Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1063: Turn the tide

UNN once conducted an exclusive interview with Zhao Wenrui's operation of cultivating economical springtails.

The reporter asked Zhao Wenrui why he had such an idea.

Zhao Wenrui said: Adaptability is the biggest characteristic of human species. It ’s just that humans ’performance in adaptability is not simple, but many complex ideas have been added. Among them, sin is characterized by utilitarianism.

Zerg kills people, people eat Zerg, which is very utilitarian, very human, very suitable, no problem.

Okay, the economical jellyfish meat is on the market, and it sells very well. I have to say that humans have the potential to eat big things. They dare to talk about anything. As long as there is a seemingly reasonable argument, that thing is really good as a food.

With the introduction of jersey meat, many people have seen the huge potential of this emerging industry.

For a time, the First Order was in full swing, and there were all kinds of tricks.

Zhao Wenrui finally sold a good price on the principle of not seeing rabbits and not throwing eagles.

Some people say that he has short-sightedness, saying that if he plays monopoly, it will take less than a few years to earn more money than he is now.

Zhao Wenrui said that I do n’t have time to run a project, and I do n’t want to get the most out of my competitor ’s bayonet in order to make the most of my profits. In this life, I only rely on inventions and creations.

And Zhao Wenrui deserves to be the favorite person of the business people, making money on the forefront, and dispersing the money on the back, to promote the economy, and to give to others. Brother is such a person who spends money at the speed of light.

In return, naturally the first order flourishes and grows geometrically.

When he helped the Rangers in Huffman, he completely wiped out the planet from which the swarm infection was completely wiped out. When the size of the first order was already better than Mirahan ’s First Fleet of the Port of Undead It's getting richer.

The potential is far from what Mirahan can match.

The most important thing is that Zhao Wenrui's money and foundation are relatively clean. Although it was also started in the arms industry, it basically has no black history (although the blackmailed 20th Fleet was willing to suffer, but it was still vilified by some people), its reputation has always been outstanding, and has been successful.

It has been a success. This is really an advantage that cannot be ignored. Everyone likes to follow the winners, touch each other's luck, and follow the red.

So if you can always succeed, it is quite popular.

The First Order also took the opportunity to move its headquarters to the Sara Galaxy.

In addition to Sarah, who was Jim Sheriff's sergeant, Sarah also has its sister star, Joe Sarah, who has produced a bunch of high-end furniture wood.

Joe Sara is the first place to unveil the battle of the three tribes. The first stage performance of the Protoss Gold Fleet was to burn glass Joe Sara, and then Mar Sara did not escape this doom. .

After 2502, some Marsala people returned to their hometowns and built their homes, but they also had to fight against the worms that lived scattered there. So the reconstruction of the homeland is not smooth, even bloody.

Zhao Wenrui chose there, to a certain extent, to follow the crater principle, knowing that there are hot spots far away from right and wrong, whether it is Protoss or Zerg, they will not pay too much attention, and can enjoy peace for a long time, so take advantage of the land Almost no one wants it, see it as an ominous plague land, and make a bargain-hunting investment.

In this way, the First Order began to rebuild the habitable garden of Josala, and the desert scenery of Marsala, and established a local defense fleet to become the leader of the entire Sara galaxy.

At the same time, the arrival of the First Order also brought economic prosperity to the Sara Galaxy.

Many people come here admiringly, register actively, and live under the rule of the first order.

And Ariel Hansen and his people, after all, went to Haven Star.

Hansen is a very skilled person, and her people are also very loyal. Although the performance of First Order on Huffman Star is not bad, but it is a bit arrogant. In the words of some people, there is no real atmosphere of freedom.

Therefore, there are still many people who choose to chase their dreams. That kind of utopian people's commune may be the lifelong pursuit of those people.

Because Zhao Wenrui's quarantine work on the Huffman star was effective, Ariel Hansen's people did not have an outbreak on Havin Star.

After all, even their immigration ship was replaced by Zhao Wenrui, and there is really no possibility of Zerg virus.

But even so, the sensitive Protoss still came to warn him.

In the end, Jim Reynolds came forward and consumed human feelings to provide a guarantee for Hansen's people. Xing Ling temporarily stopped.

