Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1079: Refuse to play

In this round of interaction with Zhao Wenrui, the Alliance has received a heavy blow. As a member of the Union member of the foot basin and South Koreans, there is a kind of depressed depression lying inexplicably.

Especially after learning from the reincarnations of the grievances of other world heavens and their own families, they feel more and more mixed.

Again, compared to outsiders, it ’s natural to lean towards oneself. Everyone says their truths and difficulties, the troubles of big countries and big countries, and the difficulties of small countries and small countries. Self, the operation is also very difficult.

In terms of geopolitics, it is common at this time to make close contacts. Take Switzerland as the head. Why is it so neutral that the projectile land can be neutral? I really thought there was a natural danger in the Alps, so there is nothing to worry about.

In fact, the key is not here, the key is that as long as Switzerland guarantees that there is no big country in the periphery to fully control all its opponents, so that it can draw a lot of resources to siege Switzerland, then the resistance of this country is effective.

For a piece of chicken-ribbed stuff, the country is taboo and stubborn. If it is rich and capricious, it has long been said to be alone, and it must not be worthwhile to die in such a dangerous country.

This is a manifestation of the survival of a small country. It is not in their interest to use the corresponding sticks and foot pots to be loyal dogs in the heaven.

To put it bluntly, Peking and Vietnam have both made maid of heaven. What happened afterwards? Standing in the force field of the heavens, you can say that these are all heart-wrenching and heart-changing, but people who know some politics know that countries do not have eternal friends, only eternal interests, not only the other party has changed, but also their own. .

At that time, Tianchao, Lao Mao, and the lighthouse, and the foot basin, all had a honeymoon period, and the relationship with Da Mao seemed to be good after a circle. Ba Tie was very iron and shouted and shouted, as well as old friend Siha Nuuk, I visited every three times, and then what?

Of course, many problems left over by history cannot be washed away. But I have to say that the brutality of the killing of Asians is notorious. How many people killed Bai Qikeng? In the history of slaughtered cities, how many times have there been no roars?

The history of the foot basin, it is also very cruel to kill each other, even sitting, the Zhuzu, the great leader of the stick basically can not end ...

This is the case with Asian culture. The footbath people feel that they are Asian leaders, thinking of *, carrying the plaque of the sick man of East Asia, running to slaughter, and then setting off with the Asians' consistent play, it can be explained.

It ’s just modern. Western butchers are leading the global fashion. Their colonies are almost the same, and the killing is almost the same. Then they throw the **** cloth and start to talk about basic morals and start playing the gentleman. If you are not good, you will look rather spicy.

Lighthouse State Heart said that this is the time period. Could it be that you still want to emulate 200 years ago, and we plan to reduce the proportion of the indigenous population to obtain the cornerstone of rule? Do you think we all don't exist?

And the thinking of the Chinese people should be the most bitter in life in response to that sentence.

What country is the foot basin? During the Tang and Song Dynasties, thousands of miles ran to cross the country and went back to become a famous name. Their own coin-making technology was not good. They even brought the copper coins from the Central Plains back to a country where money was used.

As a result, the name-calling name is now in turn weaker than being a pig slaughter. This gap is too dramatic and too hateful.

But I have to say that the country was indeed miserable at that time, hunger and cold + national longevity cream, one by one, not to mention the temperament, even the appearance of people is gone, and the national backbone is also interrupted by wild boar skin, it is really spiritual The upper body and the physical body can not be taken out, the education level of the population is low, and most people are numb and alive.

Looking at the metropolis and seeing the Meiji Restoration, how can people who have started the education of the people of the foot basin look at it?

After all, it is a big country with a large population. At the critical moment, there are some outstanding people. It is a miraculous reversal by taking advantage of the weather. Otherwise, it is really a rotten situation that ca n’t be rotten anymore. It's strange that there is no coveted heart.

So in the view of the foot basin people, the Central Plains lost its deer, you can chase, I can chase.

Wu Huranhua, the royal family of the Sui and Tang Dynasties were not regarded as orthodox Han races, and then the centuries of the Yuan dynasty established by the Mongols, and then the Qing Dynasty with wild boar hides ...

Excuse me, where are you precious? I can't conquer those barbarians?

Isn't this a joke? We now represent advanced productivity. You do n’t have to push all your feet in the tomb. Why do you occupy Huahuajiangshan? Do we have tsunami earthquakes from time to time? Just because of the ancients, where have you always occupied?

Don't blow it off, the Han people originated in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, now in the area of ​​Gan Shaan, and then through continuous conquest and fusion, and then violently torn apart with Jiuli in the south to lay the Central Plains overlord. pattern.

