Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1200: There is no place

The cruel means of Vera, the atmosphere of the scene was fierce.

But it is just a crossbow.

Do not say that Vera ’s approach is generally conducive to solving the crisis in France. Even if it is evil, the Ministry of Magic, the secular official, and the wizards of France have to weigh whether they can compete with this extraordinary person who is so powerful. The ability to put right.

Although there are times when you know you are dead, you have to go up. But isn't it right now?

In particular, Alisa Fontaine jumped out and made a siege.

Because she knew the reason of darkness and weirdness. In the identity of Victor Cullen, Kane told her, Florent and Otto when they were drinking coffee in Shennong Hotel, they talked about the dark and weird pursuit of mutant vampires. After Kane left, they also witnessed the darkness Weird and fruitful.

Even a few Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have witnessed the fight between the dark weirdness and the mutant vampires, and admit that level of battle, they are simply not qualified to intervene, forcefully participate, and only die worthless.

And Vera is not a cold character. I heard that Alisa knew her new owner and gave her more face, saying that her wooden puppet can help solve the ‘sacred sequelae’.

It is similar to Newt Scamander's use of magical animals and potions to make a wide range of ordinary people forget. It's just that instead of rain, Vera uses pollen.

The staff of life in her hand is equivalent to the holy tree of Druid. Even, as long as she is willing, the life stick can be inserted into the ground, and within half an hour, the tree world can come down, turning Paris into a primitive jungle.

So making a little pollen is drizzle to it.

These pollen are guided by the residual extraordinary power factor, and follow the trajectory of the wizard and wizards all the way to chase the confrontation, which can make most witnesses forget what they saw.

And related to the foreshadowing, Vera was buried early in the morning, and now that the staff is shaking, the forgetting effect is activated. And it is gradually forgetting, making people realize that they have forgotten something, but can't remember it, and finally give up.

Such a gentle way of forgetting can prevent people from accidentally being in a trance, such as driving, losing their mind, and then having a car accident.

But even so, it is not perfect, and there are various reasons to remember what happened. For example, those who are injured will definitely be impressed and hurt, and will repeatedly remind them of what they saw and what happened.

This requires the Ministry of Magic to mobilize more wizards, one after another to resolve.

And when the overall number drops to a certain level, it will not cause public uproar.

In this regard, Miranda is actually credited, such as the control of the network, the control of monitoring and so on.

Fortunately, personal communications in this era have not yet entered the era of smartphones, and the big data system is not perfect. Otherwise, after a little delay, the news will be able to spread the world, the difficulty of concealment will increase, and the cost will be astronomical.

Vera reached a reconciliation with the French, Tacitus fell into a lengthy battle, and the thinking body remained intact, or fully penetrated.

At about 16 pm, the submarine had already entered a secret base covered by a barren island near the island of Berlija Luleå near Bailey Island.

Because Ethelron was busy producing new soldiers, they could not find the submarine's mutation. Missing the body simply made the Magic Nanoworm continue to work hard to erode the entire secret base.

Therefore, the miss body can be described as unpredictable, but the miss body has become more and more in control of the situation, which can be called a lying win.

And Kane, as expected, found the traces of energy he was looking for somewhere in the Nile Valley in Upper Egypt. More precisely it is a trace of divine power.

While walking on the water, Kane looked at this place. It was a mountain cliff, flowing water, steep cliffs, severe rock weathering, and even adventure guys climbers did not like to come here.

There is also no mysterious realm, or extraordinary barriers, so there is no super constant magic factor, and the extraordinary people will not notice this kind of place.

But that was the past, and nowadays, there are traces of divine factors. The clever wizard here can perceive it carefully, and can still see.

And he became more and more aware of it, so he just walked like that, and soon disappeared into the stone wall.

Through the cleverly designed blindfolded curtain, the deep cave is presented in front of Kane's eyes. It is generally triangular, about four meters high at the top, and more than two meters wide at the bottom. Because it is triangular, it does not make people feel spacious. , But rather depressed.

The feet are relatively flat, and the ups and downs are not large. Because there is water all year round, the air is not as dry as the desert, and it is not stale, but it is cool and refreshing.

Most people will understand this shady as the coldness caused by the absence of sunlight all year round, but Kane knows that the main reason is actually the nature of divine power.

