Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1095: Searching

The latest website: Zhao Wenrui knows that it may be that the other enemy reincarnations should now know that one of their colleagues is finished by the message of the main god.

And these enemy reincarnations knew where their colleague chose to ambush. And then deduce an obvious conclusion-the enemy is in the expedition of the contract.

Then, the only value of the crew of the contract is the cannon fodder, but in fact, in the high-end game, even if ordinary people wear advanced power armor suits and are equipped with quite good weapons, it is difficult to show value.

So, they should leave.

He directly contacted Faris and asked her to start picking up with the shuttle.

The modified shuttle has comprehensive functions, strong protection, and low-flying low speed. The crew only need to use the jet pack to automatically set the flight trajectory and speed through the auxiliary AI, and can fly steadily into the open door.

This is how Karin and Leverd get on the plane. They are the closest to the shuttle.

After notifying Faris to pick him up, Zhao Wenrui greeted Daniels and left them together.

Although he seemed to walk calmly, his stride was large and he soon joined with others.

And when a group of people came out of the spaceship, the shuttle had already flown over, and a person stopped in the air, and everyone jumped up and entered the shuttle.

Then, while the shuttle door was closed, it was already accelerating and looked up sharply, woo! Straight into the sky.

It took only a dozen minutes to add up and down, and the previous operation of Zhao Wenrui did not exceed half an hour.

Zhao Wenrui is also looking forward to some blocking, so that although there will be some danger, the shuttle actually has an energy shield. What is more important is that the high-altitude contract number is not idle. Once the target is locked, it can be fired, but it is a ship. Weapons, attack power is absolutely explosive.

Unfortunately, the enemy reincarnation did not perform, and the evacuation of the crew of the contract was exceptionally smooth.

Zhao Wenrui can only say that the enemy is really calm. Otherwise, combined with the fact that the female man was ambushing alone in the spaceship of the engineer family, he believed that even if other reincarnations came over, the firepower would not be enough under the rush, and the attack would not only achieve the intended purpose, but will be more or less exposed Some information comes out.

Now there is nothing. Zhao Wenrui rather believes that the other party is calm enough. Through the defeat of the female man, considering that he is well prepared on their side, they rush to help, and there is a higher probability of blocking the failure but being exposed.

After the shuttle was recovered by the contract, the contract directly left LV223 and went to the outermost planetary satellite of the solar system, where it has expanded into a small base, a dedicated small space ship, and can be offline in two days. By then, Daniels will take the boat and chase the new contract.

After more than an hour, the contract number for a short-distance jump was completed and docked at the satellite dock.

Zhao Wenrui and Daniels said goodbye in advance.

Even Walter counted, the 14 crew members of the contract number were still a bit reluctant to Zhao Wenrui, mainly because Zhao Wenrui established a strong image in their minds through this period of interaction. The huge wall can be relied on, making people feel at ease.

And Zhao Wenrui is also absolutely generous and generous. The new contract number, new small spaceship, advanced power armor suit and weaponry, and other equipment, etc., sent a lot of them, very cool.

In addition, Zhao Wenrui is also their life-saving benefactor. It is not bad to treat them normally. They are delicious, delicious, and entertaining, and what they give back is to just walk around the LV223 for a while.

So I feel a little owed, and I am also a little lost to suddenly lose such a bold and reliable strong friend.

After all, compared with the encounters of these days, the future development of Origa 6 is undoubtedly bitter. People already have such a little emotion of being extravagant and frugal.

However, Zhao Wenrui still has a business to do, and then there is no time to accompany them. In the future, it can be said that they will never meet again, so they will not be so mother-in-law.

Not to mention Daniels, they stayed at the base of the First Order for a while, waiting for the new car to go offline.

Simply saying that Zhao Wenrui, the contract number was refurbished, and he went to LV223 again.

This time, the contract number really only has one shell left for people to see. The internal structure and the utensils carried on it are completely prepared for battle or even war.

And let it float on the LV223's track again, and even send it into the shuttle again, but it is only the purpose of holding a pole with a date and a date, to see if it can continue to cheat the enemy reincarnation.

Because in terms of task completion, it can also be tricky, and there are differences.

For example, according to the current situation, it is no problem to determine that he has completed the rescue of the contract number. After all, the crew of the contract should know everything that they should and shouldn't know, and they are already on the way to Origa 6 again, and they can conclude.

