Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1223: The disaster of the national chaos tundra

The sky was bright, the haze had not completely dissipated, and the poison rain needed another time.

Kane has solved the core of evil prison, and is not interested in intimate environmental protection.

In the final analysis, these evil powers are only collected by effective methods, similar to the petrochemical products of the world. Now the pollution caused by it will eventually be absorbed by the earth.

As for the scale of extraordinary pollution caused during the period, let Dongying's extraordinary people worry about it. It's also good to do things, don't want to be dissatisfied and tempted all day long.

When the hundreds of survivors on the vine ship were handed over to the people in Dongying's Ministry of Magic, the extraordinary people who greeted him seemed humble.

Kane knew that these people knew his actions through satellite and other peeping channels, so the respect now is actually awe of power.

As for his character, what he said is this: in the face of capable people, most people will be more tolerant.

"Don't mention me."

Kane gave such a dizzying explanation. He believed that the wisdom of this group of people could understand what he meant. Immediately, the phantom moved away.

The lunch was eaten in Tokyo and cooked in Kanto.

The skewers everywhere in Asia originate from it.

It's just that the food you are eating is not a street stall, so the ingredients, soup, and dip are relatively particular.

The taste of Kane can only be said so sloppy, mainly because it is hot, Dongying has more cold food, and Kane likes hot food, especially in winter.

The result was unexpectedly met Michelle!

That's right, it was one of the victims of the death vine incident at the Copley Square Hotel in Boston, Lighthouse State.

Kane certainly doesn't think that Michelle did it deliberately, only that the world is sometimes small.

"Hi, Michelle, I didn't expect to see you here." Kane, who had already paid the bill and was leaving, thought about it, or greeted him in the past.

"Hi!" Michelle's polite return.

Kane could see that she was not interested, but it might be due to her excellent skin and good temperament, and she was able to call her name at once, but still responded.

Kane introduced himself: "Aaron Zion, a traveler. I noticed your story from the Liberty Weekly. I didn't expect to encounter it here."

Upon hearing it, Michelle understood that this is a passer-by who was interested in her previous encounters, but also a person in the circle?

She was not very sure about the latter and couldn't sense the other party's mana fluctuations. But she is more willing to believe that this is because the other party is in control of the extraordinary power.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to have the opportunity to read extraordinary newspapers, let alone local newspapers such as Liberty City Weekly.

The other thing was that the last time I drank and chatted at the "only sell wine" bar in Liberty City, it touched her a lot.

She used to be a bit arrogant before, and she always did what she did, but only after that time did she realize what it means to be 'ordinary or erroneous', and one of the unhappy can bring down all public witches in the Magical State of the Lighthouse. The declared super gangster looks like a middle-aged man dressed up in Sven.

And she was able to be rescued, and was not particularly embarrassed by the Magic Congress or Liberty City, most of which still dipped in the light of the big brother.

Therefore, it is better to be humble.

This is also a big reason why the mood is not beautiful, and there are still no strangers.

"Traveller, it sounds very pleasant. How many drinks together?" Michelle invited.

"Okay." Kane sat down with a smile.

Michelle called the waiter and wanted to add some more dishes. Kane told the truth that she had used the meal and had paid the bill, and she saw her eating alone, so she came to say hello.

Michelle didn't talk to Kane anymore, the two first drank a cup of sake, for a reason similar to what he wanted to know.

Mainly because Kane's current skin sac is the typical Europa race like Michelle, and Michelle does feel a bit lonely.

Dongying has been in a state of turmoil due to extraordinary disasters in recent months, and there are very few foreigners on the market. And Kane's appearance and temperament were pleasing to the eyes, and indeed made Michelle feel cordial.

As a result, chatted on the bed.

Michelle is not that kind of extravagant person, except that she has really been upset recently, and Kane has eyes on her eyes again.

As for Kane, Michelle can give 85 points in terms of appearance and appearance. Such a girl volunteered that she could be a little bit.

As far as the topic is concerned, the bed can indeed be more in-depth than the chat on the wine table. Although Michelle is a woman, she is not a professional agent with first-class professionalism and does not talk about work at home. It is natural to chat. Dongying's reason.

