Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1204: Yixing Lanshan finds another enemy

Nicholas Cage whispered to his companions during the witch season: it is a little difficult to be friends with God because there are many enemies.

All but me are heretics.

God is so alone, he ran to other people's territory and said he wanted to single out a group.

No matter in the original world, there are stories of twists and turns behind it, but in this dark HP world, the reason can be summed up in one sentence: An inside is fried, although far from it.

Kane also did not know whether the Arameans came from somewhere in the center of the Milky Way or only about 50,000 light-years from the solar system.

He didn't plan to have time to check it out. It wasn't necessary. He would know what he wanted to know and what he didn't want to know when the dark law banned.

Besides, it ’s not bad to keep some curiosity. People like him who are used to it are just like the senior netizens of the 21st century in the origin world. Unless they relax or sleep on purpose, they always need enough information to fill the gaps, including When you eat or squat, otherwise you will feel empty. Keep some food in peacetime and be prepared.

Seeing that Osiris and his people were grinning, he seemed unable to bring out any decent dry goods, so he relied on continuing this confrontation of eating and drinking, and directly opened the door to leave the Netherworld.

Osiris was naturally aware, but very helpless.

Originally He was here in the mode of ghost gates, and he could not come and go, and he could not get in and out. But when he opened with confidence, he encountered such a mindless demon, and hit his face in his most proud area. He was already angry.

Kane was not very satisfied either. He was originally expecting. After all, the fairy Ethelon, the vampire Ludwig, and the Mist Spirit, as well as the Immortal Priest Group and the Secret Society, were successful in France. , Very interesting.

He thought that the masters of these guys would be better, but he unexpectedly bumped into the muzzle of the farming he was best at. He was bullying the children, which was boring.

Going to tease Osiris' wife, Isis? Perhaps there are unusual little secrets there?

Another thought, it ’s okay, killing her husband, and still teasing others, the practice is a bit indiscriminate, just as I said before, give some time for Isis to think clearly, follow the life and die, and then this One page turned over.

Therefore, Kane did not pass through the secret realm that was closely connected with the Underworld, and returned directly to London.

First go to the summer palace to hear a wave of reports.

After all, the time of the Underworld and the main material plane is synchronized. More than thirty hours have passed. Whether it is the missing body, the ancient witch Vera, or the Bone Tower Cito, there should be a conclusion. .

In fact, no major setbacks occurred. Among them, the thought body is the smoothest, the magic nanoworm has not been discovered, so it is submerged and submerged, and when the thought body launches an attack, when riding the face in an instant, Ethelron is completely faceless, and they ca n’t understand why The first second was solid as a golden soup, and the second second was rubbed on the ground by the God of Heavenly Soldiers.

Fairy Ethelon even shouted in its screaming voice: All this is an illusion!

Then he became a prisoner.

As for the artifacts in their hands, although the power is okay, it is not used for combat, but it is a nest-like artifact that produces soldiers, and its function is relatively single.

The site is okay, but they also took over halfway and grabbed it from an extraordinary organization.

It is said that the secret key will provide the information, and the site belongs to a vampire clan. There is no need to mention more specific information, anyway, that clan has been removed.

This is the case with the dark circle, which is ruthless to all prey, and has the opportunity to annihilate the family.

The reason why there are not many related stories circulated is that this kind of extermination is often done very cleanly, and it is also used in the circle.

No one ran around for it, and the epic heroic deeds were soon dispersed by time.

What's more, this circle is notoriously forgetful and cold, only focusing on those who laugh, and no one ignores the cry of the loser.

So the legendary stories of Ethelon, Ludwig, and Hu ended in a short period of time, even if they were all heroic units in their respective groups.

Under their command, apart from the lack of individual cores and the ability to awaken to see the opportunity to make a decision, they escaped the disaster by escaping their fame, and the rest were wiped out by a net.

The missing body also knows Kane's usual style, without asking for instructions, and directly sent to the black factory as a raw material processing and manufacturing new puppet tool man.

Good use of waste has always been Kane's label, always cannons sound, gold is two thousand, so I am glad to hear the battle.

Over the Bone Tower Cito, the results were relatively poor.

