Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1218: Seeing the westbound and starting the war again

Kronos is easily confused with Kronos, the **** of time, so even he himself is more willing to use the title of ancient Roman mythology, Sutton.

Sutton is the second generation king, the youngest of the twelve Titans.

He took the throne by virtue of the 'sickle seizure' incident, overthrowing his father, the brutal and authoritarian Uranos.

He castrated Uranos and imprisoned it into the **** of Greek theology-Tartaros.

Uranos predicted that he would be overthrown by his son.

Sutton believed this, so he not only put the powerful one-eyed and hundred-handed Titans into Tartaros, but also ate his five children, the sixth of which was Zeus.

Sutton ’s wife, Rhea, decided to protect the child, and gave it to Ningfu to support, and wrapped a stone in cloth and gave it to Sutton, who swallowed it without looking.

Later, after growing up, Zeus was recommended to Sutton as a servant, and Zeus looked at the opportunity to drink the medicated wine for the alcoholic Sutton, so Sutton was awake and vomited.

In this way, the formerly swallowed goddess Demeter (second sister), marriage and childbirth **** Hera (three sisters), kitchen **** Hestia (big sister), Hades **** (big brother), Neptune Poseidon (second brother) was vomited, and Sutton was later imprisoned in Tartaros. The younger brother Zeus who rescued the brothers and sisters became the king of the third generation of gods.

Myths and legends are such a statement, but the truth is plausible.

In the dark HP universe, because the three great gods of Northern Europe, Egypt, and Greece all originated from the Aran, the truth and the legend are farther away.

But these are really important to Kane?

He felt that it might be important to change 30,000 years ago.

Insufficient strength, skills to make up, the gods are not iron plates, even pulling and striking together, vertical and horizontal, a round, seemingly impossible goal, perhaps achieved.

But now, the truth is less important. It can even be viewed as an anecdote of gossip, knowing whether or not, and knowing how much does not make much sense.

The point is that he didn't make a big mistake himself, so the most, but just like the death vine trap, destroyed his body.

Since he couldn't even detect the white dragon fish suit, Kane acted rudely and lucidly.

He knew that behind the evil prison was the snake father Igo, and that Igo absorbed the sullen Sutton line. He now caused Igomon to suffer heavy losses, then Igo is likely to appoint Sutton to play. And Sutton's shot is bound to be surrounded by gods.

He said in heart: "Let's see what kind of means this survivor of light can use."

The area of ​​more than 400 square kilometers was destroyed by a shock wave bomb, and the evil prison side suffered heavy losses.

Kane still thought it was not thorough enough. He let Lihuo Puppet ignite everywhere and burned the ruins to ashes.

The cyan fire spread all over, burning everything that could burn, and soon formed a sea of ​​flames. From the satellite in space, you can clearly see this bright blue light.

Kane's fierce fire is not the same as Greenwood's fierce fire. It is also a curse fire, but this version of his can not form all kinds of animal spirits. But it is purer and more powerful, and even the spirit in it can be refined, making Li Huo even more pure. To put it bluntly, the more lives it kills, the more powerful it is.

Therefore, the Lihuo Puppet set fire everywhere, which can be regarded as an alternative practice. When this large area burns to ashes, centered on Tokushima City, north to Naruto, south to Komatsushima, and west to Yoshino River, the most elite area of ​​Tokushima Plain has become a land of ashes.

The powers of evil prisons established here also collapsed due to the loss of support.

The mists and illusions that once blocked observations are naturally destroyed. Not to mention the Dongying Ministry of Magic, even the secular officials, relying on satellites to see the situation in this area.

From this point of view, the luck that was originally held is completely gone.

Not to mention the area burnt by scorched earth, even the outer part is obviously a ghost. It can even be said that the periphery is not as good as the scorched earth. The cross-flowing weird sewage, the poisonous green light of tufted grasses, all show the danger of the environment.

Of course, the embellishment of evil spirits is also essential.

The shock bomb killed a lot of evil spirits, but there are still a lot of them, including the earth evil and the fire evil who have not yet confronted Kane and his party.

But these, in the eyes of experts, can not be regarded as the focus, even if their combat power in the evil prison is comparable to Auror, but it can still be easily judged as a cannon fodder.

