Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1199: Welcome the enemy calmly to the sea of ​​sand

Kane used a phantom to move away from Haguenau instead of leaving alone, but also pulling away with the two Aurors who accompanied him.

Afterwards, in the gratitude of the two Aurors, he followed him to the location of the nearby door key and returned to the French Ministry of Magic.

One of the Aurors reported Haguenau ’s latest situation to his superiors, while the other accompanied Kane through formal channels and returned to Britain.

Frack Owen's mission of exploration has been completed, and the next step is to report to the senior executives of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce. For this reason, the character withdrew.

Originally I wanted to secretly assist the wizards to manage the immortal priest group.

However, the performance of the wizards was disappointing, and Kane dumped the relevant work to Tacitus.

After all, the cannon fodder of the Bone Eroding Association scolded the earlier intervention event, although with the arrival of the wizards, they actively gave up the stage, but after all, it was still arranged. For example, Tacitus can use a temporary portal to bring people into the field quickly to prevent further erosion.

From a local strategic point of view, this is a step from attack to defense. Kane did not ask for too much, and was allowed the Immortal Priests to wipe out the essence of the wizarding world in Agno.

After entrusting the trumpet Owen, again, Kane met the ancient Celtic wizard Vera with the appearance of Victor Cullen.

This witch with imprisoned personality imprisoned in the Black Abyss had previously settled his grudges under his guidance, and now it is back, it is to join.

Just as there were so many things on hand, Kane let him stand alone.

Using some mysterious elements, Kane pinched an artifact, the staff of life.

With this artifact, Vera's ancient druid technique can be used in this era, and its power is several times better than its peak period.

Kane also gave her the command of darkness and weirdness, and taught her a secret method to transform her into a wooden puppet.

In this way, the dark weirdness can get rid of the original time limit and survive for a longer time.

Kane also gave Vera a name, called the Araki Team, which was dissociated from the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce and was directly responsible to him.

The first task of the Araki team is to fight against the demon's key-serving demon.

The demon master works, before the immortal priest group, the purpose is to attract the attention of all parties.

This time, the Key Club will adopt an elite harassment strategy. There are a total of five demon masters, each with two assistants, and then they control the demon **** and do things in different places.

Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Toulouse and Brest, all of which are big cities, are sacred in front of people.

Alisa Fontaine and they were entangled in this matter and their heads were burnt. Blessed by the power of the demon god, the demon master is a quasi-legendary comprehensive strength level. Under this background, the demon master does not refuse to fight, but instead engages in random destruction. It is really the same in a short time.

Of course, the so-called rut is largely because the square needs to take care of the safety of mortals, which makes them very passive.

Kane's instructions to Vera are relatively cold, requiring him to concentrate his power, besieging one by one, thundering, and letting mortals die.

Vera understands this core idea as long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, to avoid large losses at a small cost. Then led away.

In fact, Kane's practice is really a waste of life. After all, although the devil's behavior is bad, it is not really a complete release. Otherwise, its destructive power is not as simple as damaging some vehicles and killing and mortal mortals, but it can cause a tragedy that is more exaggerated than Agno.

And Alisa Fontaine and them, precisely because they knew it, always had a decent shot, only to consume the other party, so that they could not retreat.

Even the pros and cons of this kind of "fake fight" have a set of unspoken rules that are customary, and the specific causes are very complicated. Among them are the self-respect of raising thieves and other hidden secrets.

After all, the real world is not black and white, and the wizards are not a moral model. There are various kinds of dirty inside the square group, and there are opponents like the Holy See outside the mess, and there are messy non-human extraordinary intelligent life groups, so a villain When forces are born, there are always reasons for this, and there is no one to destroy one. It is said that the square group does not have that ability, even if it has, it must be repeatedly considered and rationalized.

Like the Secret Society, as a secret association, many of its members are head and face characters in the wizarding circle. In many cases, they are biased towards the wizarding community. If they want to get rid of it, even if they can do it, it is tantamount to self-abolition of martial arts, so that foreign enemies like the Holy See can read the joke.

Kane ’s instructions to Vera meant that he flipped the table. He was too lazy to obey the so-called unspoken rules and play the game of falling in love with each other.

