Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1206: Countdown to capital execution

Sonny, the bartender, or Sonny, an information seller with bartender skins, did not allow Kane to wait too long and gave Kane the information he wanted.

The way is also very special, a small glass of wine.

This reminded Kane of a common saying in his hometown wine culture: ‘I did n’t say anything, I was in the wine, come and go! ’

The information is indeed in the wine, and you will know it in one bite, and there will be no problems such as misunderstanding due to communication gaps.

After selling the information, Sonny silently counted 35 magic coins and returned the rest to Kane. Kane's small loan is 50 pieces, all of which are about the size of a RMB coin.

Seeing Sonny honestly, he was also generous and said, "I don't think the things I gave are enough. I can try to ask for more, but I won't accept the extra."

Sonny naturally understood. Kane meant to say that I have my own estimate of this news. If someone wants to kill me, you can try it, but if someone else can do it at a cheaper price. , Then it's the other party's ability, and the extras should be rewarded.

"Thank you!" Sonny was not hypocritical, and put away her purse. Pour another glass of blood wine with special characteristics to Kane, explaining: "I personally requested this glass."

Come to "only sell wine" to drink, what grade of news to buy and what level of wine to drink.

Like the table that eats live pigs, it is the lowest-grade wine to drink, the kind that is unlimited.

The bartender's private request is not related to the sale of information, only related to wine and friendship.

Kane also had no ink, and nodded his head in sympathy.

Without hurrying to go, continue to eat and drink, while digesting the news, figure out what to do next.

As for the Underworld Kingdom, he received news from Miranda not long ago that the coalition forces of the Prayer have not ventured in. It means that they are ready to fight the decisive battle with the power of the country.

It doesn't matter, his system has already started to mass-produce unmanned aerial carriers. Following this trend, it is hard to say whether the prayers will face an air-to-air carrier that is ten times the number of their ships when they gather the ships in the sea.

So it's still boring there.

The purely mechanical forces sent to Swatifheim, the dimension of Uktrahill, are another kind of boring, boring circles in a strange mist.

He is also not very anxious about this. Anyway, the staghorn helmet Great Hanvil Tanin has been sent to find out the descendants of the Nordic gods in the main material world, and then seize their blood, the gods will have no carrier to do things, but can only be like an invasion from outside , From the dimension to attack the main material plane.

He is not afraid of this kind of mode, which is not to destroy behind the enemy, but a stately attack. Not to mention that their backgrounds are almost oil-extinguished, even with external support, he can crush in all directions.

He even wished that the ancient **** could play the so-called proxy war in this inefficient way. A lot of wealth is consumed in the logistics link, and then the dog meat that is not on the table is supported. Such a war will fight a few more times. The ancient **** will only be weaker, and he has a lot of money. Very comfortable.

So the two battlefields are not in a hurry and boring, it is more interesting to chase and kill the gods.

And chasing the gods is not very urgent, just keep the line constant. Then he hopes to see some more ambitious and opportunist like the fairy Eliseron and the vampire Ludwig.

Horus and Anubis separated these restless and unstable factors from the group, and he killed them quickly and effectively.

I believe that a few rounds can wipe out a stubborn character. When the 2012 magic wave resurrects, there will be few people who can make noise.

Thinking about his thoughts, one of the two drinking and drinking guests came not far away.

She is a woman with average appearance and ordinary mental strength and magic strength.

When Kane entered the bar, he glanced at it and made some judgments about it through the details. This one was not very good. This is a big fish and meat, but the next meal doesn't know where to go to plan.

In fact, there are many people like this in the extraordinary circle. Of course, the East is an exception.

The extraordinary circle in the East is similar to the secular world. At least this year, I have n’t learned to consume that set in advance. I am not rich and expensive, but it is generally stable. Poor and poor stability, rich and stable, rarely breaks.

However, the Europeans and Americans who are so overwhelmed for a while and generously do not mean that their lives are poor, or they lack planning ability, but the difference in thinking.