The main reason is that the immortal priests are loyal and brave, and things cannot be broken directly, without leaving the enemy with ideas and opportunities. Therefore, the ancient tombs where Taxi Tuo didn't pick them up, only to see the dregs and looked a little bit of a story, also destroyed a clean.

Tacitus instructed his men to lift the tip of the iceberg. After observing and analyzing, he gave it to the International Wizards Association to deal with it.

The International United Wizarding Society is naturally good and obedient without offering money. Even Dumbledore's old face resembled rotten persimmon.

Dumbledore wasn't so greedy for money. He was glad that the venomous Tacitus and his gang were really invincible. In this ancient superb creature, they woke up early, so that the environment was more and more turbulent. Against the background of the era, it is definitely a bright color.

However, although Tacitus won the face, he was too different. When reporting to Kane, he felt quite faceless.

But compared to Vera, he is still good.

Vera is nothing but face.

The Key Society will naturally fear and hate her, and many members of the Key Society are actually hidden masters or face figures in the French wizarding circle, which is well-known in this circle. Not only has he died tragically, even his family members have been sat and sentenced to capital punishment. This is not a tragic death for the rabbit, but a true empathy.

From a certain point of view, Vera's approach can even be said to have issued a book of extinction warfare to the wizarding circle of France, which is quite like a genocide.

Therefore, even the French wizards who played the righteous side in this incident had a lot of resentment against the Vera group, but they did not say it directly for their own reasons.

However, this emotion was reflected in the interaction process, and finally the Vera ceremony was almost sent to the mirror.

Of course, Vera doesn't care. Once she finds a living personality, she thinks about the gentleman's thoughts and worries about the monarch. The joy of the monarch is her wish. Other people's sightseeing is a fart.

Kane also took special care of her and praised her on the spot: "Good job!" Then, she was given a crown of thorns.

This crown is of extraordinary origin, rooted in the side of the **** thorns of Shab Nicholas, and also contains the knowledge of C Kane's soul splitting in the universe of the Great Star Realm and Kane Sun's dark druid in the abyss world.

Therefore, if this crown is digitalized, all attributes will be added amazingly, the artifact in the proper artifact.

After Vera was put on, because of the too much increase, he could not control it for a while, and the majestic force pressed Tacitus to resist with all his strength.

This is just overflowing, and there is nothing to target, otherwise Tacitus can only travel in seconds.

After this incident, Tacitus's awe of Kane was raised again. As for complaints and jokes, it had clearly realized how huge the gap between him and Kane was. People just raised their hands. Lifting the ants to the sky, it's not bad at all.

Against this background, what is there to complain about being able to work under his command and have a chance to get a generous reward beyond imagination?

After listening to the report, Kane issued new instructions:

"Zero (Thinking Body), you cooperate with Tacitus to sort out all of Britain, Ireland, and the surrounding islands and secret areas. I do n’t want to see any more uncontrolled and insufficiently controlled situations. If you sort out the process Notify me if you find a **** of evil. "

The so-called evil **** mainly refers to the low-level old-time dominators who run away, good friends of Grachi, Ehut, the **** of the potato (maze).

Maybe there are others, it doesn't matter, once found, Kane will rush to eat the first time. He thinks this strategy is simple and effective.

"Villa, you continue to take your wooden puppets and take charge of the" Key Meeting "line. Make sure they have no time to do things. The ultimate goal is to capture the" Solomon Key ". One thing to note is that there is the French Dark Lord Known as Faust, has a close connection with this organization, and Faust is said to have many fans and strong friends, so you have to spare some power to face the raid. "

"The Faust ..."

Kane knew what Vera meant, and grinned: "What about the long sword of infatuation? Kill if you get in the way. I allow you to gather around and help all his friends and sympathizers out, if the plot is bad, You can even sit. "

"Yes!" Vera noodles have no fluctuations, but his heart is a little excited, full of mission, and there is a kind of insatiable demeanor.

After arranging the task for the chieftain, Kane went directly to the lighthouse country with the door key.

This time it was not Los Angeles Long Beach, but New York.

