Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1080: Talk in despair **

Zhao Wenrui knew the result of discussing the cooperation within the alliance early in the morning, and it ended in disappointment.

Because he believes that the level of human spiritual civilization has never reached the level that caused this to happen. It's not that someone or someone can't do it, but whoever stands in that position can't do it.

After all, the internal complexity of the country behind it, he is not allowed to do it.

And this matter is a miracle that all qualified individuals and decision-makers in the organization must have enough consciousness to achieve.

Zhao Wenrui is not a person who does not believe in miracles, but miracles are also divided into three, six, and nine. Some miracles can only exist in people's dreams.

So in this incident, strictly speaking, it was not who was mocked, but mocked everyone, including him.

Can't come up with the ultimate state for various reasons. Then don't stop bb, you can do something.

After stopping the analysis of Zhao Wenrui through the Swedish representative, he went back to make a detailed analysis. The think tank participated in everything and repeated discussions.

The final conclusion, Zhao Wenrui's inference, may be extremely high.

At this time, Zhao Wenrui did a good thing. He shared the information observed by the super observation system he made with the alliance.

Is of course g star.

G, like Earth, is not far from the Gris Sun, with a suitable temperature, liquid water, suitable quality, and atmosphere. It has existed steadily for hundreds of millions of years, and thus has the conditions for life.

Then the g-stars are amphibians that land on land. Looking for an analogy among the creatures of the earth, they can be understood as seals. It is also a mammal, except that the structure of their hands is somewhat larger than the seal fins.

Actually there are more specific differences. Let ’s call it that.

In the last stage of the {Super Battleship} (Easter Egg), someone found a similar rescue capsule on the side of Scotland. Although some local teasers trying to open the treasure chest were killed and injured, due to the timely intervention of relevant organizations, the name g Starman was not shot, but was arrested.

This makes humans have a better start in the study of g-stars. In fact, some g-stars were also found in the wreckage of the scout ship, but the corpse cannot be compared with the live g-stars.

Is there a reincarnation? Through confusion and telepathy, and telepathy, the reincarnations pry open the g star people's mouths, thus obtaining a lot of g star people's information.

And Zhao Wenrui's observation and sharing also took some of the information they learned from the side.

The large fleet of g stars has already set off, and the number is about 20,000, which is almost out of the nest.

The population of g Stars is actually not large, but since they are all in the era of interplanetary navigation, their industrial production capacity will naturally not be too bad.

The main reason why the g-stars are fond of Earth is because of their own series of operations, which makes the parent star more polluted. Mainly pollution of waters.

And their civilization wants to continue to move forward, but can not effectively control this pollution.

So the earth is a buffer point for them. Transferring the industrial system can let g star enter the pollution control stage.

Moreover, the inner and outer planetary circles of the solar system have not been developed. Whether it is the asteroid belt, the Kuiper belt, or some dwarf planets, there are a lot of ice resources.

G stars can melt into water by ice to create an aquarium-like living environment, which can be regarded as an alternative deep space colonization satellite.

In general, the migration of the whole people to the solar system can greatly improve their living conditions. Perhaps when the solar system's water resources are heavily polluted, their civilization has progressed to the stage where it will no longer cause excessive water pollution.

When the time comes, they can return to the g star home where pollution has been treated, and then start a new stage of civilization.

As for humans, it is conceivable that g-stars are also omnivorous, and their customs make them think that eating enemies can inherit the power of the enemy, so if humans are defeated, the ending is also quite miserable.

Twenty thousand warships, many people in the alliance shook their legs after seeing the relevant information.

The blazing array of stars alone left their brains blank, and many people did n’t pay attention to some of the following analysis, or they would make up later.

Overall, the g-star fleet is very different from the previous scout fleet.

The last time its flight style was parabolic, it was like a projectile thrown by a super-rocket wagon. It rolled over and came over, and then in the final stage, made adjustments, divided into five, four small and one big, and began to enter the earth Gravity circle.

This fleet is more like a three-dimensional naval fleet array, the logic is very clear, and its functionality can be seen from the external image and scale.

Those are main ships, those are mother ships, those are supplies, those are escorts, and there are openings.

That ’s right, there are ships dedicated to the entire fleet. They build obvious energy waves in space, and then want to emit cones towards the rear.

In the chapter of the super battleship, there is a similar situation. Each ship of the scout fleet has a semi-circular shield-shaped energy cover.

