Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1208: Rush to reward the crowd

A thunderbolt sounded, and the lord of the city appeared.

To say that there is still a way for the city owner Zebulun, he said a few words, saying that the wizards of the Magic Congress are engaged in such a large-scale forced palace, and the City of Freedom will certainly be held accountable.

However, before Frank and other Aurors could not bear to blame for such useless nonsense, he sold it to merchants who were desperately equipped with dead vine containers.

Obviously, Hebron is not only well-informed, but also very efficient.

However, Sebron snapped his fingers, and someone moved a set of instruments, some of which were like water curtains for water curtain movies.

Just listen to Sebron ’s voice: “I ’ve long heard of the magic of wand wizards (the name of the supernatural beings of the HP line of wizards) is very ingenious. Among them, the life-spell, the dementor and the phantom are the most widely known. May wish to use the Dementor spell in front of everyone to check the memories of these guys. Let everyone taste, if you like to break into the Liberty City, is it an offense or a good reason! "

At this point, Auror's leader simply tore his face and said, "Let's play with the language trap with us, do you know how much disaster it has caused? The source is here, and we naturally have reasons to fight hard."

Hebron chuckled: "You also bluff people with the name of the catastrophe. You boast about the extraordinary, but our ancestors are also people of the extraordinary glory period. Don't think that we are together and turn each other. After reading the family literature and writing a few universal teaching plans, I really thought that only the secrets you mastered are the most comprehensive and the most esoteric. Who still does not know what level of merchandise is the first to hold a group under external force? "

Hebron said this, the side of the city master suddenly applauded, with a little meaning of ‘the ancestor is wide’.

Aurors are mostly sullen. The main reason is that Hebron didn't talk nonsense, but was reasonable.

After all, the core charm of the transcendent is that the strong can be one enemy. Therefore, it is really not the fine tradition of wizards to hold such a group, so the glory is no longer. Under the background of the era of witch hunting, what level of holding a group to survive first is known from this.

Even if there are a few strong people who gather because of their long-term vision and heart, they cannot represent the majority of Jing Cong.

But if this proves that the wild wizards all had a broad ancestor, it is not so. Taking the example of the present world, black people basically have no highlight moments in civilization, but they have grown on barbarism, but they have survived to this day.

All in all, this is a historical issue that has been controversial.

And Cibron wasn't talking about this, not to confuse the audience, but to set the stage for the next words.

"Since ancient times, the scourge of the world has not been repeated one or two times. You really have to uphold the principle of destroying the nuclear weapons of all human beings first, instead of infringing Free City on this ground."

Or else to say that people are lords, so quickly come up with a set of sayings that sound like that.

Deeply aware of the courtesy of the wild wizards on their platform, some people let go of their sarcasm: "I am afraid that my own home will be caught and hurt my feet, so I'm so angry and angry to take our breath?"

"Inevitably, when did you see them so united and up-to-date, the revenge of the dead father and mother would be boring to this extent."

"Then you valued their filial piety. In terms of family, they learned from the mortals, but they learned very well, even better."

This sentence is also very heartfelt.

Speaking of this relationship between parents and children, then the words are long.

To use an eastern saying, "It's always kissed from top to bottom. Can you kiss your feet, can you kiss your forehead?"

Universal big data, parents and children really need more, not the other way around.

The lighthouse country, on the basis of free enjoyment of life by the old Europeans, is more unrestrained. After all, even if they are not criminal exiles, who can run the new world to open up wasteland far and wide, most of them carry more or less prodigal attributes.

And one of the characteristics of family education is precisely to teach by example. It is not justified, it is done by doing things. The children are watching and learning, so the dragon may not be able to produce dragons, but the tiger father generally has no dogs, and at least he is a meat-eating wolf.

In this way, as the immigration country with Europeans as the core, the relationship between parents and children of Beacon Country is beyond words.

In this respect, HP wizards who are highly connected to the world really suffer from filial piety.

