Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1096: Who is more suffocated

Latest website: Regarding how to avoid falling into a trap or becoming a target in the bright place again, Zhao Wenrui actually has no good way.

If he can now dig out the extraordinary skills of putting together the Soul Shard after being hit by dimensionality reduction, then it is entirely possible to engage in something called from outside.

But his current skill system is very simple, that is, his own tyranny + nano-worm represented high-end technology system + extraordinary blood quality system.

The lack of relevant memories even made him unaware of his true heritage, which was the extraordinary capital from the transcendent essence contained in the blood of the soul + old ruler, beyond the single universe and its derived parallel universe.

He is now like an ordinary **** traverser, while paying great attention to the power of science and technology represented by nanoworms, and full of curiosity and yearning for the extraordinary directional power represented by the blood quality system.

Due to the power of science and technology, the technical details are clearer and clearer, unlike the extraordinary power, there are too many idealistic, mysterious, and difficult to explain technical problems, so the power of blood is obviously not weak, and Zhao Wenrui is still instinc Is more dependent on the power of technology, because it is more controlled.

Specifically in this operation, it is the routine of technology flow. Without relying on the extraordinary means of slaying profanity, it is reckless, but T880 is used as a pathfinder.

However, Zhao Wenrui is also a particular person. He slept for 10 hours during the day and dragged his time. Not only did he fight with the enemy samsara, but he also had to produce a batch of T880 special editions for the rear.

The so-called special is actually some physical changes and structural modifications.

Zhao Wenrui has detailed information on the crew of the contract, not to mention height and weight, even if there is any genetic disease.

Therefore, with the total time of the contract number exploration team after the end of the task exceeding 24, the crew of the contract number played by T880 has been generated.

In fact, seriously speaking, these actors are no longer T880, nor T900 in {Terminator 2018} (actually Marcus has no number, he is the source of latent robots, and flesh and machinery are organically mixed), but should be called T960.

They have a metal skeleton, but the muscles are woven from two types of fiber chains, graphene and pure carbon. Their muscles are made up to be more than 95% similar to humans. They use new artificial skins fused with nanoworms, and their comprehensive skin protection is even more. Strong, the recovery speed is also higher.

Their internal power core is not a high-energy battery, but a miniature fusion furnace, and more than one.

Milano completed the big data collection during the training of the crew of the contract on the diligent supply ship.

Therefore, these robots have a high degree of fidelity. Even if they are real crew members of the contract, they still want to distinguish the true and false in a short time.

Such a simulated robot, plus a specially designed (nano-inner armor without half-flesh fusion) power armor suit, is undoubtedly the strongest man-made soldier that Zhao Wenrui can currently take out.

It is also due to the fact that the entire system is privately owned by Zhao Wenrui, otherwise the cost of manufacturing these special fighters will be enough to cause the board members to quarrel.

So after another night without success, the shuttle on the contract number was sent again, carrying a group of Li Guimen, and started a new round of exploration.

As for the hostile samsara who understands this, Zhao Wenrui is too lazy to think about it.

Anyway, on the surface, it seems that the crew of the contract number appeared after almost 36 hours after completing the task of exploring the signal source. This time it seems that the target is a city ruin of the engineer family, probably after the contract number discovered the city ruin. Exploring may also be that everyone on the Deed still has no desire to colonize this planet, so after leaving for a while, he came back.

This time, it seems to be a lot more honest. The shuttle is obviously strengthened, with heavy modular armor, and cannons and rockets.

Individuals are also wearing heavy armor suits, iron gray color, it looks slightly rough, but very strong, weapons are also very grim, specialized backpack-powered laser weapons are available.

These are of course deliberately created, not just disguised, but with performance that matches the image.

In order to explore the square, the expedition team also blasted the giant gate closed by a strip fence.

These fences can block the family of engineers, but for humans in light clothes, it is not difficult to pass through. Under the leadership of David, the original history was that they took off their rucksacks and then passed through.

But for today's heavily armed expeditions, it becomes an obstacle, and this is likely to be the retreat route when facing danger, so it simply exploded.

After that, you can admire the scorched sculptures in the square, which are regarded as super magnificent crucifix sculpture groups. If you don't treat them as corpses, but as fossils or something, it is actually quite interesting.

