Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1083: Big manufacturing

The lighthouse nation ’s think tank calculated the accounts and found that in the worst case, the bulk of the country ’s total population would die.

327 million, the official can only save 20-30 million, is it that the big head will be erased?

No one wants to see this tragedy happen.

But if it is almost a necessity, then the lighthouse official hopes that there can be a planned and organized death.

In a simple sentence, first put all the waste residues, then hang the old and the weak, then remove the non-essentials, and finally the essence is strong.

Because the more backward, it means the higher the possibility of survival, and it can leave some good citizens, which is a good result under the tragedy.

And this idea actually means that the lighthouse country itself has plans to carry out hierarchical screening and killing activities.

After a series of comprehensive analysis, the rulers of the lighthouse country believe that, compared with the weak body and weak-willed people, they are actually even more embarrassed. Meat, the first to collapse, affects other people with crazy violence and mental waste, and their survival probability during disasters is low and their contribution is very limited.

Since it is such waste, then please die. You are less painful, we are less burdened, we reserve more survival resources for others, and we do our best!

Then enter the screening process. Rely on? washing powder.

Beacon State officials made a multiple-choice question for the citizens in this cruel way. If they got it right, they entered the next round, and if they got it wrong, they entered the destruction process.

Maybe some people will say, I am nothing more, I am deceived, I am in a sensitive period, I just need a little bit of correct guidance, I am all this.

At this time, the country can't take care of it so delicately. Isn't there such a sentence? Luck is also a part of strength. No matter whether it is untimely, misguided, or confused, it can no longer be used as reference information for program implementation.

In a person's life, there are always so three or two life choices that are particularly important.

Even this time it is. It is artificially made, but it is also a link of general development, with a strong tendency. Almost irreversible.

Zhao Wenrui observed and observed some interesting phenomena.

That is, many of the original homeless people were saved, and those who had a leisurely or decent life before were quickly reduced to new homeless people.

This time the homeless rescue was more complete. Instead of giving a few more Christmas meals, staying in the large warehouse of the shelter for a few more days, and having more shopping vouchers, but once hired, food, clothing and housing are all inclusive.

The lighthouse country now has a huge demand for labor.

In addition to entering the war-time economy in an all-round way, it is also because the capitals have worked hard.

Anyone with a little vision and mind can see that no matter whether the war with the g-stars is good or bad, if humanity has a future, then it will inevitably usher in a comprehensive reshuffle, including the capital circle.

Needless to say, military giants such as Lockheed Martin, the technological explosions caused by samsara, g-star technology cracking, and global high-tech summaries will be smoothly taken over by them, and then retain industry advantages in the future, or even grow into A corporate empire is not impossible.

The chemical and pharmaceutical giants are okay and challenging, but there will always be demand, so just follow up.

Energy giants are trying their best to make rapid transformations. The future is definitely an era of new energy. Even if it is the war time one year later, you can't expect human ships to burn gasoline to compete with g-stars for rail control.

Crude oil can only be reduced to chemical materials in the future, and no longer represents energy, so if energy giants cannot get mature new energy technologies, it will only be a matter of time before they are expelled from the new energy circle.

Then where is the future of the hotel and retail giants? If the retail industry can still say that we can open large grocery stores in the future, what about the hotel industry?

Of course there is the more pitiful, financial industry. Playing around with money.

This business itself does not create real wealth, but through a series of operations to enhance or reduce the value of real wealth, as well as operating some additional value, and add time, information and other factors to obtain benefits.

Starting from the global announcement that the g-star fleet is sailing towards the earth, the overall value of this industry is shrinking wildly. People can't wait to change things directly, so as not to be hurt by the currency devaluation in three days or even three hops a day.

With national regulation, the currency will not become waste paper that is too hard to replace toilet paper in a short time, but the financial bubble is really being squeezed quickly.