But in the same way, the HP wizards are not good, it does not mean that the wild wizards are doing well. Actually speaking of the gnawing situation, the wild wizard is more serious. Does this mean that there are more people who are not good at wild wizards and can't even achieve independence?

Anyway, Hebron could not be regarded as irresponsible rhetoric, and it disturbed or invigorated the atmosphere. It was no longer as if the gangs were all over the army.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Cibron was so sloppy that the opposite side should really lift the table.

So he demanded loudly and quickly entered the detection link.

"Now you are not anxious, but I am anxious!" He said: "I am anxious to prove that the management of Liberty City is okay, and the people of Liberty City have not done anything particularly excessive. Although we say that the world disaster I have listened a lot since I was little, but it ’s not our fault, we wo n’t bear the pot! ”

Well, in terms of the ability to speak, Frank feels that he is defeated. He had to admit that once a person has the attribute of politician, it is indeed a jerk.

However, all the mouth guns are weak in front of their strength. Although the strength he has mastered is still not ‘not listening to BB, it is to crush you. Can you? ’S supreme state, but with so many brothers and sisters who are also suffering the curse of death, he is not at all worthy.

So just like that, taking the soul to take thoughts, and then using the water-screen movie-like instruments instead of the meditation basin to play in public, it happened smoothly.

Facts have proved that the whole process looks more like a conspiracy to plant stolen goods together.

In fact, before he throws the seller to the general public, Hebron has already convinced (physical) people to know the situation.

Otherwise, he would not handle things in such a way.

The female mortal employer who sells goods to Michelle is a very ordinary fat sheep. More than a million dollars can be seen in the eyes of ordinary mortal lighthouses, but for the extraordinary It's really nothing.

Because the darkness before dawn is the deepest, extraordinary materials in this era are really scarce, so the conversion ratio of extraordinary wealth to secular wealth is very alarming.

For some materials, it is almost necessary to show the sincerity of selling laboratory-grade rare elements. A price of tens of millions of dollars in an ounce must be qualified and have a way to reach a deal.

Against this background, how can the sellers of Liberty City pit the female mortal for more than a million dollars?

As for speaking secretly, it is even more impossible.

Because the content being played now is from the perspective of the seller, not only can you see what happened at the time, but you can also feel its emotions roughly.

When the female guest selects an object, the seller is neither surprised nor surprised. What the thing is not important to him. He also discusses the piled goods from other people, then sorts them out, and then adds appropriate colors. 'It makes it look a little magical, and the rest depends on the eyes of the buyer. The other party takes a fancy, whichever one you want, you can just sell it with a pit money routine.

So to some extent, the seller is actually the victim.

Frank sneered, and said, "What about reason? Are we here to reason with you? Did the **** in the Copley Hotel, who gave death notices to all public officials of the Magic Congress, justify with us?"

"The Laozi are the ruling class, the management class, the Laozi are going to die, but you people are free. This is like the master has been fighting all over the blood, but the slaves are clean even the nails, is it appropriate?"

Well, Frank does have a little ethnic discrimination. In the eyes of many Aurors, the likes of wild wizards are indeed the divine people under jurisdiction.

The Magic Congress, the name of the Congress is not in vain, is representative. At first, the Holy See, the Magic Congress, and the Free Wizards signed an agreement. The Holy See under the sun, the Magic Congress under the moon, the free wizard is only self-managed. What do you care? Of course it is myself.

As for how to manage oneself, the Holy See and the Magic Congress have the final interpretation power under the sunlight and the moonlight, respectively.

It was only on the ground, for various reasons, that there was Liberty City.

Jurisprudentially, Liberty City is under the jurisdiction of the Magic Congress, at least the kind of lighthouse country. The state has state laws, but it is under the jurisdiction of the United States Federation. The Aurora ’s trip to Liberty City does not amount to invasion by foreign troops. Of course, the specific size is usually limited. Just like the ordinary world, the regular army will not drive tanks and infantry into the city.

