Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1214: Change a vest to succeed

Flac Owen is a veteran employee of the Magic Eye Association, and the restrictions are a little too big, and Kane is not willing to easily abandon this number.

So a new trumpet was created.

Nor was it a complete new construction, but Tomiranda, picked one of the many mortals who accidentally killed himself.

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

More than 7 billion human beings in the world are analyzed from the perspective of probability, and there is absolutely no shortage of strange ideas and strange behavior.

Aaron Zion is just such a weirdo.

Zion is the Mount Zion at the southern end of the Old City of Jerusalem. It is neither tall nor towering, but because it is a cultural city, it also has some of its own legends, mostly related to some sacred stories of God worship. Paragraph.

Aaron was born there, his parents who were traveling at the time, and thought it was a matter of not paying attention to travel when they were born, but instead felt that Stephen was born there to be sacred, with the foreshadow of God, so Surnamed Zion.

As for the name Aaron, it means the high mountains and the inspiration from God.

The name is very moral, and the surname is also very sacred, but the three views of this person are distorted. Or is it influenced by parents who like to travel? When he was very young, he set the ideal of traveling around the world.

Coupled with the strong planter label that many men, especially young men, have in Beacon Country, the ideal has become a global cloth seed ...

I have to say that this is an ideal that is very difficult to realize. It is not a girl who lacks Kenshengwa. As long as you are willing to work hard, there are still some who want to borrow seeds. At least in this era, there are not so many pits.

And Aaron can be called a handsome kid, and can be seen by women who have the desire to improve breeds.

The problem is that the cloth type does not have a sleeve, which is very dangerous.

Because of this, Aaron lost his ambition and died of shame. Specifically, after entering the Bavarian Forest in Germany, he never came out again.

What came out was not Aaron Zion, whose body was buried in the sky and was ruined by animals and ants, but Kane.

When I came to a nearby town, I showed my face and interacted briefly with the town's accommodation, so I could understand the obvious cause and effect.

The real Aaron Zion entered the Black Forest from this town, and the accommodation room did not retreat. He said that he would return after two or three days. It is now more than a day. After today, the owner of the accommodation has to report the case. Now it is a simple matter that saves both parties trouble.

But there are two "love encounters" that are relatively troublesome.

To say that Aaron does have some meaning of "friends of women", relying on a good skin, as well as all kinds of materials collected all over the world and a mouth that can talk and talk, it is very cozy to make women happy.

Especially for women in this mountain town, although the information is now developed, the information obtained by experience is not obvious, and it is not comprehensive enough. It is not necessarily the point that they are willing to pay attention to, and it is not as interesting as being painted by people.

And now it's only 1991, the Internet is also in the ascendant on a global scale, mobile phones have not yet reached the height of later generations, and information development is only relatively speaking.

In short, Aaron is a habitual sister, and has also succeeded in raising a pair of sisters. It's just that he has a deep skin disease, and he can't cook raw rice with swords and vinegars. Instead, he spurs himself to try to cure the remedy through this kind of "fatty meat can't eat at his mouth".

There are things like remedies both in the East and the West. A simple description of their characteristics is that the brain is wide open, contrary to common sense.

This Aaron is estimated to be almost desperate. He believed that picking a certain herb deep in the jungle could cure his disease.

Of course, there is actually this kind of herb in this world. It only grows near the nest of the Ukrainian iron belly. The principle is like the detox herb grows in the area where the highly venomous snakes live. Belly, as the largest dragon in the world, is difficult to breed. And it is said that this kind of herb that can cure various skin diseases needs to be watered by the Ukrainian iron belly ...

In short, Aaron is destined to be disappointed. After all, the recent dragon farm with Ukrainian iron belly is also in the Balkal Mountains of Romania, not the Bavarian forest.

Perhaps the town was too small, and the sisters were more concerned about the news of Aaron. Kane was checking out, and the sisters came over.

Aaron was obviously going, but did not intend to say hello to the sisters, the scene was a bit awkward.

Of course, for Kane, it was nothing more than a forgetful spell.

The focus is not on this, but on the sisters who turned out to be the blood of the gods and were relatively thick.

"A bit interesting." In a flash, Kane had a different thought.

He smiled and said to the sisters: "I want to visit your mother." ...

The visit in the afternoon was not a polite act, but Kane was acting arbitrarily, and when he was interested, he did not care about these details.

The second woman was originally conflicting, but when she touched Kane's eyes, she felt some awe-inspiring feelings, but she did not dare to be rebellious.

This is actually because Aaron Zion ’s bladder is replaced by Kane, and the blood of God is always a little strange. The intuition is keen, but Kane ’s is hidden. Divinity, and produced an irresistible instinct.