Dr. Hansen successfully concluded the agreement with Zhao Wenrui. Until the end, Jim Reynolds didn't see that Hansen was actually a watchmaker, but felt that the other party was very innocent, but instead he was a bit complicated and deep, and he could not bear to be tainted with purity.

In fact, to Zhao Wenrui, Jim Reynolds left a clean and beautiful memory in his heart. He convinced himself that after all, there are still a lot of good people in the world, and more than they seem.

This is very important for Jim Reynolds. After all, the content he is fighting for has a tendency to be a savior. It is very heavy. Individuals will inevitably ask themselves. Is human being really worth my painstaking rescue?

The bright and beautiful memories convinced Jim Reynolds that everything is worth it. Everything is meaningful.

Sometimes Zhao Wenrui feels that it is always good to live in the illusion. There are many people who feel that they are awake alone and feel very deep, but when they think about it, they are actually generalized and seem to be profound. The key problem is that people who think they are awake and profound are often not happy because they The world I see is very dirty, nobody likes to stay in the pit, does it?

So whether these people really see it or not, but they live poorly is the truth. Just like what the upright agent of the king of war said to the protagonist of the black rot: I want to say you go to hell, but after another thought, I think you are already there.

One of the purposes of Zhao Wenrui's life is to try to avoid his seemingly deep or really deep, so he is very unhappy to live in a real hell, so he prefers to live a simpler life, facing something involving torture the heart, or unravel the glitz Questions, don't think too deeply.

If you do n’t think about it, many questions are unresolved, like Schrodinger ’s box without the lid, and then you can leave yourself a good vision, whether it is true or not, let ’s be serious.

Then the days will be happier, and life will be sweeter. The sisters are not so scheming or green tea or black rot anymore, the brothers are not so utilitarian and have two sides and three swords, everything is fine and happy day after day. Knowing that you really feel tired of this kind of day, you will naturally try to change.

But at least looking back, there is no regret at a certain stage of life.

That's what Zhao Wenrui thinks, so after the rage mission is settled, he who has points is not in a hurry to go to the main **** space to try to understand some deep-seated grudges or hatreds among the reincarnations, or the secrets of the world.

The task is not too focused. If you go there, you will live a public life. If you have less desire and less disappointment, you will feel relaxed and comfortable. You can see that poetry and painting come and go when walking on the road. It is beautiful and not hell.

Then the fourth mission came.

It is also a large chapter of the wings of freedom in the SC universe, specifically the Great Battle, the Gate of Hell.

The Gate of Hell is suspected of paying tribute to the Galaxy Team.

Generally speaking, due to human underestimation and misjudgment, as a result, Charl lost a dog over Zell ’s lair, and countless ships were killed. Many airdrop pods were forced to drop, and Zerg was on the surface of the planet. Like a jungle hunt, all human troops trying to panic and be divided into small pieces and small pieces are all killed.

In this context, the Ranger of the heroic army Renault played the savior, gathered the remaining soldiers, and firmly established a foothold on the surface of Charles Star, establishing a beachhead position.

And this time the main **** dispatched Zhao Wenrui because the blasphemy broke into.

The blasphemy is a special name. It appears for the first time in the memory of the nightmare experienced by Zeratul of the Protoss, which is to plunder the soul of the Protoss elder guarding the library, and then have the Protoss spirit body and the body of the Zerg A united humanoid.

This kind of living body is both a blasphemy against Protoss and a protozoa. Later, there are quite a lot of such things, and Protoss warfare dominates, and Zerg dominates, there will be different performances, such as the former is more like A caster, the latter is like a blood cow, the heroic version of the thunder beast, just front is very capable of playing.

The blasphemy is relatively special. It is relatively balanced. It has a comprehensive development of virtue, wisdom, body and labor, and is bound to the soul of the guardian of the library. The soul of the guardian is immortal, and it can be resurrected infinitely, full of blood and blue. Continue to fight.

One of these things is quite annoying, but this time there are several.

And there is no such feature as the guardian's soul binding.

Without this feature, there is no geographical restriction, and it will not collapse due to the guardian's condition.

The Lord God did not say that the blasphemers could not be resurrected. Obviously they found a new way to resurrect from death. What exactly is ominous.

