Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1205: News of visiting the city

In terms of environment, Boston and Kane ’s impression of Dalian seems to be different. However, because the per capita land is much higher, the distance between buildings is larger, the vegetation coverage is also higher, and it looks more livable.

When Kane came over, it rushed to rain, and it had been raining for a while. The rain was large and small, and there was wind, so it was not suitable for umbrellas.

When he reached the ground, Kane did not rush out of the car, chatting with the driver's little black man to pass the time, waiting for the rain to get smaller.

The black brother was quite stretchy at first, pretending to be an authentic British housekeeper, but soon he couldn't stretch, revealing his own character of hip-hop, and frowning with Kane.

Kane followed this joy with the mentality that the little boss occasionally enjoyed the farmhouse.

Against this background, a murder was staged on the street not far from their car.

A dressed-up twig, but because of her escape, the woman who became more and more embarrassed, ran barefoot into the rain from a nearby alley, and did not cry out for help, but she looked back from time to time while running.

It can be seen that the woman panicked, and then inadvertently saw the luxury car parked not far away, which is the car that Kane was riding, and suddenly saw one, turned a small bend and ran straight over.

In one step, the skirt was artificially slit to the crotch, and the safety pants inside looked real. It ran quite a bit to the health of Sarah Conner in {Future Warrior 2}.

Then he was shot dead.

Large caliber pistol, Kane determined that it was a 44-magnum bullet, launched with a Colt python, a classic gun, and a bullet. So in a shot, most of the face was gone.

That scene even looked through the car glass that was washed out by the rain with dynamic flow marks.

The little black man made a sharp high-decibel cry, his limbs curled up like a quail.

Kane is naturally worthless this small scene.

When the red-bearded bald man who shot the gun walked over and dragged the body, he opened the door and said to him: "Ah, come over with a poncho and a pair of shoe covers."

The big man was stunned, then glanced at Kane, then bowed his head and bowed slightly. Yes, he added a sentence after thinking about it: "It's a little dirty, so you can get results."

Kane closed his eyes and closed them for half a second more than the normal blink of an eye, even if it was coping. The big man didn't take it seriously either. He dragged his body to the alley first. After a while, he came out with tongs to clean up the bits and pieces. A young man dressed as a waiter was beside him, holding the poncho and shoe cover that Kane wanted.

Kane threw a two-hundred-dollar knife to the black brother and said, "Don't wait for me." Then he wore the shoe cover handed over by the waiter, put on the poncho, and went into the wind and rain. From beginning to end, I didn't deliberately glance at the corpses near the car.

There is nothing indignant. It is said that this is a social problem when it grows old; it does not matter to him when it grows old; although it is cruel, the main purpose of the gang is also to seek wealth. Under normal circumstances, the money-making tools will not be destroyed ... so the water here is a bit deep, and it is not all cruel persecution and prostitution.

As a result, Kane was not interested in finding something, but the matter was there. If he didn't enter the underground world, he wouldn't be able to see it. If he came in, he could see it even if he passed by.

It turned out that the one who had just died was a custom woman. In order to get herself out of the pit, she gave Kaizi medicine, and then forced her to redeem herself.

As a result, the custom woman thought that Kaizi was a 'big guy' who brought the 'experience of life'. Life hadn't waited for the experience, but had experienced the poison. The custom woman saw that the matter was exposed and fled immediately, and Cain saw everything afterwards.

When Kane came in, someone who was catching up with the club asked a wizard to help detoxify. In this club for mortals, many mortals who come in and out know that there is a mysterious existence, but few have seen it with their own eyes. At this moment, it is naturally seen as a rare scene, and it surrounds many people.

The club also intends to show its strict rules and a strong background. It is also to eliminate negative effects, so it is not blocked, and it is generous and generous, and at the same time leaking some dry goods to people, even if it is a punishment for such a bad thing.