Including Zhao Wenrui once thought it was an energy protection force, the main role was to protect the ship, especially after entering the atmosphere, to reduce the coefficient of friction between the front of the ship and the atmosphere.

However, after one of the very low collisions with the satellite hit the satellite and changed its angle of entry into the atmosphere, this claim to protect the ship was questionable.

Let's follow this observation. Its operation is probably to create a cavitation-like environment, and then achieve the purpose of curvature navigation.

That is to say, the open channel ship at the front carries a large energy generator to create a curved navigation environment, and the subsequent ships join this cavitation-like energy field area to achieve the group's curvature navigation.

Therefore, every large ship with a clear road actually includes a fleet of over one hundred.

Let's consider such a fleet force as a complete combat system, just like the system of human carrier battle groups.

And then carry out a detailed analysis to speculate the functions of various ships.

And the final analysis results deduced that the g-star's large fleet is very similar to the human fleet, but its formation is closer to that of the blue ocean fleet during World War II, and in the early stage of World War II, the aircraft carrier did not become the main role of the fleet. prepared by.

But these fleets still have carrier-like motherships.

In terms of scale, the main battleship, mother ship, and supply ship are of one level, and the length is more than 1 km. The curvature generator ship coming down the tunnel is slightly smaller. Although the length is more than 600 meters, it is very stout. It looks like big round batteries.

There is also a large ship, full of patchwork metal punk style. After analysis, people have reason to believe that this is the previous scout fleet, now they look like they are in a group, like a strip of crystal, and once split It is four small and one big.

Obviously, the role of this kind of ship is the landing ship in the human ship, which is used to fight after bursting into the atmosphere.

Others are small ships. Of course, this is relatively small, the smallest, the length is also more than 300 meters, similar to the length of the Ford aircraft carrier, the width is slightly worse, but the height is similar, so the displacement is definitely not low, in terms of humans, it is properly large Ship.

Such a large fleet makes people feel chilly. After all, it is more than 100 fleets with a number of more than 100. Humans may not be able to come up with the total tonnage of one of the fleets.

It seems that the only one who hopes to come up with a fleet of similar gross tonnage is Zhao Wenrui's first order.

However, if you pick one hundred and dozens, you feel like death.

By using Zhao Wenrui to share information, the alliance also took the opportunity to ask questions, that is, what did he think of the situation.

Zhao Wenrui said that it was basically within his estimation, and the number was slightly smaller. He thought that the total industrial capacity of g-stars could reach 30,000. At present, it seems that the main factor restricting its size is the population?

In general, the ship automation of the g-stars is quite high, there are not many people on each ship, and even the main personnel are similar to the role of the Marine Corps. The crew is really few.

According to this estimate, the g-star expedition is more than 2 million, and the power of the planet is so much. Their total population is really a problem.

The Union heard Zhao Wenrui say this, and finally felt a little comforted.

Since Zhao Wenrui is so calm, and said that it has not exceeded the estimate and is almost one-third less, it means that the size of the fleet he is building is able to catch up with a fleet of g-stars, but in terms of combat power, I am afraid that it is only Strong is not weak. This is good news, of course.

Then the people in the alliance will discuss what we should do?

Most people think that the area within the Earth's gravitational circle is regarded as offshore, and then the nuclear bomb is regarded as a torpedo. As for the shore-based launch, or the torpedo boat to play assault, then ride the donkey and watch the sing book. Anyway, this is the way to play. Keep track of the orbit with nuclear weapons.

Other plans are basically imagination, even eroticism.

Now people are mainly worried that, in addition to whether this torpedo protection coastline can work, it is also worried that g-stars have a large-scale weapons of destruction similar to nuclear weapons. If it is in Greenland, the north and south poles will dissolve the permafrost glaciers in large areas. Will cause a tsunami worldwide.

And human civilization economy, coastal cities occupy a very high proportion. As for the footbaths, let alone countries like the UK. After the tsunami, it was basically impossible to expect anything in a short period of time. Being able to save oneself without the help of other countries is considered outstanding.

Anyway, a global tsunami can make people cry and cry. If we throw a few big bombs in several metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles, then a global wave of refugees will begin.

This kind of killing is not difficult for the g-star fleet, because there are too many loopholes in the human defensive orbit.

And for human beings, such a turmoil will directly overload countries. Perhaps the Spring Festival system of the heavens can share experience, but unfortunately there is no heaven in the world.

So casually calculating the accounts, everyone is quite desperate, it seems that the g star has been invincible.