Financial predators are also very clear that once they really enter the era of survival and resistance like the {future warrior} Skynet rules the earth, they will basically have nothing.

They are thinking, how to keep wealth? Or, what is real wealth. Living materials and other things have real value, which is regarded as wealth, but the shelf life of these things is short, and this value is not very large.

Counting, it is actually more suitable for Tun people. People are also a resource. And it is a long-term effective resource. In any era, a good-quality population will be a tight commodity. Did n’t that sentence say, what is missing most in the new century? Talent.

Therefore, these capitals, in order to preserve wealth, are extremely keen to build refuges. It is not an experimental quibble shelter like the radiation series, but a real underground fortification.

It can be said that the capitals are doing their best for this project, and the channels and contacts can be used.

This has led to the unprecedented abnormal prosperity of the lighthouse country.

Note that although the lighthouse country is the only superpower, in fact, the domestic welfare level is relatively low. Even if you can apply for relief benefits (provided you have a room and an address), it is not enough to meet the basic monthly expenses. You still need to have a Job.

So in fact, the overall trend is that as long as you do n’t die, you have to work, even if it ’s a tramp, it ’s a kind of work, and it ’s hard to get what you need for life simply by begging.

Due to the demand for useful workers, capitals are also fighting. Like the poorest Mississippi, large recruitments have fallen on the huge number of unemployed people here. Special headhunters have come. As long as they are willing to work hard, everything will be there. Will sell hard, can drive a forklift or forklift better, provide short-term training, support self-learning while working, and solve the worries of workers.

And drugs derived from reincarnations also played an important role.

This medicine is generally an extra gadget that senior reincarnations often have.

It is mainly used for the mission of reincarnation Xinding. Since Xinding was destroyed due to the Three Views, it could not accept reality, and it was easy for collapse of consciousness and other phenomena. At this time, targeted drugs can effectively relieve their symptoms and help them through the adaptation period.

When it is beaten by reality, it is usually through danger, pain, death threats, etc., often not paying attention to hypocrisy, and focusing on survival.

The curative effect of this drug is not extraordinary, but it is a relatively good prescription drug. Therefore, with the help of the reincarnation, it was cracked by the medical laboratory of this world, thus successfully replicating mass production.

This has helped many people.

For example, homeless.

Generally speaking, being alone, the family is unwilling to control, is the prerequisite for the birth of most homeless people.

Mental instability, such as a veteran with ptsd and no skill, is also the main reason for becoming a homeless man.

These can be rescued by this new drug, which is more effective than any drug that treats mental illness today.

But as the saying goes, the medicine doctor does not die, and if he is decadent, it is really not saved. Like alcoholism and drug addicts, no one can save them.

The main treatment is those who are still thinking about good, but are trapped in a vicious circle.

Even if it is a disabled person, it must be officially.

Because of the cracking of the g-star technology, many achievements have been made. Although the g-star power armored clothing technology has not yet been completely down, some of them have benefited reality. Including prosthetics.

For example, Mikkana, a retired officer who made great achievements in the super battleship chapter, this army lieutenant colonel who relies on a pair of prosthetic legs and is fighting against the g-stars. Legs up.

This is of course a global gospel.

But the bigger gospel is that capitals start investing regardless of cost in order to preserve their wealth.

As a result, the dreadful industrial capacity broke out in the lighthouse country, and the presidential spokesperson came to Zhao Wenrui. "May I have time to start now?"

Zhao Wenrui naturally knew that the other party said that he had promised that if the alliance conditions were met, they would be fully supported technically, so that their industrial level would be improved by one or two levels, and they had the ability to fight the g star.

