Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1198: Curse to ruin the town

Informed knowledge, elegant taste, good status, functional topics, but no interest disputes, and each other's interests and hobbies can be more in harmony ...

Wealthy people want to make friends, the difficulty is not small, mainly because of money trouble.

So Joseph and Catherine and his wife were very interested in Victor Cullen's neighbor.

Kane, however, is more about enjoying Victor Cullen ’s design achievements when needed. After all, when he is busy with his own affairs, Victor Cullen is still 'running', but the shadow is doing it.

After having lunch with neighbors and couples, Kane's stealing for half a day was over. Borrowing the toilet, Victor Cullen gave the shadow to take care of it again. For himself, he changed to another vest, Flac Owen.

This young wizard, a veteran of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce, once persuaded Remus Lupin to join in the pig's head bar, and often traveled on business. It was not unusual to see him in three or four months.

After that, he used the door key, transited through Kansas, first arrived in New York, then across the Atlantic, landed in Plymouth, Britain, and went to London to go through the formalities. As a investigator of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce, he entered France through a formal way. , The specific landing point is Dunkirk.

Because they represent the Chamber of Magic Eyes, two Aurors of the French Ministry of Magic greeted and accompanied them, and then headed to Haguenau in northeastern France.

Haguenau is the second largest city in the Lower Rhine province of Alsace, about 30 kilometers north of Strasbourg and 35 kilometers east of the German city of Baden.

This is an old town with many historical sites. The Gothic St. George's Vatican and St. Nicholas Church were both built in the 13th century; and the synagogue here is known as a model of French neoclassicism.

But just this morning, the center of Agno was attacked by terrorist attacks.

Correspondingly, two other groups of perpetrators besides goblins, mist spirits, and vampires surfaced, the secret key club and the immortal priest group.

They acted at an ancient tomb here. But Ethelon, Ludwig and the failure to call them stimulated these two groups.

Or that the situation has changed, and do not want to give up the original plan, so after the stress adjustment, chose a more brutal way to achieve their goals.

In the specific process, one of the eight dark weirdnesses under Kane also intervened.

The dark weirdness that specializes in killing mutant vampires becomes more efficient after obtaining intelligence support from Super AI Miranda.

Ethelon's submarine was still on the way to the English Channel, and the important line of sight buried in France was almost cleared.

This made the three guys more determined that there were indeed mysterious and powerful enemies fighting against them. This time, Ludwig and Huhu also chose to truthfully report the progress of the plan to the owner.

As a result, he was dismissed in a row, and then he let him out from the position of the main executor of the big plan, played the auxiliary position and made a contribution.

The specific operation is divided into two steps:

First, head to the base in Scandinavia to produce new combat power.

They have artifacts in hand, and can be regarded as portable nests like the Rachel El Chalice (Holy Grail artifact) (through the holy grail drinking ritual, they can become shadow hunters), and the base has the semi-finished primordial embryos they capture and modulate , The addition of the two can produce an elite cannon foe like a mutant vampire.

Second, hand over the control of the remaining fighting power in France to the Immortal Priesthood.

So while Kane was blowing the sea breeze at the Los Angeles Long Beach cottage, Ethelon and his submarine drove the submarine to the Botanical Sea.

Kane certainly didn't stop him, he also expected to see their base.

On the French side, since it was discovered that the communication had been eavesdropped, an emergency code was used.

Once this code word is shouted, all receivers will no longer communicate with the submarine command, but will follow the pre-agreed code word instructions to rush to a place. After gathering, send someone to the designated area with a new secret communication method. To meet with the leadership team.

Although this anti-penetration and anti-eavesdropping method is okay, it can't play Miranda.

After Miranda sat in the middle, he deliberately left two groups of mutant blood races not killed, but let the darkness be weird.

So these two groups of leftovers went to the new assembly point with dark weirdness.

Afterwards, one dark monster stared at the remnants of the assembly and waited for the rest of the dark monsters to arrive; another dark monster adorned the liaison to investigate the so-called 'leadership group'.

As a result, during the meeting between the liaison officer and the leadership team, an accident broke out.

The leading group is very cautious and possesses clever anti-tracking detection methods.

What's more interesting is that in addition to this set of surface detection methods, there is another kind of secretly relying on the devil.

One of the seventy-two demon gods of Solomon that the secret key will master. With the help of the demon god, the dark weird tail is discovered.

