Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1207: Difficulties are passed on

For the wizards of the Magic Congress of the Lighthouse State, Kane did something that greatly disturbed the people.

Misfortune descended from the sky, and suddenly he was hit by the Soul Slashing Soul Curse. As the countdown passed, it felt like life was passing by.

Although it was late in the middle of the night, most wizards were resting at home, but with the sudden emergence of this curse, it was still a surprise to people. The first time was to detect if they were attacked by the enemy.

As a result of the instinctive overreaction, the total economic loss caused was more than 10 million gold gallons.

This is the real punishment that Kane has given to the Magic State of Lighthouse State.

The law enforcement of phishing itself is already very annoying, coupled with the stage of common customs, regardless of the possibility of spreading mortals, and the use of extraordinary civilians who are not official members of the Congress as cannon fodder, the behavior becomes even worse.

Kane feels that the characteristics of the members of the Magic State of the Lighthouse State are simply the epitome of secular officials, shameless and shameless, so he might assault and beat, and save him from thinking that there is no need to be feared and no one can rule.

Soon after, the real power people of the Magic Congress gathered together and knew the ins and outs of the matter. Many people felt quite wronged and felt that they had suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

Then someone stood up and said: "The grievances are certainly grievances, but everyone is an adult, who can do everything right? Moreover, it is now the countdown of death. We will continue to deal with the issue of expressing our emotions in the future. Right. "

Someone agrees, and proposes a more rigorous approach: "Whoever still discusses and chats as before, will only complain about how difficult it is and not advocate, just get out from here. Wait for someone who can do something to solve the problem, incidentally To save his dog ’s life, he ’ll be able to support the rest of his life. "

This is undoubtedly a strong smell of gunpowder. I feel that it is targeted with the several masters who usually do not deal with it. But after thinking about it, in the end, I did not go back to the mouth as usual. Let's talk about lifesaving.

Then some people showed their IQ again. Even in this case, they could not stop their nobleness, coolness, and feeling good about themselves, so they listened to his speech:

"What else to discuss? All moved to the Copley Plaza Hotel, and mobilized all the strong staff that could be mobilized. After checking the scene, they immediately started investigating the dead vines to see if they could give a certain answer quickly and effectively. Withdrawing the Death Announcement, even if it is delayed for a few days. By the way, notify the International Wizarding Federation that it can completely change the ecology and make the extraterrestrial species of the era turn, is this an alien attack? International events are left to us alone Not suitable, right? "

Although the attitude and tone are ridiculous, the truth does not seem to be very wrong. Instead of talking about things here, it is not true. This time it involves his own life, looking for someone to take charge of it, managing the effective leadership, and dealing with the inherent mode of incompetence of the subordinates, but it is not suitable. The main reason is not at ease!

This time, like the secular congressman who likes to tune in during meetings and talk about things in the clouds, the situation does not happen. Everyone just held a meeting, and then they all used the Feilu network. Boston. The time at this time is 0:20 on November 4.

Paul, the manager of the Klip Hotel, can be said to be hooked today, and he can even blow his life back. All the high-level figures involved in the Lighthouse Country Magic Congress were seen at once.

You know, the wizards who have worked in the Magic Congress for ten years may not have seen all of them.

From a visual point of view, the wizards on the side of the lighthouse country are no different from those on the British side.

In general, British wizards are more antique, and not to mention Dumbledore, they say that the most active middle-aged and young people, such as Snape and the like, are everywhere, that is, there is a foreign-related need or fashion, only to wear a suit or something, It must be a traditional cloak or something, such as the Minister of Magic Fudge. Can be described as antiques.

The wizards in the lighthouse country are novel and alternative, but they do n’t kill Matt or the Rogue. Those kind of gadgets that have no connotation and ca n’t get into the eyes of the wizards, but the modern fashion represented by France makes them think Too literary and artistic, so their dress can be described as one word, one person.

Anyway, in Paul's eyes, there is a feeling of watching the group participate in the masquerade crowd.

The wizards' attitude towards Maji is naturally contemptuous and disdainful, especially these powerful figures who can even scream and drank beyond the same kind, many of them do not look at mortals in their eyes, and feel that they have a life level with mortals. The gap is just like the common humans see chimpanzees and apes.