So a pair of 'regardless of reason, I'm arrogant, I'm proud' expression Frank accused: "Someone always has a problem, this wholesale so-called magic items are also your free city, where is he now? Death vine this This kind of thing, even if it does not consider its harmfulness, is definitely not an ordinary extraordinary thing. Will anyone do a loss business? He definitely has a problem! "

It seems to make sense?

Anyway, the Aurors are very supportive of the spokesperson. At this time, we cannot always bow down and apologize together, saying that we are wrong, and then go back home, and even be held accountable. Just kidding, the precious lives of Laozi and Laozi are passing by every minute, how can there be time to come and go?

There is really no way for this Hebron.

In fact, he also let the competent hand go down.

But depending on the situation, hope is slim.

It's not hard to imagine at all, can't we just wait for such a big deal without running?

Sure enough, with effective efficiency to report, people have indeed left the Liberty City, and the sea arrest wanted has also been sent, not to mention other friendly cities (like the extraordinary settlements like the Liberty City), even the official power of the world can be used. It's all used, as for the effectiveness, the set of sayings can only be done with manpower and destiny.

Although Hebron knew that his men were right, he was still in a deep heart.

At this time, the second report appeared, and he whispered a few words beside Sibulon.

Zebulun couldn't hold back and was surprised.

He was also there in the Magic Congress, and now he knows why a group of Aurors came to death with the collective dead father. It is indeed a jumping off thing, especially the wizards of the Magic Congress, who have never eaten like this The loss was coerced by such a collective regardless of three, seventy-one and twenty-one.

"This great man is a little bull!" Hebron could not help sighing.

His sigh is not really a sigh of such extraordinary people, but is closer to the kind of mentality that the Orientals said, "the country will perish, and there will be evil spirits."

Then the third reporter came.

This time, Hebron's eyes lit up.

It turned out that after the incident, the staff of Liberty City quickly checked the special things that happened in Liberty City within 24 hours. The bartender Sonny and Kane's deal, which only sold wine bars, entered the staff's sight.

Follow the clues all the way, and it happens to be a "painter" of the Irish gang at one of the entrances to Liberty City. I have seen Kane ’s car and know that it is a car at the Copley Hotel.

Then it comes naturally.

Victor Cullen, this is the name used by the staff to find Kane staying at the Copley Hotel.

This news is obviously more useful. Hebron believes that this coulomb must have some past deeds. And these deeds can outline the character of the character to a certain extent.

It was also due to Cibrun's public appearance today, and another person who reported the news appeared.

This unexpectedly linked Kane to the mysterious man who caused the uproar in France recently.

Cibrun's eyes lit up, and he said confidently: "I have reason to believe that this is a premeditated evil and marrying. The other party is very cunning, and it is not easy to catch. However, I gave the person Real magnates who are busy all over the Magic Congress have a certain understanding. "

Frank didn't dare to peep after seeing the news one after another to Cibrun.

From a certain point of view, he can be regarded as knowing his own affairs.

Wild wizards dare to challenge HP wizards, naturally there is a certain amount of assurance.

In comparison, HP wizards are more like military school graduates. Their professional qualities are indeed good, but there are no special features. In the words of wild wizards, a group of spellcasters cannon arts.

Most of the wild wizards are not climate-friendly, and even indiscriminate, but the best batch is higher than the HP wizards.

Casting without a wand is a problem for many HP wizards, but wild wizards are not. The power is not bad, and there are many secret methods.

Another example is the Animagus Transfiguration, which is similar to the resurrected Voldemort and has a semi-transfiguration with snake characteristics. It is rare among HP wizards, but it is quite a lot among wild wizards. And often have unique talents, or ability to cast spells.

It can be said that the extraordinary group of dragons and snakes is a mixture of wild wizards. HP wizards have snakes but no dragons.