He regarded this phenomenon of the extraordinary circle as the extraordinary version of the medieval feudal lord war.

What is the most impressive thing about the medieval feudal lord war?

Kane thought it was a prisoner's redemption.

As the saying goes, there is no good player. Except for the unfortunate one who was slaughtered during the torture on the battlefield, otherwise the losing side surrenders or is captured, there is a high probability that they will trade for freedom.

So it was a fight, and the unlucky peasant soldiers were always called for. None of them can be considered human. After all, the lowest target of the eight virtues of a knight must also be a free man.

Right now, this pattern is being reproduced.

From this perspective, the extraordinary group is quite something. One of the most despised aspects of Kane lies in the attachment of extraordinary groups to the world.

If it is really self-sufficient, a higher species with its own civilization system, then it is just as if Homo sapiens eliminated the Neanderthals, or like the original Aram's relics enslaved human ancestors.

But it was a parasitic way of existence, but it looked down on contempt, which was disgusting.

He would rather ignore human life and come to a thorough cleanup next time to wipe out those bad things, including clearing hell.

The secret key meeting happened to be on the edge of the knife, so it was the first to be removed.

Therefore, the beheading of the demon master is only the appearance. He has let Vera secretly collect the devil element.

The seventy-two demons of Solomon, the biggest thing in common, are bound by "The Keys of Solomon."

"Solomon's Key" is a simplified version of "The Book of Rachel Al".

The Holy Grail of Rachel El is currently in his hands, so as long as enough Demon God elements are obtained, combined with the power of the Holy Grail, the location of "Solomon's Key" can be traced.

Then, all the demon **** contracts signed with "Solomon's Key", with the existence of the qualification of a demon master, together with the demon god, all will be destroyed.

Vera and the secret key will be right, Tacitus stares at the Immortal Priest Corps, the fairy Ethelron, the vampire Ludwig, and the Mist Spirit also need someone to stare.

He summoned the missing body for this.

There was a big event in France that shook the entire extraordinary world, and it was not appropriate for Kane Shafiq to stand still.

What's more, Flac Owen has completed the pre-prospecting, and the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce should have expressed its feelings.

He strengthened the soul of the next missing body to make it reach the level of secondary avatar, and then gave the mysterious element, so that his body level was raised to the level of the sanctuary.

The last time the International Federation of Wizards held a meeting in Venice, when the young Shafick tore with the angel descenders in public, he showed the level of the sanctuary.

However, the effect that that sanctuary only achieved when it broke out was not stable.

But in any case, the Sanctuary is the most top-notch in the extraordinary circle, including Nerva of the Holy See, and some other legendary characters that are hidden in the world, all at this level.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to let the missing body completely stabilize the sanctuary level and come forward to level up the Atheron group.

So Missi took several Omega werewolves and black elf mages, and rushed to Scandinavia.

The original city of Mossobrai moved as the deity went to the medieval Warhammer universe.

However, Kane intends to create a short version, which does not require him to control, Miranda is already in the process.

After defeating the Four Deer God Deer, Miranda was ordered to create the 'Falling Angel' by the light and dark polymer he named Nafitian in the Broken Land (Dimensional World), making it a special special service that provides 'Shenxi' services Where.

With this group, there is no difficulty in creating the city of Mosso Bly.

As for the Omega werewolf and the black elf mage beside the missing body, they were originally selected from the city of Mosobrai to protect the missing body. He recently pinched some armor and gave it, plus it was no longer The halo bonus of the missed body of the embroidered pillow should not be too hard to deal with with Ethelon.

And of course, Wang Jianwang himself.

With the help of magic nanoworms, he has obtained the energy information he needs, and then he just needs to go to Egypt to find the whereabouts of the awakening god, just like searching for the whereabouts of submarines in the Arctic Ocean.

He pondered that the deity's subordinates are now almost exposed, so even if the gods are killed, there will be no dead-hand system, pulling the whole world to bury themselves in the play. This is enough.

Without further ado, just leave.

Kane went to the black hemp plantation first.

In the vast Sahara Sea, the Shafik family opened up an artificial oasis for transforming the power of the four elements of earth fire water wind. Black leaf hemp is just a tool for transformation, and ancillary products.