So, even if it was just in the same place, there were wizards who felt that Paul was obscured, especially when the heart was evil due to the announcement of the death, he was ready to wave his wand, just like picking up a fly swatter against mosquitoes.

But a companion reminded him and showed him that he saw the soul-cultivating wood ring on Paul's finger.

So Kane is not bad for people who have some kind of friendship, even if they are just superficial, they will think about it. He knew that the hotel would become a land of right and wrong, so he gave Paul an insignia that was not an insignia, so that he would not suffer as a gas bag in right and wrong.

"Shit luck!" He murmured, whispering the sorcerer who wasn't able to catch mosquitoes.

Many wizards are serious, it is indeed **** luck, not to touch it now, because they do n’t want to get stinky, in the future ...

Of course, in fact, God of Heaven and God, as long as Paul himself does not die, then there will definitely be nothing wrong, only good, after all, Kane is stepping step by step toward the wild father of the entire dark HP universe. The wild father is also a father.

The current chairman of the Magic Congress, Donald Carter snorted: "Give him an identity."

Because of the international wizarding event in Venice, the former chairman hurriedly resigned, and Carter, who was originally the vice chairman, finally became a mother-in-law, but it was only a few days later, and this unprecedented big thing happened. So Donald's mood is extremely bad.

Then someone went to help Paul register his real name.

"Your boy is blessed, and yin and yang have an identity in the extraordinary circle ..." The sour taste is full of Paul's easy access to identity, and his nagging is natural. That is the kind of person who can give others the rules in the popular science circle without worrying, over and over again, and gain some sense of superiority that I am at least older than you.

Just like the green card of the lighthouse country, it is much more convenient to have an official identity. Those things in the extraordinary circle do not avoid Paul, and Paul himself can take the initiative to enter places such as the Boston Dungeon, and even have special brokers to pick up such tasks.

For example, Michelle.

Michelle is actually a part-time job, which of course has mixed causes, but more of this is her own choice.

This time I chose to pick up a job to accompany Kuo Taitai to the Dungeon.

The mortals who have not touched the extraordinary circle very much, in the eyes of the extraordinary people, are basically fat and cute little white rabbits, especially the place where the dragon and snake are mixed in the dungeon. The evaporation in the world is light. Therefore, it is actually necessary to be accompanied by a knowledgeable broker.

But if the broker is not black, then it depends on the character and vision of the employer.

Michelle is actually okay. From the fact that she prefers to do odd jobs instead of accepting some unspoken rules, she can see that she still treats herself as an individual with deep self-esteem. Whether it is extraordinary or secular, it can still be beaten by society, which is not bad.

It's a pity that good people don't live long, not just talking about it. They refuse to accept the rules, which means that they are not smooth enough, and too many corners are difficult to pass. It is easy to be polished or even stuck.

This time, if she operates according to general procedures, no bad things will happen, at least she can avoid disasters by herself. After all, it is a common phenomenon for the extraordinary to target Mochi customers, similar to the "squeeze away" sales method.

It was Mi Xueer who felt very happy with the female guest, and the other party's reward was generous. She kindly gave her a mouthful and reminded that it is best to let the extraordinary open to avoid injury.

As a result, the consultant who came with the female guest did not know that she was jealous or wanted to reflect the value.

Although Michelle had long seen that this consultant was a half-barrel of water, although it was not a dumb cannon, but the extraordinary bloodline was too thin, or the congenital physique was not very good, the spiritual power, the total amount of mana and the quality were not up to the wizard ’s minimum standard Sad reminder.

There are actually quite a lot of these people. It can be said that it is a microcosm of the extraordinary blood vessels being continuously diluted.

Those who can show some extraordinary skills on weekdays (mostly intuitively predict or see unusual existence), want to tinker with but found that they are completely clueless and no longer aura, basically these people.

They have extraordinary talents, but they are not worth investing, and those sons of destiny, high-hearted and arrogant, invest in themselves, but they have to keep on dying. If they do n’t die, they will become strong before they can make it. Will not get the desired result.

The female guest's consultant, in Michelle's opinion, belongs to the kind of high spirits when he was young, unknowingly, not talented, he was discouraged in middle age, but he was reluctant to magnificent extraordinary world, and also lacked normal life skills, and Unwilling to start climbing in the mud from scratch, he embarked on the road of magic stick.

