Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1209: Individual teams are unbearable

At 2:10 in the morning, Hebron met a group of bigwigs in the Magic Congress at the Copley Hotel.

One is still so domineering.

So he stepped forward to say hello: "You guys, the style is still the same!"

Edric, the chairman of the Magic Congress, glanced at Sebron without a word.

Murdoch, the deputy chairman next to him and one of the members of the highest nine-member parliament, said, "Siblen, put away your party and we know what you are thinking."

Murdoch's tone of voice is already very polite, just like training his juniors to do wrong things.

However, Zebulun didn't show his anger, but instead asked along the lines: "Oh, yeah, I am often confused myself, I don't know what I'm thinking, you know, give me advice?"

Murdoch smiled proudly on his face, as if to say, "This is what you asked me to spray on you." Mouth said:

"You're thinking, these guys' faces are so ugly, the transcendentals defeated and signed the Hidden World Treaty. It was years ago, but these guys still lie on the old books of honor and do their best. Do n’t think about it. It was only after half the power of the European wizarding circle that the United Holy See was able to succeed. Now, the power of the free transcendentals in this land has grown more than ten times than it was at the beginning? "

"You are still thinking, not to mention the glory of the ancestors, just to say that you, the powers of the magical congress, talk about singles, which is my opponent of Zebulun. Show me my face, I am afraid that I have not forgotten, extraordinary The pride of the strong man lies in the strong one and the enemy. "

"You're even thinking, for the time being, you guys who rely on heritage as a means of prosperity will be proud, and wait until the magic tide rises again, let you see what real power is!"

Every time Murdoch said something, Zebulun's face was ugly.

People have guessed their ideas, which is embarrassing, but more importantly, since they know their hostility, will they do nothing?

So, what did these guys do?

Murdoch seemed to be able to read the mind instantly, he said: "Want to know what we did after we understood your thoughts? I can tell you with kindness. We didn't do anything. Just watch your work next to you dead."

"Individuality, freedom, and flying self. You feel that you have provided a correct path and stage for the transcendental. On the high-end individual combat power, the transcendentals stabilize us. This is the proof of your correct thinking. You even think that After the magic wave rises again, the gap between each other's high-end combat power will widen, and eventually it will become like an ordinary person facing ordinary mortals, treating it as a ant. "

Murdoch Biya smiled and said, "Thinking is beautiful, but just thinking. We might as well wait and see to see how a group of wild monkeys with outstanding strength can defeat the army."

Edric interjected at this time: "Okay, there is no need to talk to him in detail."

Said again to Cibrun: "We have already learned what Mr. Victor Cullen did in France. But we still thank you for coming to peddle the news. If there is nothing else, you can leave."

Meeting is a series of ridicule, humiliation, and percussion, and even the figurines get angry.

Although Zebulun was jokingly referred to by the people in the circle as "the businessman who was delayed by the career of the city master", the city master is the city master, not to mention that his personal combat power is still very good.

The individual is strong and the career is successful. How could such a person not be arrogant?

However, after all, Zebulun was a more tolerant figure than ordinary people in the society, but unlike ordinary social animals, he was so weak that he could only suffer, he laughed and said:

"Worship team strength, I know, not to mention the legendary Aramid Empire, the Magic Kingdom, even the Holy See, relying on the angels known for the group's combat power, to teach the extraordinary to be humans. But what? Mr. Coulomb did Suddenly appeared, I came over to confirm that your face is swollen ... "

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to support the brim, and said a good-bye tribute, and then turned into a smoke to dissipate. Before leaving, the sharp, bright eyes with their heads down had a solid look, and crashed into the hearts of several wizards, causing them to chill and stay for a long time.

In fact, the wizards of the Magic Congress, or the free extraordinary. Whether it is secular or extraordinary in this era, the biggest problem is not the liberation of personality, the advocacy of freedom and correctness, or the emphasis on order and close unity to be more competitive, but ‘knowledge poisoning’.

Chivalry is a taboo in martial arts, and Confucianism is in chaos.

There is also a well-meaning saying: Not much slaughter of dogs, and the most worried is the reader.

The wisdom of the people is widely regarded as a major manifestation of the progress of civilization.

But things like knowledge are not all good, and the more you master, the better.

Or to describe knowledge in terms of good and bad, it will be considered Low by some people, and then move out ‘good and bad, good and evil’ is the concept of feelings imposed on people.

So at least, it should be admitted that with more knowledge, thinking will become more complicated.

Complexity is easy to chaos, and chaos is easy to cause problems.

Therefore, the so-called knowledge poisoning is mainly because people can not hold so much knowledge, can not distinguish which is suitable for themselves, suitable for this moment.

At the same time, thinking is more harmful than wine.

Plus, as an old man said: Your generation, too clever, think too thoroughly, but missed a lot.

This is because it is rare to be confused, but the organization is too clever, thinks too much, has many illusions, and thinks about beauty, thinking that it is porcelain.

‘I do n’t know anything about you, I can expect in the future ...’