During the growth process, the transformation efficiency of black leaf hemp is the highest. Although they intercept a part of their magic power, and the conversion of monomers is relatively limited, but the number is up, and the accumulation is relatively considerable.

Kane wandered in the black-leaf hemp field, and his thoughts were a bit trance. At that time, he had limited capital and limited technology. Even if the moon was set as the portal of the death star, the connection had to be sneaky.

In a twinkling of an eye, he already had the power to create and destroy a universe. Looking back, everything looks like yesterday, everything is different.

Although he was careful enough, he was afraid that his consciousness would be unknowingly tainted, so he let the secondary avatars go and wander. When reclaiming his emotional information, the recognized ones will be merged, otherwise they will be converted into classics and preserved as alternative autobiography.

But today, 30,000 years later, he still feels that his thinking has changed significantly compared to that day.

Of course, all things in the world are changing, the real one remains the same, and will only be abandoned by the world. However, I have to admit that it is difficult to say whether this kind of change accompanied by gains and losses is a loss or a profit. Especially when thinking about the original choice with a downstream mentality ...

Kane did not stay in the black leaf field for too long. Here, since he decided to move his family, he gave it to all wizards as a gift in the name of the Shafik family.

Specifically, it is hosted by the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce + supervised by the International Federation of Wizards, and then quotas are allocated to the output. The Ministry of Magic of various countries do the work, sit in groups, and eat fruit, in order to establish a harmonious and stable tone in the wizarding circle, to contain the various ways of the bulls, snakes, snakes and snakes with the countdown of the magic wave.

This idea seems to be fine, and after a period of operation, it can barely meet expectations. But all of this became futile with the input of the ancient god's power.

As he has always emphasized, energy is the key indicator. As long as there is energy, the long-dead deity is naturally unwilling to be lonely. I want to make some foreshadowing of the magic wave, so that I will step by step in the future. .

However, the world is not a desert, or an ancient era. To put it bluntly, there is no longer a land of no ownership in this era. If you move a little, you will find that it is someone else's cake.

This is the cause of the dispute.

What's more, the ancient gods aggrieved themselves?

If you have a percentage of power, you must obtain at least a percentage of power and status. It is better to stay awake than to wisely survive. Without this arrogant arrogance, it was impossible to stand out and achieve the **** karma.

As God said: "I'm here to make swordsmen in this world ..." If the people's living methods are not what I want, what can I do to be happy?

In this case, you don't need to talk about it, just persuade people with things.

Kane has gradually become like this now, the enemy does not need to communicate, it is also a vain, and it is just a matter of killing, although you have thousands of wrongs and tens of reasons, this is my couch, not tolerant of outsiders, and vice versa If I fail, it will count.

Ancient civilizations were born beside the river. The Sumerian civilization is near the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, the Chinese civilization is on the Yellow River, ancient India is on the Ganges, and ancient Egypt is on the Nile.

The total length of the Nile River is 6,671 kilometers. It originates in the highlands of West Africa, runs through the entire territory of Egypt, and also crosses the golden Sahara desert.

However, the two sections of the middle and lower reaches are bred to civilization, which are Upper Egypt with the characteristics of river valleys and Lower Egypt with the characteristics of water nets.

Different from the north to south in the east, the Nile River flows from south to north, so the Nile River Valley where Upper Egypt is located is on the south side, and the Nile Delta with its water network is on the north side.

Kane uses the black hemp planting base in the central area of ​​the Sahara Desert as a transit point and can go down to the destination.

He is not particularly anxious, as long as France is still alive, the attention of the perpetrators should be attracted there.

In addition, there is another reason for not being in a hurry, that is, he hopes that the troublemaker will bet further.

The total value of power is so much. If you share your work with your men, then you will have less available to use.

And the same force, in the hands of the gods, and in the hands of ordinary transcendents, can play a very different power.

Therefore, every time the troublemaker grants one more point to go out, then he fights with it, and he has one more point to win quickly.

So an invisible canoe went down the river until it was dusk.

The overall situation in France was as he expected. The gathered wizards once again deduced what is called the Wuhezhong.

In terms of individual strength, even if the wizards present were poor, they would not be as bad as the members of the immortal priest group.

