Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1082: Worse than

The g star arrives in the countdown for 12 months.

One year later, the g-star fleet came, and the human society on earth finally had such a meaning of dancing in groups.

Asan, Malay, Indonesia, and the Philippines, which account for nearly half of the world's total population, are still the same.

In other words, their situation has also turned sharply, but they have adapted to this kind of cliff-jumping decline to a certain extent before, but it doesn't seem to be anymore.

Of course, the specific phenomenon is actually quite shocking, but the evil that mortals can think of is basically staged in broad daylight.

Sadly, now they have no ability to attract global attention with such gimmicky gimmicks. Because people are not in the mood to laugh at others now, let alone those tragic scenes, people have seen it through reports here before. That is to say, the audience is numb.

One of the fierce aspects of capital is that as long as it can be exploited, even if it is dead, it will be like a hog, what it can sell for.

Therefore, large international capitals have been withdrawn from the four waste countries, but small and medium-sized arms-based crows, even flies, are still active, and become more active as the turmoil deepens.

They used second-hand and even n-handed weapons and divided into several grades, the lowest is the homemade ammunition in the workshop to extract people's last bit of value.

Then the people who got the bullets but had nothing or even owed debts. The only way to survive is to see if they can use the weapons in their hands to recapture some wealth. Who is the target or control, at least the next meal?

So as long as someone organizes, someone is willing to pay money to place an order, or directly use cheap expired daily necessities to trade, absolutely someone jumps out to die.

The four waste countries basically staged such plays. The similarity is very high. It is more magnificent than Hong Kong's follow-up filming, such as gangster films and zombie films. It is thousands of times magnificent, and it is being played all over the country.

The era of slaughter predicted by Zhao Wenrui began.

Even Greenpeace, Red Cross and other humanitarian relief organizations are no longer bb, where it has become a hell, the Red Cross sign is not easy to use, and it will certainly become a prey in the eyes of some people and be dried.

The major civilized nations in the world, and the developed countries, are silent on the four wastes of racial self-discipline shows. There are no reports and no attention, as if they are another kind of aliens, and their lives and deaths have nothing to do with the earth.

Several developed countries in Europe, including Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, are still in a state of social erosion.

The causes are also those that have been developed for a long time, high welfare has been for a long time, the material life that people can enjoy is much higher than that of people in other countries, coupled with the improvement of the education system, a group of white love flooding has been born.

In Zhao Wenrui's eyes, this is his own limping, forgetting the origin of the ancestors, forgetting the **** accumulation before the development of the country, and the various kinds of colonial wool shearing that are currently under way. Guarantee of better quality of life.

Perhaps it is not forgotten, but guilt and fear, want to desperately wash away, just like Liu Jianming in {Infernal Affairs}, and finally got himself mentally confused.

All in all, these developed countries in Europe have a white left from top to bottom. Their main performance at that time was their kindness to the refugees in the Middle East and their support for the coexistence of multiple cultures. The main slogan they put forward is that since ancient times, Europe Too much blood has been shed because of the opposition between nationalities and geo-cultures. We ca n’t go on like this. We ca n’t exterminate any population. Then we have to try to live a beautiful life together.

This view can't be wrong, besides, there is also the EU's background. The EU ’s original intention was to eliminate national borders and make Europe a whole. In this way, this group would be able to threaten the powerful economic system of the lighthouse country, instead of looking at the lighthouse country ’s face, but by defending itself. Ability.

Since you want to turn the country into a federation, or even a large administrative area such as a province, then you have to sing and play hand in hand, family.

However, if you want to do it, it is really very difficult. Not to mention that Europe does not have a main ethnic group that can absolutely control the field, that is, foreign forces, the lighthouse country, and even the heavens, will not be willing to see the impact of a unified Europe. Too big. It can even be said that the earth cannot tolerate three powerful civilization groups.

Moreover, as the earliest countries to start global colonization, the European countries, even in modern times, were not comparable in quantity and quality to the beacon countries that came later, and the heavens were even more incomparable.

So once Europe completes integration and then begins to integrate colonies, its power is daunting. It is even more terrifying than the Arab world's reunification and the influence of oil pricing power and the exploitation of other countries in the world.

The external resistance is heavy, and the internal is lagging behind. Countries like Greece have collectively lost their consciousness, dignity and dignity. From top to bottom, they have become a social moth, and they are lazy to do high welfare.

Then the United Kingdom is not used to these laggards, and is not willing to pay so much money to support these goods every year, and is forced by the power of the lighthouse country. At the same time, it also intends to treat the relative of the lighthouse country as a cousin to treat this relative more than other countries Kindness, coupled with the particularity of the geographical location and the long-standing habit of chucking, began to stage all kinds of non-cooperation until leaving the EU.

There is also another point, that is, there are some objective frustrations for the EU countries to receive refugees. These refugees come from their own colonies. In modern times, the colonies cannot be simply obtained without feedback, so even if everyone knows that the people of the colony are second-class citizens, they must be taken in when they should be taken in.