In the extraordinary circle, there are more such ideas. After all, compared with more than 7 billion people in the world have been survived to become a living and background board, how can they be proud?

Pride is the biggest problem for the protagonists of this world and this era.

Kane did not pay attention to these philosophical and social issues.

He's already overwhelmed. No more commenting, no more trying to adjust and wait for its change, but more violent and direct elimination of the problem, if that problem blocked his way.

Speaking of which, there is actually a more interesting philosophical question. With a more networked and smooth description, it is also appropriate ‘Since ancient times, passionately can not be retained, only the routine is popular. ’

This sentence corresponds to the four essential labels of human beings, "True Fragrance, Pigeon, Repeater, and Lemon Extract."

Kane spent 30,000 years confirming that it was not the case.

Therefore, he finally chose to eliminate the problem violently and directly, that is to say, this is also a routine ending after seeing the original.

Everything in the world, just eat this set, not a question of being cheap, but this set is the most cost-effective. Of course the premise is that Hold lives, and violence comes at a price.

But this cost is actually lower than the cost of non-violence. The reason it appears higher is because it is too successful. For example, relying on non-violence and spending three or fifty years may not necessarily be a thing. Relying on the rule of terror, it will become three or five years, and it will become a series!

Originally, I just wanted people to know the truth and the importance of hard work. Now people will die if they do n’t study well, and they will die even if they do n’t work hard. Everyone can still die if they ca n’t produce new achievements on a regular basis. R & D ... So in terms of results, in three to five years it really did something that was not necessarily possible in thirty or fifty years.

Such high results are naturally costly. The follow-up is to be overthrown and die without burial. But if it's just one thing, people will endure, even on the basis of the benefits later, as well as the scars and forget the pain, sing praises, and use goodwill to interpret the evil at first.

Therefore, violence is actually more efficient, but it is expensive, and it takes a lot of effort to suppress it.

Kane naturally felt that he was the one to hold back.

Then violent chanting, then chanting chanting.

If the top dignitaries of these magical congresses deal with them seriously, can this effect be achieved? One by one, ha ha ha Even if they are told ‘I am God’, people will think ‘Yes, you are God, we are not bad, otherwise why are you coming to the door? Divine power, king power, which power is more interesting in this world? ’

Sitting on the well to watch the sky, Yelang arrogant.

No need, no need! You don't need to carry these literary and artistic skills, you don't need to convince people with reason, you can do it physically. You can't help but talk about the beating, and now you don't wait for the middle of the night like the obedient grandchildren?

If you can hold it, you can think of it as cheap.

Other people's feelings ... Anything that always thinks of this is brainwashed by ‘taking care of the overall situation’. It is a sequelae of ‘unity’, and it is a recognition of a partnership with the weak ’s desire to survive.

Or, it is a polite habit, just like the polite self-esteem in Chinese communication etiquette. But if the other party regards self-humility as the truth, it feels like a superior ...

It's boring, and it's capable of soaring on the spot, but there is a suspicion of acting like a pig, eating a tiger, and fishing for law enforcement.

Knowing that people's hearts cannot stand the test, why give each other this opportunity?

Reckless, unreasonable, do you feel wronged? emmm, then feel wronged.

After half a night, Kane had to finish his breakfast!

The mood of several big brothers is naturally extremely depressed.

One of the important reasons is naturally because Kane was not so impersonal when he was in France.

In France, Kane is more like a life-savvy, kind to the extraordinary, more intimate with the wizards, and even himself is the savior of the wizard.

That's right, as a kind of national institution, and a "one super" institution in the wizarding circle, the Magic Congress is still very powerful.

In the middle of the night, they even found Victor Cullen's real estate on the River Thames, real estate in Texas, in Manhattan, New York, and Long Beach, Los Angeles, and learned about the interaction between the powerful and the Dursleys.

They certainly don't think Victor Cullen really called James Potter's mother an aunt. That is just a lie of great goodwill.

If it were not a lie, but the truth, Voldemort knew that, with his 10,000 guts, he would not dare to poison the Potters.

Anyway, most of Victor Cullen ’s ‘trumpet’ has been mastered and analyzed by the wizarding wizards of the Lighthouse Country Magic Congress.

The results of the analysis are quite optimistic, no matter what his thoughts are, but generally it belongs to the kind of order-oriented, non-active, and able to cooperate.

But why is it so unfriendly to the Magic Congress of Lighthouse State?

They didn't think it was the fishing law enforcement of the Aurors last night, which made the other party unhappy and then retaliated. They didn't even think it was a matter of death vines.

Death vines are tricky, but as Zebulun said in the City of Freedom, the world may destroy such things. There is always a half of the cut-off time, such as alchemy experiments, curse research, etc. It is not uncommon for the International Chamber of Wizards, an international government agency of the Holy See, to resist rituals in this regard.

Moreover, if it is really serious and critical civilization, it will lead to a turn of the biological era, then this mighty mind still sleeps? Even if people are so calm and calm, they can use them to spread their trachea. This kind of world-destroying disaster will really burn their eyebrows, and they can't afford it.