In terms of quantity, it is several times the immortal priest group.

The cockroach that can be pushed jumps and hits the bag, but it is the wizard's side.

Leaving aside the wizards' unfamiliarity with the way of the immortal priests, the key is still the lack of awareness and understanding of group collaboration.

Even Dumbledore said half-sarcastically and half-jokingly: "The International Wizarding Federation should really organize everyone to engage in outdoor group building and expansion activities ..."

All in all, if Tacitus and the boneless wizards under his leadership were in the bottom, the wizards would definitely suffer heavy casualties in Haguenau.

As for the Bone Mage VS Immortal Priest, both sides can be called old acquaintances.

In fact, in terms of age, the immortal priests are better.

However, the Bone Masters were also a gang of leaders in the era, even if they could not close the battle against Qin Qiong, then they thought it was not too bad.

Moreover, the extraordinary of the Egyptian department withdrew from the stage of the times, precisely because of their credit to Tacitus. That is to say, the Tacitus wiped out the unsuitable apprentices of the immortal priests.

So this time the two sides can be regarded as a tear to get what they want.

Tacitus obtained the Dark Soul Forging Technique from Kane without worrying about energy distress. This was the time when he was full of enthusiasm and confidence.

Immortal priests are full of grievances, dare to break my lineage, everyone is immortal, you are more cattle than me? I do not believe!

Therefore, the Tacitus can seduce the evil fire of the immortal priests, and can make them give up the meat in their mouths, and persevere with the boneless mage. Successfully attracting hatred, this is clearly a qualified MT, and the wizards have not lost much, and they have gradually stabilized their positions.

So the immortal priest group was trapped, and was forced to retreat into the tomb at dusk.

And the wizards have no hard work, mainly because Tacitus refuses to lead others to do justice, and the immortal curse is really powerful. If they are hard, the wizards will inevitably pay a high price for themselves. Simply siege without attack, anyway, the advantage is on their side.

The demon master of the Key Society encountered an unprecedented setback in the afternoon.

They had played very well with wizards such as Alisa Fontaine, and both sides have a tacit understanding. Alisa they cast a taboo, and the wizards did not die, as long as they attracted enough powerful wizards, so that they could not support Afghanistan. Geno, just fine.

However, the attack by the Araki team made the situation turn sharply.

The first demon master who encountered a surprise attack was spurred by the sudden appearance of Vera's staff of life. A bite of poisonous milk and a demon of milk disintegrated on the spot, and the person was put on a pillar of industry fire and fire. The scorching fire burned for nearly four hours before it was full of soul.

This death method frightened Alisa and others, because they were not only extremely painful, but also were eternally immortal, and all the parallel spaces died together. Even if God used time to go back, he could not be resurrected.

This is not that Vera is ruthless enough, but that in the time she lived, the unbelievers were the ants. And she can be imprisoned in the black abyss, that is also possessed of divinity, the soul of the gods is difficult to wipe out, this is the seal.

Because the first servant was perfectly attacked and failed to deliver the news in time, the second servant also died terribly.

Miranda has always mastered the dynamics of these wizards through the dark weirdness in the dark. With the support of super logistics such as Miranda, Vera is definitely targeted. Once it appears, it is a wave of takeaway lore.

The third failed to be perfectly killed because the demon gods who had succeeded the two demon masters disintegrated, and the relevant contract of "Solomon's Key" is shown.

Although the demon master was not dead for a while, he could not see the clues, but the demon god's vitality was badly hurt, and he could no longer drive it for a long time, but it is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, the master of the classics informs all active demon masters, and they must be careful, so that the third demon master has far higher ordinary vigilance.

But Vera took it away.

Vera itself is strong enough, and the number of its dark senrows is also a new trick for the extraordinary of this era.

Coupled with the artifact of the Life Staff, Kane tailored it specifically for Vera, allowing her to properly bypass the constraints of the Law of Heaven and Dao and bring out the power of the Holy Land.

Vera is playing raids again, glance at the opportunity, the debut is to open.

In this context, the demon master is just a little mouse who has been planned by the old cat for a long time and lowered his claws. Without being able to play his own strengths, he is directly crushed by a set and defeated on the spot.