However, if it is necessary to be more true, since the hostile reincarnation has not retired, then theoretically there may be threats to the crowd of the contract number, so the task can continue to be delayed.

Zhao Wenrui also believes that his boss, the main god, must not be in a hurry to just let him out of this world. After all, he invested so much in the past, and his performance in the first stage is not bad, and he is in a good state.

From the perspective of the boss of the hostile reincarnation, it may not necessarily know the true status of the contract number, because these people in the contract number are controlled by his boss, and the other party is probably unable to know the specific situation at will.

This also means that the main **** will probably not prompt the samsara under his command. The contract number is already empty, and the main reason is that the samsara of both parties will tear.

Since there is no prompt, then there is a silver lining for success.

It's also good to be able to hang some other's appetite.

In fact, he went directly to the spaceship of the engineer family through the portal.

Therefore, his return speed is faster and more secret.

At this time, the T880s had completed a lot of layouts in accordance with the prior plan, mainly through instrument layout, and quickly allowed Milano to carry out a comprehensive deconstruction analysis of the ship.

In addition, stealth is also an important task.

This invisibility is mainly through a series of equipment to prevent detection by various instruments. It is difficult to eliminate the extraordinary attributes, but it can be found.

Zhao Wenrui is a little bit looking forward to the detection of extraordinary attributes, because it means that the enemy reincarnation is very close, and he is now in a dark place.

His personal extraordinary hiding ability is quite good, and the outbreak of raids is also a strong point, and the sneaking is also the first-class, so he is confident that after finding the target, he will give him a ruthless, if the other party does not have any powerful means, or the decision to make a mistake at a critical moment, There is no companion cover, then he is confident to take it away.

In this way, Zhao Wenrui floated out of the spacecraft silently and almost transparently like a shadow.

At this time it was already completely dark.

After the world has been completely eroded by alien factors, the extremely gloomy, natural plants and minerals have almost no self-luminescence, and the starlight in the sky can not help the brightness of the mountains and dense forests. It is dark and ink everywhere, even if the waterfalls are close to A few minutes away, I heard the sound of water, felt the splash of water, and it was still invisible.

It just happened to catch up with the rainy season in this area, under the sparse rain, and the super cemetery-like environment atmosphere is really cold and hearty.

Even Zhao Wenrui couldn't help but want to stay in front of the slightly warm campfire, drink some hot drinks or eat some hot food.

But in fact, he is neither hungry, nor thirsty, nor cold. The protection of the power armor suit is almost meticulous. This is a planetary armor level, and it is only high or low, which means that even the environment here is as bad as space. , Extreme cold and extreme heat, solar wind, cosmic radiation, plasma storm, he will not be damaged.

So, his little desire is entirely the psychological impact of the atmosphere here.

It can be seen that this place is really beautiful. The alien series has always had a horrible, eerie character, not a mess.

After several rounds of hiding around the ship, no suspicious findings were found.

Zhao Wenrui is also not discouraged, he should **** the collection of technology for Milano.

The thought of earning another wave makes me feel very happy.

In the last mission world, it was basically the whole process of reversal. Although it was very pretending, it still felt a little loss.

This world has been made up, and it is obviously profitable.

So in this respect, his main boss is quite intimate.

With a sense of reward, he also wanted to make the task beautiful and make the boss a little more face.

Therefore, they are also conscientious and hard-working.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost 10 hours, it was more than 5 o'clock in the morning, and in another hour, the sky would be bright.

Nothing happened and worked hard all night.

But it's also very worthwhile. Milano has basically completed the task. The only non-working medium engine that has not been completely cracked is also removed and sent back to the base through the portal.

Now, this ship of the engineer family has completely lost value for him.

The geographical location here is generally not ideal, and it is the kind that has nothing to do with the subsequent development of the plot.

So Zhao Wenrui finally decided to put up the portal set up here again.

In this way, at dawn, the finishing work including the removal of traces was completed, and Zhao Wenrui dismantled and put away the portal parts. Then left some traces, and left the spaceship.

Soon after, he hid into the water where the shuttle once stopped, then sank to the bottom and began to sleep.

Isn't the hostile reincarnation alive? He also released the pigeons of the other party, so he has the ability to withdraw from the mission.

He estimated that the other party was unwilling anyway, and the other party's master would not allow it.