So why is it so unfriendly to the wizards of the Magic Congress?

Several wizard gangsters discussed half-night almost, they think the problem should be with their own. After all, if this mighty hate the beacon country, it would be unreasonable to buy real estate everywhere and come to live from time to time.

It's a pity that the discussions come and go, there is no point, and there is no satisfactory result.


Even in order to show sincerity, he was also guilty of such a crime.

What's more, there is no actual sin. It is nothing more than a little bit of skin. As long as you have a good mindset, you should eat and sleep.

What's more, in front of such a brave character, the value of face is very limited.

To put it ugly, the face is given by others. You are the only one who gives you face. This statement is very suitable for the current situation.

Finally, after breakfast, the spectrum is almost set.

Kane summoned these people.

The two sides met, and since the wizards had been taught to be humans in advance, it was very vulgar to meet.

Of course, the wizards have done their best to be as humble as possible, after all, this is not only their own face problem, but also represents the magic parliament, all lighthouse country wand wizards.

And with their usual instigation and condemnation of Fang Qi's performance, not being humble or being hyperactive is actually equivalent to the average person's inferiority.

Kane was too lazy to think about the caution behind these delicate things. He went straight to the topic: "I want to explain, do you have any?"

What he said was naturally a matter of death vines.

"There are some." Edric immediately said the polite words of "Yue Yue" and cast a spell, displaying a series of messages in the form of magical imaging.

To put it bluntly, it is the magic version of the PPT, which puts together and integrates the information gathering, even talks and demonstrates, and broadcasts the information in a relatively lively manner.

It must be said that there are indeed results. After all, after this morning, both the Transcendental and the Wand Wizard were all in motion, and the personnel secretly supervised by the Holy See thought that the Transcendentals were no longer prepared to abide by the rules of the hidden world and must rebel collectively.

This kind of manpower is scattered, and I dare not say that the whole beacon country, at least all the borders related to the extraordinary, have been struck completely, and some suspicious places have even been repeatedly searched.

Finally, there was this report.

Kane was not satisfied.

Tossing this bunch of ground snakes is also a temporary intention.

An important reason, since he returned to the present, has been a little bit busy.

The more things were resolved, the more it was. At first, Voldemort was originally settled. By the way, Grachi and Ehhot were settled. By the way, the Black Abyss was smoothed out, and he was ready to deal with the father of the snake Igo.

As a result, Eihot was not caught, and the northern base of the night vampire implicated the Nordic gods and the fallen Yuktra Hill dimension kingdom.

Just opened the matter of exploring this sinking dimension, the French turmoil, led to the Egyptian gods and Netherworld.

The War of the Kingdom of God reached the stage of the fierce battle between the blood worms and the coalition of the Prayer Kingdom. He chased Anubis and Horus from the outside. As a result, the dead vines of the upper independent race of the old dominators appeared.

It was really lifting the gourd under the scoop, and the waves were rising again and again.

He was busy plugging the fire to extinguish the fire, and these extraordinary people would just sit back and enjoy their success, even adding chaos. If you are so busy, then you can all move.

As a result, it is a summary of intelligence with low gold content.

"Your work report, lyrical ability and nonsense ability, I learned from the secular officials ten to ten! How can you not learn a little better? Instead of waiting outside to be respectful, it is better to fall to the ground and move to show more Sincerity and death threats will not allow you to be more focused, and I will be more professional. Don't waste my time with this kind of thing! "

Kane shook his hand directly and coaxed the group out.

They didn't know how they came out, Edric. They were already in the lobby on the ground floor of the hotel.

"This ..." Some people are like lyric on the spot.

As a result, Adrick glanced at him and said, "Isn't it embarrassing enough? You still have to shoot your guns, do you think that person can't hear?" The mouth said in an imperative tone: "Go back to headquarters first."

So a group of people phantom away. Since the aftermath of Auror, who stayed here as an ordinary person, cast a forgetful spell on the ordinary people in the hall.

Kane drove away as a wizard, but he felt that this was the case and did not solve the problem.

The death vine ~ ~ was discovered very accidentally, he also tried to trace the traces, but the mythical creatures of the old dominators, because of the inhuman nature of their ideas, the behavior seems to people Very weird, you can't use conventional logic to judge.

This is also a big reason why he made the ground snakes move. I just want to advance the project through a stupid but more reliable method.

It's a pity it has harvested and cut off the clue.

So is it because the personnel are not giving power, or is the enemy too cunning?

He did not want to spend too much effort to speculate on this kind of thing.

After thinking for a while, I feel that since the chaotic elephants have repeatedly emerged, and the stalls are getting bigger and bigger, then he should not be busy alone.

Insect swarm refers to system characteristics, while iron blood is system style. So the blood worm group does not necessarily have to be a zerg. Just like when he first started, he chose the werewolf as the species basis. This time, he chose the mouse, the Skaven ratman from the medieval Warhammer universe ...

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