Michelle was also limited in her ability and had insufficient estimates of the potential dangers. She felt that it was a big deal for the consultant to fail, and she spent more effort. But when the incident happened, I found that I couldn't take it at all.

Even so, she didn't think about driving alone, but wanted to run away with a female guest.

Then suddenly I saw Kane again and again.

At that moment, Michelle was very happy. When she wanted to come, what she saw was a relief for Kane. Even if Kane herself was afraid of dirty hands, it would be enough to let the secret housekeeper come out.

As a result, things did not develop as she expected.

Kane shot, and it really proves that ‘the minions are so powerful, what do the masters do? The correctness of the conventional logic.

The shot is the most mysterious and difficult time magic.

At that moment, she knew that she was protected, because her thinking did not slow down, but her behavior was affected by the technique of time.

So what happened later, she was considered personally.

By the time the stream was deep and the group had died, she had quickly changed from fear to numbness.

She thinks that Kane is a **** at all, and it is not an ordinary god. After all, a group of deaths can be called and drunk by Kane at random, forming a team, and how big this big man is.

"But you can't be more atmospheric, liberate my sister !?"

Michelle roared inwardly about Kane's treatment.

Of course, all public officials of the Magic Congress were accused of sentencing, and she was relieved.

"Yes! Domineering, one by one will use the cast mode of swinging sticks as orthodox, changing the tricks of other types of extraordinary casters, and now let you taste the bully!"

At the same time, Michelle was really afraid. Kane said it was an extraterrestrial creature that could turn the era around, and she thought it should be true.

From a vulgar point of view, the global ecological disaster caused by a meteorite in the era of dinosaurs is called the Epoch Times.

From an extraordinary point of view, the sinking of Atlantis has led to the fact that humans are no longer a two-legged sheep that can't be thoughtlessly superfluous. They have become slaves of at least freedom of thought, and can also be called an era.

So this statement can not be used indiscriminately. But it also showed the terrible death vines.

Then more than an hour passed.

Fortunately, under the effect of time's slow power, she didn't need to think about a small solution, but was trapped in the static force field and could not worry. And her body movements are not bad, her weight is steady, and she doesn't feel tired after standing for a while.

Then it was onlookers, a little embarrassed, but really a lot of big guys! The kind that I could only see in the newspaper in the past!

She also found that a man who tried to unspoken her in the past was stunned by her, and as a result, she was targeted by secretly and mischievous and nagging real power men who were secretly targeted for the next two years. …

In fact, it was not only Michelle who was embarrassed. The group of gangsters who ran over to the field survey was also embarrassed. Nothing else, just for Kane ’s time static stagnation field, for them, it is really good.

Obviously it is a force field, it is just like amber, and it is amber whose Mohs hardness is several times harder than magic metal fine gold. There is no way to take it.

How should this bite?

In desperation, you can only take a few unlucky Aurors who played fishing law enforcement before. Ask for explanation.

The captain of the Auror was about to cry.

The heart said: "How do I explain? We just stared at a group of extraordinary sources that did not have normal production and sales procedures, and then as soon as the Maji was activated, we jumped out, indicating that we were found along the magic wave, you This is the Sanwu product, confiscated! Fine! And so on, how can we know that this thing is an alien that can turn the history of life on Earth? "

This truth is meaningless at this moment, even if it is said that it will be qualitatively blamed for blame. It is secretly rated as no one to do things. This kind of thing shows that it offends the boss and colleagues.

Let people say that Auror is doing this kind of thing fishing for oil and water? Have all the backlogs of difficult cases been solved? Or is the international situation turbulent now and then, is it time for the guns to enter the warehouse and Ma Fang Nanshan? Is there any basic awareness and morality of public officials? Not doing business!

The heart is very bitter, but the baby does not say.

The bigwigs don't scold street shrews, they still have to be decent, especially in such large-scale public occasions, the three grandchildren will only seem to be very incompetent. What are the soldiers and soldiers under their hands?

So the main pressure is on the subordinates, let them go to work as soon as possible, and take a refresher.

Auror did not dare to bite his teeth, but he absolutely dared to vent his anger to the extraordinary circle.

Red eyed one by one, this time he said the sky, and had no affection. Give me a thorough investigation. If you don't agree, you will copy the family and kill the genocide!

