Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1064: Rescue expert

In the company of the three goddesses of fate, the first order of assault ships began to break in.

Behind the assault ship is a transport ship that pulls weapons such as iron. Shortly after entering the atmosphere, the iron geese left the transport ship and began to perform missions. Their suppression effect on the ground units is still very strong, and they are accompanied by wild bees. They are not afraid of blows from the air.

The Great Emperor Hill and the supply ship guarded high orbits and saved human survivors.

It can be said that the Expeditionary Fleet of the First Order arrived in a timely manner, and three hours later, only corpses could be collected in space.

Of course, for this kind of business that buys people's hearts, the First Order will not be replaced, but will be handed over to Valenrian and his remnants.

As long as the crown prince's flag is there, the attraction will not be bad. Those who escaped before and slipped back will come back. Five or six people, or silently, start to save the survivors.

Sporadic battles are still taking place, and even small-scale exchanges are particularly intense. Zergs have the ability to protrude in the atmosphere, not to mention that the atmosphere of Charles Star is far from comparable to Earth.

The First Order successively pushed down two large-mass rock satellites, which also exploded a lot of old shit. Many of the bugs said they wanted to rush out of the atmosphere to find a way out. Nature and the imperial ship that rescued unexpectedly met. Just chant.

And this time it is really possible to fight, one side has to take the road to escape, the other side has to make a contribution, so the scale is not necessarily large, but the fierceness is really fierce. Looking back, these are all audio and video materials that can sing.

Valenrian was wondering how to talk to Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui has already called here, indicating that I am going down. You are the main player in space, and the First Order will cooperate.

Well, Valentrian said it was very useful to be able to fight and obey the good people. This one is also capable, and soon played the mourning soldiers will win. The atmosphere of the entire expeditionary army is surprisingly good. It seems that the battle that almost lost the underwear before was not played by them. This may be the charm of the sky. The miracle that a leader can bring.

Zhao Wenrui was mainly worried about Jim Renault letting the blasphemer slaughter, so after locking in his goal, he went on immediately.

In fact, they want to lock Jim Reynolds easily, because they are the largest group of human forces that have succeeded in forced landing.

In fact, Renault ’s Rangers succeeded in making comparisons this time, inseparable from the protection of the First Order.

Because of its special significance, the Galactica returned to the Sara Galaxy where the First Order was located, but Zhao Wenrui did not treat the Rangers.

Instead, a special drone mothership was built for it. The special ship Undead Bird, the larger one, can drop 500 wild bee drones in minutes.

And the First Order made it clear that although the Undead Bird belongs to the First Order, its dominance is the Renault Rangers, that is, whoever is the head of the Rangers, can command the Undead Bird.

Therefore, this is actually equivalent to sending Jim Renault a large drone carrier, ordering the bracelets Jim Renault and Matt Horner to each hold one, Jim the master, and Matt the deputy.

However, Matt uses it more frequently. After all, he is the captain of the fleet, and Jim Reynold often comes to the front line. He put it bluntly as a grassroots commander. He has commanded a battalion to fight thousands of people. It's hard to detect, and it's not even possible to sit in the rear and serve as chief of staff.

It is precisely because of the Undead Bird that when Jim Reynolds insisted on forced landing on the ground is the way to live, the Undead Bird's drone group desperately guarded them to play the beach.

It happens that Rangers have an iron belly, which also greatly reduces the loss during forced landing, and even forms a certain suppression on the ground worms.

So although the bombs rained, the Rangers' landing was more successful.

Of course, the price is also a bit high. The Undead Bird, the Huberian, and the towboat are all injured to varying degrees. In order to cover the towing ship, the undead bird is seriously injured. Don't expect to go to heaven without repairing.

Drone launch and acceptance capabilities are also affected, only one-third of the heyday, but they are still operational, which ensures that the rangers are in the most vulnerable stage after the forced landing, and the sky above is relatively peaceful, good Let them start the infrastructure project.

The significance of desperately protecting the towing ship is here, the facility is unfolded, and a base will soon become a dog.

Then the magnet-like attraction effect began. First, some nearby soldiers were integrated. In fact, it is mainly the collection of corpses, because most of the forced landing movements are in very bad conditions. It is very likely that they will be intercepted by the worms in the air. Whether they can successfully land, mainly depends on the face.

After collecting some people and horses, the flagpole at the beachhead was erected, the machine gun fort was also built, the artillery was added, the missile tower was erected, and the silicon crystal mine and high-energy gas were also collected.