Seeing that Kane was still running in, the waiter in the clubhouse asked, "Are you going to Baijie?"

"of course."

So led by the waiter, he walked through the house and crossed the alley, and finally came in a divination house.

Indian style.

Kane just glanced, and the corner of his mouth flicked slightly.

Many people know what the Indians suffered in modern times.

Those who know will naturally turn their attention down here, and give the Indians cheap sympathy, even with such a lament that the rabbit is dead and sad.

One talks about how simple and how Indians are.

In fact, this is to watch people wearing colored glasses, and this chroma is called 'sympathy'.

From a civilized perspective, what kind of population are the Indian tribes that occupy vast land in North America?

Kane thought it was enough to mention two points. In terms of livestock, North America was originally without horses.

More precisely, North American horses were extinct about 20,000 years ago. The extinction was earlier in South America.

So when Columbus discovered the New World, North America really had no horses. The ethnicity of the western Indians on horseback, that horse was given by the Spaniards.

Looking at the food, we know that corn and potatoes are high-yielding and come from the Americas, but that comes from Central America, South America, and North America.

The lack of tamed big animals (important labor units and vehicles in early civilizations), and the lack of seeds to improve mature crops are the two shortages. The Indians are unlikely to have a decent civilization.

And in this dark HP universe, it is even more awesome, because North America has not been able to get the light of the Aran people, nor has the environment suitable for East Asia and long years to breed civilization, so it can be comparable to the primitive tribes of Central Africa. Yu Liang for a while.

Civilization has never been glorious, which means that no matter whether it is extraordinary or secular, it has not been able to play any features and styles. After all, no matter which one of the standards is played, it represents the development of productivity, people have the conditions to warm up. It's tempting to rain, so that we can promote culture and develop art.

So Kane saw an Indian-style divination style, and made a comment in his heart: the true **** stick.

But to change the angle, because it is not a trick to learn, so it can only be a gatekeeper. This understanding is reasonable.

He didn't treat the old witch who was a bit of a good look, he rubbed a finger to make a blue fire that made the slow mortal waiters feel terrified, and the old witch jumped up and nodded. Trotting to open the door.

Going through a dark door on a wall and walking down the stairs, there is a feeling of entering the sewer. There are illuminated oil lamps on the wall, but the overall brightness is still dark, and wet, with a musty smell.

Waiting until the end, there is a sense of sight in Upside Down Lane, no one, and occasionally some inexplicable strange sounds, eerie feelings, and some tramp-like strangers can be seen down the road.

Extraordinary grotesques are not as valuable as the homeless.

Although many homeless people are like stray cats and dogs, they have a hidden disease, but in the eyes of the extraordinary, most of them are nothing, but blame the real mud, no one knows that they are poisoned by evil curses, magical diseases, It is still contaminated by some kind of divine power, even those with abilities like Dumbledore will feel very difficult in this kind of situation. The ordinary transcendental people are naturally afraid of avoiding them.

Therefore, people are often afraid of getting caught up in the face of extraordinary grotesques, like avoiding shit.

Kane is naturally not afraid of these guys who live for no reason and do n’t have ghosts, so when a grotesque sees him with a face and wears a decent face, he comes up and begs, he just uses After a small method, the temporary contract turned this interaction into a transaction.

He gave Jin Jialong to the other party, and the other party sold out part of his memory involuntarily. Memories about this underground city.

So after saying goodbye to the blame, Kane has become a veteran veteran known to the dungeon, rather than a newcomer.

After more than ten minutes, Kane entered an underground bar called "Only Selling Wine".

The name is very real. It really only sells wine. It doesn't even have any snacks, but it can be prepared by itself. Kane saw a table of guests and was eating a live pig.

Even if a petrified mantra was used, the live pig was still twitching and trembling when it was cut, and even in the eyes of many people, this repressive, instinctive, humble struggle became more cruel, but the few people who ate the meal were very happy. It also deliberately cast a spell to prolong the activity of pigs, which seems to be more interesting or more delicious.