One is to avoid the wind, and the other is to ask for life.

In her words: "I don't know the importance when I was young, I acted rashly, I was pregnant with children, but now I have a pair of burdens ..."

That is what he said, but his eyes glowed when he mentioned his children.

Kane knew that scorning his lips was actually the driving force for striving for life.

Kane didn't say anything about single mothers. It was not easy. His temperament was a little cold, and it was selfish. It's so selfish that you don't easily put too much emotion into it, so as not to worry about it.

Of course, with the current relationship between the two, there is nothing to talk about. Even the encounter mode is destined to be only a moment of joy, but it is difficult to become a long-term relationship.

So farewell to Kane, Michelle ’s indifferent performance, Kane reminded him that he likes the sword to go slanting, and has recently been shady. She has to be careful, she did not take it seriously until Kane left a The wooden pendant made her serious.

Although the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce has enriched the magic weapon market, most of them are incompetent. The treasures are still scarce, nor are they available to Michelle ’s financial resources and connections.

But as an excellent wild wizard, Michelle's appreciation ability is okay, so the first look, you know that this seemingly insignificant wooden pendant is extraordinary.

She also teased Kane for this: "If you always pay the overnight fee like this, you might be bankrupt."

Kane didn't get poor with her, so her hand touched her face and said, "I hope I can meet again."

After being separated from Michelle, the days became flat.

Horus and Anubis still disappeared.

There are no new trends in death vines.

The Underworld Kingdom is still developing at a high speed.

There is nothing worth mentioning in the exploration of the Nordic Divine Kingdom where the world tree Uktra Hill is located.

So at the end of 1991, Kane's main activity was to play with Sophia, Mia, and Leia, and play with the monarchs since then.

In the first month of 1992, the biggest event was the feast of the secluded group of crows to divide the body of the bear.

Kane took it as a gossip news, after all, from the perspective of real wealth, even if he carried out the worm colony system that has been launched on the side of the Underworld, its annual gross product value is enough to match the total wealth of the bear value.

In Kane's eyes, the only valuable things of Mao Xiong are "name" and "culture". This is still in the face of feelings.

In the extraordinary aspect of January, the staghorn helmet Great Hanvil Tanin is considered to have made some progress.

Kane asked him to use his blood to search for 'brothers and sisters'. Vertanin was indeed more hard-working and lucky, having found more than 300 gods in just over two months.

For personal operation, even the Nordic gods who want to deprive these bloodlines will inevitably die.

Kane's technology is high enough to take these people to the Angel Angel, using the particularity of the law of the dimensional world, and advanced equipment, to replace the true divinity with the divinity, so as to complete the extraction.

The specific appearance is not ugly. The gods only need to sleep in the medical cabin. From the perspective of ordinary people, it is equivalent to eliminating hidden dangers and good health. It will no longer experience the test of life and death due to blood problems.

The collected divinity, after classification and purification, will eventually be used as the foundation for the birth of the divine spark.

As long as a sufficient amount is collected, the gods can be reopened after dusk, but the new gods are completely new.

Kane also meant to use it as a pilot.

If it is feasible, the Greek theology, the Egyptian theology, and the angels of heaven will be treated as usual in the future.

The mortal chanted ‘not relying on the fairy emperor, everything depends on ourselves. ’

But the phenomenon must have its truth, as does the existence of the gods.

With the development of civilization, humans may no longer need such a wild father, but God needs, and the gods are part of the extraordinary system.

From this perspective, eradication is worse than following the trend.

This glance is not far away in 2012, and the magic wave is resurging, which means a new round of extraordinary prosperity, solving the problems left over by history, and by the way, allowing new, more controllable gods to occupy the pit, this is what Kane said can think The strategy of maintaining stability.

After a month of beauties in the gentle village, Kane took action again in early February. The destination is Western Siberia.

After all, the bear family is still in trouble.

This is not unexpected.

The secular world is the extraordinary foundation bed, the secular world is unstable, and it is normal for accidents in extraordinary circles to happen.