In other words, there are basically no fatal shortcomings, more than one, each of which is almost a level 10 ghost unit. With such a tycoon disrupting the normal process, the human side is not as simple as the fierce, the Rangers have points. The possibility of being slaughtered in minutes.

"So how much do the Lord God trust me, let me pick this large amount alone, I am not Ye asked, can play ten ..."

Zhao Wenrui vomited slightly. Because he knew that the blasphemer's ability was simple and practical, and his power was still very strong.

And using the standard of the SC universe, the energy units above level 8 are torn apart, and the probability of damaging the surrounding area is very large. This is another trouble.

The theory speculates that the blasphemer should be a ghost unit of level 9 or 10, and he is almost 9+, because the special blood quality may still +1?

Anyway, once he got up, he must have fired with all his strength and could not keep his hand.

This means that if you start fighting at your own base, you will inevitably be charcoaled and your home will be demolished.

And if you go outside to fight, the Zerg is not stupid, it is bound to shoot black guns, shoot black bricks, which is very unfavorable to him.

So, where is his chance of winning, especially if more than two profanities appear?

Therefore, if this problem is not solved, then the situation will be ugly, and it will even be defeated. This is all expected, and he can't think of any favorable situation that will suddenly occur.


The task is not waiting for anyone, he can only enter the SC universe first, and then find a way.

The place where he appeared was Joe Sara.

With the efforts of the First Order, it successfully saved the high-grade furniture wood cedar tree originally produced here. This tree has some characteristics of cedar wood, dense quality, beautiful patterns, and its own fragrance, and as long as Properly maintained, with time, the wood will gradually appear luxurious golden, natural and gorgeous, beautiful mess.

So even in this turbulent era, this kind of wood still has a market.

It has to be said that the resilience of nature is amazing. At that time, the Provincial Golden Fleet burned glass, and more than 80% of the surface of Joe Sarah was destroyed. Now, it has revived.

In addition, the ecology of the core point of burning glass is also very fascinating, and it is a holy place for scientific research that mysticians and scientists aspire to.

Under the vigorous farming of the First Order, Joe Sarah has changed in three days, and now atmospheric governance has basically ended, becoming a livable planet. Although it is smaller than Mars, its The core heavy metal composition is higher, so atmospheric pressure and gravity are infinitely close to the earth.

Zhao Wenrui is also very fond of this beautiful planet, it has a good attitude, and it must be very arrogant, so the first order is more interested in Joe Sara.

In comparison, Joe Sala's sister star Mar Sala, the development progress is much slower.

Zhao Wenrui also intends to maintain the original desert terrain here, so the direction of governance is oasis.

There are always grand canyons, water sources and the like, and the terrain is unique, thus forming a natural miracle of green land of life. Against the background of the desert desert Gobi, this place is often astonishingly beautiful.

Zhao Wenrui ’s governance of Mara Sara ’s focus is to maintain the natural beauty of this kind of green life, and place humans to allow people to live in harmony with nature. At the same time, this thrilling contrast beauty is a selling point for Mar. ?? Sala people increase some foreign exchange income, and the vitality brought by the floating population.

Of course, there is also a thriving desert hunting business.

As for the target of hunting, it is naturally a wild insect that has basically become wild.

As for the combination of agriculture, light industry, ecological gardening, and underground civil air defense, it is doing very well. Underground civil air defense facilities are also public refuges, and officials will regularly organize drills. After all, the whole world is not quite flat.

Heavy industry, that is the content of the first order, the private sector is not allowed to intervene. At least in terms of policy support, it is zero.

Of course, First Order now also has its own raw material collection industry such as minerals, and it will hire local people. It's just that working conditions are often more difficult, often in the depths of the Gobi desert, and only those refugees who have nothing and exchange the last bit of money for a ticket will choose this type of work. After all, if one person works, the family has basic benefits and can settle down. This series of resettlement policies is still very popular.

In short, due to the high-end technology of First Order, the simple and efficient management system, and basically no problems such as corruption, the weather of the new force is very dynamic, developing rapidly, and the international reputation is very good.

In fact, on the other side that most people cannot see, military friction also occurs.

Arcturus Mengsk does not like this kind of potential, and in the future it may become a potential rookie of strong competitors, so he will use some whole wrists and let some forces try non-friendly contacts.

