Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1197: Xiaoyao Half-Day Worldly Friends

Kane decided to release the long line and then ran out of the net.

So he gave new details to the Magic Nanoworm.

This little thing seems to have been created by him temporarily, but in fact it can be called the masterpiece of the mixed technology of science and magic.

There are three outstanding points, 1, wisdom, 2 efficiency, and 3 changes.

To understand it simply, it is the self-infinite value-added version of the T1000. If Kane does not impose any restrictions, then it will eat the planet. It will only be a matter of time, and it will not take too long with acceleration.

So after receiving Kane's new order, the Magic Nanoworm no longer preferentially lurked, but launched a series of small farms with its own characteristics.

The first is to create a special function department-the energy compartment on the top of the submarine.

In this independent space based on the magic circle, the energy portal connecting the moon is established. The moon has been used by Kane as a gateway to the dead stars in the dark dimension, so when the connection is established, the energy problem is solved.

With energy, the Magic Nanoworm can let go of proliferation.

So with the naked eye's starting speed and faster and faster acceleration, the submarine's shell was swallowed first, then the interior, and it was a quarter of an hour before and after. The Botans are more versatile and can change the material structure from the molecular level.

Ethelon, Ludwig, and Huhu did not notice that the vehicle had become a cage. After venting their argument, they decided to make a second round of nuclear strike attempts.

Ethelron is relatively more attentive. It thinks that things have developed to the present, and it is obvious that some people are secretly doing right with them.

Against this background, fear of being punished by the owner for doing things unfavorably is not the first consideration. Report the situation to the owner in time to avoid mistakes.

Unfortunately, Ludwig and Hu were not willing to admit defeat, saying that even if it is true as Ethelon said, it should be confirmed by two attempts. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain to the owner. After all, how did the nuclear bomb become a big firework, and there is something wrong with them, they have no clue.

In the end, 2: 1, the second nuclear strike took place.

This time, they decided to launch a strike from the English Channel and strike coastal cities, so that the time from launch to explosion was much shorter than the first time, which was conducive to finding problems.

As for the submarine exposure, how about throwing away an incomplete old magic modified submarine?

After roughly determining the project content, the next step is detailed planning. This includes contacting lurking under France, providing new strike coordinates, and arranging positioning guidance.

It is now 1991, and even the precision-guided strikes of the lighthouse country require the guidance of ground troops, not to mention similar technologies in other countries.

Moreover, Ethelon is not a very interesting technology, hacking into the NATO satellite system to complete the guidance, it is too difficult for them, but it is using extraordinary means to better achieve their goals.

And this is exactly what Kane wants to see.

The communication methods used by Ethelon, although covered by the mobile phone communication signals that have risen in this era, are not likely to be discovered by relevant secular official departments in a short time; but Kane has a super AI Miranda, plus the submarine has Taken, it can be said that as long as Ethelon is willing to interact, no matter who the other party is, as long as it is on this planet, there is no possibility of not being locked.

However, Kane is still in no hurry to start with those lurking. Because Atheron they also intend to use the communication to integrate soldiers and horses. This means that in the process of understanding and counting the details of the current execution teams one by one, it is equivalent to helping Kane to lock all the fish that are missing from the net.

This process took a little longer, and Kane did not need to stare at him personally, so he handed it over to Miranda, and he took a short break and decided to relax.

So he went directly to California in the lighthouse country through the fixed teleportation array of Nozawa Park.

In the name of Victor Cullen, there are many real estates, more well-known, there is the antique house in London ’s Thames River, and the two-storey luxury apartment in the Manhattan district of New York overlooking Central Park. And a villa in Long Beach, California.

These are properties that only the wealthy and expensive people in the world can buy. Kane went to the villa in Long Beach this time.

Long Beach is hailed as the Los Angeles version of the New York Hampton District. Rich and star beach villas are gathered here, and Kane owns one of the relatively low-end ones, covering an area of ​​about one acre (4,000 square meters). There is also a private beach of 35 meters.

There is no outdoor swimming pool, the main body is a chic and unique villa. On a sunny day, looking at the sea from the terrace on the terrace is also a good enjoyment.

But now it is November. Los Angeles is located in the Mediterranean climate zone. The average temperature in winter is 20 degrees Celsius in the daytime and 10 degrees Celsius in the night. But even so, the rich and famous celebrities are more willing to stay in the city in winter, only those who dislike It is dry in winter, so I am happy to bring a touch of salty sea breeze in every humid wind.

Kane is not too dry, but some dislike the air quality in the city. The other is the noise of the traffic, compared to him, he is more willing to listen to the sea and watch the sea.

Putting on a casual clothes at home, Kane strolled from the villa to the beach.