Jim Reynolds was full of ambition, thinking about his strong communication system strengthened by Zhao Wenrui, and could accept a wider range of signals, which meant that he could play several more rescues.

Then I received the distress signal from Lieutenant General Horris Warfield.

Warfield is a veteran of the empire. After Aktulos Mengsk established the Keha empire, Warfield retired very well and gave up the power in the army, so he did not suffer any kind of unruly liquidation.

However, it is not known whether people are confused when they get older, or Warfield suddenly feels that soldiers should not die on hospital beds.

Under the persuasion of Valinian Monsk's three-inch tongue, Warfield went into battle again, saying that Lao Tzu can eat three big bowls for every meal.

Anyway, in Zhao Wenrui's opinion, everything that implies that the people of the empire are not poisoned by the worms is all nonsense.

To know that the biggest characteristic of soldiers is to act according to orders. No matter what your original intention is to return to the army, you have to listen to the power. If you want to save, you can save, if you want to kill, just kill the insects. That is similar to the freedom that the Renault Rangers, who are notorious under the official name, only have. What does an imperial man want to play like this, dream?

He thinks Warfield should know this, but he still has no problem turning back. Maybe he believes something.

Zhao Wenrui was naturally disdainful about this. That said, the road to **** was basically paved by goodwill. Aktulos Mengsk ’s original intention was also very good, but it was him who finally attracted hundreds of millions of human beings to kill the federal capital star.

So what is said is false, and what is done is true. Warfield rejoined the army, and even if he didn't know the history, he would shoot at this sign, most of which would not be guaranteed at the end of the season.

Valenrian asked the veteran to come out of the mountain, of course, the name of the Mengsk emperor also recognized, but also tried hard to say a few words, and then Warfield stood up in front of the news flag, and then became a unified general.

This commander's ability, combat ability, regardless of, love soldiers like children, take the lead, fair and strict these qualities are there. And he also has prestige in the army, so under his command, the emperor really looks imposing and has a new weather.

Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, the expedition to Char opened. Then b.

Fairness and rigor cannot save major errors in intelligence and the inconsistency of the battle plan based on it. The attributes of loving soldiers and being pioneers have allowed veterans to fight desperately, successfully delaying time, successfully giving more units the opportunity to force down, and successfully attracted enough firepower to **** themselves.

Warfield ’s car, the Gorgon Banshee, comes from the creation of the first order. There is a game saying that it is a rare blue dress, and it is not explained.

But there is no warship that never sinks, and it ca n’t stand the round again and again, so Warfield can run without running. Finally, he came to a hard landing with a big face, and the battle patrol was cut into three. Broken, playing puzzles are estimated to be incomplete.

Then this old thing and a subordinate were still alive, relying on the introduction of the first order wasp machine gun fort, and actually blocked the nearby knives' raid.

Shout out on the channel: "Help! Help! This is Lieutenant General Warfield, my ship is falling, position coordinates xxx, xxx, repeat, position coordinates ..."

Zhao Wenrui was still in the air and received the old call for help.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to save it.

Because this old mercy calls for help, Jim Reynolds with a certain feeling is bound to go, and it is the kind that wants to see people alive and dead to the dead.

And to be honest, as far as Jim Renault is now, to Warfield, it can be described as an eighteen bend on a mountain road. All along the way, there are formed worm deadly jungles, and it is necessary to take a trip to pass.

So he did it for a while, and accumulate virtue.

So the cruel UAV mothership, an assault ship, accompanied by several iron goose battleships, flew towards Warfield's area.

The rest continued toward the Ranger Base.

"Haha, it is the first order, our reinforcements are here. This is stable!"

Many rangers cheered.

Jim Renault also shook his fist happily and said, "If only I could come a few hours earlier, maybe the space battle could be rewritten!"

If Zhao Wenrui knew Jim Reynold's heart, he would definitely say he was too naive.

The reasons for the failure of the Imperial Expeditionary Force are actually very complicated and even contain many political factors.

It's even harder to say that the Empire actually needs this defeat.

Many imperial humans, including Mengsk, are still a little bit floating, unable to correct their position in the tribal war. I thought I could do it.

This time the empire is elite, the best configuration, the general is also first-class, and then almost couldn't find the north by a slap, the empire's humans are sober, oh, we have a power position in the tribal wars, only to be slaughtered The lamb is a bit taller! ?

It turns out that Zerg is actually such awe-inspiring, instead of thinking that you can only build a group frame on the surface of the planet, or drill a tunnel, but a biological population of a + a.