It can be said to be a kind of temptation. Of course, if the first order does not show enough power, it will be embarrassed if it is not destroyed. The world of power is cold and cruel. Fists are not hard. They cannot live in this circle and will not be respected enough.

In addition to these deliberate suspicions, from time to time, human forces that create friction and explore claws and test water. The Protoss is also a friend of the enemy, as is the First Order.

Although Xing Ling's own parent star was lost, it has not been recovered now, and the various races are also discordant, each with their own political opinions and has been in a split state.

However, the strength of the Protoss is actually still there, such as the Golden Fleet, and the large fleet that ran to remote border patrols before.

These down-to-earth forces make Xing Ling still a powerful force that does not dare to underestimate even Zerg, and their consistent arrogance makes them seem stubborn and unapproachable.

The Protoss doesn't like the compromise gameplay of human powers. They say nothing, yes, no.

Take Mar Sala, for example, there are obviously worms, even if they are wild, even if they have become human hunting projects, but in their eyes, worms are worms, and the glass is burned again. Although some trivial matters, but also can not relax.

In addition, they are also interested in the strange shape of Joe Sara's glass.

They certainly don't know that this is actually a homology dominance of Zerg and Protoss, a natural race with fetters created by Sarnaga, catalyzed by Youneng.

To be more specific is more complicated. In general, they are all Sarnaga pots. After all, they are extreme creations made by Sarnaga. One represents the extreme of the spirit and the other represents the extreme of the flesh. They want to merge a perfection, but the result is very broken.

The humans of Tyrone belonged to the occasion and became sandwich biscuits, and became variables of the grudges of the two communities. The entire StarCraft story is basically about such a thing.

Anyway, Xing Ling is also very unfriendly to the First Order.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui did not bother them either, but their existence did indeed involve a considerable part of the fighting power.

For example, the formation of the UAV mothership headed by the Galactica can basically only be stationed in the Sara galaxy to defend the foundations and fruits of the first order.

The UAV mothership fleet is now fuller, with supply ships, frigates, and combat boats, all of which should be available. It is already a very regular and even luxurious fleet.

Not long ago, when Valentrian Mengsk organized the Empire's expedition to Zerg mother star Char, he also asked if the First Order aircraft carrier fleet had the possibility to participate.

It can be seen that in the world's top power circle, the first order carrier fleet is a piece of weight.

As for Valenrian ’s proposal, of course, it was denied. As the soul of the first order, Zhao Wenrui is not here, and Wisdom Brain Milano will not pull the fleet out of the waves.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui has a little secret in this regard, that is, even if he leaves the mission world, he can still contact Milano.

This special connection based on the reasons of quantum entanglement + mysterious side across the multiverse also requires some preconditions. For example, the supercomputer that is too bad to be used as the physical carrier of Milano and so on.

But in general, establishing the connection itself, let Zhao Wenrui know that the mission world is real. It may be a parallel universe of the SC universe, but it is true.

It's just that Zhao Wenrui didn't want to live in hell, so he didn't think about it deliberately. Instead, he had a hard time fooling around, trying to get confused. Of course, this kind of understanding is not necessarily true, but only relatively superficial.

It is precisely because of the connection that Zhao Wenrui can always remotely control. The key choice of the first order is his boss's timely approval, there is no backlog, so he can continue to develop at a high speed without departing from Zhao Wenrui's original intention.

Now, it's time to use this super tool again.

Zhao Wenrui relentlessly inspected several important items, corrected some problems that were difficult to find without personal inspection, and then joined the First Order Expedition Team.

As for big projects and big plans, they are usually resolved. At this time, there is no such problem to be dealt with.

The expedition was naturally assembled during his inspection, with old ships and new ships.

Old ships such as three drone motherships, the Laxis, Atropos, and Croso, the three goddesses of fate, were built in the second batch (the first batch was Mila Han OEM The ten ships).

But people prefer to call them cruel, firm, and majestic. It ’s true to call it this way, after all, it ’s this characteristic of the three goddesses of destiny, and it ’s not so mouth-watering.

The flagship is the master class arsenal, the Great Emperor Mountain.

This is freshly baked, and the whole world doesn't know how **** it is.

Zhao Wenrui naturally knows. Because this is what he designed.

This arsenal's big move is called Super God Strike, which can knock out 60% of its total weight in 2 minutes.