What did the Han people call Sifang at that time? Dongyi, Xidi, Nanman and Beirong are all savage savages who do not submit to Wanghua.

The occupation of the conquered king tyrant has never stopped, of course, including the occupation of space.

Everyone knows that during the period of the Three Kingdoms, the development south of the Yangtze River was impossible to talk about, and there were few people in the Yangtze River Valley. The southern part of the Caiyun is a typical place of smoldering. .

It was later that the clothing was moved to the south several times, and Jiangnan gradually flourished, and even with the later Hu Guangshu, the world was full.

Then the meat drama came, and you also conquered step by step, and it was mainly because the land was connected, so it was pushed down, and the establishment of villages and towns was expanded. We are immature because of the sea and various conditions in ancient times. But logically, we cannot conquer? Only Xuzhou officials set fire, not allow people to light up? Two sets of standards?

This is the reason of the foot basin.

In modern times, there are thousands of reasons to return to the basics, that is, the biggest reason is that the fist is hard.

To explain in Taizu's words, you will be beaten if you fall behind.

This is what happened in the world.

Therefore, the Chinese people's intentions are difficult, the foot and feet are rampant, the wolves are ambitious, and they are not arrogant, and the ancestors are wide, and they are very proud.

There is also a more annoying point is that the foot basin died in the hands of the lighthouse country, whether it is Iwo Jima or Midway Island, the elite are so buried. Including those famous standing divisions that could be said to sweep across China in those days, they were all folded in the hands of the lighthouse country.

So the foot basin people have been unconvinced.

I admit that my eyes are big and I haven't eaten you, but I don't admit that I lost to you.

It's just not talking about if and if not, using data alone, my most elite force, at sea or on land, aren't broken when you fight with you. There are only a handful of examples where you have been defeated by the establishment of a positive system, but there are many examples that we swept.

It is also a fact that we let the second-line troops reserve to guard the occupied area and occupy the area for nearly ten years. Your guerrillas bluntly say that they are cold guns under the yin knife. They are as hateful as snipers in modern times. They can be killed on the spot after being caught. Not protected by the Geneva Conventions.

Even if our fighting strength is heavily tilted because of the Pacific wars, in the end, we still keep a lot of sorrows, and then as we announced the defeat, it is gone, you have to pay back the conditions, as if you are fighting I won Iwo Jima, Midway, burned Tokyo, and threw a nuclear bomb. Do you say I'm not convinced?

This is the reason of the foot basin people. The foot basin people have always stuck their necks and refused to confess certain crimes. One is that they fell into the black hole because they confessed those crimes. The international reputation has been hit too hard to climb. . The other is disappointment.

Correspondingly, as a person from a third-party country, for example, the reincarnations who competed with Zhao Wenrui, it is more objective to talk about this period of history, and it also rationally analyzed the ins and outs of enmity and resentment from their respective perspectives.

After listening to the foot basins and sticks in this world, I naturally feel very wrong. The heavens soared, and they did not commit crimes in history at all. They even regarded the heavens as a forceful existence in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, and were proud to seem to have inherited some of their cultural heritage.

As a result, Zhao Wenrui's hatred house and Wuwu are very unreasonable.

Zhao Wenrui was despised because of the yellow race, but refused to help the yellow race because of the extended hatred. This is hard to know how to evaluate?

Even Zhao Wenrui didn't seem to help Caucasians. Sweden is pretty scared now. After all, it is said that ten thousand and ten thousand. Zhao Wenrui ’s lair is on their land and can be built to the current scale. It is also directly related to the green light from the center to the place.

However, the foot basin and sticks still hope that Zhao Wenrui can take them.

Now they naturally see that at least they are talking about high-tech mastery, and that group of reincarnations is not as good as Zhao Wenrui. Zhao Wenrui is not only high-end, but also very comprehensive, and the nuclear industry is not enough. Aircraft is a comprehensive inspection of the industry, no matter which link is not good, and the technical content of the parts of the aircraft that can fly Mach 15 in the atmosphere is No factory in the earth can do this.

They naturally also thought of the theft of sophisticated instruments from European countries more than two months ago.

Now summarize those instruments, and you will find that it looks like a foundation equipment for products in a microscopic field.

Then we can deduce it a little, and we can introduce it. The first step of Zhao Wenrui is to produce a production line of micro products, which in turn directly improves the overall precision of the mechanical system.

As the overall precision improves, more sophisticated equipment is manufactured, which can further develop in the microscopic field.

Then nanotechnology must be an important part.

After nanotechnology, in terms of materials, the level of molecular arrangement may be reached.

