Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1224: Traveling in the snowstorm

The Nenets man who had collected the gold and was willing to be a guide was called Katu, and he reappeared in front of Kane even if he could not reach the quarter hour.

"If you want to go outside the city, you still need to buy some items." Kathu was outspoken, apparently having substituted himself into the role of a guide.

Kane smiled and thought that Kathu's proposal could be there, so he should enjoy the local customs and customs by the way.

He found another piece of gold brick and threw it to Kathu: "According to living in the wild for a week. Is there enough money?"

"Not available."

"You don't have to save me, the best one can buy. Can it be done in an hour?"


"Okay, then I'll see you here in an hour." Kane said as the phantom disappeared.

By the time he reappeared, it was already the front garden of a mansion on the edge of the Shale Kaxi district.

With a frontal attack, he directly opened the door with his wand, and then poured in with the cold wind. Then he saw the owner of the house by the fireplace in the living room and was also the target of his trip.

This person is a very ordinary local. The faces of Asians are covered with blood and red threads on both faces, and they are not old. The skin is dry and wrinkled and dark, and the body is also out of shape. Aunt.

In the face of the aunt's surprised and angry gaze, Kane's eyelids didn't blink more and cast a spell.

"Except for your equipment!"


The same is the HP witchcraft, which is far more extraordinary than the current Cain envoy. And this time Kane removed ‘equipment’ instead of ‘weapon’.

I saw the light and mist rising from the aunt's body, and ‘swoosh’ flew out several rays of light and landed on the nearby ground.

A closer look at what these rays turn into is a few magic instruments. There are amulet pendants, as well as vests and rings.

Without these magic instruments, although the aunt is still an aunt, she clearly shows a similar camouflage effect. Even ordinary people can see it. The clothes are stuffed with stuffing and the face is wearing a mask.

It is this kind of poor disguise, combined with extraordinary skills, that can be blinded. Even at the level of Kane's legendary rank, it is impossible to directly see what flaws.

It's a pity that Xiu met the soldiers and was revealed by Kane's recklessness.

As for dementing. Kane only picked recent memories to read.

Facts have proved that this person is indeed related to the "devil disaster", but it is not directly related, but a spy hired.

The spy can be understood as a private detective in an extraordinary circle, which is equally uneven and has a lot of greasiness related to it.

Right now, this kind of evaluation based on secular morality is a kind of evil behavior, belongs to an organization, undertakes all kinds of work, killing and setting fire is common. The aunt who originally lived here was brutally killed by the spy, and the clumsy disguise used was human skin.

After Kane learned the information through Dementor, he did not leave it alive, and directly used the transcendental secret to make it a cursed puppet.

It was the kind used to chase down mutant vampires in France.

Then he was given the order to chase down other members of his organization.

The cursed puppet's strength has increased greatly, and his wisdom is not low. After picking up the equipment on the ground, he will leave the phantom.

At this time, because the intrusion was just too blatant, the neighbor's attention was aroused, and then the neighbor came over vigilantly with a gun.

When I saw Kane, I was naturally full of anger, and I was about to say something. Where did Kane talk nonsense? Just "forget everything!" And then modify the memory. It was given a tampering memory for the funeral of the original owner.

After that, Kane phantom moved away.

Once again, it is already Rabet Nanji.

This town is on the northwest side of Saryka, a dozen kilometers apart, and is also separated by the Ob River.

In terms of size and population, Rabet Nanji is a little smaller than Sarekar, and now there is no one living here.

Kane also learned about the tragic events that occurred here through Miranda, only to realize the seriousness of the problem.

And this point, the ordinary people of Sareka still do not know.

The "demon disaster" in Kathu's mouth refers to Shar Shapuk, where there are already a few daylight scenes, and the reason is known to be simple. There is a prison there. Although it is located in a remote place, daily interaction But it is very regular. Once an abnormality occurs, people can easily detect it.

Of course, the whole area is relatively closed, either by taking the Obi River waterway, or by a long and muddy road leading to the outside world.

It's such a season to catch up with the disintegration of Lao Maozi. It can be said that the communication is over and everyone here is dead. It is estimated that the outside world will have to send someone over to see what happened.

The people of Rabet Nanji are dead, but they are not a dead city. At least if you don't look closely, you will find that people seem to be normal. What should they do?