One can imagine how terrifying its firepower is.

To summarize briefly, the Great Arsenal arsenal can use a relatively primitive method to burn glass on a planet. The effect (delicateness) may be better than those of Protoss than the ship.

So this captain has just passed a kilometer, and it looks like a big guy who is a long-distance ore ship is a typical representative of low-key terror. Launching madness can make anyone feel bad.

In addition to the arsenal, there are four more assault ships on this expedition, which is actually the space version of the amphibious landing ship. But this amphibious refers to the inside and outside of the atmosphere.

Each of the assault ships carried 3,000 T880 and more than one hundred officer regiments, as well as corresponding ground effect aircraft carriers. Such a group is called a war group within the First Order. One hundred people are the team and one thousand people are the battalion. 3000 is the war group.

The four assault ships are combined into one combat division and there is no brigade-level establishment.

As an expeditionary fleet, there are naturally no shortage of supply ships.

Three Hercules-class supply ships.

There are also four transport ships, carrying a new generation of iron Hanhan siege tanks upgraded on the basis of the 0.9 version of the magic modified piercing siege tank, as well as rail machine gun chariots, and iron goose combat boats.

The iron goose was developed on the iron belly. The specifications were unified and the design was optimized. The figure was smaller and the boat was 48 meters long, but the combat capability did not weaken.

So the expeditionary fleet of the First Order this time is a 15-ship formation of 3 (unmanned aircraft carrier) + 1 (arsenal ship) + 3 (supply ship) + 4 (strike ship) + 4 (transport ship). There are a number of strong mechanical debris flows in the human race. You know that Crown Prince Valenrian attacked Chale, but it has collected more than 30 war patrols, and this is almost half of the imperial war patrol. It doesn't count).

Then look at this enemy.

The Zerg has been torn apart after dominating the matter. The number of Zerg worms that dominate the corpse alone is more than ten times the total strength of the human empire!

The brain worm princes are basically independent, of course, this does not mean that they have been eating together and waiting to die. In fact, the human empire has been safe in recent years, in large part because the Protoss is tearing against these brain worm princes. In some star fields that humans have never seen before or in the past, they may not be in the future. It can be seen that with the current total population and technical level of human beings, the limit of vision is actually not as great as expected.

This so-called horizon limit naturally refers to colonial rule. Instead of peeping with a radio telescope.

The currently active Zerg in the Koplu Star District is mainly the Queen of Blades.

The reason is that besides collecting Narud's artifact fragments from Sarnaga to engage the Queen of Blades, it is also because the Queen of Blades has some human emotions, which has become a bond, always thinking about interacting with humans.

Of course, humans don't want to touch her too much, too angry, how many people die every time.

The Koplu Star Zone also has some zombie warheads, similar to Zagara and other goods. They are tearing up the daily life with the scattered Protoss. They will not offer their knees until the Queen of Blades will play the region in the future.

So in fact, in this Battle of Hell's Gate, humans are actually fighting against the Queen of Blades who has not yet conquered the military.

The so-called Zerg female star Char is only because it was once the dominating palace. Many people think that Char is the birthplace of Zerg, which is really wrong.

Zerg is a wandering faction, and the birthplace is Yilos, and the future Queen of Blades will go there to preach and formally become independent.

As for now, this planet can be called a big worm's nest because Charles star has so little dominance left over from it.

Of course, it is far worse than C Kain ’s Kay Shrine, and even the degree of transformation is not as good as the artificial dwarf planet that C Kane has transformed for the 20K universe.

But even so, Zerg still has an advantage beyond Charlene ’s imagination in Char, and the early planetary morphology of lava flows and volcanic eruptions everywhere is the most unremarkable one.

But human beings are very literary and artistic. Just look at you? The environment is so bad, the effect of constant large mushrooms, either geothermal or radiation, or radiation or magma, stormy, cruel, a lot like the **** of our ancient legend!

In addition, Zerg is evil to humans, so Hell Star has become the pronoun of Char.

As for the gate of hell, it actually refers to the bridgehead, just like the World War II Allied landing in Normandy, it is a difficult one, but it does have a special meaning.

Zhao Wenrui's fleet was still on the road, and he heard the tragic encounter of the Imperial Expeditionary Army.