What really attracted the attention of the transcendentals was the prison ghosts shining with evil light. This type of monster looks more tyrannical, and most of them are unique.

That is to say, evil energy is presented on them like a talent development, and unlike ordinary evil ghosts, they are all created according to the template, and their own characteristics are extinguished.

The people of Dongying Ministry of Magic, remembering what Kane said before, realized that these were probably transformed from the 15,000 extraordinary bounty hunters, which may not be the grassroots commander, but the combat power is definitely not bad, and is Have their own special skills, like a little BOSS is not easy to deal with.

"Since the value of salvation has been completely lost, I suggest the use of weapons of mass destruction," said a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, [August 1 Chinese Network].

The others secretly whispered, some people said: "The mouth is really fast, grab my lines ..."

In fact, the decision-making level of Dongying Ministry of Magic is not a horrible device, and he dare not slap his hands. They are transcendents, and they don't treat mortals as humans than worldly dignitaries. Sacrifice is also sacrificed. In particular, Dong Ying has had traditions such as 'Bushido Spirit' and 'Long Live Charge' since ancient times. For the purpose of showing the destiny, for the great cause, for all kinds of tall sayings, it is possible to reasonably sacrifice others.

Of course, they will also boast of being successful if they are unsuccessful, but in practice, they can really ruin their hearts and there are only a handful of them. More than half of them are really unable to shirk their responsibilities and let others retaliate against themselves.

Therefore, at the expense of this kind of thing, it is mainly true to the middle and lower levels, the upper levels are all slogans, and the actions are absolutely short.

This is true of the world, and so is the pretentious superior. Therefore, as long as Voldemort's nuclear terror showed that it was entrenched in this place, it had already used weapons of mass destruction.

This is also an important reason why worldly and even extraordinary people are not satisfied with Dongying Ministry of Magic.

Regardless of the cost, not only the people in the disaster area, but also the secular officers and paramilitary personnel (police and firemen) who are still fighting, and even a considerable part of the extraordinary, also pretended to stage a show of being blocked and retreating. The timely delivery of the play code was indeed ruthless and dark enough to make the enemy caught off guard.

However, the effect of the strike was not satisfactory, and it can even be said that the damage to your own camp is much higher than the damage to the enemy.

What was even more criticized was the two ends of the first mouse shown by the Ministry of Magic. The debate about whether to use the Zhenguo artifact was endless. As a result, after missing the best time, he invested again, so that he successfully swayed himself, but Did not get what it deserves.

However, when he reinvested his life and forgotten to create an opportunity to use the artifact, the Ministry of Magic used the strategy of "Xiaosheng's exit", shook it, and bought his teammates. So that it once again caused a large number of casualties of the extraordinary group.

Although the Ministry of Magic's own losses are not small, but most of them are inferior products among the secondary wizards cultivated by the ‘degree seed’ plan. It can be said that the Ministry of Magic is also reluctant to bear the expenses of these people, and find an opportunity to break its jade.

Even if there is not enough evidence to prove the viciousness of the Ministry of Magic, most Dongying transcendent believe that the Ministry of Magic is playing such a routine.

It is precisely because of this that the Ministry of Magic ’s credibility has plummeted, which has forced it to strengthen the bounty system and use heavy money to recruit volunteers from around the world.

So at this moment, it is recommended to use weapons of mass destruction, it is completely to set up a torii, it is clear that the evil **** enchantment was broken by Kane, and wanted to take the opportunity to chase and fight, but it seems like his own white lotus .

But even so, still a face.

After all, none of the Ministry of Magic is innocent. In this context, it is actually quite suitable for commercial exchange. Blowing each other seems decent, then take it seriously and say it relative to the inside. What about shameless? Talking a lot, the fake is also true.

So the Ministry of Magic dominated the secular military and quickly carried out several rounds of attacks on these areas. Including missiles and bombs.

In these years, F15 \\ F16 \\ (Land Aviation) and F14 \\ F18 (HNA) are becoming more and more popular, and the army of the lighthouse country stationed in Japan has corresponding fighters. The secular officials ca n’t move their father, but the Ministry of Magic can.

