Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1215: Stage summary new changes

Kane's three daughters were tired for three or four days, and everything had progressed to a certain degree.

A war broke out more than twenty hours ago.

The Allied Prayer forces launched a wave of sea battles, and were annihilated in three hours, few of them escaped.

This naval battle consumed all the enthusiasm of the petitioners and also killed Osiris' last luck fantasy.

Comprehensive information judges that Osiris's army will not engage in any major decisive battles at sea, and even land battles may not be able to engage in it. Looking at its actions, it seems that it is arranging the aftermath.

In this regard, Kane's War Bug Legion still maintains the style of efficient farming and steady expansion.

As for Osiris' so-called backhand, Kane can only say that in the Underworld Kingdom, Osiris still has some authority, but once he wants to leave, he will inevitably encounter the crisis he laid out, can he get a ray of life, to be honest , He is really not optimistic.

He did n’t even deliberately aim at Isis, just to give them some illusions, which would be a strategy of getting around.

In short, this method of tidying up the soft escape seems to leave Aoyama not afraid of losing firewood, but it is actually looking at the situation of the enemy and ourselves. As in the current situation, Osiris playing this set is nothing but accelerating defeat.

On the contrary, Horus and Anubis may have been warned by Osiris and dived.

As a result, his original plan to shoot a bird out of bankruptcy went bankrupt. But he was basically certain that the two were hiding or wandering on the American continent.

Therefore, there are three goals for Osiris, there is also the purpose of fishing these two fish.

Osiris's backhand requires them to participate in half, and then there will be clues.

It doesn't matter if you're really suffocated, the ratmen will eventually dig it out.

Speaking of ratmen, you have to mention the fortifications.

In general, humans are not a tolerant race. At that time, they were able to annihilate their close relatives, the Neanderthals. In the long history of the development of civilization, they even raised the butcher's knife against each other again and again, and were even given the only reason not to survive. And kill the same race's honor. It can be seen that its ethnic nature.

Against this background, mortal people in a certain place were incited, and the squad of demolition and demolition clamoring for the slogan of “Devil Extermination and Destroyer, Defend the Homeland” was endless, and it was naturally not surprising that they repeatedly engaged in trouble.

In this regard, Kane instructed Miranda to give the Ratmen support at the information level.

In a word: who incited, killed who.

He will not let the Ratmen fight against humans, but it will not let the Ratmen be abused. It's about restraint and strategy.

So there is such a strategy. For a time, a lighthouse country had a storm of 'human evaporation'.

Regardless of the public, who is the dog-headed military division, or the intelligence broker, in short, those big brothers who instigated people and organized people to do things have disappeared.

Even if it is hidden in the crowd, it is useless. The shadow rat directly starts the phantom to move around, looting people in front of other people, and then no one can live, no dead.

This incident has taken a toll on the hearts and minds of the citizens of a place in the Beacon Country. It can be said that the skills that the extraordinary have not been exposed in the world for many years have been revealed by the rats.

Although most people in the world still believe that their thermal weapons and large-scale weapons can effectively kill the enemy, even the extraordinary, they have to admit that the defense system of the lighthouse country is a sieve in front of the extraordinary. Once the war broke out, the transcendentalists did their utmost to destroy the rear, and the scene could hardly be imagined.

The initiators who used mortals to fight the ratmen reluctantly admitted the failure. After all, once the citizen ’s sense of security is missing, economic development is basically empty talk, and capital is bound to flee, so the light of the lighthouse country should be extinguished.

Fortunately, from the beginning, there were so many people who disagreed with encouraging mortals to engage in things. Therefore, we just conducted a pilot in a region to see whether it would be possible to suppress the rat-man's comprehensive network by offering a declaration of independence to play the people's war .

Facts have proved that this is indeed very dangerous.

In fact, in recent times, the eyes of the world's superpowers have been mainly attracted by France.

The reason is also simple. Vera, who was ordered by Cain, is doing unprecedented violent damage to France.

The specific reason is naturally because the secret key will.

For this secret society, the French themselves are reluctant to start, because the members of the secret society are not only a pillar of the extraordinary circle of France, but also their relatives and friends.

In the eyes of Kane, this secret society exudes the extravagant stench of the 18th century Western European nobles, but the form has changed a bit.

This piece of carrion, for France, may be equivalent to 40% of the whole. It will die if it is cut off, but it is only a piece of the world's extraordinary circle that is less than 3%, and the adverse consequences caused by it are greater than Just let it perish for a long time.