The thinking of Europeans and Americans led them to be more magnificent than the lives of Orientals. Starting from a true adult in the mind, Orientals are busy with themselves for 15 years (career), busy with their children for 15 years (breeding), and busy with their parents for 15 years (breeding). Europeans and Americans are cheerful and cheerful in the first half of their lives, and support their families in the second half of their lives.

As for the woman in front of her, Kane felt that she was somewhere in between, and she needed to support her family, but she was still not very used to it. There is still a heart that is unwilling to rest, but you have to buy it. You can not eat it yourself, but some mouths have to be fed.

So come together to find an opportunity, showing so little embarrassment of their humble. But in fact, there is no need for charity, even if pity her, it is an offense.

Sure enough, I heard the other party saying hello: "Hi, sir, I'm Michelle, a witch who can fight, is there a short-term introduction to make money?"

Anxious for success, I want to eat a fat man in one bite. Michelle gave Kane the feeling that it was like some young people who had just entered the society, or they were successfully brainwashed by learning chicken soup, thinking that if they stepped their legs and opened their mouths, they would be a "dreamer" who can be opened or closed. It's so stupid that it makes people laugh.

Of course he will not accommodate.

Smiled and said: "Sorry, I don't have any suitable business right now."

Michelle was not entangled, shrugged, greeted the bartender Sonny, and shouted ‘start, start’ and left.

Kane thought this was an unusual episode, but it was the first in a series of entanglements.

The second time I saw Michelle was on the night of the day.

At that time Kane had returned to the Copley Square Hotel where he stayed.

The underground kingdom also has accommodations, and from some angles it is more suitable for transcendental people, and the use of witchcraft or whatever is not easy to be seen as a monkey or cause trouble.

But Kane still prefers a secular hotel with a clear window.

Another important reason for choosing a secular hotel is that as far as room service is concerned, he is more accustomed to the set of the secular, and the extraordinary always feels wrong. Either the bells and whistles are weird or old-school.

This may be because until now, he has not completely integrated the extraordinary means into his life.

For example, the HP series has a classic scene. Harry Potter once visited the Weasley family who lived in a hut. When he saw the vegetable sink, the brush was washing the dishes by himself.

Kane wouldn't do this, although he could do better if he wanted to. But he is still more accustomed to retaining a considerable part of his own power.

Dishwashers in technology products are too unfavorable. Of course, in fact, most of the time, he just puts his hands on his clothes to open his mouth.

It is precisely because of his somewhat awkward half-life philosopher's life philosophy that he prefers the secular service industry.

The bagpipe interlocking hotel under the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce is a mode he is more satisfied with.

However, the mode is generally popular, and most of the people who live in it are non-wizard families or mixed-blood wizards from pure-blood families. There are only one or two large cities in the Americas, and Boston does not.

Speaking of this, Kane fell asleep for the first time in his non-home bedroom after returning. The time was November 3, he slept early, and he fell asleep around 22:30.

Then he was awakened by the magic fluctuation.

Not simply the magical power overflows, but the magical disorder caused by the battle. And there is malicious mental energy.

Kane is again restricted by the principle of the material plane, and the forced lattice is also the ceiling. It is naturally sensitive and wakes up at once.

Then he was a little unhappy.

It's no wonder that the transcendent is here. Instead, I feel a little bit of luck and enjoy life in all things. I encountered this bad thing and bad mood at the beginning.

He hadn't planned to control it, but the shout of death sounded, he didn't need to perceive, he had a sense of picture, the mortal who stayed was disturbed, and the cruel and bloody, magical and grotesque scenes subverted the three views of mortals. So he was so confused.

"What a terrible pit!" He thought so, and the shirt was on his body for the next second, and the second had already teleported to the incident.

"Time is slow." He cast his cane and cast a spell.

This is a homemade HP witchcraft that corresponds to the ‘time acceleration’ he used before. After the exhibition, all phenomena in the area will enter into a state of slow motion effect similar to ‘bullet time’.

Of course, it can also be understood that he makes the time flow of blessing on himself become faster, so he looks slower.

Then he saw Michelle.

