Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1217: Light boat enters the realm

The director of the Department of Foreign Personnel Management of Dongying Ministry of Magic, after receiving help, hurriedly saw it using

I watched it in time. The two unlucky eggs had not been burned to death, so I watched the movie.

Of course, the director does not want to watch the drama.

However, when he politely announced his name, Kane said something, so he decided to watch the show.

Kane said so, he said:

"The circle of transcendental people is more particular about" power is respected "than the world, because the powerful ones can be one enemy. I believe you will not refute this point."

"I also know that the transcendence has not yet jumped out of the category of human beings, it is a social animal. And society, it is necessary to impose rules. So although the fist is reasonable, but still have to learn to follow the customs of the country."

"The strong man ’s reason and the rules of society have formed a conflict. On this issue, I think I can take a step back. I will give you and the Ministry of Magic behind you, and even the majority of Dongying magic wand wizards. If you feel acceptable, this The matter came to an end. If you don't accept ... "Kane smiled and said nothing threatening.

Then he gave his statement:

"You stand for the rules, and I stand for the reason. Taking a step back, we don't take both to talk about things. We talk about the interests. I came to deal with the crisis of the four countries. If this thing is done well, it will benefit me, and it will benefit you more."

"The situation on Tokushima is much worse than what you know, even if you have concealed the seriousness of the problem by a considerable degree of foreign aid."

"Speaking of which, I have to express some of my dissatisfaction with your Ministry of Magic. Only this matter, your credibility is almost bankrupt. No matter what reason you have, more than 15,000 extraordinary discounts In Tokushima, this is not a trivial matter. The most crucial point is incompetence. You have sent 15,000 elites to the evil prison, but you are expecting more people to fill this hole ... "

Kane shook his head and snapped his fingers. All the people present, except for the chief, were caught in the effect of the oblivion curse, as if shaken by the memory cleaner in {Black Man}, with a dull expression Dumb, no focus.

"I find that you don't know much about this matter. You can continue to report upwards and give me an answer before I turn these two into fiery puppets."

So two minutes later, the real power figures who could really say the word arrived, and the director can stand by and watch the final process of Li Huolian.

At this time, the **** organs of the two unlucky eggs had been burned, but the bones had grown a lot. Severe bone hyperplasia had made it appear to be half-armored, but there were a lot of cracks on it, and the blue inside was extinguished. Li Huoguang, staring closely, there will be the feeling of watching the inside through the blast furnace fire hole, the scorching destruction is dreamlike and magnificent but it makes people shudder.

"I'm Dong Ying, Minister of Magic of the Ministry of Magic, I would like to ask you ..."

Kane waved his hand, "Do n’t always have such a strong desire to control, I wo n’t tell you my true identity, Aaron Zion, is my current name, or codename. I ’m going through the process this time, also Just have a certain curiosity about your operation. Now I can only skip it with a little regret. Make a decision, cooperate, or follow the rules. "

Qingtian Kangji felt the strength that could not be refused, and the attitude of being too lazy to talk nonsense. Awkward response: "We choose to cooperate."

Kane smiled, he just wanted to embarrass them.

As the saying goes, one side of the soil and one side of the people is limited by the region, the thinking pattern of the Dongying people has always been small, and the swordsman is like a risk. This time it is like this.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the outside world, the small movements in private constantly, I want to be able to repay my face and face, and the result is to pit others.

If it was not because he killed Voldemort after his return, the situation would be even worse several times. It was n’t because Dongying Ministry of Magic had lost his face because he could n’t cover the lid ...

A few hours later, a small diesel-fueled fishing boat carrying Kane and his newly-fired puppets across Wakayama Bay went to Tokushima.

After the sea walked for the most part, Kane said to the ship boss: "It's okay to get here. If you go forward, you can't go back."

He jumped off the boat as he said, stepping on the undulating and not so big waves like a flat ground, stepping towards Tokushima step by step, Lihuo Puppet just followed, but the firework gas was obviously heavier, every step would be between the waves Stepped out a burning blue-blue flame.

The boss of the ship folded his palms together against Kane's back, and he drove away. Soon after, a destroyer was anchored in the vicinity, and it was reported internally that this is a new security boundary.

The misty sea at night can see the city lights in the distance. It was as distant as a mirage, and then suddenly, clearly appeared in front of me.

Like most cities in Dongying, due to factors such as earthquakes and frequent tsunami, Tokushima has not many high-rise buildings.