Similar instincts later appeared on Sophia, the mother of the second daughter. The blood of this **** had a higher blood concentration. When she saw Kane, she forbeared the unhappiness in her heart and was willing to treat her.

Each other is actually a stranger, and Kane is too lazy to take the "gentleman's head" that men often pose when they are greedy for the opposite sex. Therefore, during the entire afternoon of interaction, the two sides can be described as embarrassing.

At dinner, the atmosphere was a little better. Kane bought a good wine when he visited, and opened it for dinner and tasted it. Sophia's cooking is definitely very good in the circle of European and American women.

At the end of the dinner and a short break, in theory Kane should leave. Sophia is single and her family is full of women. It is not convenient to receive dinner with men, let alone stay overnight, especially in this conservative mountain town.

Kane made a very excessive request when taking a nap: "After-meal exercise, I think it is a good way to maintain health. It is better to be together, how?"

Sophia frowned, thinking about how to respond to this, but Kane had already stepped up to move her foot.

Sophia and the two sisters Mia and Leia immediately knew what Kane ’s so-called ‘post-meal exercise’ actually meant.

While producing the feeling of "leading the wolf into the room", it was more shocking.

"Frustrated! How dare you ..."

But that's not all for it, but the scornful words are inexpressible.

Because Kane revealed some divinity, immediately triggered the blood reaction of the mother and daughter. It was an indescribable feeling, goose bumps on my body, and fear from the heart, but at the same time there was an irresistible craving ... In short, it was extremely hyperactive. It is estimated that there is a dizzy brain disease or something.

Kane was also polite, just at the dining table where the pan was cleaned up, and in front of Mia and Leia, Sophia was done first.

Then there are Mia and Leia.

During the period, the three girls behaved like kittens, except for a few hums like coquettishness, and normal physiological reactions, they did not have any obvious resistance, but instead meant to enjoy joy, especially in the later period, it seemed that they broke the jar. .

Kane didn't give the three girls any face, not only a rough possession, but also a lot of tricks. Until the night of the play, the three girls were all soft and muddy, and he ended up expressing his interest.

If it rests in the world, and is measured by convention, this is a heinous deed done by an orc scum.

But it's another way of talking to Chaofan.

If you look closely, it's not too twisty. Explained in one sentence, the three women are very human, and Kane did not make a temporary intent, but became a beastly beast, but has a saying and a plan.

The dignity of the face was smashed by a taboo that severely provoked the secular Lund, plus a very intimate physical relationship, so even the soul seemed to be able to meet frankly, and crossed over in one go Communication barriers such as etiquette, restraint, and even strangeness.

Kane used Phantom Shift to bring three girls directly to Wuyou Township.

This is a mysterious realm he discovered while walking in North America with Victor Cullen.

At that time, because of limited financial resources and energy, he did not invest in this secret.

After the reunification, it was because there was no shortage of various types of strongholds, so there was no greed for resources.

So Wuyou Township was the new place he quacked when he visited Miranda when he visited the Sophia family.

The foundation of the secret realm is a fold in time and space, originally nothing, and the material was transported from the broken earth where the fallen angel has not been completed.

Its macro appearance is somewhat like Asgard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, of course it is much smaller.

According to Kane's request, Miranda built the spring valley of the ice field.

The outside world is snowy frozen soil, and the snow does not melt all year round. In the valley in the shape of water droplets, the flowers are fragrant and the seasons are like spring.

The most distinctive feature is the ever-changing aurora in the deep blue sky dome that can almost directly see the deep sky.

This overall view is very consistent with the appearance of the shrine in Nordic mythology.

Architecture or something is relatively modern, but it also uses more elements of ancient Greek architecture, so it has a rich temple style.

It can be said that this is a group of shrine palaces that are appreciated by modern people's aesthetics, not only with artistic beauty, but also very practical.

The main reason why Kane spent so much time to make such a new home is that no matter whether it is Nozawa Garden or Luggage Island, for him, he has a very strong sentiment bonus.

He didn't want to get other tastes there. Just like some man with a heart, he wouldn't bring a woman other than his wife to his house.

Another big reason is because he thinks that the three girls are worth the effort. At least the future three daughters deserve such a mansion.

At the moment, the three girls seemed very well-behaved. After being shocked by the scenery of Wuyou Township, they did not ask but waited for Kane to explain, if he wanted to.

Kane, on the contrary, is more willing to listen to the story of the three girls. Even if he had expected it, he wanted to hear it.

This is actually a means of narrowing the distance.

After all, only in front of close people, talents will put down their disguise, and do n’t mind showing their buried sides, pouring pains and asking for comfort.

Sophia's story is not complicated.

Natural beauty, especially compared with others in mountain towns with a little rustic flavor, the difference is so big that they can be seen at a glance.