Even the evil spirits in the ‘the country will perish, there must be evil spirits’ in the mouth of the Orientals, it might be that after the society loses normal order, there are extraordinary people who make waves.

Kane arrived at Sareka using the door key.

The population of Esareka was placed in the Central Plains of the heavenly dynasty, and the seat of the township government was not qualified, but in the Nenets Autonomous Region, it is already a large city.

The Nenets are the aboriginal people in this Arctic permafrost, and live on fishing and hunting as well as herding reindeer.

With the development of society and changes in the environment, the lifestyle of the Nenets has also undergone major changes.

However, this is not the Sareka of the Da Mao family in the 21st century in Kane's hometown, let alone what is called the "primitive style photography group" of tourist activities, even people who are close to the town have little contact.

So Kane was spotted by the locals as soon as he arrived. The effect is exactly the same as that of a modern urban man appearing in a remote mountain village.

Judging from the cognition of modern people, the Nenets people are not only simple but also wild.

When they look at you, it ’s easy to cause ‘what do you look at? Look at you? Something like this.

Kane's heart nature naturally holds this wild little eyes, not to say that he is a human, that is, the jackal, the tiger and the leopard have a solid feeling, or the monsters and monsters are full of malicious and greedy looks, and they can still be free.

However, he still showed his muscles and directly used the language of the soul to conduct a spiritual conversation with the people present: "I am here to deal with the monster disaster. I am going to Sharkapuk. Who is willing to be my guide? Every day? 500 grams of gold. "

He didn't expect anyone to respond, and he didn't need that. When I came to Sareka, I just learned the status of the people here on site to see if they were polluted.

Moreover, people can't hide on the ice field, especially in the early February, when the night is sixty degrees below zero, it is very common, and there are strong winds, even the extraordinary people can't stand it. After all, even if there is a constant spell effect, in this last era before the resurgence of the magic wave, few people can burn mana.

Therefore, he suspected that the transcendental monsters might have been in Sarekha, and at least there were observation posts lurking. Only then did I walk around and see that the locals were so unfriendly to outsiders, so they showed their muscles, so that these short-sighted guys would not come to their heads.

As a result, he obviously underestimated the simplicity and courage of the Nenets. A man in his early thirties stood up and asked aloud, "Are you really here to deal with the monster disaster?"

Kane couldn't help smiling.

Just ask this rhetorical question, in his hometown, seven or eight out of ten are judged to be straight-hearted, and junior high school students will not be so straight-hearted.

"Of course." He replied affirmatively.

As a result, the other party's next sentence revealed mud-legged cunning: "You give me two pounds of gold as a settlement fee, and my life will be sold to you. No matter how many days, you can just manage the meal."

Someone next to persuaded: "Are you dazed? Is it possible for you to blend in the monster disaster? Besides, how can you believe people casually?"

The man said: "My good friend was killed. I hate myself for not being able to avenge him. But now I can at least try to do my best."

It's safe to fall back, and it's not greedy. Kane couldn't help but glance at this man.

"Yes, it's you." He said that as his wrist turned, his hand with leather gloves added a kilogram of gold brick, and it also had the exclusive mark of the International Wizarding Association, which was universal.

After catching the golden bricks that Kane threw, he turned upside down, and the man in his 30s said, "Wait for me, I will go home and explain a few words." "You wouldn't worry about me running away?"

Kane laughed: "Since you caught the golden brick ~ ~ the magic contract has been established, even if you go to the horizon, I can find it in the next moment."

The man nodded, said nothing, and left.

Kane stood on the ground and closed his eyes with his hands to recuperate. In fact, he let go of his senses and made extraordinary detections on Sarekha.

Limited by the legendary rank, although the perception radius is only one kilometer, it can reach five kilometers using the method of turning thought into silk.

Then, sweep him 360 degrees like a clock hand.

Not to mention, there are really anomalies.

Kane's mouth twitched downward. Concealed: "It is said that a real man never looks back at the explosion, and looks at the person who did this evil, not a man."

He really didn't think of it at this time, and his joking comments could actually be said to be a slogan.

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