So the fighter plane bombed, and it became a beautiful scenery. The Ministry of Magic has not lost the opportunity to unite with the secular official, and showed a hand in front of the people, pulling a bunch of 'strategizing, paying saliva, courage, not failing to report, the time has not come Lie, using word games, to take Kane's operation under their name, as if it was because of their wise magic, that they had this major victory ...

After Kane knew the situation through Miranda, he just laughed twice and then exposed it.

He really sees more politician's morality, but it's strange not to do so.

However, the evil **** created by Igor is still quite deep. The Dongying Ministry of Magic knows how to get rid of it. If it feels that this is a chance to win the victory after the pursuit, I am afraid that it will take some hardship.

As a result, Dongying Ministry of Magic proved how impatient they were with practical actions, and besides, following the bombing of fighter planes and the shelling and missile firing of surface ships, the airborne troops made their debut.

The first team invested was an extraordinary team. After gliding in a flying squirrel suit for a while, they locked on the ground landing point and used phantom shift to complete the final journey.

Dozens of extraordinary warriors play this way, and they have a taste of watching group performances, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

After landing, the super soldier immediately cleared the surrounding area. This is to sweep the field for the parachute troops of the world.

Sure enough, Dad ’s father ’s fleet of C-130 transport planes arrived. Soon afterwards, there were many white flowers in the sky.

It is against this background that a beam of thunderbolt-like evil energy pointed at the sky diagonally, and swept back and forth like a long pole for five or six seconds before the energy was interrupted for nothing.

This time the airborne troops can be miserable. After the transport plane has dropped people, it is not meaningful to pull up immediately, because Kane visually observed that those evil beams, ten kilometers away, began to quickly overflow. At this range Inside, all are in the state of high energy bundling.

The airborne in this era is all about 3,000 meters in height, and tens of thousands of meters of high-altitude parachutes require special cold protection equipment and support equipment. Large quantities of parachute troops are unrealistic.

So Kane saw that the transport plane was cut into two pieces by the waist and exploded in the air; the paratroopers were even more target-like, and they were stirred by a poisonous green energy beam like a **** stick. Even if they were not directly hit, they were also caused by the air flow. The parachute was out of order and became free-falling. From a distance, it fell down like a hail, quite tragic.

Kane did not play rescue, but admired this cruel scene while advancing toward the west.

The Tokushima Plain is the estuary of the Yoshino River (river). It can be understood as an alluvial plain, with its upper and lower water network and more than 100 large rivers and small rivers, but they are all properly managed by municipal projects and do not seem to be conspicuous.

Leaving aside this area, going up the river is the city of Yoshinogawa, and the city of Awa in the northwest, which is the terrain of the valley. Further west is Mima City, and the source of the Yoshino River is Miyoshi City, which is already in the middle of Shikoku Island.

According to the information detected by Miranda, the snake father Igo was still very cunning when planning this evil prison. The key point is not at the center of the evil prison, but at one end, and it is still a kind of secret.

Therefore, the overall effect looks more like a pickaxe. Tokushima City occupies the thickest and most weighty picket. On the south side, it crosses Komatsushima City and Anan City, which is tens of kilometers south. It constitutes the pick cone, and the real source is in Yoshinogawa.

Kane also completely detoxified the Tokushima Plain and burned it to a clean spot before he was completely sure of this.

He was not in a hurry, wondering about the most fierce resistance he would encounter near Takagawahara on the west side of Tokushima City.

To be honest, he was quite satisfied as a battlefield there. UU reading instead is that if you make rapid advances now and kill Yoshinogawa City, it will easily cause lives to be burned.

This is because Dongying Ministry of Magic is not clear about the actual arrangement of Snake Father Igo, so that not only heavy troops are arranged in Yoshino River, but also more than half of the people in the city have not yet evacuated.

Kane didn't really care about the death of some Dongying people, but if he caused a lot of casualties due to his simple choice, it seemed a bit deliberate, he would not do that.

Therefore, if he advances like this, in fact, it can be regarded as leaving some time for the snake father Igo to reorganize the horses and horses. At that time, he will play a game in Takagawahara, and the effort will be released. two.

However, reality inevitably differs from imagination.

Kane thought that Sutton's slickness, even if he was not perfunctory, would wait for him and wait for him to come home. Unexpectedly, he came straight to A.

"Is it that the win is bigger? But where is the confidence?"

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