Sure enough, he woke up after 10 hours of sleep, and there were no new changes in the mission prompt. Obviously this free fight in the underground black fist mode, both bosses wanted to take this breath.

It was about 7:30 when I slept, and it is now 17:30, which is just over an hour before dark.

However, Zhao Wenrui's self-feeling is much better than last night.

His blood quality is actually quite suitable for day and night, and he also has a difficult feeling for shadows and darkness, more adaptable and more comfortable, as if he is a nocturnal creature.

However, it is slightly uncomfortable for him. He has no real night vision ability. Although the effect of blood eyes is not bad, it is ultimately a skill, not a passive talent.

After thinking about it, Zhao Wenrui decided to start a new stage with David.

He believes that the enemy reincarnation will also judge that he has a greater probability to use David as the entry point for a new round of action. So there should be subtle traps there.

That is to say, if he is not cautious and patient, it is easy to turn from dark to bright.

This is obviously not what he wanted.

Therefore, David is right as a goal, but the specific operation needs to be more elaborate and more tricky.

When the afterglow of the sun was running out, Zhao Wenrui had infiltrated the city of engineers.

The city's architectural style, and even the interior style and furnishings, match the memory style of the engineer family when they were massacred by the black water from the sky. Plain and religious atmosphere.

This is also consistent with the characteristics of the family in the entire alien series, whether it is in the ancient earth ’s suicide or the heaven star ’s awakening from sleep, persistent in the execution of the extermination plan, has a religious ritual and fanatic characteristic.

To be honest, Zhao Wenrui has some religious people who do n’t like it very much. He always feels that only those who are not tough enough and the inner world is not colorful enough will choose to put their hearts on other things, or some theory and abstract things.

As the sentence said, asking for people is better than asking for yourself. You can trust and enjoy mutual help and so on, but the deepest part of your heart should be a little bit more important. You have to rely on yourself, and you have to rely on yourself at the critical moment. Self-improvement, and not every moment of crisis, the assistance of others can be in place.

Because of this knowledge, the engineer family has never been tall in his mind. But just live long enough, so the technology is pushed to a relatively high level. After all, when the origin of the earth's species, the engineer family had already drove the spaceship to send people to play suicide.

Zhao Wenrui has always had a conjecture that the engineer family has actually been lost. They do not know what the future of the race should look like, nor do they see any hope.

Their choice to exterminate mankind is a lateral confirmation. The real strong man is not afraid of later generations. He has his own confidence and has the advantage of being first, even if it is really surpassed, he can be accepted openly.

Therefore, by killing potential competitors who may threaten themselves in the future in the cradle to ensure their safety, this is itself a manifestation of disbelief and even confusion.

Of course, humans in this world are not so good.

As the original history David said when he talked to Walter, why should humans emigrate? That's just their stubborn resistance before they are extinct.

This is the result of a comprehensive analysis from the perspective of longevity species.

The collapse and disintegration of human civilization stems from arrogance and confusion. The spiritual realm failed to rise, and finally it could not bear the weight of civilization and went to self-destruction.

And some details in Alien 4 also confirmed that David's analysis did not go out of shape.

When a supporting character faces a tragic scene, he says that it is at least better than the situation on Earth.

Then there was a flickering footage showing that the earth has already been completely ruined and deserted in the internal disputes of mankind. She is no longer the cradle of humanity that all immigrants yearn for.

Mankind has no roots, only branches and leaves floating in the universe, no matter how prosperous, they are just branches and leaves.

The time at that time was 2381.

So in general, human civilization is already carrying heavy burdens at this moment, it is difficult to move forward, and it will fall at any time. The essence of pioneering immigrants is also the struggle some people have made in pursuit of a better life in the hope. In fact, it feels hard to think about, after all, it will face too much unknown and hardship. But people still think it's worth a try, at least they can look forward to it, showing how bad the social conditions of the earth were at that time.

The creators have their own difficulties, I am the new creator, and I represent the future. That's what David thought. But he also feels that his strength is somewhat weak, so the alien is both a proof of his creator's qualifications and a perfect executor to create a more brilliant future in his mind.

And Zhao Wenrui thinks this recognition is silly. why? Just look at the LV223 that is now dead. Alien is just a bunch of predators, parasites, genetic thieves.

These are too dependent on the life of the host, and there are huge shortcomings in terms of design roots. Once there is no host to hunt, it will be completely silent, there will be no dazzling performance, until it dies with the world.

