consecutive games, the Olympic Games can be held. The Gram group has collapsed, rushing around to welcome the clearing of the cavalry.

The Rangers also remembered the tasks arranged by Zhao Wenrui, and they must kill the tunnel worm thoroughly.

The big action that the Golden Gram Insect Swarm wants to play is the bursts of tunnel worms. They are very good at authentic combat.

And Zhao Wenrui is very afraid of this. Because the tunnel worms can not only send holes in the square where the central residence resides, but also play like this under the cliff building, and repeatedly play. Even the rock plate below the cliff building is empty.

This is an almost unsolvable loss for Zhao Wenrui, so the golden insect swarm that is good at playing tunnel warfare can die first. And it must be dead fast and thorough, and the limited mushrooms are given to them without hesitation, which can be regarded as an honor to win the absolute attention of Zhao Wenrui.

After savagely slamming the Gram Zerg, Zhao Wenrui took the people back.

He is not in a hurry to complete the task assigned by the Lord God.

On the contrary, it takes a few days to invest more in this world.

And Jim ?? Renault also explained in the past, he had to find money for the Rangers, and now the situation is really difficult to get some money, then what about the time? Isn't low-intensity war good? Usually entertainment, hunting and killing insects when tired, is this kind of life bad?

What's more, you can also interact with over 10,000 refugees, maybe there is true love.

So, don't think this is a task, but think of it as a life, killing insects, dancing and dancing.

Rangers have always been right. Although it is not like the Port of Undead where you can fight from time to time, there are not so many birdmen here and you can hunt bugs for fun.

And the people here are much kinder than the people of Port Necropolis, and there are also a lot of them. They also respect the Rangers. Isn't this just a military fisherman's fishery?

As for refugees, Zhao Wenrui is working hard to stabilize and stabilize this small society. Farming, light industry, and everything that should be seen, let alone heavy industry.

For them, where to live is not a job, it ’s still very comfortable to live here, there is no insults by parliamentarians, community leaders are also elected by themselves, it ’s not difficult for everyone, basically no taxes, although they have to work, but Where can I not work?

So they did not rush to leave, and even felt that it would be good to accept the rule of Rangers or First Order. They could even watch UNN news or something in front of the TV, and joke about the various unbeautiful people of the Empire. In the past few years, the empire has suffered many disasters. There are bugs on the border, and various corruptions are rampant in the interior. People ’s lives are not beautiful, but after comparison, they actually lived very well. What is happiness, this is it.

Well, since neither the military nor the civilians have the courage to escape or make big news, then Zhao Wenrui can take the opportunity to carry out a stable and stable rule and management.

First, he contacted some strange businessmen. They are very interested in worms, especially living ones.

Some are based on a variety of formal and informal research, some are like refining Jinjila, and others feel that they can be used to extend life span.

In short, the psychology of rich people is elusive, and as long as you meet their requirements, you have money to take.

Therefore, it is a good business port related to Zerg, and even a long-term project. The Ranger has changed from hunting to hunting, and there is nothing wrong with it. Anyway, with the help of T880, the dangerous jobs are all put on the robot. That's it, the difficulty is not too big.

In addition to the Zerg business, Huffman can search some hard goods and find some dry goods, rare metals, silicon crystals, and even broken pieces. Many jobs are simply done with the technology of humans in this era. It is indeed not worth doing. The cost is too high to lose money.

But Zhao Wenrui has nanoworms, and technology is productivity. He can cut costs by a large margin. Many people in this era can't make money, and it is profitable for him.

The industry does not distinguish between good and cheap, so it makes money.

And Zhao Wenrui also disdains the low-profit business that sells raw materials. His involvement in the manufacturing industry is no problem, and with the help of Nanoworms, his products are also quite competitive.

Then you can play a train, from raw material mining, to processing, to manufacturing, and finally sell finished products,

For example, the now more popular arms market, get some drawings, make a magic change, better performance, more grounded, the battle cruisers and fighters welcomed by officers and men can be built.

Who dares to say that these arms have no market? I ’m afraid even Arcturus Mengsk would be willing to arm his Royal Guard. After all, most of the parts are universal. The product strength of the first order is mainly in the application concept and excellent components. It's like a large precision workshop, so there are no barriers to purchase, but good goods are scarce and worth buying at a premium.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui used a batch of goods called excellent Viking fighters to kick off the name of the arms market in one fell swoop. Some people were discerning. After winning these fighters at a high price, they changed hands and used channels to play auctions. The ace drivers of financial resources bought, for example, well-known hired pilots, smart-eye knowledgeers made a lot of money, and the products of the first order became famous in the first battle, and became synonymous with excellent creations.

Zhao Wenrui turned around and built three Gorgon Banshee-class battle cruisers. To demonstrate the shipbuilding capabilities of the first order.

The three ships are known as the best battle cruisers of mankind to date.

Soon afterwards, they shined one after another, and one of them was hit by the round without knowing how many waves, but it was not sinking, and finally left safely. There is also a firepower pouring, fierce and unusual, one picks three ordinary battle patrols, the opponents hit the ground to find teeth, one sinks, two injuries, and the other one is more legendary, and it is just the artillery fire against the sky and the ground. Man, the last opponent to fight with blood on his nose and mouth, went away.

The best war patrol is worthy of the name. With it, as long as the captain is not too good, writing a legend is not difficult.

Ouch, this first order is really hot. People have no sense of security in this era. Too many heroes are like a ship to be a treasure of the town.

The orders for shipbuilding of the first order are all arranged a few years later.

Of course, this is something. When Zhao Wenrui was engaged in production in Hoffman, the situation had just opened up. First Order had not yet become a well-known arms manufacturer in the Copley Star District, but only an emerging force in Port of Necropolis.

Zhao Wenrui has established a stable military-civilian society here. With the improvement of the self-sufficiency system, the pressure on survival has been rapidly alleviated, and the Rangers are no longer the culprits of the past.

Even the inoculum produced from Zerg corpses can make the Rangers have a small surplus.

On the seventh day, Zhao Wenrui's T880 finally broke through the threshold of 1,000 units.

This is already a very impressive fighting power. In this era, the cost of raising soldiers, even if it is an empire, is only a few hundred thousand, and the actual number will only be less.

Zhao Wenrui felt that the time was right, so he and Jim Reynolds launched an attack on the blue Fenril Swarm.

This time the attack strategy is different from last time, this time it is intended to rob.

The bugs of the Fenrir tribe are the most likely to be controlled by human mind equipment.

Simply put, they can give birth to the Zerg version of Erha.

And Erha not only means that there are professional-level hounds ~ ~ but also means that a new breeding route has been opened up.

That's right, Fenrir's springtails can be cultivated into economic beasts like domestic pigs or sheep.

However, the reproduction speed and resistance to diseases of springtails are far from that of ordinary livestock.

Low input, high output, good breeding, salmon-like meat quality, bones and internal organs can be used, it is completely conceivable that breeding economical springtails should be rich!

The key to all this lies in the cultivation of 'species'.

Therefore, for the Fenrir ethnic group, Zhao Wenrui's strategy was to cut wool, and when the breeding failed, he could come back and cut it again.

At least the breeding has to be successful, and it is more reasonable to destroy this family.



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