However, New York is not the final destination. After the industry under the name of Victor Cullen in New York changed a circle, he went to Boston.

Boston is located on the Atlantic coast in the northeast of the lighthouse country. It was the earliest set of cities in Europe during the development of the New Continent. It was founded in 1630. It is the most culturally valuable lighthouse country in the past two hundred years. city.

Kane first went to Copley Square, Boston's most golden area, where there is the Holy Trinity Church, McKinley House, and the Fairmont Copley Square Hotel.

Kane chose this hotel.

Due to his ability to cash and his reward, despite his lack of fame, the hotel manager personally ran to serve him, hoping to keep him a new guest.

The high-end hoteliers who run high-end hotels are so enthusiastic about new luxury consumers. They can be described as flattering with their own characteristics. Of course, the premise is that you at least look like a decent person.

Kane interacted well with the manager, and within a quarter of an hour, he has become an ordinary friend who can provide benefits to each other.

With this ground snake, Kane's travel becomes comfortable and convenient, and even saves money. The key is to have a good face, just like the nobles in the ancient world who did not let their shoes step on the mud, always have someone to wait for them when needed, which is a basic indicator of face.

Kane is naturally not here to play, but in addition to allowing him to enjoy life, it is naturally a sacred existence.

In fact, the targets he came over were Horus and Anubis, the gods of revenge and death of the Egyptian gods.

The relevant news of these two came from Wu Linghu.

Hu admits that the Wuling tribe it belongs to is Anubis's clan, and has a nickname called 'Fog of Death'.

At first glance, it seems to be a tool man who helps the platform in order to make Anubis look cooler.

Actually it's almost the same. It also acts as a messenger and occasionally executes part-time executions.

According to the account of the call, Osiris guarded the Kingdom of God, and Isis stayed in the secret realm. It was the two sons Horus and Anubis who were closer to the Osiris family.

And these two are taking a pro-people style this time, going into the village to follow the custom, incarnate into human beings, and then flickering around like Shen Gongbao, contacting those ambitions who consciously do not match their strength and status and want to be the masters of the world.

So Osiris and Isis are more like nuclear weapons, sitting in silos all year round, acting as a backstage to deter the enemy. Horus and Anubis are AK47, specializing in various battlefields of the poor. In terms of results, they are more beautiful and more harmful.

As for why he came to the lighthouse country, Kane could understand how much.

In the old European side, most of the people in the mixed circle still have to cheer on their faces. One or two have their own persistence, or say that they are procrastinating, cherish feathers, and are not willing to gamble with many years of family heritage.

On the side of the lighthouse country, people who could not be mixed because of debt or other reasons, or the exile of criminals, have gradually become routines. This is similar to secular and extraordinary.

Whether they are ordinary people or extraordinary people, many of them have chosen to fly themselves after coming here, so it has been a mess for a while. Various malignant incidents are also emerging.

Such as the Salem Witch Incident, the Mysterious Town Spiritual Incident and so on.

These are all happening in the background that the world's transcendents (civilized regions) basically obey the hidden world commandments and only the Holy See (exorcism) is appropriate.

Belonging to committing crimes against the wind, especially rampant.

Even in this new world of freedom composed of diaomin, even the Holy See is unable to complete purification alone. Later it was the United Wizards who sorted out the order.

If the Holy See plays an army, the wizards are almost clubs. Unless the army is extinct, at any cost, it will only hit another Afghanistan.

The community is very dirty ~ ~ but its rules contain most of the bad guys instead of killing and killing them as soon as they meet.

So in dealing with the crooked people of poor mountains and evil waters, the wizards seem to be superior.

Up to this day, the sites of powerful gangs in the dunya have more personal safety, but they are the true portrayal of the extraordinary circles in North America.

This is where Kane visited this time.

From a mundane perspective, he is the site of the most violent Irish gang in the area.

From an extraordinary point of view, the underground kingdom capital of the entire New England region is here. It is not surprising to see Azkaban fugitives and Auror of the Lighthouse State Magic Congress passing by because it is the largest Extraordinary personnel and material distribution center, there is a considerable part of the industry, which belongs to the Magic Congress itself ...


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