What is perfect? What kind of future civilization is this? The title of the flesh-and-blood exterminator can be contested.

Zhao Wenrui spent a few hours in the city ruins of the engineer family and found no traces of recent biological activities. He couldn't help frowning slightly.

Hostile reincarnations are unlikely to be active in this area. Even if they make a difference, with their professional prudence and means, they can also pay attention to the aftermath, so that he can't see the clues, this he can recognize.

But what about David and his creations?

The alien at this time is not the alien at the time of the true story. The white alien explained in {Alien: Contract} is more like a beast of clever revenge. The most important thing is that now they have no sociality and core goals.

Like the aliens in the main story, reproduction is their core goal. To this end, they do everything they can to transform or protect the alien queens, get more faceworms, but hunt more hosts, and then expand the group.

The goals are clear, the strategic plan is clear, and even order is in order.

So in turn, the aliens at this stage should be a group of rogues that are difficult to restrain. If David is really as possible as he thought, find the surviving family of engineers through himself or through others, and then through the parasitic worm parasitism, cultivate {Prometheus} the last kind born from the body of engineers The Titan in the shape is abnormal, so there should be traces of activity nearby.

There is nothing, is it that David is still that David, and there has not been any change due to the advent of the enemy samsara?

To be honest, this is a point he cannot understand.

Because this almost overturned one of his important guesses, that the hostile samsara had already achieved great momentum and had a decisive influence on the future of the true pass.

Specifically, this influence is that the prequel trilogy is still short of one, and the hostile samsara has almost completed the unsolved mystery of the last part.

For example, in {Alien 1}, Ripley ’s towed spacecraft found the signal, and then went to LV426 to check it according to the relevant guidelines, and then found an engineer ’s spaceship, and found a special The breeding pond contains a large number of eggs with facial insects.

Another detail is that the remains of a group of engineers on the flight control platform showed that he was killed in flight, with protective armor on his body, but a hole in the chest was drilled from the inside.

This part of the plot, combined with the prequel, is full of imagination.

First of all, the engineer family has not been completely destroyed. The spaceship and pilot are the best proof.

Secondly, before the pilot actually operates the spacecraft, it is mostly parasitic.

{Prometheus}, to a certain extent, demonstrated the advanced nature of the corset-type spacesuits worn by the engineers. Then the main pilot position of the spacecraft's flight control platform has a full set of protective gear similar to carrying loads.

This point was also demonstrated in {Prometheus}. The members of the awakening engineer family, driving the spaceship, tried to continue to complete the unfinished mission, but they were finally sunk, and in the process of their operation, armor, helmets, Extend from the driver's seat to complete the comprehensive protection.

In that state, there is no way for the parasitic worm to parasitize.

Therefore, it is presumed that the engineer family was parasitized, but then there will be an incubation period, and when he woke up from a coma, he continued to operate.

A similar situation happened many times in the main story. After being held by the beetle, he was comatose because of strangulation. Even if the beetle was still awake, he became a stiff dead body. Any anomaly, I do n’t even know that I ’m parasitized, so if I ’m settled, what should I do?

According to similar logic, no matter whether the pilot of the engineer family knows that he has little time, or does not know that he is parasitized, but the persistent sense of mission is a characteristic of his family, in short, he begins to drive the spacecraft.

Most of him knew something, and even knew what was on the boat he was driving, so he drove the boat to a remote place or a target place. On the road, he felt uncomfortable and the alien shape came out.

In this context, he carried out the final operation, the spacecraft forced to land LV426, because the position is not too biased, or other reasons, he turned on the warning signal before his death.

{Alien 1} also used the brains of the crew to speculate and expounded this point, which may not be a distress signal, but a warning signal. Because they are aliens, they cannot confirm it, so they bring a sense of responsibility and Curiosity came, and then the nightmare began.

In general, the engineer family should still have a role in the final part of the trilogy.

And it is unlikely to be one or several, there should be at least a handful.

The end of {Alien: Contract} is that David pretends to be Walter and takes an immigrant spacecraft carrying nearly 2,000 adult immigrants to Origa 6.

So how to make the engineer family and David family collide again?

