Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1222: Immortality

Voldemort, who had a lot of extraordinary energy to spend, saw that Kane's countermeasures were effective, and immediately set off a third wave of evil light snakes, followed by a fourth wave.

As Voldemort walked farther and farther on the tactical path of repeated stacking, Kane increased the strength of the Black Wind Fighting Falcon while Voldemort was already crazy and his brain was not very smart.

Behind the performance of the struggle between the two parties, the essence is the supernatural power controlled by the mind.

It's just that Voldemort made use of the fragmentation of the law of dimensionality to make up for the lack of his own mind. After all, it hasn't even achieved the legendary karma itself, and the level of mental power is not enough to independently perform such a scale, and it also has quite high requirements for fineness.

Kane is controlled by his own mind, even if it is limited by the heaven and earth rules of the material plane, but mind is the mind, every thought is ten thousand, and every ray of tenacity is enough to make a fighting falcon. vivid.

The old-day ruler is the strongman of the multiverse known as the god-minded tyranny. Kane experienced the filtering of the many vests, and finally got the knowledge of the old-day ruler without being polluted.

In addition, as a master of puppet manipulation, he was originally strong in spirit and mastered in control.

Combining the two, it can be said that the universe is known to be stronger than him in the field of Shennian, and it will never exceed a slap.

Therefore, even the legendary order (the body serves as the base of the soul and provides the nutrients necessary for the operation of the soul. Therefore, the upper limit of the spiritual power generated by the soul in a unit time, affected by the performance of the body), is still arrogant, and it is easy to clean up Sutton. A group is the best proof.

At this moment, although the number of Blackwind Fighting Falcons generated by Kane is far less than the Evil Light Snake, it wins steadily and lastingly. Even if Voldemort repeatedly presses people, and the poisonous green is empty, it seems that the Fighting Falcon is buried, but in fact The war situation did not collapse.

The black whirlwind is still powerful, and the falcon is caught in a foraging spree.

Many evil light snakes also fell into Snake Lake, which further expanded the area of ​​Snake Lake and increased the momentum. But in fact it was cooking oil, and the worries have already appeared.

The filthy residue falling in the air like volcanic ash is a typical extraordinary product, and its harm is far stronger than the radiation that ordinary people say.

The fusion of these residues is super strong, combined with any substance, can give it the extraordinary attributes of 'dirty'.

In the process of falling in the air, they have eroded the dust, moisture, and even the gas itself in the air.

Therefore, if you observe carefully with superb observation power, you will find that these drosses are constantly increasing in the process of falling.

However, the density of matter in the air is still a bit worse, so these scums really show their power only after they fall to the ground.

The ground is mainly a snake lake composed of creeping evil light snakes. After the dross merged with the Evil Light Snake, it immediately strengthened its 'dirty concentration'.

Any extraordinary power, want to control, must have spiritual participation. The reason why the power of filth is criticized is called evil because of its overbearing attributes, and it is cruel to both the operator and the recipient.

If the subject does not mention it, it is said that the practitioner, even if it is a negative creature, wants to harness this power, it has to pay a lot, not to mention people who are facing the world.

This extraordinary power does not even have the theory of extraordinary power, and the intelligent life that can represent it does not exist in theory.

Because an important manifestation of wisdom is rationality.

The power of filth also has chaotic properties.

The chaos and madness to lose oneself is equivalent to the death of consciousness, and it is unwilling to be a smart creature. In this case, what is the affinity?

Therefore, using the power of filth is actually to find a suitable point between speed death and immediate death.

If the power of darkness is longevity-ointment, then the power of filth is opium-slag.

Some people take the opium slag, and some people try to control the power of filth. In addition to the rapid demise of self-consciousness, the unconsciousness is getting longer and longer. It is like an arm to the power of filth.

Under normal circumstances, this is naturally impossible. In the same level of battle, your consumption is several times that of your opponents. The two methods are exerted. Not only are there other side effects, but also the mental power is empty. How can this be done?

Therefore, if the self-sufficiency is not enough, seek external force, break the jar and break, and at the same time be infested by public opinion.

This approach is very similar to the model of addicts who steal and swindle in order to meet the needs. Anyway, being eroded by the power of filth, the sanity of the mind will become less and less. Do you care about the consciousness of others who are not your own?

As long as I guarantee that my key memories are not lost and are the most profound, there is no major change in my self. I think it is these key memories that form the basis of personality and determine how people think in the face of various situations. , And what information is prioritized.