But the things in his head are not easy. Not long ago, the mechanical puppets who explored in the Nordic Kingdom of God passed back the first wave of intelligence summarization. According to intelligence analysis, the situation there was more severe than he expected.

The key point is not how many awakening spirits try to make things happen, but that when the dimension collapses, it will have an unpredictable impact on his big plan.

From the perspective of conspiracy theory, this should be the handwriting of the ancient god.

Compared to coincidence, he was more willing to believe that someone had done something right in the dark, only to come up with such a technical force enough to threaten his plan for the dark law of the universe sealing force field.

As the saying goes, the landlord's family has no surplus food.

The concept of affluence also depends on how it compares with whom.

If he owns a whole planet, then the richest man in the world is nothing but an ant with only one crumb.

But in the circle of creators of similar strength, he belongs to the newcomer who has a lot of hard-earned money accumulated in the work and is in the first business of his life.

He was very optimistic about his project, but he was remembered by an old rich man. Although the old rich man has many problems, such as lack of energy, poor energy, mostly real estate, and insufficient cash flow, he can still block him by throwing money.

But now that the wrist is broken, the strategy of the old rich man has gradually become clearer. To put it simply, it is to start with the "finance" that he is not too close to increase his project operating costs.

Even if he could not be left without money, unable to continue because of the broken cash flow, he could only declare bankruptcy, and he was ultimately unable to make ends meet. He could not run the next project for quite a long time.

It is indeed a long-term strategy that is not in a hurry to win or lose one by one. Thousands of miles away, spreading money makes him very uncomfortable. In turn, if he is more real, he runs straight to the other party and is in the middle of it.

So in general it was very suffocating, although he knew that the other party was also very painful to do so, which is equivalent to the situation of five labors and seven injuries, still bleeding from time to time. This is an act of lethal injury.

But the death enemies of your life and death have already been settled, and the other party also wants to stop. With his potential and upward momentum, if he is not restrained, he will soon become thick and thick. At that time, the opponent who is already thin in the west and belongs to the evening industry will die with a high probability of being ugly and become the best sacrifice for his complete rise. Goods.

Although the execution of the current strategy is dead, if he can be tortured before he grows up, or his potential can be shed in advance, then even if he is finally in a state of near-death, there is still no low. The chance to return to the top. After all, the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the broken ship still has 3,000 nails. Just relying on the huge system, the milk can grow two or two meats in one bite.

The reason is so simple, but when implemented, it looks extraordinary, the elephant is invisible, even the gods, but it is just a chess piece in the grand layout.

So the problem now is not that the gods have awakened, but that they have been twisted and become a lower-end twisted evil god.

He suspected that the Egyptian gods represented by the messengers behind the Halloween event in France were also products of this strategy.

It happens that these gods are in a critical state of long-term sleep. For survival, harsh conditions are also accepted. These gods will get rid of the harsh contract and rely on future changes. In fact, this is similar to the illusion that I can fight back. Once you accept it, you can't help yourself and sink deeply.

He also thought about sending avatars to go upstream to solve a series of problems.

But if you really want to do this, it will become a financial struggle with that person. His ‘capital chain’ will become more and more tense, thus losing tolerance, and if something goes wrong, it will be a chain reaction.

Therefore, he can compete with the other party for ability, skill, will, diligence, and time (when the opponent can't make it, every time the opponent makes a move, there will be a huge amount of wear and tear), but he can't fight hard.

"Victor, what do you think? The expression is so serious."

The beautiful female voice brought Kane back to reality.

He used to be tense in the past, never really relaxed.

And now, in order to better enjoy life, he set a strange set of rules for himself.

For example, everything is free. As the name implies, ordinary means ordinary people, all exempted, that is, all extraordinary inductions are exempted. Combined, as long as it is a mortal, then the corresponding transcendent alert will not happen.

Ordinary transcendence, fearing that he is not sensitive enough to overturn the ditch, this is a big fish, but he does the opposite, disgusting too sensitive and disturbing him to enjoy life, this is called eating bran pharyngeal, returning to the original level of eating bran Pharyngeal dishes, this is the compulsion of the true high-end.

So it was only when I was asked by someone close that I didn't realize it. It wasn't Kane pretending, but I didn't notice it.

A glance at the coming person, the female neighbor, responded with a smile: "Hi, Katie, I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been recently?"

The female neighbor who exuded the charm of a mature woman said with a smile: "It's still like that, it's very boring, but you are back. This is good news."

He said enthusiastically that he stepped forward and kissed Kane on the cheek, not minding his chest.

Kane has no leg with this socialite Catherine, and because of this foundation, he and Catherine look like family members instead, and have a good relationship with her husband, Judas Broadman Joseph.

The interesting point is that Joseph, who is 12 years older than Catherine, belongs to each other with Catherine. It is a typical celebrity couple who is notorious in the life of the husband and wife, but in common interests with the enemy (like the Clintons).