So at one o'clock in the morning, the Aurors came to an emergency gathering. Except for the fact that they were far away from each other, or there were important matters in progress, the rest came, and there could be more than 600.

Then it flocked to the dungeon of Boston like a dark cloud.

As an underground world, the Dungeon is illuminated by lights all day long, and the extraordinary people mostly rely on the extraordinary ability, and the indulgence of the life, so the living is not white and dark. At this time, the bar is very lively. .

As a result, the main street of the dungeon, which was usually quite spacious, was packed with heavily armed and murderous wizards.

The Aurora of the lighthouse country is different from the British Auror, that is, when the wizard of the lighthouse country is officially handling the case, it is more like a riot police than a plainclothes detective.

They are wearing tactical vests, wearing elbow pads, knee pads, and helmets, gloves, and combat boots. This is not what it looks like, it is a blessing of extraordinary power, and it is not a pure defense, but a corresponding tactical operation. cooperative.

In other words, if you need to fight with them, you do n’t mind rolling, and the British counterparts have almost the same output, stiff and rigid movements, and so large a projection surface, so they live with the target.

Of course, there are even more funny ones, for example, many French wizards are still dueling, which is the kind of Professor Gerald Lockhart.

Therefore, in this era of extraordinary and rotten, it is reasonable for the lighthouse country wizard to find a superpower among the superpowers of the world.

With so many combat wizards pouring in, at first glance, it's a big deal to find out who to look for, and the people in the dungeon are also a little frightened.

An old drunkard who had n’t been out of the dungeon for a few decades, and his cognition still stayed in the last fifties and sixties, hiccupped and asked the people around him: "Communism is coming?"

The HP wizards were under pressure, and broke into the door in a violent way, rushing into it, and the owner of the dungeon was naturally shocked.

The deputy deputy lord of the dude arrived first and said with furious face: "Frank, this is a city of freedom, a country of free transcendence. How many rules have you trampled on? Do you have to give me a statement !?"

The leading Auror also had no good words: "The argument? That's right, there must be a past argument. But it's not that we give it to you, but that you give it to us. If this argument doesn't satisfy us, the dungeon is still alive today. Now! "

Vice-City Master shook his hands and said several times, ‘Okay! ’

At this time, the combatants on the dungeon side also gathered together in a hurry.

The two sides immediately formed a confrontation on the main road of the dungeon, just like fighting with the gangs.

Although the wizards of the Magic Congress dress uniformly, the side of the dungeon is not inferior, the guards are dressed in a uniform, and those friends and family who came to help, or have long been prejudiced against the wizards of the Congress, do not mind taking the opportunity If you want to make a cool one, you will have your own style, but they are all in the back row, temporarily serving as a platform to live. So I saw a crowd of people, but it didn't seem so messy.

Congressional wizards are usually disconcerting internally, but this time because of the announcement of the death, rare enemies are at odds, and time is passing by, they panic.

The more fear, the more anger, the more anger, the more need to pour out. I ca n’t beat someone, but I ca n’t smash things? This is sold by Lao Tzu, this is also sold by Lao Tzu, money! money! That's how Lao Tzu burned money, some of them smashed, Lao Tzu was capricious, but Lao Tzu was happy ...

Now many Aurors are almost in this mode of mortal taking furniture. Of course, they do not smash furniture, but kill people. In the past, because of private affairs, they did not deal with these wild wizards. They regarded it as a superb tumor and a place to hide dirt and dirt. This big trouble was caused from here. Who knows whether this group of grandchildren deliberately pit people ?

Paralyzed to give the grandpas a countdown of death. The grandpas first let you keep your chickens and dogs. There are usually orders that are not good for killing. Really, I am really a personal thing, grass!

To be fair, the wild wizards in the eyes of HP wizards are really not opponents of HP wizards.

The reason is that the low tide of the magic tide is a major environmental factor.

After all, the extraordinary core feature is to allow one person to win or even crush a group of individual heroes.

Since a person is forced to the air every second, every second, tolerate each other to keep warm, there is not much market.

But the low tide of the tide caused everyone to have no energy toss. Let your sports car engine be more powerful. With that 1 liter of oil, the tubing is thin like a toothpick. What effect can you get out of it?