Upon seeing Shuteng's strategy revealed, Miranda immediately let the darkness be weird. So the concentrated remnants were swept away by a net.

But the secret key and the immortal priest group, two branches of the battle group, the power is complete. Their style of conduct is also decisive.

A new plan was designated immediately, the key would control the demon and attract attention, and the immortal priest group violently advanced the plan in Agno.

The centre of Haguenau, the town of Haguenau hundreds of years ago, became a sacrifice. The yellow-green wind formed by the immortal curse swept through the city center, and the federal government agencies, post offices, pharmacies, shopping malls, high schools, hospitals, courts, police stations, churches, and various restaurants, shops, etc., all became successful. Curse the mummy.

Because he had been prepared for a long time and had used climate weapons, he failed to send out effective warning or distress messages for half an hour after the disaster.

Finally, Miranda, who monitored the global network, discovered anomalies. With the help of NATO satellites, he further discovered and analyzed that the sandstorms in the Haguenau area were not naturally generated, and then assigned agents from the nearby Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce to confirm it. No matter how old or young, no one is spared.

When Kane received the news, more detailed information was analyzed and passed on to Miranda.

Between the unknown and powerful of the enemy, Agent Demon Eye did not rush into it, but used the nearby spatio-temporal positioning system to erect the portal, and then the cannon fodder came in batches.

These prisoner cannon fodder from the Bone Eroding Society were the victims of the three fires of the Bone Tacitus. Because the bone erosion involves all dark creatures, Kane didn't put his beak on Tashi Tuo's straightforward removal of aliens.

Now, these victims are used by waste, and the bone mage under the Taxi Tuo will temporarily arm and shackle them, and then explore through death to obtain penalty reductions, and even win freedom.

As a result, these cannon foes were assimilated with their own infection, proving that the curse of the Immortal Priest Corps is indeed very sharp.

In the face of such a situation, Kane chose to use the nuclear weapons they had previously stolen from Ethelon to completely wipe out the center of Agno.

Specifically implemented by Miranda, weapon-grade nuclear fuel is added to a holographically printed exclusive container. Then use it with the extraordinary electromagnetic binding force field. Turning the center of Haguenau into a temporary nuclear fusion reactor.

In this way, not only no excess energy is leaked, but also in turn strengthens the power of destruction in the attack area. Shock waves repeatedly raged like water flowing in a drum washing machine, completely destroying the city center into rubble.

After some thought, Kane gave up Victor Cullen's identity and told Alisa Fontaine about the beginning and end of the incident and related information.

He hopes to set Victor Cullen's settings as a lone warrior wizard with a strong legendary rank, rather than the leader of an organization.

But between the poisonousness and potential harm of the immortal curse, he still asked Miranda to send more detailed and comprehensive information to the French Ministry of Magic anonymously.

The French Ministry of Magic is scorching its head because of the Halloween transformation. More than a quarter of the members of the Ministry of Magic have turned into enemies. More than one hundred wizards have been ambushed. This is the most serious event in the French wizarding circle.

As a result, the Ministry of Magic was in a semi-stop state, so it had to seek help from the guardians of the pure-blood families, set up a temporary elders' club, strengthen management capabilities, and ensure the implementation of a series of measures.

Against this background, the Ministry of Magic, who received anonymous information, was shocked. After all, in the previous series of vicious incidents, Alisa Fontaine and several other gangster-level figures in the wizarding circle succeeded in saving the sky, but also Won the respect and trust of the Ministry of Magic.

According to the information provided by Alyssa, behind the Halloween transformation event, the Secret Society, the Transcendence of Egypt, the mutant vampire and the gods are involved.

And now anonymous information shows that the tragedy of Haguenau is also the Secret Society and the extraordinary of the Egyptian Department. This is obviously the second half of the Halloween transformation.

The Tiantianqing team represented by Alisa Fontaine has been exhausted, so who will take over justice next? After urgent consultations, the French Ministry of Magic sent a request for assistance to the International Wizards Federation, requesting the Federation to send combat power into the field.

It is against this background that Kane now plays Flac Owen, on behalf of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce, to investigate the reality.

Although the Devil ’s Eye Chamber of Commerce is not an official representative of the Wizarding Circle of Britain, its strong strength and influence, as well as its past outstanding performance, are regarded as an independent guardian of order and justice by the International Federation of Wizards. .