Kane knew that this was a large-scale group seizure. Similar to the intrusion of alien creatures in the science fiction film, the means are cruel and feminine, playing role-playing with human skin, and brewing a larger conspiracy in private.

Kane came over this time just to confirm the situation. After all, Miranda completes the reconnaissance through military satellites. As for the abnormal judgment, it is because the living creature, as a parasite different from humans, its body temperature is ten degrees lower than that of normal humans. In the field of vision, there are obvious differences in chromatograms compared to humans.

Although this one reason alone is almost enough. However, Kane still felt the need for field investigation. In case of some kind of extraordinary disease, in case there was a rescue, but the result of using mass destruction weapons to slaughter here, it seemed too fatal.

So unlike Sareka, after reaching the ground this time, he is invisible, and then close to observe, and there is no need to be particularly close, it is enough within a kilometer.

Random spot checks are carried out and pry carefully. The result is all bad news.

Not only the body has been alienated, but even the soul has been completely devoured.

Those 'people' walking around on the street can completely see that the most inhuman creatures are playing, which is a level higher than the spy that he had killed in Sareka before. The only external flaw is body temperature, X The rays are not good.

After completing the survey, Kane greeted Miranda and left.

Shortly afterwards, the fiery puppet dressed in the ‘military coat’ was thrown near Rabet Nanji.

Although these two puppets were temporarily created by Kane, as long as they have fuel, they can keep running without completely extinguishing the fire.

Therefore, after the end of Dongying's mission, Kane handed it over to Miranda, and Miranda arranged for it to maintain world peace and do all the dirty work of the world.

So this month is gone, but the two of them are better than before, even in disguised bondage.

Li Huo puppet came over, naturally, in order to prevent Rabet Nanji from creating a new disaster, such as starting against the humans of Shalika.

Kane returned to Saryka and merged with Kathu, who had a large purchase.

The Nenets people's warm clothing is summed up in one sentence, that is, the fur is made into a three-proof suit. Three required characteristics, tight, loose and breathable.

The locals trust the reindeer-based fur more than any other space cotton or polar clothing. Kathu bought Kane a set.

Where is the money spent and how is it? It is also an indigenous cold-proof leather suit. Kane's set is high-end and atmospheric at a glance. It is well-cut, well-crafted, and the stitches are fine. The leather pieces are selected from the best parts, symmetry and color. Unification, shiny and smooth fur, etc. are quite a lot of things, but people can see the difference from ordinary goods at a glance.

Kane paid more attention to the treatment of the head and footsteps of this local warm clothing.

Footsteps can be said to directly cover the principle of snow shoes, like wearing felt boots, you can shoe overshoes.

The head is a big fur hood that looks extra heavy. When you take it off, you can not only pile up your neck, but also cover your chin. Once you put it on, it feels like you are covering your head into the camel quilt. It's almost the same.

Such a set of outfits, no matter how thin the person puts on, can show a mascot-like roundness.

Unlike Alaska, people here don't use sled dogs but reindeer.

The reindeer pulling the sled is not tall, and the shoulder height is about 130CM. It is like a half-calf. There are twelve heads in Kathu. There is also a local soil dog with the characteristics of a snow wolf, but the coat color is well recognizable. , The neck to the abdomen is white, the rest is black, the wolf basically does not have this one.

Looking at these things purchased by Kathu, Kane knew that this man was not very young, but he was a good player. I am really young, looking at thirty-two, in fact, only twenty-three, one passionate young man.

Several people familiar with Kathu pointed to the northwest and advised him: "Look at the weather, I am afraid there is a snowstorm."

Changed the line to Kane, looked at the full sleigh, and asked Kathu: "Northwest, is exactly where we are going. Are you afraid?"

"Fear, but trading is trading."

Kane nodded, no longer verbose, and shouted: "Let's go."

So the two men and the dog rode on the big sled and headed towards Shar Shapuk.

The lower reaches of the Ob River are quite wide and form areas of water networks. However, this season, the river surface is frozen, and Katu controls the reindeer, and is very stable and crosses the Ob River to the west.

The next step is the tundra that is not deserted.

Here, from time to time, you can see the coniferous forests, the sky is high and the clouds are thin, the trees are wrapped in silver, snowy, and there is no desolation.

The reindeer's endurance is very good, and its strong and flexible limbs and hard and broad four-hoof also make them very good at walking on snow.