The Crucifixion series has enlightenment and warning features, and is also a sculptural style that is more common in the human art world. Therefore, from this perspective, the miserable state of death in the entire square is actually nothing.

Of course, with the larger environment, the atmosphere is more gloomy than in the tomb, and children are not suitable for visiting.

The T960s fully restored the attitude of the crew of the contract to see this scene, slightly panic and anxiously moved forward, and finally passed through.

There is a huge round well in the center of the square, where you can park the kind of donut spacecraft of the engineer family. Zhao Wenrui had previously detected it through the equipment on the contract number, which was empty.

In his memory, when David dropped the black water, there was a bigger donut with a bite in the air, which existed in an upright state. The spaceship that David piloted still had a slight bump.

Zhao Wenrui repeatedly analyzed the picture through Milano, and initially judged that it was a special docking station, which could connect with the protruding parts on the engineer ’s spacecraft, and then open the channel internally, and also expand the connected spacecraft. A series of operations, such as sterilization or something.

In short, its function is similar to that of the familiar Xinggang.

The reason why Xinggang is established in space is to prevent space ships from carrying microorganisms that threaten the planet. Direct contact will cause ecological disasters.

The other is that a large number of large ships frequently enter and exit the atmosphere, and over a long period of time will affect the atmospheric structure.

And this strange facility is not seen now, and I don't know where to go. This is actually a noteworthy point. This facility is much larger than the spaceship of the engineer family, and there is no evidence to prove that it is unmanned.

If it was manipulated, then theoretically the engineers within it had escaped the black water blow caused by David. And have the opportunity to conduct wide-area communications and issue a biochemical raid warning to the engineers of other cities or settlements on the planet.

This is the main reason why Zhao Wenrui believed that the engineer family had survivors at the beginning.

After exploring the square, the explorers disguised as the contract of T960 faced the cave system dug in between the walls according to the mountain.

The structure of the entire super plaza is not complicated. Except for the central docking station and the giant gates around it, which is a special area of ​​the cave system, the rest are the plaza and the high wall.

Facing the entrance of the deep cave, the explorer did not rush into the enemy, but called for the shuttle.

After a few minutes, the shuttle landed in a place closer to the cave side in the square, and then drove out a mechanical device. This one was carrying a lot of box-type hanging bags, and it looked like it was full. The mule-like six-legged mechanical equipment of small and large suitcases can be switched to roller skate-like rollers at the foot end, so that it can drive at a good speed on a flat ground.

After it merged with the explorers, the two pairs of mechanical feet in the middle retracted the pulleys and replaced them with flexible mechanical claws, just like people using their upper limbs to see that they unloaded those boxes from themselves.

The explorers also stepped forward to help, and soon a temporary work station was established. The mechanical mule itself also served as part of this work station. It was a platform for many equipment, and the energy supply of the equipment was also borne by it.

Then several gyroplanes took off. These gyroplanes were only slapped by adults, and because they were equipped with advanced miniature fusion reactors similar to the core of Iron Man, they not only lasted for a long time, but also released high-voltage electric shocks, even if they were shaped or Biomass like David also has a blow.

Of course, it is the power of a blow, because re-storing takes constant time, and they do not take combat as their own. The focus is on several commonly used detection equipment.

For example, vital signs detection, energy detection, metal detection, and ultrasonic detection similar to bats.

Explorers only need to use the rotorcraft detector to detect the outside, and do not need to enter the danger.

Zhao Wenrui feels that there is nothing wrong with this operation. Even if the crew members of the original historical contract are all deadly experts, but the exploration advances to this stage, it must be a lot more cautious.

Well, in an era where there is no shortage of advanced tools and equipment, what is a rotorcraft detector or something should be considered a very common method, and of course it should also be a very mature method.

Shortly after the result, a violent explosion occurred.

People often see the special effects scenes of people, cars, planes, propelling the energy of the explosion or running after the waves in the film and television, which is very thrilling.

But in fact, there is no such thrilling, just do a little arithmetic problem to understand that there will not be such a situation as if chased by death. Either it is because it is already on the edge of the explosion, but there will be no exaggerated dangerous persecution effect, or it is within the explosion range, and the speed is not a level at all. Submerged.

Explorers belong to the latter. Although it was an explosion inside the cave system, the energy impact of the explosion almost swept a large area around the mountain while breaking up a large number of mountains. The reaction was swallowed by the thick clouds of fireworks and stone dust.