The French Ministry of Magic also accepted this decision. They even wished that Kane Shafiq would be able to play the savior again as he did during the Hellgate incident.

When Kane arrived at Haguenau with Phantom Shift, it was already full of talents and vocals. Many well-known wizards had arrived and were sharing the anonymous information provided by the Ministry of Magic while discussing how to proceed.

The center of Agno was razed to the ground, but in the catacombs hundreds of meters deep, the immortal priests are still doing some kind of evil.

This needs to be stopped, but it is only because of the strength of the other party, and the wizards are also reluctant to rashly enter into it, especially after knowing the sharpness of the immortal curse.

So noisy for a long time, and could not come up with a convincing and willing to implement the regulations.

Kane arrived in this context.

When the accompanying Auror informed the participants of the Devil's Eye Chamber of Commerce representatives, many wizards were present, and even some wizards came directly to ask when Kane Shafiq was present.

Kane was seriously playing the role of Flake, with a formal smile, an official face, full of diplomatic rhetoric, and talking about the car, not ignoring anyone who released a friendly signal, but basically did not say a useful word.

Dumbledore was also present as the chairman of the International Wizarding Federation. Taking advantage of his seniority, Tao Li is full of world, and Flake naturally wants to step forward to say hello to the headmaster.

Dumbledore maintained his usual calmness, grinning and trying to make a few words, but Kane could feel it, and the White Wizard was really in a heavy mood. The reason is naturally needless to say, there must be a reason why Kane Shafiq cannot be present to preside over justice.

Looking at the passage of time, a sorcerer still staged a "no one is a dragon, a group of worms," ​​a trivial organization, and a third party organization that resolved everyone's embarrassment was present.

Holy See!

Kane glanced at it, and distinguished from the costumes that it was the elite team to which the heretical referee belonged, the punishment team, and the officer was the adjudicator.

When Nerva visited Nozawa Garden, he brought such a team.

Kane shook his head secretly, such a combat power, is not eligible to participate in this event.

Of course, he also knows that he ca n’t blame the Holy See. After all, they did n’t receive anonymous information, and they could send this team to the scene in time, mostly for wizards?

In fact, Kane was right, and the Punisher team came over, mainly because the wizarding rally took place here in broad daylight.

As for the center of Agno, which turned into ruins, they naturally noticed. But the Holy See and the wizard have never been the same. Many people in the Holy See regard the internal struggle of the wizard and the dispute between the wizard and other extraordinary creatures as a favorite program.

That is to say, from the beginning, they came with prejudice and partiality. It is not so much to save the people from fire and water that it is better to run over and plug the wizards.

Just after scanning the scene for the leader, he was a little counseled. He noticed that the wizard meeting was unusual.

There is no ordinary wizard at all. The worst type is the Auror of the Ministry of Magic. The rest are all powerful wizards with strong will and magic. The unbelievable masters and above are beyond count.

The first person does not know what happened, and there is no lack of bright sword spirit, but he still decided to keep a low profile so as not to be regarded as a vent by these wizards who are obviously not beautiful.

Most of the wizards present are usually the masters who do n’t mind using martial arts with the Holy See, but today they are relatively restrained. After all, the enemies who made the tragedy are enough to cause headaches. Smart operation.

Soon, the wizards quarreled again, and the content of the quarrel was whether to share anonymous intelligence with the Holy See.

Kane said secretly, ~ said: "This was the case at the last Venice rally, and it is the same now. In this situation, it is really necessary for powerful people to take responsibility and make decisions, and take action, and Not playing democratic discussions. "

Kane thought that this group of wizards would only miss the chance, and would even be scattered by a wave of counterattacks by the immortal priest group, so he thought of letting the role of Frack Owen leave. Even if you change your face, it's better to grind the chirp here.

As a result, the earthquake just happened.

There are seven levels of visual energy. Because the source is relatively shallow, the effect is shocking. Tens of meters wide. Hundreds of ground fissures are generated in a few hundred meters. Geothermal steam and radiation spurt up from these cracks It gives people a sense of sight to witness the disaster movie {2012}.

"It seems that the immortal priest group has achieved its purpose." Kane thought so, and used the phantom to move away.

As soon as he left his front foot, the space imprisonment force field was completed by the cover of the ground fissure. The wizards wanted to use the phantom to move away, but they couldn't do it ...

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