Zhao Wenrui actually asked Milano to help him count, so he said at this time: "I have to say that this country can become the only superpower, and it does have many advantages. Including the chasing and killing psychology of the world's big capital. Of course there are Official help on the right path in the management of national conditions before the war. At least in my opinion, you have basically solved the problem of pressure and kept the healthy operation of the society. Now it has indeed gathered strength and prepared. I think I Can provide you with an industrial level upgrade in a short period of time, so that you can take out some weapons to fight at the beginning of the war. "

Now that he has agreed, Zhao Wenrui is not much nonsense. The industrial buildings he owns now seem to be seven, but the parts below the ground are actually much larger.

And this period has reached the stage of comprehensive transformation and production fleet.

Before the complete transformation, the production of a batch of industrial mother machines for the lighthouse country took only one week, and the consumption of resources was even drizzle.

Of course, some holes still need to be filled by nanoworms. Forget it, it's about the same as building two fewer warships before the war.

And this sacrifice, in exchange for the Alliance to build a group of weapons that are still capable of warfare, instead of holding a bunch of broken shields to take a few swords and go slanting, it is generally cost-effective.

Part of the reason for loosening this mouth is also because Zhao Wenrui was worried that he could not hold it, pretending to be a silly one, and failing to complete the task. It's disgusting.

Therefore, it is a seemingly safe choice to comprehensively improve the offensive and defensive capabilities of the mainstream human groups in the world.

When the Alliance learned Zhao Wenrui's reply, it was naturally a forehead of celebration. In fact, they were also ready to fully meet the industrial upgrade.

If Zhao Wenrui did not support them, they actually cried. Because even if it can produce f35 or something, it will be eliminated from the production line. No one wants to see their weapons made the only value is to be abused by the enemy.

On the contrary, if Zhao Wenrui can fully feed them a bit technically, then similar to the crazy industrial production of 1942, or even more exaggerated, it will produce usable weapons. This gap is really too big. This is to solve the problem of being able to fight with others.

So the technology import project began. During the week of industrial machine production, Milano launched the first wave of technology promotion.

This is almost a wave of pre-work. Milano used a lot of data and information to tell the alliance, mainly the lighthouse country, what industry adjustments you should make at this stage to meet the next industrial upgrade.

Some inherent industrial units are directly eliminated, and some will continue to operate for a period of time, and most industrial mother machines need to be equipped. This equipment can be prepared now. If it can be successfully completed after the mother machine is launched, then Can be put into operation as soon as possible.

Because Milano is strong enough, it is also advancing the work of thousands of production units at the same time. Naturally, the lighthouse country is fully coordinated and takes twelve points of effort to cooperate.

At the same time, scientists and engineers led by the lighthouse country also began to receive detailed data and principles about new industrial mother machines and other supporting technologies.

After all, the machine is still operated by humans. Without qualified personnel, there is no equipment to play.

Zhao Wenrui has decided to temporarily support a batch of t880 to solve the problem of lack of qualified industrial workers for a while. But it is also necessary for the people of the league to learn and take over quickly.

Because Zhao Wenrui's big plan did not support other systems, in his own plan, every screw is useful, naturally including these t880.

Seven days later, a large number of various types of mother planes went off the line at almost the same time, and Zhao Wenrui called the transport ship to carry out a wave of centralized transportation. The specific operation was to go on track, and then arrived at the destination, and then dropped from the track.

The technology in this respect, the First Order is very mature, the accuracy and stability of the orbital delivery are smarter than the most advanced air force airdrops of human beings, and the equipment does not even need a strong buffer device. Completely enough.

The transportation equipment of the alliance has been waiting for a long time. After the equipment is grounded, it is loaded immediately and sent to the industrial base.

These bases are naturally in the mountains and have the highest security level.

And after many mother machines are in place, the first item is self-replication.

From this point on, the First Order began to export a certain amount of resources to the Alliance.

Specifically, the substances extracted from rare earths, the current production level of the alliance can not keep up with the needs, only the laboratory can produce some, the cost is too high, but overall the demand is not very large, so the first order is substituted carry out.

These rare resources are the key raw materials of many new materials and play a finishing touch.