Even the shuttle didn't have time to fly away, and was submerged by the rolling smoke.

Zhao Wenrui was not among the explorers played by the T960s this time, but he shared the information and viewed the situation in the cave with retina imaging.

In his view, this can be said to be a typical trap.

The caves seem to be different, and many places still have rich traces of life, including various local products accumulated by David over the years, and even alien specimens, the remains of Elizabeth Shaw.

But in fact he has a lot of certainty that David has been here for a while. As for those items that seem to be of great significance to David, he feels that cherishment is often due to scarcity, and with the help of hostile samsara, David is not short of experimental subjects.

Those special-shaped specimens in the cave, David can always make a more complete set if he wants. As for Elizabeth Shaw, David's feelings toward him are distorted, as he said to Walter in the original history: "In all living things, I think the garden is her (Elizabeth Shaw) 's home."

In David's heart, the soul of his lover has already belonged, if there is a soul.

The remains of Elizabeth Shaw on a stone platform in the cave are a usable utensil. Although this utensil was once integrated with Elizabeth Shaw, but for his great cause, for the birth of the perfect life alien, and also for Elizabeth. Xiao Neng has been living in a special way. David helped Elizabeth to perform a sacrifice ceremony, and was comfortable with Elizabeth's body for various experiments.

So Zhao Wenrui felt that in David's heart, Elizabeth Shaw was perfect, immortal, and even eternal. Its soul rests in the most suitable place, its body first gives a great cause, its genes will be inherited by alien generations, and its people will be loved and missed by him forever, is this not enough?

Therefore, with the advancement of research and development, and with the arrival of a new stage, everything in the past can be perfectly concluded, which has become a very good memory in his heart. He can leave here dashingly, just like in the original history, he played Walter in the role of the film emperor. Even if the last mature alien was killed by Daniels, he did n’t blink much, and cooperated with Daniels. , There is no hesitation, and at the end of the last, listening to the symphony, walking through the corridor filled with capsules, lighting the capsules one by one, as if looking at their property, it is a kind of life into a new stage attitude.

It is because of this that Zhao Wenrui feels that David is no longer here. What he saw through the detector is nothing more than a prop that exists to make the trap more perfect.

He believes that the hostile reincarnation obviously wants to be familiar with the main line in {Alien: Contract} through these, which makes people feel familiar with it, and at the same time is more curious about the unknown information related to it, better Achieve the purpose of seduction, make the target stay in the cave for a longer time, and then trigger the trap, or detonate in time.

To be honest, Zhao Wenrui's feeling now is that this bombing is not entirely a bad thing.

If the hostile reincarnation hasn't moved, his psychological pressure will become greater and greater, and he may even guess wildly.

Zhao Wenrui asked the contract number to send the transport aircraft to bring some mechanical equipment to respond.

The contract number is an immigration ship, and some engineering equipment is naturally normal, so work like cleaning up the rubble and excavating the earthwork can be completed without problems.

After the aircraft arrived, the rescue work soon began.

In fact, shortly after the explosion, Milano reported the situation on the spot. Only some of the T960 had some luck and some damage, and others were only buried. After all, these specially created inorganic puppets are far stronger than normal people.

In addition, Milano has already pushed the damage value, which is conducive to continuing the play.

Zhao Wenrui spent a lot of thought and resources to make the T960s pretend to be the crew of the contract, but not only let them put some Pose on it, as long as they can still perform, continue to perform, even if he looks embarrassed.

At the same time, he is also concerned about the progress of the Omega plan. It is still smooth. The executives have begun to drill holes. The weapon for drilling holes is actually another application of plasma spray.

Zhao Wenrui's team currently has a lower level of industrial technology. Nanoworms feel that they are not enough, and they can only use it for blade projects.

Zhao Wenrui feels that the main problem facing him now is to confirm the traces of David and the right reincarnation.

The biggest difficulty of this problem is that the hostile reincarnations have extraordinary means, and their almost unreasonable characteristics on the technology side make the detection results of many scientific and technological equipment less reliable.

As far as the situation in front of me is concerned, the contract number of the Magic Reformation is equipped with technological equipment that is far more advanced than its own detection equipment.