Michelle is not a wizard of the HP series. Although she is also a witch and uses a wand, she is obviously more inclined to the warlock of the DND universe. The structure of the wand used is very different from that of the HP wizard.

What he saw was a metal rod that looked like an unstretched stick, with a huge shiny gem at the top.

What she used was obviously the energy bomb magic that the wand self-reserved.

This type of wand can be seen after a period of time when he was a reincarnation in his past life. Usually, fireballs, magic bullets, ice arrows, acid arrows, etc. are stored in it. Several rounds and dozens of rounds are stored. The material and workmanship of the magic wand. When you use your mind to guide you, you can shoot it without using your own mana.

Everyone is using it, and even some reincarnations use it as a magical version of the firearms, which is called the wand flow. In those worlds where technology is limited, it is a cost-effective choice, especially for low-level reincarnations. .

In this world, Kane combined the actual situation and roughly classified Michelle as the warlock and witch in the {Holy Grail Artifact} series.

Speaking of the origin of the genre, he even doubted the extraordinary people here, and he was not quite sure which school and which one he considered.

On the side fighting Michelle, Kane recognized it. The superior independent race of the old dominator line, the death vine.

Ramsey Campbell once described this creature in the "Xiagui Monster":

It jumped out of the darkness, and the huge moist purple flower buds were striking. The petals of the flower were hungry and hungry, and there was a thick honey-like substance, and the silk was flowing and falling from the flower.

In fact, they are really fatal. Those green tendril vines. The curled, thick leaves on the vines can be opened, like the palms of the spread, with the kind of fingers, and in the center of the open leaves, It is a vertical mouth along the leaf veins, and sharp fangs. Those who see it will never doubt that they have the ability to nibble a piece of flesh from themselves ...

But in Kane's view, the real threat of this kind of creature also lies in its ability to break the reproductive isolation of the plant kingdom, regardless of whether it is close or distant. It is simply a dragon in the plant kingdom.

"How can such troublesome things appear."

Killing is easy, rooting is difficult, wildfires are endless, and spring breeze blows again.

What is even more painful is that vegetation is the grassroots level of the planet ’s food chain. If the time is to let death vines wreak havoc, then human civilization, even all species, and a new species era can be expected.

At this time, the hotel manager who made friends with Kane not long ago came with a few security guards.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the manager rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then could no longer keep his composure. The mouth opened wider and bigger, but he could not speak as if he was stuck in the neck.

Kane has seen this complex emotion, and the three views are subversive, that's it.

He said hello as usual: "Hi Paul, you have some uneasy guests in your hotel! Just kidding, I know this is not your fault."

Before Paul could interact with him, another group appeared. The black trench coat and politeness make people feel indulged in the era of {Casablanca} (42 years, Greenward's active era).

Kane certainly knew who these guys were using phantom metamorphosis, Auror of the Magical Congress of the Lighthouse State. And it is the traditional school (the style is tough and tough).

For the first person to see the space of the static force field caused by the time mana field in the field, the embarrassment of urgently changing lines was covered with a clear throat cough.

He said to Kane: "I'm Matt Da Vinci, Captain Auror of the Magic Congress, gentleman, what's going on here."

Kane didn't give a face of ridicule: "You guys are doing fishing law enforcement here, and they asked me what happened?"

With a sharp remark, "This is an extraterrestrial species that can completely change the ecology of the planet's vegetation and have no relative reproductive barriers. I can tell you very responsibly, if you can't give me a satisfactory account, within three days , I will remove the Lighthouse State Magic Congress from this world. "

With that, he snapped his fingers, and the surrounding scene immediately resembled a temporary mosaic, turning into small pieces and falling apart.

The deep effect of the streamer is activated, and the deep space of the universe appears, but it is not complete. Only the scene has no effect, and there is nothing in the vacuum or the cold.

Kane did this just to facilitate the next operation.

The people present suddenly found that there was light scattered on the top of the head. Looking up, it was found that it was a huge moon. The craters could be clearly seen, but it reflected enough bright sunlight.

Then the silver light quickly turned orange-red, and the blood moon appeared, followed by a total lunar eclipse, as for a glowing blood-red halo.