After all, as long as you use some disaster-grade weapons, you can greatly reduce the war potential of the human side.

In this way, there is no stalemate phase, lack of a stable rear, what stalemate?

The competition for orbit control is global in scope, and no one is outside the enemy's attack. This is a sad reminder. No one needs to wash the ground for a global bombing. Just blow up where your population is concentrated. Humans are spread out. Drilling the forest. Drilling the forest. Drilling the ravine. Moreover, this chaos around will lead to destructive consumption, and because most urban people cannot adapt to the wilderness, a large number of illnesses and deaths, and then followed by the plague.

Therefore, this series of chain reactions is quite terrifying. Human beings who cannot gather can't stop effective production and construction. They simply consume, and lack enough living items, they will quickly consume the population.

Those who rely on national reserves by then? I'm afraid it's not enough.

All countries talk about that we are prepared for nuclear war. But in fact, to the extent of preparation, there are psychologically compelling numbers. There is too much to say here. The real situation is far less optimistic than statistics.

What should I do?

Start organizing exercises in this area from now on? And choose the population to prepare for the continuation of the race?

It seems that it can really be unfolded, and it will be too late if it is not done.

But as soon as it is done, the world will definitely be in chaos.

Therefore, we must be prepared for chaotic times.

In short, since it has been confirmed that more than 100 spaceships of g-stars are already on the road, countries have really started to get busy. This time, I definitely cannot cover the lid, because I am not sure at all, and when everyone is not ready, then we can start the countdown to destroy the country.

It should be said that the quality of the Swedes is indeed good. After the nationals were informed that this was a race life and death crisis, Zhao Wenrui ’s resource requirements, mainly based on high-quality iron ore, were still effectively guaranteed.

This may have the power behind the alliance.

Despite his negative performance, the Alliance relied on him as a powerful unit to protect his needs and allow him to develop as planned, which is probably a political task.

In fact, at this stage, his demand has been relatively single, but the amount is indeed up. Because the scale is constantly increasing.

At the same time as more positive triangle industrial buildings rise from the ground, the scale of underground expansion is even larger.

Soon after, Zhao Wenrui came to this world for the seventh month, and some pretty fat carrier spaceship appeared on the top floor of the industrial building.

It slowly rises, and after leaving the scope of the industrial building, it begins to unfold, some like blowing a balloon, but more regular and orderly, extending from the top floor to the surrounding circle, very beautiful.

These seem to be a little floating, reminiscent of the big fat man in the helium airship, which is actually mainly metal, and one of its key equipment is the vector control device, which is the anti-gravity as the saying goes.

It carried tens of thousands of tons of materials, using anti-gravity to climb vertically at a not too fast speed, and then at a certain height, turned on the plasma thruster to rush out of the gravity well.

Of course there is no jump engine, it is a short-distance delivery, there is no need to install that. Moreover, the current industrial level of the First Order cannot produce a jump engine.

At this time, the First Order already had three industrial buildings, and three carrier ships were produced every day. After the carrier ships were delivered, they would return.

Ten days later, there were thirty ships carrying ships, moving materials up and down all the time.

In the high orbit around the earth, a large star port is being built at a rate that changes every day.

From the eleventh day, three industrial buildings began to launch another kind of ship. They are similar to the trailer head. They are simple tow ships. They can tow a huge standard container system in space. These containers are locked in a metal frame system, and the towing ship will tow this metal frame.

They themselves want to break through the atmosphere to go to space too much, because they do not have anti-gravity, and do not need that stuff. So the transport ship will help them, take them out of the gravity well, and then start swimming on their own.

The role of the towing ship is to drag materials from Xinggang to Lagrange point 1 between the earth and the moon. There, a deep-space colonial satellite city will be established. In the early stage, there will not be many people, but it will become the base of the space industry, with metallurgy as the mainstay, and preparation for the shipbuilding hull.

At this time, the industrial capacity of the First Order was manifested. Thirty ships carried shuttles in and out of the atmosphere day and night, and each single ship shipped more than 10,000 tons, but First Order ’s manufacturing Speed, but can keep up with its transportation, there is always enough goods.

The Union easily calculated that with the current flow of resources and supplies in Sweden, it would simply not be able to meet the current manufacturing speed of the First Order Industrial Group. Therefore, the raw materials of the industrial cluster mainly do not depend on the logistics of Sweden, but from another source.

The professional technicians of the alliance inferred that the industrial cluster itself should have raw material collection and rough processing system, and it may involve the expansion of the entire industrial cluster underground, and it may also directly obtain the required raw materials from the magma layer.