They underestimated Zerg's combat capability against Yu, and underestimated Zerg's tactical use ability ... In short, they are basically underestimated. They only know when they reach the door of other people. They not only have fierce firepower, but also the accuracy of the guns. There is no shortage of Zerg units in space warfare, and tactics are very slippery.

With a tentacle-like tail, people will inexplicably think of the corruptor of the mechanical octopus in {Matrix}, surrounded by massive self-explosive mosquitoes, playing a large depth of penetration, a large division tactic, and soon let the human expeditionary army kneel.

Zerg is on the high orbit of Charles Star, and even has a battle platform similar to a large star port, which is used as a base for Zerg stationing in space operations.

And these, the empire's intelligence system was negligently ignored. It is thought in advance that these battle platforms are just remnants of debris left after the planets are generated, and they do not deserve special attention.

Therefore, the prelude to the Hell Gate is a tribute to the {Star Team}, the stupidity and arrogance of human beings are manifested vividly, and then the lives of countless people come to pay the bill.

Therefore, the so-called beach battle of Hell's Gate is better to say that the human side is nowhere to be run by the worms. Simply go to the surface of Chaer Xing and continue to breathe, otherwise it will die faster in space.

Of course, there are some ships that escaped in a bad situation, such as Valenrian Mengsk, who has the savvy side of his father and will always stay in the back.

What's more, as the crown prince, there is never a shortage of flatterers who can call out "Leader First".

Zhao Wenrui's fleet encountered the defeat of Valenrian's remnants.

In fact, it wasn't a hit. It was Valenrian who found the First Order Expeditionary Fleet and took the initiative.

Because the Expeditionary Fleet of the First Order ended its transition state, it was already near Charles Star.

Zhao Wenrui did not do much homework in advance, so the jump of the first order expedition seemed to be a bit dangerous, but it was actually very safe.

As soon as they appeared, the three goddesses of destiny rushed up, 1200 drones were launched in 3 minutes, and the mother ship itself launched a missile.

These missiles are of the mother-child type, capable of distributing mechanical equipment, and weaving laser grids throughout the battlefield. Any target that enters this grid system is equivalent to being accurately locked. If necessary, the UAV mothership will launch another A son-mother missile, which splits up a large number of 'ex-wife' mini-missiles, and one ex-wife hits the point, so that a heavy unit like the Corruptor can only die in space.

So don't think that mother ships can only rely on wild bee drones, in fact, they are also very fierce.

Zhao Wenrui has always paid attention to firepower dumping, and like most rabbits, he has a lack of firepower phobia, and he has a paranoid love for the bombardment of his mother, who is known as the **** of war, so the fighting feature of the first order is to start The fireworks are splendid and they are very beautiful.

Zhao Wenrui ’s current conditions are also good. Even the weapons used in the T880 are metal hydrogen special bullets. The long-range shot, the accuracy of the shot, and the explosion are extremely powerful. The power is definitely overflowing. All died without corpses, miserable.

The UAV battle group takes the mother ship as the core and advances in blood washing. The Zerg loses more air combat units in half an hour than it did after fighting with the Tailun Expeditionary Force all day.

An hour later, the Zerg could not support it, and then the Great Emperor Mountain came up. With one fire attack, one of the Zerg ’s high-orbit bases became a lava torch.

Zhao Wenrui's imposing command on the bridge: "Push me on!"

The supply ship also has the function of an engineering ship ~ ~ uses the rocket booster when the meteorite is mined, and hundreds of millions of tons of rocky satellites hit the Charles star.

There is no doubt that this kind of blow does not mean that Kerrigan has only level 12, even level 20 can't bear it.

It is directly a super nuclear explosion that affects the entire planet.

Zhao Wenrui's order without hesitation: "The other will also push me down!"

The Zerg in space didn't talk about any strategy anymore. They tried their best to assemble and tried to stop the operation of the first order. The Great Emperor Mountain once again showed its power, the artificial super solar wind, the plasma storm destroyed, the army of the worms disappeared, and some left. A flash of debris represents death.

Another mass rock satellite was finally pushed down, and the orbit of Charles Star was somewhat biased. How many dead worms died was really hard to say.

"Land on Char, kill all creatures with more than two legs, and one will not stay!"

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