And in the dark black hole in the center, there was another dementor looking like a dementor.

These gods of death are much taller than dementors, and more importantly, their extraordinary power fluctuations are not a little stronger than dementors. The divine irradiation effect is generated immediately, even if there is special protection by Kane, manager Paul and I do The subconscious hairs that the security guard also looked at stood up, and the cold sweat flowed, but they had a strange and deadly attraction that they could not ignore.

A total of 88 deaths appeared and cast spells together, showing different constellation patterns behind them.

At this moment, they represent the 88 constellations of Zhoutian, which means the solidification of the stars, without dead angles in all directions.

Then they began a magical ritual collectively, the scythe of the bones lifted up, flying a large amount of black light from them, forming a cursor composed of three arrows in the air.

There is something that is reminiscent of the nuclear symbol, but it is not, it represents the dark end of the past, present, and future, and it is a first-class curse of death.

The ritual did not take long, and the gods of death were also very skilled. Finally, they waved their sickles together, shredding the logo, and then the chopped cursor fragments, which turned into scarlet light and flew away in all directions.

Then, everyone discovered that they had returned to the actual hotel, and the situation at the scene was still the same, as if the time was just a blink of an eye in the past.

But the Aurors of the Lighthouse State Congress could not help but change color, because the Curse of Death has been established, they can clearly feel that there is a scarlet **** scythe lifted above their souls, the countdown has begun, when the time is up, cut Kill the past, the future, and die completely!

These Aurors did not get out of control on the spot, and they were already of high quality. They used to have Kane's wolf to say bad things, more or less feel that the other party is bragging, but now it won't.

This time the situation is really big. If one fails, thousands of staff members of the US Congress will be executed collectively.

Kane waved his hand like a fly: "Now, it disappears from my sight and finds a report that speaks human language. Next, I'm going to sleep, who bothers and dies!"

I did n’t dare to say a word about Aurordo, even like treating a mentally ill, he simply did n’t collide with Kane ’s line of sight, and left with a low eyebrow. He walked from the corridor to the stairwell before he cast it. The phantom moved away, not daring to cast the spell in front of Kane.

"Everything is forgotten!" Kane waved his wand, the security guard, and the hotel guests who were harassed were all erased from memory.

But Paul did not.

He smiled at Paul: "Paul, I'm going to keep this scene like this for a while. I'm sure you can deal with the vulgar police. I'm right?"

Paul forced his composure, his lips trembling: "Of course, no problem at all, leave it to me."

"Well, it's good, it made you a little scared. I'm a little bit disappointed. There is a gadget here, which is of some benefit to you. It's a gift for me to give you." Then, once the wrist turned, it was more Soul Rings.

The ring is the most simple men's model. The inside is etched with golden text like the supreme ring of the Lord of the Rings. It is the seal script, the small seal, and the common text of the Qin Dynasty. There are four words: calm and calm.

Passing the ring to Paul, Kane said: "Tomorrow morning, if I did n’t call breakfast at 7 o'clock, people would wake me up. Those who have been cleared of memory will tell you what they are saying for a period of time. The story of the past. "

"Okay ~ ~ Okay, please be assured, I will do it well." Paul was completely an elder, and he did not dare to take the ring with both hands, and then agreed.

In Paul's view, this information is very valuable. Because according to his estimation, it wo n’t take long, and the transcendental people who appeared in distorted light suddenly and retroly dressed will come in turmoil, but they dare not disturb Kane easily, fearing that they will get up and be assassinated. Try to communicate? At least after 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

"Huh! God walking on earth!" Paul sighed with excitement and fear in his heart. He would wear it on his ring finger of his right hand and found that it was just right. He took off his middle finger, index finger and even thumb. It's quite magical not to feel the process of changing the inner diameter of the ring.

And immediately after putting on the ring, I felt that my heart was not panicking, my hands were not shaking, my walking was more powerful, and my spirit was as good as 20 years ago.

"Extraordinary! It's deadly and tempting!" Paul started to work, the first step is to compose stories for the harassed guests ...

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