As for whether Li Xiaoming is my nephew, is Zhang San my old uncle? I can't even take care of myself even if I'm a mixed man, can I still manage them?

It is such a logic that leads to the choice of the power of filth, and it must always be related to cults and sacrifices. I can't figure it out by myself, and borrow the spiritual power of others.

As the old ruler, Snake Father Igor is naturally more aggressive. It can be said that the use of the power of filth is essentially different from ordinary transcendence.

People start directly from the level of law, and even control all kinds of extraordinary powers, instead of using their spirits to face the grass.

So now, even if it is a fragment of the law of the divine kingdom that falls in the hands of Voldemort, it still feels very useful, which is better than offering 10,000 people on the spot. After all, sacrificial offerings only produce ideas that can be borrowed, but how much can be used by others is another question.

As for Kane.

It must be said that the experience of samsara that year brought many benefits to Kane's knowledge experience.

He chose to sign a contract with the Dark Forces as a result of deliberate consideration.

After all, he didn't have the coercion of the old dominator at the beginning, he was born a god-level, and can interact with the law.

So he carefully used the power of darkness to pry up other supernatural powers.

In fact, any kind of extraordinary power has an infectious effect, even if the most positive power of the Holy Light, long-term infestation, people will unconsciously change the Virgin. This is the nature of the extraordinary power itself. The result of the impact.

The same is true of the power of the four elements, which will gradually make people become elemental bodies, and their personality will also gradually change. For example, those with pure fire elements will become violent, and the wind elements will gradually lose their patience and so on.

Only balance is king.

But it is very difficult to achieve balance, especially at the beginning, one's own perception cannot be subtle, and even accurate observation and judgment cannot be done. How to know whether there is balance?

Kane's choice of darkness is a series of self-considered schemes after a series of calculations. For example, the relationship between darkness and filth makes it a certain overriding effect on filth after mastering darkness. Not only will it not be easily infected, it may also be used.

As a sunlight creature, it is actually easier for people to walk in the direction of the holy light (cultivation). The light's attributes also determine that it is tolerant and can turn back at any time. Darkness will not work. The fall from light to darkness will be punished with extreme punishment.

This kind of punishment, in Kane's view, is like the state when most people commit suicide, extreme events, or a series of coincidences, which suddenly block people's cognition there, and if they get stuck, they commit suicide. Too.

Therefore, if you cut the meat with a blunt knife, you will find that people's endurance is amazing, but if the knife is too sharp and too ruthless, then it must collapse.

It was after pondering these things that Kane chose to jump into the dark pit with a bright heart.

This is how he came.

But for a long time later, he didn't shoot himself, but let the secondary avatar beat him to death, in fact he was hiding debt.

Come out and mix, sooner or later you have to pay it back. Everyone knows this, but everyone still chooses to return later, just hoping that the time will drag and the variables will be dragged out.

Kane is the same, too late, maybe his pattern will be very different at that time, this account will become nothing.

Therefore, the deity does not move, it is unwilling to owe more debts.

Of course, he later understood that what he thought was actually smart. To put it bluntly, the contract he made with the Dark Forces was not calculated as he thought.

Theoretically, he has only one possibility to pay off, that is to become the father of the dark force.

But this possibility may have been erased when he signed the contract. The contract is signed by the collaborators, people don't die badly, dad can't do it.

This covenant was signed with which point of spirituality in the soul, and spirituality comes from the true spirit, the most special source of all heavens and all realms.

If he had no spirituality, it would be no different from his puppets of wisdom.

Fortunately, after broadening his horizons, he no longer struggles with eternity. Since that is the case, whoever takes advantage of the dark force is less important.

If a person is alive, just talk about personnel and live a life. Moreover, life is complete, there is no regret, and there is no motivation to twist and turn, and whoever wins or loses from the dark forces is not important.

As for the current win or loss, Kane does not think there is any suspense, but only how to win.

The current situation is in the direction of despair that makes Voldemort completely lose his fighting spirit.

The filthy scum fell on the evil light snake of Snake Lake and quickly merged, so that the evil power increased greatly. The control that Voldemort originally gave with the help of the dimensional fragments of the kingdom of God is not enough to watch.

The external performance is a group of snakes restless, began to attack the same kind indifferently.

The whole Snake Lake gradually became a super-large Gu Gu jar. The evil light snakes frantically tore each other, and when viewed from a distance, it was like the waves on the lake surface, and the green light was moving, becoming more and more intense

Seeing this situation, Voldemort suddenly felt more negative emotions. He started singing and dancing like an original shaman.