Katie wanted to have something with Kane at one time, but failed to achieve it. Instead, her curiosity was even better. She came and went, and became a good friend in a gentle way.

Joseph felt that Kane was very respectful of him, self-disciplined, elegant, polite, easy-going, and had a lot of consensus with him, so although he was not a generation, he was very talkable.

Kane knew that all this came from Joseph wearing eavesdropping buttons on Katie's clothes, and Katie seduce him, but he was gently introduced to a friendly communication mode. So it really entered the circle of relatives and friends of this couple.

He even knew that Joseph pretended to eavesdrop on a button, mainly to wipe Katy's ass, so as not to secretly collect some evidence from Xiao Bai's face and damage the reputation and interests of the two.

So, the life of the rich is sometimes ridiculous.

"The international situation is not very good. After running around for a while, I haven't recovered much. I just put it aside for a while and came back to relax. I thought very well but couldn't do it."

Kane responded to Katie's question, and Katie smiled half-truly and asked, "Do you need my" deep "comfort?"

Kane asked back: "Why, a bit lonely recently?"

Katie put away her frivolous expression and shrugged: "Suddenly you get bored suddenly, and you can't take the excitement. You said I am old?"

Kane did a tidy up, and the two walked side by side on the beach. The two private beaches are close to each other, but the scale of Katie's house is over a hundred meters.

"I don't agree to use the word 'old'." Kane quibbled: "A lot of times, I think I am not old enough. I'm still as sensitive as young, playful, procrastinating, dazed, unconfident, the only thing that is young The difference is that they carry a lot of baggage. Obviously, they are already breathless, and there is still no way to make themselves better. "

"I have asked myself more than once why this is happening. I have never found an answer that satisfies me. Then I gradually realized an explanation that answered this question to a certain extent. That is everyone's heart, In fact, I hope to get a superior state, that is, you get a little more than you lose, but in fact most of the time, you lose a little more than you get. So you have never been fully satisfied. "

"So it seems to me that your question has nothing to do with whether or not you are old, but because you find that you have lost some."

"Perhaps!" Katie took Kane's arm and walked half leaning, like a sweet couple eating after dinner. "I thought the passion that I would never get bored with in my life, but now I can't feel the energy to taste it. I feel upset even when I'm in the city. I feel uncomfortable when I come here. I only see you. It turns out I missed my family. "

"Then do you dig a hole for me?"

"Fun you, people like you who are not greedy for me are so scarce, but they are not used to it."

Kane patted Katie holding the back of his arm, he could understand Katie's mood. Perhaps it was in response to the "full warmth" statement, celebrity circles have a lot of pollution, Katie told him about his family's misfortune, such as being treated as a transaction by his mother, and his brothers said that those old and ugly things I can go to you, why do n’t I do it? The stepfather tried to get her to bed ...

There are loved ones, but there are no affections. When we are tired or when we are heartbroken, we do n’t have a shelter. Then there is instinct to watch out and test.

The more interesting point is that Katie is both worried and looking forward to this, looking forward to further and more intimate. After worrying about further, but there is no way to be more intimate, it is better to be a friend.

So Kane's remarks are appropriate. Unbalanced in my heart, dissatisfied with desire, as it was in the past, it is so now, it will still be so in the future. I always want to get a little more than I lose, but in fact often the opposite is true. The more unwilling to make trouble, the stronger it feels.

Throughout the morning of Halloween, Kane and Katie were tired together. At noon, he also personally adjusted a rich table. Joseph also pushed away the entertainment and ran back to eat together. The atmosphere of the family holiday was suddenly there.

Katie even jokingly asked Kane if there was any magic, and its existence would give people a homely feeling.

Kane said frankly, it was because their husband and wife lacked a bond that allowed them to lay down their guards. Perhaps the two may consider having a child.

Katie's eyes lit up and bit her lower lip for a moment, then suddenly said: "There is a little guy, maybe it will be fun ~ ~ Joseph first listened, then immediately covered his face, got up and gave himself Kane continued to drink and toasted a glass, and said with emotion that Kane was a lucky star, bringing good luck to his family.

It turned out that his career has not been smooth in the past few days, and he has made frequent mistakes. Many people say that he is not good, so as to imply that he is old and lack of energy, and he is no longer suitable for the role of president of the company.

If there can be a child at this time, these rumors are naturally unbreakable.

And he and Katie are second marriage, a combination of interests, but also have the intention to improve the variety.

It's a pity that Katie has always been capricious and playful. It was really a surprise.

Kane smiled and toasted and responded, but there was no lack of fun in her heart: "If you know that I just ordered no matter how old or young you are, and slaughtered tens of thousands, I don't know if this Fuxing sent good luck, can you say it." ... …

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