Then he dragged it back for a while and saw Leviathan, the Queen of Blades, completely silent.

Other Zergs also have a weapon for long-distance voyages. The wandering of the universe is not just a talk. The biggest war patrol in humans is just a cat at the foot of an elephant in front of Leviathan. How many Leviathan biological warships do Zerg have? you guess!

So from the beginning to the end, the Zerg did n’t treat humans as the main dish, and the Queen of Blades had human emotions and genetic factors. If you were n’t so serious, you would come and go, and finally be a little more serious, and the blood was washed. Ha, sent Mengsk the Great and his regime to the grave.

This statement is a bit embarrassing to human faces, but it is better than genocide, right?

So go for it, do n’t want to jump, you jump for joy, the Protoss does n’t appreciate it either, the worms can slap with a wicked fire, and you can understand why the flowers are so red, and staged the extinction of the Federal Capital Star in minutes. operating.

It was all after the Battle of Charles Star that mankind gradually wanted to understand. There is still some sense of self-confidence. After all, the people of the Federal Capital Star were dead. Mengsk was out of consideration for all parties including his own black history. Most humans do not have a particularly intuitive impression of zerg.

The humans at the border have deep experience, but they are always excluded from the mainstream human group.

In the subtext of Mengsk the Great's complaint: You pioneers and adventurers, without paying taxes to Lao Tzu, will not have a positive impact on Lao Tzu's political career, and Lao Tzu will not kill you potential opponents, you It's time to burn high fragrance, but also want to get benefits from Lao Tzu, dream?

The heavy casualties of the Battle of Charles Star awakened people of insight.

Zhao Wenrui is responsible for retaining as much energy as possible for humans.

Although not proactive, the established facts are like this.

The sharp myth of the Zerg spore reptile cannon was deflated again in front of Zhao Wenrui's targeted design.

The iron goose scrambled to block the large ship, and the assault ship also had a powerful "iron head" capable bow. It looked like a meteorite that was rubbing against the atmosphere and burning, red, and there was visible field energy around. Spore bombardment is ineffective.

Of course, since it is a tribute to {galaxy squad}, how can the Zerg have no heavy canon-level ionizing spore cannon against Earth?

This kind of big bud-like gadget is equivalent to a small nuclear fireball, and it is known that ships can't stand anyone in front of them.

One of the reasons why the Imperial Fleet suffered heavy losses this time was because it did n’t know that it had this thing, and it also orbited the budget, hitting a space target from the ground, and it was so accurate.

I thought that the Zerg only had a small biubiu like a spore cannon, so I was pumped hard.

However, after entering the atmosphere, the closer it is to the ground, the less afraid it is of this kind of thing. Their best shooting distance is 6,000 km-18,000 km.

Now they are trying to bombard ships such as the Great Emperor Hill.

It is a pity that the First Order has prepared stealth technology and shadow avatar technology early. In addition, they will expose themselves as soon as they fire. The Great Emperor Hill, as an arsenal, does not lack firepower. It is as long as eighteen in length, and there is always a suitable one. Therefore, these super-large cannons with guns fired quickly. Will be named.

The assault ship landed successfully, not near the Gorgon Banshee, but a little further away. One end of a tunnel worm was pierced, followed by t880 and was killed. The single nuclear bomb destroyed two other tunnel worms nearby. In one fell swoop, the source of the Zerg soldiers has been knocked out by sending troops to attack Warfield.

Then the bee drone, which changed the missile, flew up, and once the missile passed, the nearby needle spines exploded into flesh and blood droplets.

The spore reptile wanted to beat the bee, but at a speed of Mach 10, the spore cannon could not aim accurately. Moreover, even if it was aimed, the energy of the spores fired could not be eaten even by the tail ash. Disappeared.

It is precisely because of the super high speed and super mechanical power that the wild bees do not at all guard against the worm nest defense system with spores and cannons. However, the carrying capacity of the wild bees is always a hard wound, and the strong recovery power is different. Insects are large-scale facilities, so they can't beat the world.

The spine reptile, which claims to kill one spear and kills, hangs, and the spore reptile without the ability to defend itself against the ground is the lamb to be slaughtered in front of the Marine Corps.

Equipped with a jet pack, the T880 squad has special spore reptile tactics and weapons. It jumps forward, metal hydrogen individual grenade, one shot into the soul, and sends the spore reptile to the west.