The divine power, the power of the realm, and the perennial erosion, even the outermost, gradually have some related characteristics.

Underworld, Osiris! This is his opponent this time. There were certain expectations before, and Kane would naturally not be surprised by what was displayed in front of him.

Going down the cave, the kind of vicissitudes of time like a march in the pyramid tomb came over.

It ’s not just a feeling, it ’s really lingering with the power of time. After all, the road to the Hades will almost certainly involve the concept of ‘aging on the road’. Behind it is the use of the power of time.


No, it's more complicated. First, this world, then the secular world based on the mysterious realm (foot basin Shintoism, refers to the underworld, not the Chinese "secular" meaning), then the deeper dimension of the underworld.

‘Underworld’ is a modifier of dimension. Dimension was developed in a barren background. For example, Kane's operation of creating the God of the Fallen Angel in the dimension of broken earth is even a development.

Of course, since the gods regard the dimension as the kingdom of the gods, neither the manpower, material resources, or technology invested are comparable to those of Cain's operation with a temporary grass set.

Generally speaking, the existence of the dimensional **** kingdom has the title of the lord of the dimension, like Mephisto of the Marvel Universe, the king of the dimension of hell, and Setorak, the dimension named Crimson Master of the universe.

In such a deep binding situation, the Lord of Dimension has the power of a creator in his own kingdom of God, but if he leaves the dimension ... and once the Kingdom of Dimension is overturned, the Lord of Dimension is bound to end.

The deconstruction of the connection between the dimensional divine kingdom, the portal of secret realm, and the base of reality like Osiris is not unique.

There is a similar structure in the East, like the famous Taoist deceased country, Mengshan, which is actually a homonym of the deceased mountain. Its connection with reality is very natural, and it walks into the realm of the deceased. If you can go deeper, you can see The face of the underworld.

With the deepening, the artificial trace became more and more obvious. After turning a corner of nearly ninety degrees, the oil lamps on the side walls of the channel naturally lit up the road.

The channel is at least three times wider than before, and it is also triangular in structure, but no longer has a sense of depression. The stone walls are also polished, flat, and have etched murals.

There are also a lot of draws, like the layout of the Chinese character ‘fei’.

In this draw, standing with a coffin standing, looking at the materials to work, you know that there was no status or wealth before living in it.

Osiris is a **** of darkness, and his doctrine is particularly fond of death, so even a serf of the big animal level, there must be a thin coffin to live after the death, and there are supernatural things.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the soul would not die. Since there is a living method after death, the process of changing from life to death should be cautious, and it is best to be held by a professional.

Among them, the mummy making is equivalent to the funeral industry of later generations, and its main purpose is to ensure that the dead can have a suitable soul carrier after returning to the earth for several years.

So the business does not involve soul attribution.

It is also for these reasons that Osiris is definitely ranked higher in the Nine Pillars.

The ranking is high, the trust is numerous, the industry is huge, and the tiger is still dead. So this believer's way originally had a story.

But Kane came in person, this kind of grade is not, they are not eligible to appear, so there will be no farce like {Mummy Returns}, and they will lie in the coffin without any movement.

Through the firelight, smoke can be seen in the passage, a scent of smoke, very Egyptian, but Kane does not like it.

So he waved his wand and said, "Wind whirlwind!" The airflow turned into a whirlwind, as if swallowed by the wind elves, swallowing the smoke.

As a result, the substitute program for "Faxiang Zailing" has not yet started, and it was ended.

Enran walked through the long and oblique long passageway in front of the forest, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge dome appeared.

Kane simply estimated that this huge part, the side length is probably more than 5 kilometers, is irregular square, like a funnel with a reverse button, the top is narrow and the bottom is wide, but the inclination is not obvious.

Compared to waterfalls and flowing springs, cold light plants are the main heroes that make this place lively and magnificent. Not only on the ground, on the mountain walls, even on the top of the cave.

The stars, the chain of lights, and the sea of ​​fluorescent flowers each have their own beauty, but they all fit the quiet features here.

Kane knew that this was already a secret realm, not an underground vault in the mountain's belly.