The performance and power of the device are also strong enough, and the detection result of this area is that no signs of life are found.

But he still can't be sure with this, and the hostile samsara must not have played the game of "reverse thinking, black under the lights".

In addition, the magic contract number is not the background board for occasionally performing some tasks. It has been working all the time, including finding a family of engineers in the LV223 worldwide.

To this end, there are even special production equipment on the contract number, manufacturing shock wave detectors, and then launching from the planetary orbit to various regions by carrying the delivery equipment, to detect the lower regions.

So far, there is no valuable discovery, which is a point that makes him feel depressed.

He feels that his requirements are really not too high, but one or two heads are shaped, a group of three or five engineers, but the current situation gives him a feeling of playing against a very patient old hunter, at least there is such a trend .

This is definitely a very annoying model. Both sides are cautious, unwilling to do anything, and are reluctant to have it. They wait for a little information to be leaked from the opposite side. When the information is collected, the other party shows enough vulnerabilities before they are willing to shoot .

He feels that his current performance is relatively impatient compared to the other party.

He even felt that from the beginning to the present, the game between the two sides is basically tied, but the future trend is that he does not dominate.

He relied on the advantage of his fleet to send the contract number out of the pit. This is a scoring item.

Obtaining active jump-point development technology and removing non-working medium engine technology from the spacecraft of the engineer family are considered personal gains.

Killing a hostile reincarnation is generally more beneficial than harm.

But the enemy reincarnation is not nothing. At least they have now realized that he is less confident than they are about the evolution of the current situation.

People who are not determined enough are often eager to obtain the desired information feedback through action.

And his current series of performances clearly fit this logic.

This is likely to make the hostile reincarnations more stable and stable, and determine the applicability of the standby hunting method.

This is obviously not what he would like to see.

On the one hand, he was worried that his conjectures had a serious deviation from reality.

On the other hand, he is anxious about the fact that the hostile reincarnation is as stable as the old dog under the premise of grasping the general trend, and its overall profit is greater than his farming.

After all, when the task is given, it is the working time to work for the main god. During the task is supreme, farming is only an indirect means for this service, and it exists in order to obtain more power and means.

At the same time, Zhao Wenrui's opponents were actually very unhappy because they were in the right place.

The female man who was ambushed and killed in the spacecraft where David and Elizabeth Shaw came to LV223 was part of the reason for the dispute and even the conflict.

The main reason is that after that, the two reincarnations who had been biased towards the female man ’s original proposal, but were eventually persuaded, after learning of the female man ’s death, with a strong sense of betrayal and guilt, they would not want Listen to 'Flick', and insist on the premise of rapid deterioration of the situation, immediately take emergency escape actions.

But unfortunately, the proposal of the two of them was rejected by the other four during the voting session of the dish. More unfortunately, it seems that they still have no choice to break with the four people. So much so that the current situation shows that the team once again missed the correct choice!

The evolution of the whole incident is actually more dramatic in the eyes of these samsaras.

They are all part of the Vientiane Gate system (the same kind of existence as the main god, half-footed into a special intelligent body of higher dimension) that Kane's previous life (Zhao Wenrui) played.

{Alien: Contract} As a copy world, the plot is not strong, and two or three sentences can explain clearly. So generally it is to accommodate a medium squad of reincarnations.

And this time I came here to do the task seriously, it is a small combination of three sisters including female men. They have not been bound by the high-end team contract. For a long time, it was the state that was running in and had begun to consider the formation of a fixed regiment.

However, they were still in the mission briefing stage ~ ~ and they encountered a group of 4 from the Vientiane gate system, but not in the normal task sequence.

This group is considered a quasi-advanced group. The most representative point is that it does not yet have the logistics world that really belongs to itself like the seniors, but it has begun to plan for it.

Kane's previous life belonged to the famous top veterans in the Vientiane Gate system, and even the logistics world is the death star representing the dark dimension.

The general seniors are not so special and special. They basically choose a mission world that is suitable for themselves or their own teams in all aspects, and the development potential is also okay. Into what you want.

This time, the group of 4 people who came to {Alien: Contract} has not yet explored this step, but the preparatory work of this step-collecting resources.

{Alien: Contract} It can be said that there is basically no difficulty for them.

But this is only limited to the related tasks promulgated by the Lord God.

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