In addition, if the alliance wants to make a difference, the space industry also needs to be launched immediately. The metal produced on the ground, and the weapon that wants to carry the g-stars, need to pay a high price, and if it is space smelting, the cost can immediately fall .

But the alliance is in a hurry, they are not ready for the space industry, and the first order transport ship is still relatively busy, and has no time to help the alliance transport equipment and materials to space.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and the g-fleet's large fleet, even some astronomy enthusiasts on Earth, could see it through high-end observation equipment. Of course, the premise is to know their coordinates.

The First Order has successfully entered the shipbuilding stage, and the First Fleet will take shape soon.

Then there is the fleet trial, the group ship is finalized, and the fleet-level template is copied.

It is estimated that within three months, the Second Fleet will begin manufacturing.

With a cycle of birth of a fleet in two months, when the g-star soldiers are under the city, the fourth fleet of the first order can join the battle sequence.

The fleet of the First Order is a group of 120 ships. The proportion of main battleships is as high as half of the total ships. There are 60 ships left, 40 destroyers occupy the space, and the remaining 20 are other ships, including 7 drones. Mothership.

However, it is difficult for the mothership to reach the level of the wasp drone mothership in the sc universe, with a stock volume of 300, and the overall performance is also much worse.

Fortunately, the new generation of warship bird drones perform better than the Hornets drones. The cruising speed of Mach 15 in the atmosphere can be said to be quite remarkable. It is the ultimate embodiment of industrial-grade creations at this stage.

The general-class destroyer, with a captain of 337, a full width of 82, and a full height of 76, is equivalent to a Ford-class aircraft carrier with a narrow flight deck. Of course, the hull should be fuller.

These destroyers have a triple-mounted plasma pulse gun at the front, which is equivalent to the mk-45 five-inch 54-fold diameter gun on the front deck of the Burke-class destroyer.

The close defense mainly relies on the PFD laser system. If the g-stars still use the kind of toss-bottle-like projectile gun in the super battleship, then there is no chance to drop one, even the largest one with all the bombs.

As a destroyer, torpedoes are naturally indispensable, or they can be affected by missiles. These torpedoes are not much different from drones. They are smart, flexible, and have a far range. They are powerful guarantees for the destroyer to complete its role-playing .

In addition, the general-class destroyer as a space warship does not have a carrier-based anti-submarine system, but has a magnetic floating shield system.

Simply put, in the middle and rear of the ship, there is a relevant equipment unit that can launch a special floating shield. This shield serves as an energy carrier and can generate an energy shield.

This shield can effectively resist the impact of energy and live ammunition, depending on the attack strength of the opposing weapon.

The destroyer has such a shield system. It is not so much to protect itself as to block the guns of the main ships, such as the supply ship, the maintenance ship, the UAV mother ship, which are all expensive, but basically only The beaten unit, and the value of the main gunboat is much higher than that of the destroyer. After all, the neutron beam gun represents the black technology invested by a large number of nanoworms. The plasma gun is also worthwhile. Because the shield uses nanoworms, the industrial grade cannot be made at this stage.

The so-called war is to fight the economy, and a few battles at a loss will have to barefoot jump, so the division of labor among the fleet is also so realistic. The destroyer's part-time frigate function must have the ability to drive off, and must have the consciousness of selling life to the main ship at a critical moment.

Others are nothing. The fleet structure of the First Order is simple and clear. And the UAV mothership is not the main force of the fleet.

Although the endurance of the warship bird has also increased, in space, it still belongs to the melee unit that mainly escorts, and although it can soar to a cruise speed of Mach 20 in space, compared to this in space The speed is not amazing at all.

Of course, in theory, it can accelerate faster by continuous injection, but this cycle is too long, it also loses its flexibility, and the total range also limits its maximum acceleration possibility. In short, the blind speed is at the expense of applicability. This is its inherent limitation and there is no solution.