The reindeer selected by Katu are also of golden age. Not only are they in good health, they are also domesticated. Coupled with the veteran of Kathu technology, there is a pleasant skiing experience.

Kane is satisfied with this. Not to mention that he has lived for 30,000 years, there are still many projects that have not been experienced in person, and reindeer sleigh skiing is one of them.

Before switching to, he will most likely go straight to the result and choose the illusion to feel his destination.

And even if you miss something, you will directly get a polar car or a snowmobile.

But looking at it now, it would be too bad to do that. Even if the other end of Libra is the death of thousands of innocent people, it cannot prevent him from enjoying life.

In other words, the more various disasters and deaths I see, the more profound he feels about the concept of "impermanence of life". At the same time, the more I hate the concept of "Savior".

He is willing to take action to resolve the extraordinary dangers again and again, mainly because of the many layouts of the ancient **** in time, making him feel that the world has so many extraordinary disasters, he has a responsibility.

If this were not the case, he would not be the guardian of humanity in this world.

The sleds were flying on the snowfield, but the sky was getting darker and darker, especially in front of them, that is, in the northwest direction, the thick lead clouds were rolling, even the Zhai family who did not have the knowledge of survival in the wild were enough to realize that the snowstorm was not far away.

The hound screamed to remind the owner that the reindeer squealed uncomfortably.

Katu looked at Kane and couldn't help but say: "If it is the usual situation, I would suggest camping to avoid the blizzard."

Kane felt the strong winds and looked at the dark clouds that were coming in. After a while, he said with a slightly regretful tone: "This blizzard will not calm down until noon tomorrow, and the time is delayed. Long. It seems that it can only be cheated. "

Say take out the wand.

"Heroic and fearless!"

"Blessings on the Earth!"

"Endless life!"

The three techniques are performed in sequence, namely white light, golden light, and green light, acting on reindeer and humans and dogs.

Features vary.

The white light is reflected in the way of rising flames, just like the flame of a creature's body is burning steadily and continuously, and then it disappears.

The golden light swelled like earth, rising from under the snow, wrapping the creatures, and then blending in.

The green light is flowing like water, penetrating a little.

Not to mention the feelings of reindeer and hounds, Kathu alone feels full of pride and fearlessness, dare to meet any life and death challenges, and treat it as an exciting and meaningful thing.

And for the way ahead, for the surrounding environment, there is a familiar sense that you can't make mistakes with your eyes closed.

Then there is the unprecedented good physical condition, not as simple as strength, but an indescribable activity and flexibility, and health.

He was not very good at expressing with words, just ‘wow’, and he invested more in the control work with greater enthusiasm than before.

The reindeer are also very enthusiastic, showing a characteristic of running out of the state, the four-hoof running is more powerful, and the mutual understanding between them has also been greatly improved, so that the speed of the sled has been greatly improved.

As for the hound, squatting vigorously, the old **** is staring ahead, that look is like the king of the inspection territory ...

After about twenty minutes, Kane and his party came into contact with the main body of the blizzard, and the momentum was very fierce, like a sandstorm. The snow fog that seriously affected the field of vision was like a wave of movement.

The moment when it seems to collide but has not collided yet is the most magnificent and shocking.

When it breaks into the blizzard, it's just like that.

There are only rumbling winds in the ears of strong winds and heavy snow, and the snow on the ground is also rolled up. The whole snow is like a wavy sea, even when standing still, there is a feeling of ups and downs.

But in front of Kane and his entourage, there were not many real threats.

The characteristics of the reindeer's fur make it equivalent to wearing a double jacket, are in motion, and have abundant life energy circulation, and are not afraid of the cold wind's deprivation of body temperature.

And the blessings of the earth make me feel sensitive and will not get lost ~ ~ As for two people and one dog, armed to the teeth and sitting next to each other, there are also extraordinary magical effect blessings, I want to make it It's a good thing to freeze, this snowstorm can't do it.

Moreover, this sleigh team has many reindeer, and the sleigh is also heavy. The overall weight is enough. Even in fast movement, it is difficult to be overturned by strong winds.

Then there is nothing to stump them.

Therefore, this blizzard trip seems to be thrilling, but in fact it is unsurprising.

Kane then watched out for the enemy to take advantage of the blizzard to make a sneak attack.

but no.

Therefore, in the afternoon of misty snow and dim sky, the sleigh drove to Shahrapuk and saw the town that seemed to be completely buried by the rolling snow at any time ...

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