Alisa Fontaine came to Boston to see Kane, mainly for this matter. She witnessed the scene of the strange vampire killing Vera Wood Puppet, so she knew that Vera was Kane's.

She represents a considerable part of France's extraordinary, and hopes that Kane can be sidelined. Vera ’s killing is too brutal, not only killing the demon master, but also taking a sitting method. The specific rule is that anyone who is determined to know the secrets of the demon master and benefits for a long time is guilty.

According to this rule, the family members of the demon master's family did not run.

In the face of Vera ’s killer, the secret key will naturally rebel. They invited the French black demon Faust to play, and at the same time played a trick, wanting to be contained by Faust ’s front, and they used strong means. In a sneak attack, La kills Vera.

However, Kane opened Vera, and the magic circle set up, and the gods and demons could not attack.

Not only did the secret key not succeed in a sneak attack, but Vera took the opportunity to obtain the "Solomon Key".

The fact that this book fell on Vera is equivalent to announcing the collective death of the demon masters. Because you can use the Demon God contract, lock the demon master, and run to the end of the world is useless.

Then the wizards lost their minds, broke the jars, and destroyed them. Count on the threat of mortal life to force Vera to close.

For someone else, this trick may be effective, at least it can be delayed.

But Vera couldn't do it. The ancient man was imprisoned for neglect of human life, and he couldn't twist his temper for centuries.

Not to mention that in the era when Vera was active, the human population is not of the same order of magnitude as modern times. If the proportion is calculated, Vera is the kind of witch who has not frowned upon the death of hundreds of millions of people.

The crazy actions of the warlords only make Vera more cruel, and a torture that is more cruel than death. In the words of a goblin: "Even bystanders, it is unavoidable to regret the suffering master. Why did he regret that he failed to preempt himself in advance."

Therefore, the global focus in recent days has been in France, and the scorching head is far from enough to describe the sorrow of the figures of the ruling figures such as the French Ministry of Magic and the mortal official.

In order to avoid the turmoil of the whole country, not only the house-elves come to the fore, cast a wide-ranging oblivion curse, but even goblins are hired to tamper with mortal memories. The mortal who can be injured and killed by the incident has exceeded 200,000!

Even with the full support of the International Federation of Magic, the hospitals were overcrowded, the incinerator was not enough, and several temporary incineration sites were established, burning day and night.

As for burial ... Sorry, the funeral industry does not have that throughput capacity, and the global acquisition of body bags is not in a hurry. After a long time, it is prone to plague. Cremation is the simplest.

For this reason, they even made up lies about infectious diseases, asking people to isolate themselves at home to avoid infection.

In fact, not only the world, but also the transcendentals are subject to travel restrictions.

The French Ministry of Magic has basically lost its ability to function normally after experiencing a series of human disasters such as the Halloween event.

Instead of exercising some of the Ministry of Magic's functions, the International Federation of Wizards issued a collective injunction to the extraordinary.

This is also a helpless act against the background of Vera and the secret key. If Vera cannot be stopped, then the key meeting can only be restricted together. What's more, the horror-doctrine that the secret key would take mortal as a funerary was indeed not washed.

In this context, anyone who acts privately without accepting the injunction will be judged to be a member of the Secret Society, or an accomplice. In order to further aggravate the situation, such severe measures can only be taken.

In the current situation, it seems that the peak period of the disaster has passed, Vera's killing efficiency is extremely high, and most of the demon masters have already laid back.

Although the Secret Society also includes members of non-servant magicians, the harm of ordinary members is ultimately limited. The way of Vera's destruction is mainly based on the demon **** contract of "Solomon's Key". Non-contractors do not take the initiative to jump out. Vera will not target, which means that non-servant magicians can hold certain fluke Psychologically seek survival, see if you can escape this cleaning.

Therefore, with the rapid prosecution of the majority of the demon masters, the possibility of attempting to recreate large-scale human disasters has become increasingly low.

But the French Dark Lord Faust is an uncontrollable factor.

Faust is the only one who has faced Vera head-to-head and has finally escaped his life. This in itself is proof of strength.

After all, Vera holding the staff of life has been hailed by many people as the Holy Spirit walking on earth. It is similar to the existence of archangels in the related books of God worship, such as Michael, Gabriel and so on.