Because of this, Frank, while confident in his own group's combat power, did not dare to take a peek at the wild wizard. He even admitted that among the wild wizards, they are very good strangers who play a little bit of evil.

So he led people to force the palace. Behind the unreasonable trouble, it was like using these strange people to solve the problems that the Aurors could not solve in time.

Although the situation is now a little bit off, it is not a bit of a gain, is it?

However, after he tried to hold on to the scene, Sebron was reluctant to play on the stage with Frank.

As the owner of the Free City, he is also a person who has access to valuables and has no contacts. Tear with a Captain Auror here and drop Fan Er.

If it weren't for the unusual situation this time, the Aurors were really a bit of a posthumous posture, and they were a bit unsustainable under his command. He almost didn't show his face in public when he became a Shunmin.

Now that I have grasped the information that others have not grasped in time, it is naturally full of confidence and I don't want to be entangled with the imp.

"Time is precious, not only do you think so, I am also the same." Hebron almost ordered: "I will go to the parliamentary standing group now, as for you, I advise you to rectify the manpower and do the new implementation. Be prepared for specific commands. Use the wrong place, it is in vain. If you are coerced, you will not be able to treat and deal with problems rationally. Although I can understand and sympathize, I will still recommend your superior to replace you. After all, the commander who ca n’t be promoted to the task is to murder everyone and himself. "

After the elders taught the juniors the tone of the juniors, Hebron issued a reward order in public:

As long as you are interested in assisting in the investigation of this matter, there is a basic reward.

Then, the information found, the atmosphere ABC and S are four, and the S-level compensation is very generous, including becoming a lifelong veteran of the Free City and enjoying all the treatment of the veteran.

Moreover, this time the reward, the hero does not ask the source, mortals are no problem.

"You listen to me, there is no doubt that this is a big crisis. How big is it? It is so dangerous that it spreads around the world, but it also implies opportunities. Many people usually complain that there is no good opportunity? Now this is the case. Opportunity is given, it is not a dream to retire, and it seems that there is no need to avoid hiding. If you do n’t see people or change your face for the rest of your life, you can enjoy the blessings in the sun. At the same time, you will be worshipped as a hero, and you will still be able to leave real legends after many years. Dadan. I feel that when it comes to this, there is no need for more nonsense. On behalf of the owners of Liberty City, I wish you success and we are waiting for good news. "

There was no enthusiasm or exclamation, or applause or wailing. But it must be said that the credits of Zebulun and even Free City were successfully used at this moment. There are still many people interested in it.

Although it has been faintly felt that this event that can make the wizards of the Magic Congress collectively inevitable is necessarily epic, but the senior reward task of Liberty City has always been humanized, and this time is no exception. It is split. .

Adventurers will also have money to complete a part. The only point to note is that since the end, you have to trust the referee. When an adventurer reports his intelligence gains, if the Liberty City side says that similar news has been acquired and you are worthless, then it is worthless, and do n’t try to say anything about dark box operations ~ ~ hacked your money.

If you really do n’t have confidence in the reputation of Liberty City, you can stop playing, or you can change the way, such as working in temporary labor, and taking a salary. Regardless of whether the employer earns or loses, you just need to get the hourly wage according to the contract.

Of course, if the intelligence gained from the task of private trafficking is verified in this case, then it is a global chase.

Perhaps because of the limited total number, the trust system of today's extraordinary circle can be comparable to the French trust system during the rise of Napoleon. Once the reputation is stinky, no one really takes it.

From this point of view, the Holy See and even the International Wizards ’Federation are successful. The so-called wild wizards are also within a certain extent within the scope of management. This is the main reason why the mortal world has been harmonious and stable for many years and has not been harassed by the extraordinary manifestations that appear from time to time.

In contrast, the events of Venice, the events caused by Voldemort, the events of the Paris Hell Gate, and even the recent Halloween transformation events, and the current death vine events, are indeed called abnormal occurrences, and the evils are raging ...

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