Once the materials are obtained, the basis for higher-precision precision instruments will be established.

It has to be said that their derivation is probably correct.

In fact, this is not too difficult to guess. If you have some relevant knowledge, you can figure out the steps slowly.

Of course, in fact, Zhao Wenrui realized a leap-forward development in the process because of the existence of nanoworms. Otherwise, from the scratch to the present, there is no difference, it is impossible to be so fast.

Under the persecution of the Allied countries, the Swedish official still contacted Zhao Wenrui stubbornly. The royal family gambled on the reputation and came to invite Syria.

Considering that these days in Sweden are generally smooth, this face was given by Zhao Wenrui.

So at the banquet, in addition to playing the royal beauty plan, the Swedish royal family invited several princesses of the appropriate age (including close relatives) to accompany dinner, mainly to ask on behalf of the alliance, what is the constitution of Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui said that in general, it was industrial expansion, and then prepared to face the g-stars.

But because his estimated time is 23-25 ​​months, the overall plan is planned with strict time. Without being disrupted by accident, he could build an air and space fleet before the war.

Then he talked about the theory that orbit making is the space version of air making. And briefly explained the next war, the home field is from high orbit to low-Earth orbit, the blue ocean need not think about it.

The Swedish representative is not simply listening. He also expressed some of his own views.

For example, he analyzes the weapons of the G-Star Scout Fleet.

Whether it is a wine bottle tossed howitzer or the assembled big wheel, it is not a particularly powerful weapon. Its performance in naval warfare is not amazing. In space warfare, what is it? I am afraid there is no possibility of hit?

Therefore, although the g-stars have demonstrated the ability of primary interstellar navigation, in terms of military and weapons, the earth people expressed their dissatisfaction. Their warships may be due to the versatility of the focus, so the performance in the sea is also general, the big toads are generally He jumped on the water and could not fire under the water. It was only because of the advanced anti-radar detection technology and the protective effect of the strong field barrier that he was awesome for a while.

If it is this level, even if orbit control is really important, the g-stars are not afraid to fight a decent orbital war, but can only fight in the atmosphere in the sea, or on land.

Zhao Wenrui said that from a technical point of view, if the versatility of entering the atmosphere is set aside, for the purpose of space navigation and space warfare alone, the ship's technology can be competent at a lower level.

In other words, g-stars actually have the ability to make the performance of pure space warships better. After these space warships made orbits, even if they just dropped bombs, orbit-level high-speed falls, it would be difficult for people on Earth to intercept them, and the consequences would not need to be elaborated.

Therefore, the scout cannot be used to limit the performance of the g-star spaceship. The main mission of the scout is to collect data, and it is not the first purpose of combat.

They should have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the Earth ’s environment shortly after they entered the Earth ’s gravitational circle. After the loss of the communication ship, the first goal became to establish a long-distance communication connection, so they locked up Oahu, Hawaii. Radar station.

In general, they are reconnaissance, and then according to the actual situation to determine the specific tactics themselves, and when they arrive, they find that they have a certain advantage, they establish a separation zone, and eliminate all possible threats to them, including Oahu The armed helicopters parked at the airport and the destroyers entering the area of ​​separation.

In summary, he still firmly believes that the g star has the ability to play orbital warfare, and it will inevitably take occupation of orbit as the primary strategic goal.

The Swedish representative took the opportunity to say: "So, is your fleet capable of fighting orbital wars?"

Zhao Wenrui nodded.

The representative of Sweden added: "So is there any possibility of cooperation, even in theory."

Zhao Wenrui asked back: "What do you mean in theory?"

"Naturally, it can make you calm down, and then we calmly talk about cooperation, or what special needs you have. In fact, we are almost willing to give everything we can, because to please you is better than defeating to become a slave, to please g stars. Appropriate, after all, the g-stars have no sense of identity with our culture, and they also directly express the attitude of war. Maybe they want a second home and intend to completely eliminate human beings. So if you can please your lord, you can get some victory over the g-stars. We are happy to do so. "

Zhao Wenrui thought for a while, and said, "It's still forgotten. In fact, I know that the main problem is still my sensitivity and hypocrisy. I brought the emotions caused by some historical problems and social problems from my hometown to the parallel world. This There is no reason in itself. There is no China in this world, nor is it the fault of any country. I have a subjective attitude to define countries. It is a little unreasonable. Of course, I am still paranoid that you are no different from the same name country in my hometown. . "

"So in the end, the reason for my lack of enthusiasm and the aversion to the nations is actually my own disappointment with the overall mental outlook of humanity at this stage. Despite the suspicion of standing without speaking back, I still feel that countries are in power The performers are too poor. According to my calculations, humans have no chance to enter the space age, they will collapse in internal consumption, and then due to resource consumption, humans standing up from the rubble will not lose gravity even if they can learn the lessons of their predecessors. Well conditions. "

"Such a human being, I don't think it will save me if I don't save it. After all, I have indeed seen the extinction of the population. The universe is very indifferent, and there is no one without it. There are also many parallel worlds, and you can't affect anything if you destroy it."