At this time, it had lost the rational thinking of people, just like the mad warrior in Northern Europe. The more critical the situation, the more mad. The enemy and the enemy will either win because of madness, or die in madness.

The dance it dances can be said to be an instinct behind evil.

At this time, its degree of mingling with evil power is still extremely high, and it has become a tool for evil to display attribute effects.

With Voldemort's ‘Jumping God’, the whole Snake Lake gradually rose into a mountain-like tsunami.

This rising momentum, from far and near, began to blur vaguely, but soon there was a sign of heaven, and then it became a harmony of heaven and earth. The irresistible effect of human power makes people feel from the heart. Its own insignificance.

However, this kind of power is not enough to let Kane sway.

"Oh ..." Voldemort's highlight was here. It was full of emotions, but it didn't look like a human voice. The whole snake lake was boiling, and the poisonous green evil light formed a beam of light with a diameter of nearly 1,000 kilometers. And up to the sky.

At that moment, the audio-visual effect of close-up viewing was just like the scene when the Starkiller Base launched a star-cannon in Star Wars. The surrounding earth and sky were illuminated and reflected into a miserable green. The shock waves formed by Yu Wei The ruins destroyed, and a scorched earth ring pit was blown out.

In such a rising flame, Voldemort's own skin and flesh are torn, turning into a small piece, a small piece of ashes flying away.

But inside it is the flesh of evil energy that shines like lava and has a texture.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Voldemort opened his arms, intoxicated, and laughed. It's like welcoming the rain after a long drought, and like enjoying the slogan of military and civilian cheering after victory.

"Perish in madness. You interpreted this concept very well, and it is worth mounting." Kane said, lifting his right hand, pinching the sword tactic gently, in the air above 10,000 meters, after the light was distorted, a kind of Bizarre collapse effects began to appear.

This effect is like a thin layer of water on the ice. As the ice cracks and collapses, revealing the abyss under the ice, the water also falls down along the edge of the collapse. It is not violent, but it is continuous. The irregular ring-shaped waterfall gradually formed, and the ring was constantly expanding.

In fact, this effect is caused by the reverse loss of material in the atmosphere.

Because it is too violent, even the airflow shows traces due to the turbulence. At first glance, it only seems to notice the effect of the flow, and it is difficult to distinguish between positive and negative.

Then in the deep part of the giant hole in the direct view of the starry sky, some light is constantly accumulating, getting brighter and brighter, and finally erupting.

This light is more magnificent than the wave of evil energy rising flames made by Voldemort, and it has the characteristics of a star destroyer. It can be seen as long as the line of sight is not blocked by the planet itself.

Closer, for example, those survivors who took refuge on the vine boat, many of them kneeled directly. It was shockingly beyond words. If someone tells them that this is the way to destroy the star, the next moment this light will penetrate the crust and mantle, the nuclear eruption directly inverted, the planet collapses and disintegrates, they will all believe it.

This magnificent and magnificent light is like using a flame of acetylene torch with oxygen added, to go against the flame of the lighter, and to suppress the flame of evil energy with absolute crushing.

So Lord Voldemort ’s last words before his death was the end of his laughter, and he heard ‘hiccup! ’

"Hahahaha ... hiccup!" Voldemort was terminated and turned into a bottle of sculpture, with a Mohs hardness nearly three times that of diamond.

Kane, who was not too far from the sculpture, informed Miranda: "Okay, well done."

Miranda controls the fallen angel of the broken earth dimension and exits the shelling state. At the same time, the temporarily opened channel is closed.

Although the Fallen Angel still needs some time to be completely completed, it has not affected its use. Miranda has reported this before.

And it does have the ability to destroy stars. Just now, it was just a small knife test, mainly not a power test, but a test of accuracy and energy control.

Both Kane are quite satisfied ~ ~ can already be called a giant sword carving.

Kane stepped down from the pure earth platform of Mi Xu radius and walked steadily on the lava-like glowing shell-like land toward Voldemort.

The remaining energy of the miniature **** kingdom evil prison has been exploded by Voldemort, and the fragmentation of the law of the **** kingdom has been completely disintegrated under the excessive use.

Igor no longer resorted to the use of special means, so far, this round of confrontation is considered over.

He walked into the statue of Voldemort and bent his fingers.

‘Bangbang! ’

The sound is similar to hitting a hollow metal barrel with a certain thickness.

"Voldemort, don't say I didn't give you a decent, you are now immortal, in the form of a monument ..."

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