According to Zhao Wenrui's current summary, the smallest unit of the space station should be a boat, a kind of more than 100 meters long. As a weapon platform, in addition to the relatively occupying power system, it can also carry something. No matter how small you are, you ca n’t run far, without speed bursting, weapons are not good, and there is no use for eggs.

And just like the kind of Star Wars, whether it is a titanium fighter or an X fighter, it is a bragging ratio. With the power supply carried on your small body, the laser can also be used to fight against giant ships with kilometers as the unit of length. Causes great harm? The armor of the giant ship is a layer of paper? Or is the energy shield a decoration?

It can only be said that those products are bound by the times. After World War II, the status of the carrier-based aircraft floated high, and people regarded the carrier-based aircraft as the most important punch in the fleet, which can influence the life and death of the enemy fleet. Common sense, even the space age has been extended.

As everyone knows, if the space fighter is so good, what effect does the same level of technology use on the starship? Why have you? Is the output power equivalent and the miniaturization technology so cheap?

When Zhao Wenrui's First Fleet began sea trials and finalization, the Alliance was also delighted by the release of their new toy.

Air and space fighters use plasma jet engines.

The emergence of plasma jet engines means the end of the era of traditional launch vehicles.

Plasma jet engine is a system with controlled nuclear fusion. The main ways to achieve controlled nuclear fusion are divided into laser binding and electromagnetic binding.

The technology given by Zhao Wenrui is naturally electromagnetic. Because of the maturity of nuclear power technology conversion, electromagnetics can come from nuclear fusion itself.

Plasma, to put it bluntly, is a manifestation of nuclear fusion, the big fireball of nuclear explosion.

Also after being constrained, it becomes controllable to make it directional injection, which is the principle of the plasma injection engine.

Therefore, it is closely connected with controllable nuclear fusion. After the reactor generates energy, it is almost directly used for jet propulsion. Such a power system naturally does not require any oxygen to intervene and is powerful enough.

And this system is used even by the first internal and external transport ships manufactured by the First Order, which is a relatively dynamic one.

In fact, by constantly upgrading and improving this system, he can use it with the curvature engine or even the transition engine.

After switching from the interstellar voyage state, it is propelled by plasma jet. This scheme is feasible for starships, especially the primary interstellar navigation system, which is very common.

After all, interest promotion is the foundation of all technological development. Pursuing benefits will inevitably involve costs, and the technical threshold is relatively low. Improving plasma propulsion technology with good promotion prospects will be synonymous with high cost performance for a long period of time.

The Alliance was also successful because it realized that this technology was sufficient in the civilized era of the solar system. After all, the theory has now been mastered to enter the space age.

Of course, the emergence of air and space fighters not only represents a big leap in this power system, but also represents a great progress in materials science. Even if the plasma thruster has electromagnetic constraints, the temperature is still very high, and the refractory brick is definitely unable to bear, and high temperature resistant materials are required.

Moreover, it is not a general high temperature resistance, but a superconducting high temperature resistance. At the same time of resistance, it also has the characteristics of rapid low resistance down energy to be more resistant.

The exported energy will naturally not be wasted, but converted into electrical energy, mechanical energy or something.

Therefore, the progress of this material technology is also a dream for many people. Super temperature and superconductivity, what a tall concept.

In fact, there are many other great technologies, such as the problem of load resistance.

Drones are indeed the terminator of the era of manned fighters, but the premise is that the ai technology is highly developed, and the ai technology is built on the computer system.

For this technology, Zhao Wenrui is relatively cautious when giving it. The technical level given is lower than the federal related technology in the full recall.

Moreover, another reason why drone technology can be cattle is sufficient flight data and various parameters. Zhao Wenrui does not intend to give his database in this regard to the alliance, even the reduced version.

So although the alliance has the foundation to build a drone system, there is no way to achieve it overnight. It requires a lot of data accumulation and of course an algorithm.