Kane knew that such a scene might appear to some emotional, literary and artistic people as if he could write a touching essay on the "human nature".

But he will not hurt spring and fall. After all, I have seen the chaos of the world many times, and the scene of changing sons and eating, compared with this, this is simply not a thing in front of me.

Even as far as he is concerned, he does not kill or eat the same kind alive because of eating, which does not break the limit.

In the afternoon, on a rainy day, in theory, the bar ’s business should not be too bad, but in fact, apart from the wonderful table, there are two single guests, so there are no other drinkers.

Bartenders are not like bartenders in ordinary bars, either have a spiritual platform, or seem to have never-ending glasses and endless bits and pieces of work, the bar here looks more like an uncle, and has a wonderful hobby Uncle, "Jade Body Hengchen" was on the wine cabinet with his arm supporting the countertop and his head holding his head. His body blocked a row and a half of wine and slept there.

Is really sleeping. Kane can confirm this.

Kane walked to the bar, just sitting on the high stool, the waitress at the waist of the bucket floated ghostly from the dark, and did not deliberately lower her voice, lazily said: "If you only buy a knife under 500 Drink, just wait for Sonny to wake up. "

Many people understand the financial benefits, so the Americas have their own extraordinary currency, the kind approved by the Magic State of the Lighthouse State.

But in fact, gold gallon and even Aztec coins can be directly consumed.

Kane knew what the waitress meant. If the message he bought was not worth five hundred knives, he would not refund the money once the sommelier Sonny was called. Instead, he would come at this reserve price. If the message was more valuable, then he had to plus.

So he juggled out a small bag of coins and threw them on the bar.

But Sonny woke up himself.

"I heard the sound of magic coins." He said so.

Kane said: "The bragging ratio, but only perceives the magical fluctuation of the ordinary storage bag. This money is fresh from Lao Tzu. It is not the same as your magic coin on the market. Can you hear it?"

Of course, this kind of thing is not worth correcting face-slaps. He directly said the right thing: "Looking for someone, who has come here recently, is characterized by a little weird style, weirdness like old antiques, and jumps up and down to introduce business."

The bartender pondered and poured Kane a glass of green fire wine with local characteristics.

The liquor is luminescent blue, with green fire floating on it, looking at the blue and green, just like many funny dishes in the wizarding world of England, it is strange to make people have no appetite.

However, now Kane is flying under the banner of enjoying life, and he is not afraid of anyone secretly calculating him, and he knows the name of the green fire wine by trading memory information with the stranger, like drinking agave now, Suddenly.

Well, there has never been a novel experience, although the meticulous self-test report let him know that this kind of wine is far more harmful to the body than ordinary wine, almost as bad as industrial alcohol, but it can only be said to be Drizzle, it's not bad to try this fresh.

Bartender Sonny, who is dressed up in accordance with the concept of 'thinking scumbag', seems to be familiar with him here. He didn't say much, and poured another drink for Kane while continuing to ponder.

In fact, he is using special telepathy to explore the news.

The so-called special refers to the effect of telepathy achieved through special magical instruments. Just like an encrypted communication channel, it is a special contact method for their line.

Kane was not in a hurry, but ordered Gangbiao to prepare a snack for him.

After a while, the mysterious butler Raymond appeared out of thin air behind him, calling himself the owner of a standard British butler, and then placed exquisite snacks on the bar in front of him.

And everyone in the bar, including Sonny, shrank his eyes when he saw Raymond.

This stuff of mystery is said to be rare and rare, and neither rare nor rare. Even if the scarcity of the best is common, it can be seen from time to time.

Raymond's special one is the way it played, and the other is the magic wave it emits.

This dungeon is protected by a magic shield. To put it bluntly, like Hogwarts, nothing can be done with space spells.

Of course, there are special cases like the white wizard Dumbledore. The owner of the dungeon is not in the ban.