The beauty of life is also good, pleasing to the eye, and naturally loved by people. But at the same time, it compares everyone and even makes people feel ashamed. This is actually a natural barrier to make people instinctively alienated.

And this alienation was expressed through jealousy, envy, hatred and other ways.

So, Sophia was not happy, especially after the young girl grew up, she enjoyed many pursuits and admiration, but she was also jealous and contemptuous.

So Sophia in the rebellious period fled her hometown with her thoughts about the beautiful big city she could accommodate.

Then, there were more ‘predators’ outside the hometown, and people were still on the bus going to big cities, and they were spotted by the skeptics.

After observing it for a while, I played the coercion and temptation very boldly.

Switching to an ordinary country girl is basically the result of sinking.

However, Sophia is not ordinary. She accidentally got a statue after a few hours. The size of the adult is slap, it does not look delicate enough, but somehow, she accidentally gave Sophia's eyes, and was always taken like a little girl's Barbie doll. Those who are around, even if they run away from home without any luggage, have to bring the statue.

As a result, when faced with the rebellion of the gangster, blood was bleeding from the face with a slap in the face. Sophia wiped her mouth with the hand holding the statue. The statue was stained with blood and was activated.

Sophia couldn't remember what happened after that. When she was conscious, and more than half an hour had passed, she found herself harmless, even recovering from the scars caused by her struggle. The two men who did evil to her disappeared.

And the disappearance seemed a bit weird, and everything was left behind, but the people were gone. It is difficult to imagine that a person with a normal mind will leave as a celestial body in that situation.

Sophia had a bad guess, especially when she saw that the clothes were kept in an orderly manner inside and out.

Encountering such a bad thing, the ending is so incredible, naturally Sophia's mood is extremely bad, which seriously affects her ability to recuperate.

But there was a voice in my heart that began to guide her.

Like her voice, it seems not. But she was convinced that the voice was for her good and would not harm her.

So her next behavior, although seemingly messy and ignorant, was not fatal.

The two unlucky scum men were completely evaporated, and Sophia embarked on the way home, which was also directed by the voice.

After that, Sophia gradually became divine, and even she realized it herself, but felt that it was not bad, and she was very happy.

Later, it was weird to go to a psychiatric specialist to see a doctor, but it did not get better, so that he stayed in a mental hospital for half a year.

It might have been possible to live long, but she suddenly became pregnant and let her parents who came to visit her see her.

So an uproar was triggered and Sophia's parents took the mental hospital to court.

The psychiatric hospital stated that it was innocent and that no doctor or nurse had violated the patient. Things got bigger and bigger, and even triggered a great discussion among the Chinese on the vulnerable group of mental patients and medical violence.

In the end, it was the hospital that reached a private settlement with Sophia's parents and lost money.

Since Sophia had been medically checked for more than six months of pregnancy at the time, according to the relevant regulations, it could not be destroyed, only to be born.

In another four months, Mia and Leia were born, and at that time, Sophia was under 17 years old.

The matter has subsided, but the trouble of the Sophia family is just beginning at this time, public opinion harassment, news interviews, cold violence, social death ...

These things happened one after another in this family. Make this family miserable.

Later, they moved, incognito, and started over.

Then Sophia's father, who was the head of the family at the time, died in a traffic accident when he went out to investigate his new home. Sophia's mother, too, couldn't afford to fall ill.

Sophia suffered a catastrophe because she ran away from home, and she was afraid of the outside world. She was instigated by the "voice" and chose to stay.

It is really difficult for young single mothers to bear the cold eyes of the town people and raise a pair of daughters alone. However, Sofia is not troubled by the money. She does not mention the original settlement compensation and traffic accident claims. From time to time, she can only earn a lot of luck from the welfare bonus, which is enough for the expenses of the family of three.

In the following years, Sophia's chances have been flattening, and there is nothing worth mentioning.

The story of Mia and Leia is not too mysterious. The two of them took on Aaron Zion, not only the attribute of Aaron ’s ‘Friends of Women’, but the two sisters wanted to leave this mountain town that was so cold-eyed since childhood. It happened that Aaron's skin was good, and he traveled all over the world. He had rich experience in living and simple understanding, so he didn't look like a bad guy. So the two sisters wanted to "tangle" this intimate guide. As for the future, I will say it later.

Then there is Kane's domineering side leakage, and the 'flower achievement' of sisters and mothers and daughters is unlocked by his efficiency. So now I'm getting tired while chatting in the past.

After listening patiently, Kane said: "Your story, missing the most critical and core part, is a bit unhappy. Let me finish it and restore the truth ..."

With that said, he cast the three girls into the world of consciousness.