In short, the power of the First Order has given the world a lot of confidence, because as long as the weather is clear, even in the daytime, many areas can see the huge space star port, and at night it is as bright as the moon.

In addition, the Union secretly breathed a sigh of relief, making sure that Zhao Wenrui did not brag before.

Because according to the overall progress, this time period should be almost like this. Although it is a marvellous industrial wonder for them, the first order is to build a fleet before the war. Without this progress, will it be possible to blow it by mouth?

And by this time, the alliance could be regarded as having an ability to cooperate with each other, knowing that it is impossible to be selfless and dedicated, and do its best in public relations. Cooperation can only be conditional.

Even due to the issuance of the global crisis notice, the officials of various countries must take enough action to solve problems such as the three-prevention underground works to appease the people, otherwise the people will not have to play once the desperation and riots occur.

Even if the officials of various countries have worked hard, the troubled groups still quickly took to the streets, and bought those who do nothing and ignorant people at low cost, marching, smashing, looting, rioting.

There are also some speculators and ambitions who are afraid of chaos in the world, cultists who promote the theory of salvation in the last days, etc., have also taken to the streets and become active.

Faced with this situation, there are still differences in the handling methods of various countries.

Think of European countries, it is relatively soft, because Bai Zuo has a higher proportion among the people and the official.

And like the foot basin, South Korea, that is the direct suppression of the army, the loudspeaker warned, and there are no rubber bullets afterwards. They are all live ammunition. The primary target, the activists, are shot on the spot, such as those who want to throw a burning bottle. After being shot into a sieve for a while, those who incited in the crowd with a horn but did not rush forward will also be named by the snipers. In short, all jumpers will be killed.

The panic and trampling caused by it were basically ignored by the anti-riot forces. Instead, a full-scale dispersal is carried out first, followed by the first-aid queue. If you can, you can save. You can't directly collect the body bag. Family members can't see the last side, only the ashes.

The effect of the reenactment was immediate. Modern people have never experienced any real wars or motivations at all. They are all courageously persuaded. They usually rely on legal human rights. They know that the police do not dare to really let go of discipline. So one by one, it ’s terrible. Now I ’ve found that the head iron is useless but really will die. I shrink immediately. There are many incontinences on the spot. After all, people are like blood bags and they are shot with blood. Splashing, the cruel effect is absolutely irritating.

Once the first-aid queue was cleared, the queue was cleared, the sprinkler was used to flush the garbage, and the broom pulled the rubbish. The scrubbing was completed quickly. Except for the **** smell and some details, the previous riot and **** shooting seemed to have never happened.

In this way, the foot pots and sticks used Asian-style internal fierceness, which quickly suppressed the germination of larger riots and riots. Many people have turned from passive resistance to good management.

Of course there are many suicides. They are those who feel bleak future and have no confidence in survival.

At this time, the official can't control that much. Those with a weakened heart should be eliminated naturally, and the lack of a supplement for those who are willing to work hard is more valuable.

Anyway, this kind of catastrophe is itself an invisible razor. The first to die is not the old, weak, sick, but the unwilling and mentally fragile.

Of course, this kind of razor is more cruel to the people at the bottom, but in fact, the official has opened the bottom relief at this time, so as long as you are willing to live ~ ~ and willing to listen to the command, even the tramp will not be hungry Dead street.

While giving up some people ruthlessly, the country also wants to preserve the national vigor as much as possible, so whether it is life or death, mainly depends on personal choice.

The situation in Europe is much worse, and their high welfare itself has born the drawbacks similar to laziness. It ’s just that education is good and the quality is generally good, so it ’s not very obvious. In fact, the lack of young people ’s enthusiasm for employment is a manifestation. More and more old people, including adults, are also various kinds of personal rights. In the post, you do n’t have the attitude of respecting the post and loving the job, let alone dedication.

Under such circumstances, there are actually quite a lot of mental illnesses in society.

As the saying goes, the wind and the grass are strong. When faced with this kind of disaster, these people's lack of strength and even the nature of garbage are revealed. All kinds of uncoordinated, all kinds of trouble, and it is the kind of non-cooperation unless violence Some of them are even more dazzling, he becomes mentally ill with violence, but if he does n’t, he ca n’t pass on to people.

Therefore, the social situation in Europe is in a state of erosion. Even those who are still normal begin to worry and lose confidence. Confidence is lost in the future, and in the ability of the official.

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