And the t880 team that waited until the high came to basically get the spore reptile. Iron geese will show power. They are often accompanied by light infantry on the ground. Just like the previous step synergy, iron geese drive in the front. They have a strong search radar. They can find zerg lurking underground. Found invisible bacteria carpet tumor, one sweep and one explosion, the ambush advantage of the worms is basically gone, and some are simply blinded by the bombing and jumped out directly, which can be named by recovering the accurate shooting of t880.

If the wild bees find a relatively strong cluster of worms, Tiehanhan and the rail car cannons will reinforce them. These two types of chariots are specifically aimed at the dense worms, one by one, one by one, and one by one. There is not much power to break up the Zerg charge. The t880's volley gun shooting can effectively harvest the Zerg line Zerg. Even if the Hydra shoots at them, they also have tower shields and their own protective performance is extremely high. The repair ability is also strong, so I'm not afraid of just facing the Hydra, as long as the Hydra can't be too much.

So Tiehanhan and rail locomotive can effectively control the number and density of Zerg in the unit area, t880 will not be set fire, and the general shooting them have advantages, Zerg can only lose.

The first order strike was exceptionally efficient. 3000 t880s, led by grassroots commanders, with heavy equipment and air combat, quickly swept the area. If it was too hard, a tactical nuclear bomb was then cleared. Although the Zerg has spent a long time constructing the system in this area, except for the underground part, the surface of the ground cannot be maintained at all, and it is basically destroyed all the way.

In fact, the underground is also very difficult to live, because the first order has deep explosive bombs, oxygen-consuming bombs, chemical poisonous gas bombs, high-frequency shock wave bombs, which are all shady things. In the environment of the pipe cavity stem, it can affect very far. Insects encounter such blows, and they often die very painfully. The entire tunnel is complete, whether it is a blanket or a larva, or an egg, it cannot survive.

Lieutenant General Horris Warfield met Zhao Wenrui, and said with some relief: "Ethan Horton, the legend of the empire, and the long-known name, I have seen your battle video."

"I also took advantage of my physique, cut some more heads so that I can talk about things when I am old." Then he turned to the topic: "The communication system on the assault ship is not bad. Lieutenant general, you can contact the crown prince of high orbit. Go see the possibility that the Sandora has not been repaired. "

Warfield saw that Zhao Wenrui was not interested in talking more with him, and he didn't take it seriously. Zhao Wenrui's rescuing imperial emperor had no face, and he had already given him a good face without acting in front of him. What's more, he now really needs to communicate with the crown prince and other surviving troops.

When Warfield communicated with Valenrian, Zhao Wenrui had already set up the transmission channel for the t880.

In addition to being excellent soldiers, t880 is also an excellent engineering soldier,

Therefore, the disassembly and installation of high-precision instruments like this is difficult for them but also capable of being completed.

Then the battleship engine and motive system were sent from the supply ship through the portal.

Over there, the temporary dock has been built, and the super gantry cranes are working. First of all, the vector control technology must be used to ensure that the gravity in the temporary dock is reduced to a certain extent, so that the gantry crane can easily move the bulky hull to and fro.

Cross-section welding is of course a nanoworm. Nowadays, nanoworms are already an indispensable stock for the first order. Special equipment is produced day and night, so there is no need to sacrifice the three cubes carried by Zhao Wenrui.

It is still necessary to put together a piece of jigsaw puzzle. The missing parts will be made up of the materials provided by the supply ship. After all, this is a wartime. It is too extravagant to replace the new play site with overhaul.

To put it bluntly, the logistics force of the First Order is limited, and it cannot support shipbuilding and artillery on the front lines of war.

The most ideal state is that the speed of my creation is faster than the speed of your destruction. If that is the case, you will be able to tear up with the Zerg Corps in front of you, and die, depending on who is more efficient and more cost-effective to kill.

Warfield came out of the assault ship and found that his Banshee Sandora had almost recovered. Eyes almost fell out.

The heart said: "It is said that the first order is cattle. Today it is an insight. A huge ship that is hundreds of meters long and dozens of floors is just a bigger toy in its hands. If you pick it up, you pick it up. Not an hour? "

It's really fast. When the t880 team completed a devastating attack on the surrounding worms, so that no large worms could be found within a few hundred square kilometers, and the Sandra was almost repaired.

"The crown prince has been reimbursed for repairs. So, let's go on the road with peace of mind. The beachhead base is still waiting for you to come and review it."

It sounds awkward!

But I didn't have to worry about it, and ordered his men to board the ship, driving the renewed sense of Sandora, surrounded by the ships of the first order, to Jim Reno.