The location of Kane, as if it were a small window on the wall of Wancheng, looks very small overall, but it is actually a small terrace, and it is not bad to look down on the fence and enjoy the secret scenery.

Of course, it is indeed a portal.

It's just that this portal is not for ordinary people. Ordinary people, even extraordinary lives, such as ordinary wizards, cannot come here in full flesh and flesh, but they must be like the original historical line when Sirius died at the curtain of the Department of Mysterious Affairs. Attitude arrived here.

Therefore, there is no need for Hongqiao or something, just fly straight.

However, Kane had other plans, because he clearly understood that the following is actually a battle place similar to a chess game, and going down is equivalent to going out, subject to relevant rules.

To say that he does not mind playing a few, the problem is that the end has nothing to do with entering the dimension of the kingdom of Osiris, then why should he participate? Afraid that the other party can't figure out his own way, so he deliberately tweeted it? Or is it too much leisure to give up the days and have to add some play to yourself?

Since neither is the case, then the chess game shows again, just ignore it.

However, the existence of a bureau here obviously doesn't intend to let him pass easily.

Bright and beautiful, fresh green, this existence has colorful wings like colorful butterflies, full of life, and sells very well.

"I thought it would be Horus guarding here, and you are assisting your husband in the kingdom of God."

Kane said so to the person, naturally knowing that the other party is Osiris' wife Isis.

Life, magic, marriage, childbearing, this is the priesthood of Isis.

So in the world of living people, she is more loved by people than Osiris.

As for whether Isis is as good as the legend. Talking about Kane's experience, it's basically nonsense. After all, it was unreasonable to expect serfs to feel that their exploitation was good.

Only when it is worse than the bad one can show that it is not so bad.

For example, the famous Egyptian **** Seth, compared with this nervous villain, Isis is okay.

But if you do it again, it is already a yellow flower yesterday. From the perspective of red thinking, these guys who are more reactionary than feudal emperors want to play the restoration of the kingdom of God. This operation is unpopular.

What time is it, and playing Thunder and Rain is all genial, divine grace is like sea, divine power is like Yue, and quickly rolls away ...

Kane felt that such an idea could still represent the vast majority of mortals and even extraordinary life today.

What's more, the ancient Egyptian gods in this world don't come out of nowhere, and he always has a lack of goodwill towards the relics of the Arams.

Therefore, he brought out his attitude during communication, and was not very polite to Isis. There is no imaginary name for the queen, your majesty.

Isis was full of goddess Fan Er, elegant and majestic, and did not know whether it was a deliberate performance, or had formed a habit long ago, or instinctively low-key and kindly because he was far from returning to the state of heyday.

He spoke the language of the people of light, and Kane had heard it from Mary. It was very flavorful, as if shining in the warm sunlight, it made people feel comfortable.

And this language does not need to be translated, you can understand its meaning when you hear it, and at least it can be comparable to his planetary words. It is a mantra and has a magic language in itself.

The specific content is more tacky, or lacks new ideas.

It probably means that his husband Osiris did not listen to advice, and he also traded with the wrong number of evil spirits, which had already been twisted.

And here he is more to remind people who are trying to stop Osiris from doing evil, do n’t act rashly, and gather enough strength, otherwise it will just die in vain.

Unfortunately, as far as Kane is concerned, whether the story is good or bad, true or false, doesn't really matter. In a word: the pond is too shallow to accommodate too many dragons.

Extended explanation:

If these gods ~ ~ fortune and high photos, he would not be born in the nest.

He allowed him to live for a few more years, and even after completing the collection of information in the universe in the future, he might be in a good mood and still be able to forgive the world instead of following in the footsteps of the ancient Warhammer universe.

If bad luck arises, you are intrigued, and jump out of the show, then you will kill the flowers, whether you are for a better world, or if I have a dream, I will die if I die.

Since this is the case, what is the truth?

So he completely listened to Isis ’s story completely, and then said: "I will give you some time to consider. When I come back from the Kingdom of God, you will give me an answer, make an oath, imprisoned here, then just For the time being, if it refuses, there must be a consciousness that is completely ended. "

After he finished speaking, he no longer ignored his response, and flew towards the peculiar waterfall with plenty of water and a drop of hundreds of meters, but no sound of falling water. There is a gateway to the kingdom of God.

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