And three consecutive demon masters have an accident, and the remaining two finally feel that the situation is not good, especially the third loser. Finally, before death, through the demon **** contract, half of the warnings came out-there is a sanctuary Urge the artifact to launch a surprise attack!

Well, the amount of information is quite large, and it is definitely heavy.

Including the masters of the Secret Society, the demon masters realized their exceptional behaviors (a broad daylight, a long time, and a wide range of hands on mortals, causing the near-unrecoverable person to manifest before breaking the hidden contract), and finally Provoked great power to get angry and personally shot.

So the two warlocks wanted to slip away.

How can it be?

The dark weird free hand has been gathered through the phantom shift, one around the four, how can the demon master have a chance to run?

So the fourth person was bombarded with the help of Vera and four dark monsters without waiting for Fang Fang to make funeral objects.

The fifth person was decisive, and the scene went viral, destroying half of the central square of Orleans in the south of Paris. The radius of a kilometer was affected to varying degrees. The worst is that the glass was shattered, and many people were deaf.

But the dead was also the most tragic. When Vera arrived, he bluntly burned 300 days and nights to kill him, and slaughtered all his relatives and friends.

Vera said and did it. The true identity of the demon master is the patriarch of a degenerate pure blood family in France. His wife and children, including young children under five years old, were transformed into wooden puppets on the spot. The dark weirdness was found, and in front of him, ravaged to death.

At that time, the atmosphere was very gloomy and tense. Not only was the demon servant collapsed in extreme despair and pain, the other wizards who came, and even the officials of the secular official who had contact with the extraordinary circle, were both fear and anger.

Because of Vera ’s operations, it is too much for them, or for this era, especially in Europe.

It is simply moral loss and no human touch. Not to mention the rest, the young girl is innocent!

As a result, Vera directly clanged: "Inheriting the bloodline and nurturing it is the original sin!"

To put it bluntly, it is actually the embodiment of the ancient confinement penalty.

Especially the ancient power holders have poor control over the people, and the extraordinary groups are more demon, wilder, and more difficult to control than the ordinary people. Therefore, there will be a severe penalty. Punishing the perpetrators is one aspect. For the rest, kill one.

This approach has been effective for a long time. However, as the royal power decayed and the system was distorted, this torture contributed to the accelerated collapse of the royal power.

Vera himself did not have such a macro consideration. Since Kane did not restrict it in this respect, but entrusted it to her, she only accepted Kane's tacit consent for her to handle the matter by the means she thought appropriate.

As for the people of this era can not accept, joke! When do the strong do things, need to look at the face of the weak?

Moreover, she is not a virgin, and the killing of these demon masters is not for kneeling and licking mortals, but for completing the tasks assigned by the master.

The host said that she could let go of her hands and feet and do things. She barely affected the innocent and she was already very self-controlling. To be honest, when she came out of the Blackpool, she saw ebullient mortals everywhere, humanity everywhere, she couldn't find a place of nature, and her mood was very unbeautiful. She even felt that she killed half of the mortals. Not too much.

So if her new loyal master is not Kane, but hegemony, then she is mostly in favor of the "family planning" idea of ​​hegemony.

It can be said that Vera was able to be detained by Lucky Komuning into the Black Abyss, which itself meant that she had a problem.

One of her problems is that she is unable to adapt to the changes of the times and her acting style is too brutal ...

Kane didn't understand this very well, but UU did not know anything about

It is the so-called mule that Ma always has to pull out to know, whether it is Tacitus or Vera, all have to go through specific events to see preferences and personal style.

In this regard, Kane is fairly forgiving.

He is very clear that when dealing with ordinary people, even those who are not his own, he and those extraordinary people who are always vulgar and ordinary are actually a scorpion, and they do not treat the other party on an equal basis with themselves.

But he still thinks he is qualified to laugh at, and even despise others. Because he is not a parasite, he will not use mortals or other weak people as playthings, neither be particularly hostile nor nurtured, but play with his own, occasionally want to play role-playing, and will also obey the basic rules of the other party's circle. Of course, if the other party is playing evil, he does n’t mind using more excessive methods to return color.

In short, as he admits, and even reminds people who deal with him, that he is not a good person, but he will not change.

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