When it comes to worshipping God, the Holy See has been extremely peaceful in recent times.

This even worries some extraordinary people who deal with it frequently. According to the past performance of the Holy See, such a calm and low-key, no matter how stormy the outside world is, it is generally holding back the bad and brewing big moves.

Kane took a different view on this, because he had piggybacked a group of angels in the battle with the four wind **** deer in the broken earth dimension.

He believed that after Nerva brought the news back, he could calm down the vicious Holy Church, and don't think that the passage to heaven was cleared a lot, and he could use the angel's thick legs to make waves in the world.

Of course, he also admits that the Holy See family is indeed a cancer that deserves his attention. Both the heaven dimension and the **** dimension have great power.

It is for this reason that instead of rushing to the door, he intends to wipe out the rotten fish first, and then concentrate on attacking heaven and hell.

Now he has a few lines on hand.

Osiris' progress seemed to be the best. But there are still Horus and Anubis running away. He has the opportunity to disgust him.

Vera has the highest degree of completion, but also has the variable Faust. He was mainly worried about what kind of support it had, and then made a stunning appearance and made a big event.

Therefore, his instructions to Vera are: It is better to chase the remaining courage to the poor, not to relax.

The line of death vines was the most erratic, so that after eating a little peep, he fell silent, and nothing happened.

He knew this was not over, and new terrorist incidents might have occurred somewhere.

There is no hurry in this respect. Fortunately, with the completion of the construction of the mouse-man stronghold network, together with Miranda who secretly controls the human communication and monitoring network, a comprehensive monitoring system has been formed. Find.

The ocean is currently a weak link. However, the expansion of the Underworld Kingdom has entered a period of efficient proliferation. Within two days, submarine base ships can be dispatched. These ships are like submersible MCV base vehicles, which can be farmed. , Just around the corner.

The most confusing situation is the Yuktra Hill dimension. The distortion of the Nordic Divine Kingdom has repeatedly exceeded his expectations. At present, it seems that it is not the old branch, or the handwriting of the ancient **** who was enemed by Zhao Wenrui, It is a brand new enemy.

Of course, it may be an old opponent, but there has never been a head-to-head confrontation in the past.

In any case, the progress of the steam puppets' exploration is real, and the truth will not surface for too long.

In addition to these fairly clear personnel clues, there are not so clear enemies running away. For example, the lower old branch god, the **** of the labyrinth, Ihot, and the snake father Igo, and the Greek gods headed by the dark Titan Sutton.

After temporarily saying goodbye to Sophia's three daughters, Kane went to the footbath.

The national character of the Germans is a variant of the Viking pirates that originated in Scandinavia. Women generally endure hardships and talents, but virtue and make men feel like big men. There are many examples of the Lord.

Sophia raises Mia and Leia on her own, but her personality is quite strong.

After the strength conquered by the "overbearing president", the characteristics in this area began to show up.

Moreover, with the extraordinary backbone of Kane, there is also a ‘head running’ that ordinary people ca n’t imagine, such as immortality, such as eternal youth, such as not being fat if you eat it ...

Well, what women pay attention to, sometimes they are not on the same channel as men.

In general, Sophia did not show excessive attachment to Kane, she was not that kind of little woman. But it can not be said that it is ruthless, but he is regarded as a man at home.

Specifically, he was asked to remember the importance of ‘going home’, and he was not allowed to fool around outside, at least not to let them know.

In Kane's view, this is a mature performance. In fact, he doesn't have much free time to contaminate female sex.

As for the emotional needs, in the conscious universe, he has family members and there is no lack of interaction.

It ’s just that since it ’s under the banner of continuing to experience life in the HP world, it ’s just a single shadow, and it always feels like a lot of fun. It's also pretty good. But there is a premise that the other party needs to be mature enough and does not need to coax.

It happened that Sophia, Mia, and Leia were more in line with the needs, and they ignored the secular Lund and directly took possession. He believes that with Sophia, even if Mia and Leia are young and childish, there will be no major problems.

Travelling to Dongying as Aaron Zion mainly dealt with the scourge of Voldemort's line.

With Lord Voldemort's long silence, he had basically confirmed that Lord Voldemort had fallen under the command of the Tokushima base camp. The dragons have no heads and compete for power, and these dramas are now largely settled.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the new incident detonated and actually made Huang Quan die in the capital and became a new hot search in the extraordinary circle.

Kane, however, feels that this is not easy.

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