The other is the communication system. The communication link between the UAV and the central system of similar early warning aircraft (usually played by the UAV mother ship) has higher requirements.

In this regard, Zhao Wenrui did not give a relatively low degree, that is, relatively mature electronic communication technology and photonic communication technology.

In this regard, he actually only has a set of technical systems, that is, a communication system that gives quantum entanglement effects.

Although he knows the development context and inertia of human technology, there is a high probability to embark on this path. But he is still stubborn that he found that he and others are two concepts. Subconsciously, he did not want to prematurely point out that quantum communication is a prosperous road for human beings in this world.

It's not too difficult for him to get this technical system, but he still doesn't want others to be as lucky as he is, even if it's just a junior one.

The Alliance ’s air and space fighters are manned. The load resistance problem is mainly solved in two ways. One is equipment, and a better anti-load flight suit can effectively reduce load compression.

Another is to counteract the pressure of the load by injecting drugs to achieve a balance between inside and outside as much as possible. This method will impose a certain burden on various organs, including increased intracranial pressure, etc. Therefore, the pilot's physical fitness should be good, and it should not be used blindly to avoid blowing himself up.

Looking at the space shuttle and getting rid of the gravity of the earth, the burden on humans does not seem so mysterious, but the actual problem is that the space shuttle has sufficient distance to accelerate at a constant speed, and the air and space fighters need explosive type because of the operational requirements. The acceleration and deceleration is not a simple push back feeling.

In short, traveling back and forth inside and outside the atmosphere, it sounds beautiful, even romantic, but in fact it is quite a deadly operation. There are many things that need to be injected, such as the chamfer when entering the atmosphere, etc., it becomes a meteor with little attention, and it is often more difficult to withstand various pressures and interference from the enemy during the operation, so it is more difficult to open The fighter of the sky is definitely a deadly expert.

With Zhao Wenrui's ability and technology, he is not willing to do this, afraid of death.

But mankind now needs fearless and brave warriors, and at the call of all countries in the alliance, volunteers with excellent skills and qualities soon overrun.

Looking at the excited faces, Zhao Wenrui deeply felt the correctness of that sentence: the more he had, the more he was afraid of death.

Regarding the level of consciousness, Zhao Wenrui was ashamed of the height these people showed. So he gave away a small skill of the league, which is a praise for the heroes of the time.

This technology solves the problem of dropping bombs at super high speeds. Although it is similar to the red dot aiming technology, it has a bit of brain teasing taste, but it is also a kind of brain that comes out after repeated application and repeated application, and it comes out of the brain hole. , But it is really used.

At this point, the alliance's production chain has started crazy, and their plan is to hope that before the arrival of the g-star, he will build more than 10,000 aerial fighters. Going on track to actively engage with the g-star people, as far as possible to contain the g-star people to launch large-scale attacks on the core industrial areas, densely populated areas, and planting areas of various countries.

In addition to the air and space warships, they naturally want to be older guys, but to achieve this concept, the technical difficulty has obviously increased by a large grade, and Zhao Wenrui did not grant them anti-gravity technology.

Anti-gravity technology cannot be achieved by the alliance's current industrial grade.

Therefore, the alliance ran from the reality, and it was better to keep the principle of Gao Yuanyuan ready to get some space ships and did not expect to enter the atmosphere to fight.

Mainly it is not much time, and if the space ship is to achieve a single function, it is not as difficult as imagined. The main thing is to build a good firepower platform, and then add a posture to control the nozzle.

Some people even suggested that it should be simpler, orbital turrets, billions of turrets, billions of glory, missiles and other hard piles.

The think tank helped to deduce it together, and felt that this strategy seemed okay.

If this is done, the alliance will focus mainly on the amount of supplies to space orbit.

The various industrial chains are frantically producing suitable weapons. As for the platform itself, the steel shelf, some posture to control the nozzle, an operation cabin, and a few pieces of module armor, it is enough.