This brain hole is naturally solved by the screenwriter and displayed by the director. In Zhao Wenrui ’s view, this is not the point. After all, {Alien: Contract} has sacrificed a lot of rationality for the plot. The third part is disgusting. People are afraid that You can pinch your nose to recognize it, at least the alien fans will probably recognize it. They have fanned that the LV426 will be split into the Alien Memorial Day on April 26.

The focus of Zhao Wenrui is that David is a very important role in the third part. Because only he has the shaped oval alien, which has been demonstrated in {Alien: Contract}, Chris Oren was introduced step by step by David into the basement where the oval alien is stored, and then was broken out of the egg Get the faceworm.

Corresponding to it is the heaven star, where the source of the alien is in the form of a translucent crystal capsule and black water in a black bottle, not a face-bearing egg.

Then, in the bottom of the spaceship of the engineer family in {Alien 1}, the special breeding area is covered with eggs and eggs, which is very intriguing.

Who made this happen? There is a layer of dry ice mist in the breeding area, which reflects the environment suitable for the long-term existence of eggs with facial masks. At the same time, it has a long T-like walkway (much narrower) to maintain distance because of flesh and blood creatures. Once close to the egg, it may stimulate the opponent to attack.

These are all professional proofs, so it is said that there are breeding areas, not temporary vehicles.

This also means that David at least got another engineer's spaceship, and then started a new round of planning, and had enough time to modify it to make it look like this.

The reason why David is doing things is because the alien itself is a hunter, and does not have such breadth and depth of wisdom. It is such a human-like planning and operation.

Moreover, such a project, it seems that only David is not very easy. This is the spaceship of the engineer family. Although David is very clever and knowledgeable, he may not have many advantages in front of the engineer family. Even if he is technically well-understood, the construction volume is also a bit large.

2104-2122, it looks like 18 years, but {Alien: Contract} also said at the beginning that it takes 7 years and 4 months to reach Orega 6 only.

David ’s research was not completed because the alien born from Chris Allen ’s body was still white.

Later, the side fighting on the cargo ship and even the contract number was indeed black, and the physical features of the aliens were basically there, but there was still some difference, that is, the sociality of the later stage of the aliens.

Zhao Wenrui estimates that the type of complete white alien born from Oren's body may be the early stage of the alien queen. As we all know, aliens later have at least four types of guards (tall and strong), soldiers, worker bees, and scouts (slender, flexible, and concealed).

And to develop to this step, obviously need constant project advancement time. The ship is not open, because the alien is full of wildness, not David ’s pet dog, David himself calls it a devil ’s heir, and the cruelty and capriciousness of the alien in the main story is also quite eye-catching. .

For example, kill the weak in the same class, and escape through the acidic blood through the deck. Ripley was regarded as the mother of the skull-shaped alien than the last one born, and he had not completely removed from the fetal sac, but shattered the upper half of the alien queen's head and so on.

In addition, David's research advancement is actually relatively primitive. Even if he can obtain some scientific research equipment from the contract number, but he has only one person, not a public relations team, his time is definitely quite tight.

So to achieve the result in {Alien 1}, it will require the active cooperation of the engineer family or other new humans (in the third part of the prequel) to advance the project.

For example, the desire to burn heart was studied by David, or he provided various technical materials, even if it was labor. In short, the whole story should be rounded up, so that the connection between the prequel and the true story is smooth.

The hostile reincarnations mentioned by Zhao Wenrui now grasp the general trend, that is, they have basically done everything they should do in the third prequel through their own operations.

This is indeed very sharp, but Zhao Wenrui wonders how the hostile samurai can bypass the role of David. And if it hasn't been around, should the area where he is cruising in theory be a special-shaped ranch? At least it is necessary to let the wind out, how can there be no trace?

He did not think that David would move, and he did not think that the hostile samsara also carried the fleet with him like he did.

The mission time of hostile reincarnations is unlikely to be long.

This is a question of the type of copy. The keynote of the alien series cannot be discussed in parallel with the super battleship series. One is to discuss profound theories from the small, and the other is from hot scenes to epic wars, to show the war and discuss the rise and fall of race.

Of course, he also noticed another detail.

That was when he received this task, the situation was very unfavorable to him, so the main **** opened the fleet entrance for him.

That is to say, as early as that time, the hostile reincarnation had already completed the general trend, and then five weeks ago.

But until now, he didn't think it would be a big deal if there were more than five weeks of hostile samsara. Even he felt that for hostile reincarnations, these five weeks were garbage time.