"I am currently stuck in such a depressed thinking hole. Of course, I still do some things step by step. My plan is to see how far you can fight for the survival of the race, whether you can be under the pressure of external forces Break through and enter a new era. I plan to ensure a low-altitude pass on the mission, let my competitors show their talents, see if you, with your own efforts, can survive the first round of the g-star ’s lethal blow and enter the stalemate stage."

"According to my analysis, you are not very good. If the g-stars know how to grasp the key, they will occupy the track in the first round, and then play a cage against Michigan, New York, and Washington. The outside forces cannot enter, the leader country. Most of them have to kneel, maybe the nuclear weapons are concentrated on the orbit to show a wave, but I am afraid it is still not enough to disintegrate the g star ’s orbital rights. The leader country kneels, and the industrial production bases of other countries will probably become the main targets. Then there are Relatively good in the combat effectiveness, and then basically enter the garbage time. "

"According to this reasoning, I am thinking about the timing of my fleet's entry. I must find a way to allow humans to regroup their combat power, start backup industries, such as those in cave construction, and then fight the war."

"It's not very easy to predict next. When I see what my fleet can do with the g-stars. My industrial system will also be fortified underground to prevent it from being almost unsolvable by orbital tungsten rods. Space-based strikes. But part of my industry must be completed in deep space, so space warfare is very important to me. If it fails, the production capacity will be greatly reduced, and even the battleship will not be able to come out later. Both are relatively limited. If the opponent chooses to go to space to evade and then return in time, the fighter will be very helpless. "

"Actually, it doesn't make much sense about cooperation. Time determines what my maximum production capacity is like, and I can only achieve a few levels of industry chain. So far, I have not been restricted, which means even If you join, I can't be faster. "

"And this also determines the upper limit of my fleet size when the war starts. Even if you follow the technology, the industrial level will not be able to rise in time."

"I also thought about lowering the industrial grade, more shipments, and a bad fight. But I am worried that without the ability to compete head-on, the strategic purpose of the g-stars' first wave of assault cannot be prevented."

"Think about it, or protect my height and sell you. Maybe you can achieve miracles with the help of my colleagues. So the growth point is actually with you."

"If I have to say that my joining is actually good, then I will give you a relatively low-level technology that allows you to quickly upgrade your industrial level. In fact, I have calculated it, mainly depends on your determination and investment If you ca n’t reach a certain height, my technology will only disrupt your steps, and the final result is that you ca n’t get any finished products at the beginning of the war. Instead, it ’s not as good as it is now, focusing on some technical breakthroughs and getting some time. The sword-flipping stuff came out. There is at least a chance to fight it. "

"So you come and ask me, it is better to go back and ask yourself. What can you do. I have been watching. If I reach my valuation and think that the industrial upgrade is too late, it is not harmful but beneficial to you, then I naturally Will be shot. On the contrary, you still hope in your brain to save the world. "

The representative of Sweden recorded Zhao Wenrui's remarks and turned it back to the Union Conference.

Everyone was quite speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Zhao Wenrui's argument is full of pessimism and negative emotions, but it all makes sense. Now the federal government is courageous about the progress of cooperating for survival, and all of them are in the heart of sitting, and they know where the constraints are.

It ’s selfish to say ten thousand and ten thousand. ~ Even if someone dedicate completely, they ca n’t awaken the same emotions of other people. After all, they are not themselves, or they represent the country. The situation within a country is intricate and complicated. It is not only the country that needs to give, but the people to give. It is more important that those consortia and individuals who control wealth also have to give.

In fact, dedication is not impossible, the point is that no one or a country ’s credibility has reached the height of giving people dedication without any precautions.

Although Beacon Country is a leader, his leadership position is achieved by factors such as great fist and relatively strong financial strength, not because others are good in character, everyone respects him as a man.

So everyone will worry that in the end, the host will understand the end of himself, his own country, and his own people.

And if it is conditional dedication, then it's no fun to play, what charter, who is more and who is less? Why more and less? In this way, the progress is still not good.

So knowing that time self-urgency is calculated in units of minutes and seconds, but everyone ca n’t really achieve a high degree of cooperation, which is also ironic.

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