But now when viewed from a distance, it looks like a tree city of elves, tall buildings like towering ancient trees stand everywhere, with various lights dotted between them, revealing an exotic style different from human civilization.

It's just that once you look closely, it's another kind of feeling.

It was as if the beauty filter had been torn off, the magnificent tree city became ghostly, and the huge iron-gray building extended the branches with sharp edges and rigid lines, just like various types of iron awls, and the branches were messy. The four sides are spread out, and the ground is also mostly an arrowlike thatch, a large cluster of large clusters, the tip of which burns a poisonous green light.

The ground seemed to have been baptized by the tsunami, and the tide would recede, but it was dirty, muddy, and stagnant water, but the water was thick and turbid, and it smelled rotten and smelly.

As soon as Kane and his team boarded the Second Chome of Dongchongzhou, they were greeted with enthusiasm. They first crawled out of a wicked ghost from the muddy mud.

These evil spirits are obviously not as elite as the kind of evil spirits dominated by Voldemort and others. But they have their own distinctive attributes.

Earth fire water wind has its dark side, and the attribute possessed by these evil spirits is the dark side of water, which is corroded.

They look like dried corpses with gluten, and they have been eaten by fish and shrimp. Their skins are gray and inelastic, and they hang loosely on the body like a broken skin bladder, but they are also shrivelled. It seems that the skin is the skeleton, and there is no flesh and blood.

What is more striking is that their heart parts are shining bright blue light, and some of them can be seen directly through the skeleton ribs because of the broken skin. That is the heart nucleus, the energy source of evil spirits, and their weakness.

Kane is not interested in this kind of monster, although it moves fast, but has no rules, and will only swarm up and down.

Command the Lihuo puppet to fight. The puppet's tactics are quite demon warrior. One hand can be switched between the three weapon states of gun, whip, and knife. The other hand is a short staff of about two feet. In the form of magic bullets, Lihuo fires continuously at a rate of fire of 300 per minute. If necessary, he can use the weapon to make up the knife or kill it.

The two puppets, with Kane as the axis, continue to roam and attack. Although there are many water evil spirits, they cannot get close. Occasionally, someone attempting to sneak in by relying on water escapes was also burnt into ashes by the flame wall fire generated by the puppet stomping his feet.

Less than five minutes before and after, hundreds of water evil spirits were all killed, flying fire embers everywhere, full color, cool effect, beautiful drops.

Kane expressed his satisfaction with this wave of welcome ceremonies. What kind of garland is there, how can the beauty of fireworks bloom in life?

After clearing this wave of monsters, he did not rush to leave.

He wanted to see that there was a natural defense mechanism here.

Moreover, he wasn't ready to smash Huanglong yet, and just walked in his rhythm A, just enough to be refreshed.

Facts have proved that the war prison dispatch of the evil prison is okay, that is, in five or six minutes, the new evil ghost crowd will be killed.

Kane considered that the killing efficiency of the fierce puppets built to clear up the miscellaneous soldiers was much higher than the ordinary level, so it was concluded that if the ordinary small war group with a size of less than 100 people landed, then the evil prison was almost a soldier source The seamless connection of the water evil spirits can hold the opponent for a little while, the wind evil spirits will arrive, and then the members of the landing group will be attacked by the open ground.

In fact, the environmental characteristics of the water evil spirits using the sludge land are still relatively difficult. Obviously, the average depth of mud water just past the ankle, but these water evil spirits can swim like a fish into the river, and then jump to attack.

It can be said that just relying on this kind of tricks to fight, you can achieve enemies to drag time. When encountering a fierce puppet that can burn all combustibles, but can be accurately controlled, it can only be said that the water evil ghost is unlucky.

The new wind evil spirits, like Taishan, the ape, and ninjas in the Naruto world, leaped between giant tree-like buildings and rushed to the battlefield. The attack was basically a high-profile magic arrow shooting.

Kane noticed that the arrows used by these wind evil spirits are exactly the kind of arrow grass clustered everywhere on the ground, except that in addition to the toxins that the arrow grass comes with, the wind evil ghosts also added wind blades and fast wind effects to the arrows .

Therefore, these arrows can fly around like arcs, and the speed is fast, and not only the arrow kills, but also the blade-like line kills with the wind blade.

So the chaos of arrows, which is equivalent to a large number of knives madly chopped, is simply to chop Kane and Lihuo puppets into meat.