Some people even suggested that armor, such as armor, is too much, too much weight, simply don't need it, so that the same delivery volume can form a larger scale.

Anyway, even if it has armor, it is probably useless, because the structure will not work, it is too simple, even if it will not be ashed, the gun will not be used, and the missile will not be fired, so why should he use it? Simply rely on quantity.

As long as this orbital turret + air and space fighter plane is carried, the earth will continue to send more energy, and time can be said to be on the side of human beings.

Of course, air combat, naval combat, and ground combat must also be prepared. After all, the g-stars have 20,000 ships, and they are attacking from all angles of the world. They will definitely be able to rush in, or most of them will drop landing ships like the scout pairs under the cover of the fleet. It will be a real three-dimensional war.

Speaking of which, the alliance naturally sent someone to Zhao Wenrui and asked Zhao Wenrui if he had any technology to crack the g star energy screen. That technology is too buggy, and even if humans have an advantage in combat power, it is not easy to develop.

Zhao Wenrui said that this is not difficult. You can apply to the First Order at that time. We bombard it with a controllable nuclear mushroom. Most of its energy screen will be overloaded. Then you can rush into a pile, then the other party continues to activate the barrier It is not big.

The representative of the alliance went back to repeat. The senior officials of the alliance felt that this was indeed a solution. Correspondingly, they also thought of some other tactics, mainly about orbit control.

Some people say that we can make a fuss about the nature of nuclear weapons. Anyway, there are already nuclear weapons mainly based on emp attacks. Can we strengthen it and form a larger and more powerful release, which will cause the enemy ’s large fleet to communicate and other aspects? interference.

The biggest fear of a large number of troops is the decline in command capability, and soldiers will not find generals, nor will they be able to find soldiers. So even if we will spread, it is definitely that they are even more deficient.

After some discussion, the alliance felt that this solution could be available. After all, the mature version of controlled nuclear fusion technology is now mastered. The specific controllability is achieved by using electromagnetics, which means that the understanding and application of electromagnetics has reached a new stage far beyond. Isn't it reasonable for emp to attack the upgrade?

When your big fleet comes over, Lao Tzu will blow you false solar wind, all kinds of radiation, all kinds of high-grade particles, electromagnetic force, flooding the entire airspace, can your big fleet be affected? So this trick is pretty good.

The guns on the turret are also mature due to the rapid advancement of electromagnetic technology and the improvement of materials science.

And the power source of rail gun + electromagnetic controllable nuclear fusion is also very good! Therefore, this gun is still relatively powerful. If the ship of the g-star is generally the level of defense of the scout fleet, it is possible for a gun to penetrate. After all, there is almost no resistance in space, and the power of the orbital gun declines slowly.

Then, talk about missiles.

The distance scale in space is far from comparable in the atmosphere.

Therefore, the alliance experts have repeatedly considered ~ ~ The missile may have to be a plasma jet engine, let alone the warships, they are all large ships with a length of more than 1000 meters, and the size is too small to be powerful enough. At that level? Even the intercontinental missile level is entirely possible.

In this case, the plasma jet engine is not a waste, let alone a missile, it is used as a large space torpedo.

These space torpedoes can be launched from a distance, and then continue to accelerate through the plasma jet engine to reach a very high speed. It is also suitable for attacking the fleet directly. The front ship misses the big fleet that can attack the back, anyway g star There is also depth.

As for sight guidance, in fact, the set of radio telescopes inherent to mankind can be used completely. Now that there are better related technologies, it is natural to aim at a long distance. Perhaps the helmet aiming technology of MiG 29 can be used for reference. As long as the eyes can be fixed, the space torpedo is always locked.

In general, due to the great progress of technology, the Alliance ’s people have also opened their minds, and all kinds of ideas have come. The core idea of ​​the final summary is that the number of controllable nuclear fusion equipment and plasma propulsion engines determines everything. So, make it crazy!

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