Others have to obey the rules and enter and exit through serious portals. They are not sensible, but they are not capable of it.

Therefore, Raymond has the ability to naturally give people a glance.

As for magic fluctuations. Let's put it this way, Raymond's grade, for the current Kane, is actually his last class.

It's just that Kane is nostalgic. When thinking about it, he usually uses it, and there is no targeted upgrade to the original level. Therefore, the master's upward level is displayed in a sharp way. To the sharp-minded transcendental, it is like a hot furnace. There is a kind of approach that is easy to be injured and provokes the threat of being gray Force, or rather, makes people instinctively feel fear and want to avoid it.

As the saying goes, what kind of minion, what kind of master. Raymond Niu breaks into this way, even if Kane is not showing mountains or showing water, the worst is the worst, and it is also a kind of deep background that is very unattractive.

Such an existence is generally not condescending to such a place.

Even if it came, it was also here, and was greeted personally by a big man like the city lord.

Most of the time, people are in their mansions or other buildings, asking questions they need to find.

Then an uncharacteristic micro-service private visit often means big trouble. For ordinary transcendental people, it is a big trouble!

So the bartender Sonny started to have a headache. Mainly worried that he could not hold this matter.

After all, even if it is set in the background, it is just the elder level that the city owner gives face to. If there is a problem, the tail will be cut off and the pot will be dumped. Will he sacrifice him? There is no need to ask.

So he knew that the people Kane asked were extraordinary.

Before, the joy of Xiaozai fat sheep suddenly disappeared.

Sonny took the purse on the bar silently and opened it. It turned out to be pure quack magic coins. This kind of gadget equivalent to the spirit stone of the fairy system is now generally in general.

It is produced by a series of methods like the magic stone used in old Europe.

Under the background of unevenness, the method of measurement is quite similar to the ancient people's assessment of the quality of silver. And like the sharp goods in front of you, people with a little experience are less willing to dip.

The old bird doesn't think that people who can use this magic currency are the best of Kaizi. People who are not smart enough have already disappeared in the extraordinary circle, at least on the land of the lighthouse country.

To sum it up briefly, no one can use this kind of magic currency in the lighthouse country. They are not ordinary people. Maybe they are waiting for their fools to hit their guns. This is to show strength and make it clear that something is going to happen.

"Can't provoke, can't provoke ..." Sonny didn't dare to stop the transaction with a shy face, especially after learning the information, and then afraid of not selling it, it was estimated that he would be killed by liquidation in a short time.

Therefore, he silently counted how many magic coins to take, and thought about this order last night, at least a few days out of business, to avoid the limelight. If it doesn't work, it will be hidden. This year, it is also very difficult to earn money ...

And Kane, he really is not deliberately embarrassing little people.

But not too much for the other party.

What money to earn, what risks to take.

For him, 100,000 magic coins and ten magic coins are certainly worthless, but this does not mean that he knows the market of magic coins.

At the current market price, the condition is about 70% of the magic coin in his hand. Even if it is a conscience coin, high-quality currency has the best circulation.

And such a small bag of conscience coins, a front-line Auror ~ ~ takes more than three years to earn.

Perhaps those who sell intelligence will scream for themselves. Our information also comes at a cost. There is a special intelligence network behind it, right?

However, he knew that this industry was very similar to industries such as telecommunications. The process of laying base stations was a lot of investment. But after this stall, it was not practical to maintain a few dollars later, and the profit was very objective. It's not too much to be profiteering.

Of course, those who stand at the front desk like Sonny can't make a lot of money, and most of the income must be confessed.

Is it possible to do such a job?

He leisurely ate snacks, waiting for the other party's reply.

He also believed that the other party must be able to give him a statement. Because it represents the most high-end information consignee of this dungeon, although the retrieval information he gave is a bit vague, unless the two have not been to the New England area, otherwise it is impossible to leave no traces in these hands.

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