Then Kane's body surface has a thin layer of field protection, and all the blows of the wind evil spirit collided with it, and they have not ended, as if they have been devoured.

The Lihuo Puppet raised the Lihuo Tornado, which was circling around the body. The arrows swayed, the wind blade resolved, and the defense did not leak.

And the waves of fierce fire and rain, the fiery fire whips that have been flying like spirit snakes and dragons, are constantly harvesting the lives of wind evil spirits.

Lihuo is a cursing fire, but anything that is combustible will try to burn it to ashes. If you want to remove its threats, you need strength to override the power of this cursed fire, and you have to be fast. Once you make it full Burn it, and then try to extinguish it, the difficulty will be doubled.

The power of the wind evil spirits is far from being stronger than the fierce fire, but if they are hit, unless they are limbs and cut off in time, they will spread all over the body in two seconds, and they will be completely burnt to fly ash in two seconds.

The green light flows between the giant trees, the blue light blooms, and a cruel and gorgeous death movement is interwoven.

Hundreds of wind evil spirits were destroyed and did not flinch. Even if only the last one remained, they were still struggling to shoot arrows.

Kane also admitted that although some of these evil spirits were killed, they did have the characteristics of qualified puppet soldiers.

If he is not a returnee, but only the original Kane Shafick and the War Wolf Group, facing such enemies, let alone fatal casualties, he will never be able to win easily, even once the evil prison has a breathing opportunity, Mobilize more combat power, his war bugs will be crushed.

There are more than 600,000 people in Tokushima. Voldemort ’s nuclear terror did not directly kill all, not even half, but the neighboring Komatsushima, Naruto, Yoshino River, and even Anan City were shrouded in evil enemies. Few escaped. Therefore, the actual number of people who fell is over one million.

Paying attention to the topography of Dongying Zhudao, you will find that there are many flat land and few flat land, and the flat land is mostly located in the coastal area, which means that the population is relatively densely populated.

It can be said that with the fall of the coastal area centered on Tokushima City, the entire eastern part of Shikoku Island has no decent residence for large populations.

Millions of people have fallen and been digested for such a long time. This area has become a hell-like place on the earth, plus the elite ghost elite transformed by the extraordinary bounty hunters who have filled this deep pit in succession. Even if all the extraordinary people on this planet can be screened together to form an extraordinary army, they may not be able to win.

Seeing that the extraordinary who are bound to decay here, Kane feels that there are not a few, and these people chose to silence, obviously not only feel that the odds are not high.

Now that the evil prison has been further transformed and deteriorated, Kane can't sit still, he can't sit back and watch the snake father Igo complete the construction of the prison bridge, and then open the evil army of dark sin soul world continuously.

Of course, he didn't intend to rely on two puppets to kill the mass evil spirits of evil prison.

In fact, this time he played the role of special forces. It is his main job to guide the accurate placement of weapons of mass destruction.

After chopping melons and vegetables and killing a wave of evil spirits, the efficiency of the troop transport on the evil prison side is obviously a bit slower than the killing speed of the Kane side.

Kane took a puppet and calmly went deep for about ten kilometers. Then he set the first strike point, and after three minutes of lackluster guarding, he used phantom dislocation to evacuate.

After another two seconds, the electromagnetic shock wave nuclear weapon completed the transition and exploded.

First, a huge plasma fireball suddenly appeared. UU reading did not have Qin Yun or shock waves, but a wider range of EMP-like electromagnetic pulse diffusion. In this ultra-high-speed electromagnetic diffusion process, high-frequency shock wave Fully effective, you immediately saw those towering giant tree-like buildings, like sand castles collapsed from the inside, turned into a lot of debris, completely collapsed and collapsed.

These buildings are actually called **** pointers, and their functions are similar to the energy columns controlled by the natural enemies in {Transformers 3} to make the planetary transition of Cybertron.

Now, hundreds of **** pointers have been destroyed, causing the snake father Igo to work hard for more than a month.

In addition, there is a work of culprits in the **** pointer. With this explosion, nearly 100,000 culprits were wiped out, and this loss was greater than the destruction of a batch of **** pointers.

Father Snake already sensed the sudden huge loss here, and he knew that a strong enemy had appeared.

Immediately, his voice rang in the ear of the dark **** Titan Sutton of the Greek department: "Cronus, now, fulfill the contract and return to Blue Star to destroy all the enemies." ...

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