Then, the culture, religion, and customs of the colony are brought in. Unemployment and cultural incompatibility have led to a decline in public security. Even the demographic changes have caused some far-reaching effects and thrillers. Paris and London are world famous cities. Every morning, a large number of people laid small blankets in the direction of Mecca or Jerusalem and prayed on their knees. The great cause that the Green Religion had not achieved in the past thousand years was successful, and the export of refugees succeeded. A large number of green and green people have entered To the core of Christianity and to gain a foothold.

From the perspective of Zhao Wenrui's Eastern style of misfortune and misfortune, it is naturally full of ironic joy. But as a miserable person, it is really hard to say. No wonder some people say that the city is already a refugee, and the suburbs are ours.

It is precisely because of these horror pictures in Europe that the leaders of the lighthouse country have to pull up the wall at the border. It is too terrifying. When the peaceful evolution is progressing, the proportion of foreign population has come up. The country does not know at last What is the surname!

Is this another version of bad money to expel good money? Anyway, black people and Mo people are really able to live, the poorer the better, the poorer the better, but since they are born, they will try their best to survive, from the perspective of the country, it is growing rapidly, and the people of the main clan are more and more annoying to bear The obligation to multiply, the fertility rate has dropped year after year ...

These problems are actually more prominent in the original world, and in this world, it has not yet reached the stage of full surface appearance. After all, it is 2012. The stimulus of the extinct disaster has intensified a lot of contradictions and made a lot of problems obvious. .

The negative effects of European white left on the country came out. Mainly outdated. Cruelly speaking, some good intentions can no longer be performed, and some people who have fallen behind can no longer be saved because they have no ability to save. Revenge, all want to live, so that they dragged each other to die together.

The core of the erosion of the social situation in Europe is reflected in this. Bai Zuo still hasn't found a crisis, and is still looking forward to awakening the light in the hearts of latecomers, and still trying to play one.

The country ’s laggards have not yet been resolved, and the wave of refugees is back.

The reason is also simple. Hasn't the lighthouse country withdrew from the Middle East and left the lion, then the next step is to dance with wolves. More wealthy people like the Middle East prince, chieftain Sultan and others are busy running for themselves and their families. They have money, and they do n’t want to die after the g-stars are killed.

And these people actually represent most of the wealth of a country and a region. What should others do when they use this wealth in exchange for personal good end regardless of cost?

A pack of wolves appeared in this context. There are always capable people, and there are always people who think of solving problems through violence.

The essence of this solution to the problem is actually ‘the way of humanity, which is more than enough for the loss. "Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, and shrimp eat mud. When big fish buy refuge tickets, they start to make trouble, hoping to understand their ending by eating shrimp or even mud.

But in fact, the specific development of things has never been based on personal will. The main reason is that the eldest and the second cannot come out. I eat in the order of ‘I ’m full and you can start’. As a result, the wealth collected is basically used to fight each other.

Scattering and collecting wealth becomes more and more difficult, which makes the sense of crisis increase, and the repeated fighting of each other also deepens the hatred. .

In fact, these consumptions have always been borne by Xiami, and the mud fields have been reduced to battlefields, and Xiami can't do it if he wants to eat mud in a stable way, so he can only live in exile. This is a refugee.

The small fish or the pack of wolves is the head of the army and the leader of the armed organization.

Therefore, since the g-star fleet is already on the road, and the big fishes have begun to buy tickets, the riots have been brewing and staged, and now it is a **** fight, and the situation is full of smoke.

The turbulent refugee tide crossed the relatively calm sea trench in the Mediterranean Sea, and some also reversed the route of the Crusades, marching forward.

For these refugees, the countries of Eastern Europe have been relatively tough and fierce. In the ancient times, they suffered from the drive-out national migration caused by the yellow disaster.

The Mongols got the East Goths, the East Goths got the Visigoths, and the Visigoths eroded westward ... The whole process took more than 100 years, and this kind of migration must be accompanied by burning and looting.

In modern times, countries in Eastern Europe have tasted the bitterness of gray cattle. Hyundai has gained some old Maozi style after joining the Huayue.

Therefore, they are well aware of the dangers of the refugee wave, and at the same time they can harden their hearts. Even if the other party is defenseless, the scene of crying together with adults and children looks quite pitiful.

In Central and Western Europe, the attitude is not so firm and tough.

Refugees are also scheming soft and hard tactics, and they are burdened with very intuitive survival pressure. In order to survive, they can have no bottom line.

So the refugees began to attack the cordon. The military police responsible for guarding the cordon did not receive the order from Shangfeng, dared to shoot mercilessly, and were reluctant to be the villain. The leadership stated that there is still discussion on this issue, and there is no uniform opinion on handling.

Then the refugees successfully flooded into the country. In order to survive, they acted as beggars, thieves, and robbers. They ate and ate all the way. They killed, wounded, smashed and robbed. It is a scene where he is separated from his family life.

Although it is really justifiable, it is an indisputable fact that the materials of various countries are being consumed at high speed and the infrastructure is being destroyed quickly.