Along the way, Warfield finally recovered some of the strong army commander's feelings, because the fighting power of the First Order is professional enough, sharp enough, along the way show technology and various specialties against the crushing, a blood and fire death Road, I do n’t know how many Zerg died under its attack, I do n’t know how many well-designed Zerg ground facilities were destroyed. It's just a flat push, giving Warfield and others the feeling that this kind of bull sledges more, and then go together, sweeping Charles star thoroughly, afraid it will be a few days.

In fact, this is also related to the fact that Zhao Wenrui has successively pushed down two rock satellites of inferior dinosaur mass extinction meteorite. The worms were blown up, there was a wide range of loss of contact, and various losses. Many worm nests were screaming, many carpet areas were destroyed, and then there were no carpets, needle spines and spores. Reptiles have to move their nests, and those large-scale ionizing spore cannons, without the blankets, are equivalent to the power off of the searchlight. It is difficult to remove them, and they can only suffer in the state of decay.

The Zerg are busy reorganizing the camp. Zhao Wenrui and his party happened to be pretending to be successful, without encountering any elite mixed army. Otherwise, it is the pile of people, Zhao Wenrui who can get piled up and they will do everything.

Jim Reynolds and his Rangers received the support of the First Order, which is naturally better.

They even have the time to follow the recommendations of the First Order, re-plan the base structure, and transform the original temporary beachhead into a semi-permanent fortification.

Ever since the Huffman star, the Rangers have fallen in love with the Cliff Mansion.

So this time the new core is also the cliff building.

This kind of facility is not difficult to build in front of the advanced technology of the First Order Engineer.

According to local conditions, the raw materials are in place, and then the man-made rock mountain-like building rises from the ground.

When Zhao Wenrui came over, the internal construction was almost completed. From the time point of view, it does not delay everyone's stay at night.

Warfield sighed, fighting with the First Order, accidentally made the outing mode, and supporting services for high-end accommodation, really met God.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui secretly encouraged and pretended this ratio, mainly to deal with blasphemy.

The strength of this super concrete structure is still guaranteed. Ordinary people hide inside and can effectively resist the psionic attacks of blasphemers.

This point, let alone a vehicle, ca n’t be compared to a ship.

And at the request of Zhao Wenrui, the ships are going to high orbit, or they are on duty at high altitudes. Ground operations are not suitable for shipyards. A large worm attack on the tunnel can cause the flame-out ship to be very injured. local.

Once a large ship is gone, warships such as the iron goose can be parked on relatively reliable high platforms such as cliff buildings, and then heavy weapons are deployed, high-performance drone gun fort + missile tower arch guard, and then in a relatively safe The site is equipped with factory facilities for production and maintenance, and a base is basically completed.

With the first order, there are more layouts, such as monitoring of underground probes and hardening of the ground. It may not be possible to stop the tunnel worms, but generally the worms can dive into the hardened floor and they can be effectively contained.

This is Char, and the underground has long been emptied by worms, so it is actually necessary to keep the ground safe as much as possible. The Cliff Mansion also has a defensive effect in this regard. After all, compared to Huffman, the First Order was a practical design for this kind of building, and the underground part even has a special battle pit against Zerg. It is to deal with raids from underground.

Warfield thinks so well of seeing the First Order, and his professionalism will make Dibi's landless self-confidence. It is very dark to say that Jiangshan has talents out. It is now an era where Ethan Holden and Jim Reno show their talent . Subtext: Although the emperor loses ugly ~ ~ but it is not very shameful, because it is old, and you are a new force, a successor, so on the whole our inheritance is very effective, very good, ha ha ha !

Zhao Wenrui is too lazy to raise the bar with this old product and is not a gang at all. He is still thinking about profanity.

The launching of rock mass satellites seems to have postponed the appearance of blasphemers, but this may also mean that as long as they appear, they will not be one, but will even form a pair or even form a team.

As the saying goes, a penny can knock down a hero, and the same is true. If you speak of strength, you ca n’t do it.

He was really unsure that there were just a few blasphemers at the same time, and he had to win.

"Otherwise, find the Queen of Blades and see if you can join forces?" Another thought: "Forget it, the current Queen of Blades is not the later Kerrigan, and is now in a state of fine division. The so-called humanity even has Maybe it ’s just an illusion, but it ’s actually not close to people ’s words. Do n’t go and talk without saying three words. Fight first. If there is a loss, why bother? ”

He worked hard again, and it really made him think of a seemingly feasible method ...

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