The value to them in 5 weeks is far from comparable to the value to him.

After all, he is a farming system, the start is not to bring a dog out, but the fleet plus base.

"So now? My brain hole is not enough ..."

After some consideration, Zhao Wenrui contacted Milano and issued an order to implement the Omega plan.

Alpha represents the beginning, and Omega represents the end. Then the Omega Plan is the final plan, the last resort.

Milano was ordered to test a small experimental ship for active transition point technology, with a part of T880 and transmission equipment and other equipment, a short jump directly to LV223, and then landed at its north and south poles, respectively, to open the portal.

LV223's planetary structure and geographical terrain have already been mastered by Milano, so whether it is the landing point or the next series of work, it is very much said.

But in general, it is the job of punching and plugging medicine.

Zhao Wenrui's fleet is still unable to burn glass completely, but with some means, such as the operations that are currently being carried out, it is possible to blow up the planet.

This is his Omega Project, the planet burst.

No matter what the general situation of the other party is, as long as the planet is blown up, it will be basically cleared.

what? Can you escape on the ship of the engineer family?

Zhao Wenrui's fleet is not dry. Since arriving in this solar system, he has locked and aimed. The neutron beam cannon will teach any non-self camp aircraft that dare to lift off.

When the spacecraft of the engineer family barely flew out of the atmosphere, the blow will come, and there is no chance of starting the transition.

Therefore, unless the enemy reincarnation is no longer on this planet, there can be no undisputed victory.

What he needs to do now is to avoid losing both sides.

Because once the LV223 is destroyed, it probably means that the third part of the alien prequel trilogy has no way. After all, David did n’t escape, and the engineers and mice were as good as they were, and as the planet exploded and GAMEOVER, the key elements were lost. No matter how the world evolved next, it would be difficult to connect with the third part.

This also means that he has destroyed the possibility of an organic connection between this world and the true world. This should be deducted points, a world with only two prequels, the value is probably relatively limited. After all, the True Story is the root of the alien series in the film and television. The prequel can only be said to be a derivative under the influence of the positive reputation of the True Story.

But now that he has the Omega plan, he also considered how to avoid losing both sides. After all, he had 5 weeks to think about these things, and Milano helped analyze and deduce.

He felt that the key now is to deal with David and the engineers. Even if the latter finds only a few, it is almost enough.

Spaceships, breeding areas or something, he can go to the heaven star of the Zeta Galaxy, which is a biochemical weapon production base and military base of the engineer family.

Just from the details of {Prometheus} (from the perspective of the spacecraft, in the Great Valley, there is a huge long flat area similar to a super runway, and there are round houses arranged in an orderly manner, and what they are exploring is to follow one For the spaceship related to the round house, the engineer family drove away one spaceship and was destroyed, and Elizabeth Shaw and David drove away the other one.) It is not difficult to speculate that there are more than one engineer family spaceship.

With his construction ability, it is not difficult to transform a special-shaped farm in the spaceship.

Therefore, as long as there is a group of engineers who have finished-shaped alien eggs, even if he goes to the LV426 to forge the accident scene, it can be done.

Therefore, David and the engineer family are what he needs now.

It ’s not even possible. Without David, you can get David ’s alien heritage. Milano ’s R & D project promotion ability is definitely stronger than David, and the first order is not lacking in the material conditions to advance the project.

As for people, he has mastered the active transition technology now, is it difficult to return to the earth? The earth is estimated to be overcrowded now ~ ~ Just search for it, there will be tens of thousands of scum, large-scale experiments, batch by batch, how difficult can this be? Comparing this idea with him, is David's set of flies camp dogs goo, is it just a little stingy?

However, it is said that it is easy to do, but in reality, we always encounter problems of one kind or another.

Just like now, for a long time, most of these analyses are derived from his wishful thinking. It's hard to tell what the truth is.

Maybe David is dead now, and his alien heritage is completely mastered by the enemy samsara.

Or perhaps the remnants of the engineer family are completely mastered by the hostile reincarnation.

More or the whole situation is not what he speculated at all, but another set.

Either way, he now has demands that if he wants to acquire immigrants from David, Alien Eggs, and Engineers, he can easily jump to the bright spot, and he may just jump into the trap of the enemy samsara.

Therefore, according to the previous statement, he had to think of some tricks, not too direct from dark to light, it was very dangerous.

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