And in the context of violence, living materials often cause great waste, such as destroyed farmland, improperly preserved food, and even rice noodles and oil spilled during the robbing process.

The countries of Central and Western Europe began to collapse, and the number of refugees was too large. These NATO countries have paid protection fees in exchange for the protection of the garrison of the big lighthouse country in recent years, making their armed forces partially disabled. The former Germany has long been gone The key to a strong army during World War II is that the will and spirit are gone. The younger generation is also a variety of decadent culture. The stinky stuff is right. The middle-aged people of the backbone of the society have basically grown up in an environment of respect and superiority. The fighting will never be passed down.

It can be said that by this time, even if the official chooses to be tough, the organization's combat power will start to be strangled, and it will be too busy.

Only the lighthouse country has guns for everyone, and all the people who can shoot are soldiers. This time it has played a role. The usual random shootings are quite tormenting, but they also temper people.

Dare to break into my home? The shotgun slammed. It is quite savage, but if it is not savage, it will be eaten by the seemingly harmless opponent.

Of course, they also have no choice. For the family, for themselves, and incarnation of the beast, they are not hesitating.

So this time is not to say that goodness is useless, but that goodness is out of date. Unless you have the consciousness of servicing a wolf, don't give cheap superficial sympathy. Because it can't be managed for a long time.

In the context of this catastrophe, like Zhao Wenrui ’s thinking, from a macro perspective, it is certain that a certain number of people must die until the resource represented by land is produced, and they can live and support themselves again. The people on the land will be terminated.

And how many people can be supported by the output of resources must be considered due to the accumulation of a series of factors.

For example, orderly production is a kind of accumulation. The application of fertilizers and agricultural machinery is also accumulation. Even the smooth flow of logistics is accumulation.

It is precisely because of this series of overlaps that humans can use relatively less land to feed more people.

Now, with the collapse of society and the total destruction, these technology stacks basically disappear. So under relatively primitive conditions, what is the basic carrying population of land is the basic red line of population self-destruction.

And below this red line does not mean that the fighting will stop abruptly. Any phenomenon, especially a continuous phenomenon, has inertia. People who are used to robbing will not suddenly go to the land as improper robbers, and those who make themselves comfortable by squeezing and exploiting will continue their operations.

Therefore, in fact, the population will continue to decrease after falling below the red line.

As for when the reduction is headed, it is more difficult to estimate.

Anyway, the continuous result is that there will be a day when the land is wide and sparsely populated, and some people choose to escape oppression and rely on their mastery to build natural villages in remote places.

When this phenomenon occurs generally, it is almost dead. The oppressors are also unable to pursue the killing from far away, because the cost is high and the return is low.

Then, the overall upward trend of a new round of civilization will gradually take shape, starting from the feudal era? Perhaps.

Anyway, Zhao Wenrui believes that the overall trend is such a process in the context of no external force or special circumstances and intervening. And mastering the changes in this megatrend, those who are sympathetic can consider when it is time to apply goodness and do good people, and ultimately have a high probability of achieving good results.

The more backward, the more basic, the more tolerant of bad news information, so the black uncles of African countries said we were okay.

Many of them have almost the same wish to live, one day at a time, and they are stepped in the mud, there is no way to lower it, so they will not be sad for the catastrophe after one year, after all, can they even see tomorrow The sun is unknown.

Of course, when the international situation is a game, they have also been affected. For example, foreign forces have little interest in mining resources here, especially diamonds and gems. What is that? Eggs are useless.

Foreign forces withdrew their capital and did not have any loans. So the warlords found that the dark clouds of the day seemed to have dispersed. Do n’t worry about being struck by thunder, then go for it? Continue our passionate hegemony game.

So Africa is also lively, but the days of the mud family are still so.

Relatively speaking, South Africans suffer more, and Egyptians also suffer more. These are the big guys in the radish, which are now more affected, and social chaos is rapidly increasing. It is already on the verge of collapse.

South America is already in a state of collapse, after all, it has been half-collapsed by the lighthouse country's combination ~ ~ But their basic population is not too large, and after a lot of people died in various **** struggles, gradually Back to the low-level survival state of relying on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat. The jungles in South America are still relatively rich in production, and the narrow and long coastline also facilitates offshore fishing.

As long as food can be thrown out of the land and cooperated with lower demands for survival, then society can barely function.

As for violent death and selling children, this is already a widespread phenomenon in the world, and there is no value to mention. Now I mainly look at the macro-survival possibilities and talk about what happiness index is too extravagant.

Of course, there are still some people who can mention the happiness index. For example, many people in the lighthouse country think that the current happiness index is okay, because ‘washing powder’ is already open and officially authorized.

In recent years, the claim that cia is the biggest blackhand behind the sale of washing powder has become very popular.

Think about it too, since it can't be forbidden, then why should drug lords make this huge profit?

In Zhao Wenrui's eyes, this is another round of population reduction in Beacon Country ...

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