Therefore, in today's extraordinary circles, it is common to beat ten to one, and one hundred to one, which is basically blowing water.

Against this background, unity becomes important again.

The other is the added value. For example, starting from the bypass, the magic is not good, but I have a high technical level and a high professional quality. Is this more sharp?

Obviously yes.

The biggest feature of HP wizards is that they have received extraordinary education systematically. Discipline and teamwork are good. Although it is not like a mortal, it is a team building and expansion activity, and it is military training, but it is also compared with who, compared with wild wizards, it is really a fight.

Moreover, the HP wizards' magical technique is small and suitable for this era. Even Kane praised it. How can wild wizards be qualified to despise?

Therefore, regardless of the fighting stance of others, the group combat power is real.

If it is not true, how can the Holy See not be able to handle it? The wizards of the United Magic Congress have set the rules of the Beacon State for more than two hundred years, which has been called the "Extraordinary Constitution"?

That is, these years, specifically after the Greenward incident, the wizards of the Magic Congress have basically not collectively exposed their fangs, so that they have created an illusion for many new generations of wild wizards. In that way, relying on the rights accumulated by the ancestors, for the sake of prestige and fortune, they can only shrink together, hold the group to keep warm, and talk about singles alone, no!

This kind of fight alone, unless it is too much, or even the guru may die in the hands of Xiaoxiao.

Singles alone have never been a means to set the trend. At least not in the context of the current environment.

Like now, once a big situation really happens, who will be alone with you? The leader among so many HP wizards, the Auror, who is good at fighting, really wants to fight, and can definitely wash the dungeon.

Some people may say that this gang-like fighting style is too low, and here is the dungeon, which is the home of others.

Do n’t forget, the HP Wizard ’s spells really have an advantage. The phantom migration can make it seem congested, unable to exert its strength, and become extremely flexible in an instant, becoming a deadly viper.

For example, Newt Scamander encountered silently in the subway, even if it was a range attack, even a dozen large blocks, even if the area is small and the space is limited, it still flashes on the phantom, which is the epitome.

The wild wizards are very disadvantaged in this displacement skill, and can even be said to only take each other's lives to carry the targets of attack.

The deputy lord of the city is naturally aware of this. In fact, the existence of special places such as dungeons is largely due to the disunity within the HP wizards, and then to seduce the interests. In addition, although the sewers are dirty, there is indeed a need for existence, and it requires professional Personnel are maintained so they can be born and appear.

As for what seems to be wind and water, the throughput of wealth is astonishing. It is just superficial. The fatal undercurrent is surging beneath it, but the average person can't find it so deep. But it is a little thing like a mayfly, and the bits and pieces on the water are enough to eat and chew. Only the predators need to pay attention to the underwater currents.

The deputy lord is already a big crocodile, at least he thinks so. He knows that he can't really fight, and he will surely be finished. But he can't say everything, let alone serve on the spot, otherwise he will have to finish.

So it ’s really difficult, the baby is bitter, but the baby does n’t say ...

The question is passed on to others like this, who will pay the bill in the end? Of course, the majority of people at the bottom.

The people above can't afford it, at least they can't afford it alone, and they will die. If you do it, you will be seriously hurt, and you will not be pleased, your colleagues will not appreciate it, and you will be called weak and try to divide your rights.

Not to mention the Diaomin below. When did they really say you were better? Scolding all day long seems to be very just, as if very clean.

But in fact it is not justice ~ ~ but it has no strength to do evil; nor is it incorruptible, but it is poor and unable to enjoy it.

Really want them to come up, they will only worsen and have no limit.

Such people, can you expect them to say hello? They would only say: "Look at that silly one, the blood cow is very supportable." Even if it is a little conscience, it will only say: "Uh um, rich and powerful, they are tall, they don't Who should carry it? Should be. "

Since all are bastards, why do I have to serve one bastard, but the one that didn't work out in the end? Whoever loves who dies, I do n’t have to die.

Besides, it ’s good to throw a dilemma to the problem. A person carrying a thunder will be chopped to death, and a group of people carrying a thunder. Except for a few heart stops, most of them are paralyzed and convulsed, and they can still be relieved. So try to get used to being called the most terminal of digestion problems, farts!

Of course, fart people can also pass on, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat mud, fart people can die with problems into the coffin and pass it to the earth ...

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