The three girls soon discovered that this world of consciousness turned out to be Sophia. Sophia revisited the old things, and Mia and Sister Leia watched their little troubles of nurturing them when they were young and ignorant.

They also found that there was always a gray shadow around Sophia. The more retrospective the shadow, the clearer the shadow. When Sophia was suspected of being mentally ill, the details of the shadow's appearance were basically clear.

Even the most stupid person realizes at this moment that this shadow is probably the culprit leading to everything.

"Who is she !?" Sophia couldn't help asking.

Kane laughed: "Don't you already have an answer? Yes, she is your" voice ", but it is more appropriate to call it" He ". Let's go back to the source, and we can naturally see him again, when the time comes You can ask Him yourself. "

In fact, this "He" does not give Sophia a particularly satisfactory answer. Because ‘He’ is just a ray of residual soul, not even one ten thousandth of the heyday.

Of course, if this were not the case, there would be nothing for Sophia, and her personal consciousness had long been replaced.

After all, Kane was supernatural, and under his action, the original appearance of this remnant soul appeared in front of the three women with some past.

It turned out that the remnant soul belonged to the girl of Friga, the wife of Odin.

The reason why it has fallen to a residual soul is so miserable, it is precisely because there is a problem with the Nordic dimension of the Kingdom of God, which is framed by Uktra Hill.

It was already weak, waiting for the magic tide to come back, but the house leak was confined to the night rain, the snow was worse, someone was a demon, and the kingdom of God was distorted from the level of law. .

What happened specifically, Kane was unable to restore for a while, and he had to thoroughly explore the Nordic Divine Kingdom dimension, and then spend a lot of money to restore it.

In short, it is right. Friega just escaped a ray of residual soul.

And Sophia should not, should not, and most should have a very good blood of God.

These gods were originally a follower arranged by the gods for themselves. It is rare in the era of the last law, and there are descendants of Sophia's blood concentration, which is also a genius treasure with a small probability.

It's not easy for the remnant soul to use Sophia, but the statue of his body is finally stained with blood, which is equivalent to completing the ceremonial track, and the back is simple.

As for the rest of Mia and Leia, it was the result of the fight between the three women.

It was also the remnant soul that was found by the ‘blood sense”, one was Thor, wife of Thor, Thor, and the other was the goddess who claimed to know the future in the past, Geoffin.

"So it's still the first step in the Lord's queen, Friega, who is superior, and expelled the other two by conceiving, but it is barely giving him a finale." Kane explained to the three women: "Sophia is a 'day 'Pregnant', the species is the two goddesses, and now they are at peace, because this operation is very hurt and needs to be recovered slowly. "

Reya couldn't help but ask: "That is, once they wake up, they will inevitably compete for the ownership of the body, and then our consciousness will be replaced?"

Kane played Sophia's pair of Grade E white greasy and replied: "It's almost like this, but the fusion of each other's soul is higher than you think."

After a pause, he said again: "Or you can understand that your current consciousness is the second personality that they deliberately stocked. This is one, the difference is only in who is the master. If you are the second, then your Life experience, etc., is equivalent to a book they have repeatedly read. The reverse is also true. But as a remnant soul, how much gods and secrets you can get, it is not easy to say. It should be very little, Otherwise, the integrity of the personality will be higher, and there will be no more of you now. "

Perhaps it is more experience and more mature. Sophia is relatively more open. She actively offered herself and continued to play adult games with Kane, and asked Kane: "What do you mean? I Man. "

Kane really prefers Sophia, who is full-bodied like mature peach but has not been touched by other men. Although Mia and Leia are also chaste, they lack the charming charm of mature women and need to be tuned.

He cut the **** and said: "Of course I want you to enjoy the goddess and goddess, although there is a taboo stimulation, but think carefully, those gods are some veteran veterans, and the soul is a little dirty! "

Sophia gasped and said, "I've been tired for a long time, and I want to find someone to rely on. I don't know if you are a trustworthy person, but I have no other choice, please be loving."

"No need ~ ~ I can't ask for it either. Although there is no regular romantic love between us, Sheng has accumulated emotions for a long time. I am good to you and you will be good to me, not ?"

"Well, yes!" Sophia bit her lower lip deliberately, already thinking a little. Soon, Mia and Leia also joined the battle group ...

Kane did not lie. It can even be said that he planned to give the three women a character in the morning. For example, let the three girls be a container for the divinity of the Nordic gods.

Artificial creativity, this idea is not much new. The Sunwell of the World of Warcraft universe was turned into An Wei Na by the Blue Dragon.

So, going out of this move can be regarded as a solution to the bottom draw of the Nordic gods.

It is precisely because of this that the three girls have to be won, and it is impossible to make wedding dresses for others because of the secular world.

This is a concrete manifestation of all the swords and fairies.

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