Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1225: Xueling Dead Town 4 Yuqing

The town in the blizzard was dead, and this is the town derived from the Snow Ridge prison, Shar Shapke.

Kathu manipulated the reindeer, lowered his speed, and entered the town. It was near evening, but there was no cooking smoke, no lights, and no living people.

Some people's portals are simply holes open, and there are strong winds blowing on the doors, and the inside is black, giving people a bad feeling, as if there will be any monsters at any time.

The hound started barking again, and the animal instincts made him aware of the danger here. Although the effect of ‘heroic fearlessness’ had not happened, it reminded the owner of the problem.

"I don't feel any signs of life, go directly to the prison." Kane directly pointed out the way.

So more than ten minutes later, the high walled prison arrived.

The gate was closed, there was no one, no lights.

Kane got off the sled, looked around, sniffed.

"This place has become a place of evil sacrifices, and it is full of **** and cruel scenes of slaughter. When you go in, there will be no more gains than a nightmare that will be memorable for a lifetime. Stay here."

Kathu wanted to say: "I am fearless now."

But in the end, he still failed to speak out. Kane's ability to show him made him realize the gap between them. And the effect of ‘heroic fearlessness’ is to be full of courage, to become firm and calm, rather than to become **** and reckless, not to be incapable of anger.

"Bright enchantment!" Kane didn't mean to ask Kathu for advice. After speaking his own arrangement, he cast a spell with a staff and drew a circle with a radius of ten meters on the sloping side open space more than ten meters from the prison gate.

In this circle, snow seemed to have life, spread out on its own, exposing the solid soil below.

The diffused snow forms a thick snow wall 1.5 meters high, but there is a gap of about two meters in the southeast corner.

A touch of holy light added a cover to this snow enclosure, making it impossible for wind and snow to invade.

Next, Kane exerted the power of the Holy Light on the shotgun and bullet belt that Kathu was carrying.

"Okay, no matter what happens next, don't leave this snow enclosure. In particular, pay attention to the appearance of a monster pretending to be my face and lead you out. If I am myself, I will walk into this enclosure and talk to you. Understand?"

Katu, who drove the reindeer into the snow, nodded solemnly.

Kane's figure flashed across the gate and entered the small square inside the main entrance of the prison.

Thinking about it, he first applied an activation spell to his bloated fur coat.

The activation spell not only keeps the leather suit close to the body, no longer has the inconvenience of putting on a heavy shell, but also a base for applying other positive spells.

After all, there are quite a few positive spells that are all directed at the concept of ‘life’.

After the operation, when Kane walked, he gave people a feeling that he was such a fat man with fur. Although he still looked bloated, he obviously coordinated a lot.

Raising the goggles and pulling down the hood, Kane exposed his face, but did not take off the hood and wore thin leather gloves on his hands.

The gloves matching the fur coat are very characteristic, like sleeves, and their hands are like ancient armor. They are connected to the sleeves, but they have an opening on the inside to extend their hands.

When it is worn, it is similar to a boring hand, except for the thumb, the four fingers are not divided; and if the hand is protruded out of the opening, it will cover the back of the hand. Although it is slightly inconvenient, it does not hinder doing things with the hand.

There are several places like this design, which are the summary of local people's years of life experience, revealing the wisdom of survival.

Kane is appreciative of this, and it is more convenient for him to take in, and has an internal taste.

Crossing the small square inside the main entrance of the prison, the most striking is not the front office building, but the church on the right.

Kane smelled **** from afar, because after a short time, it was not heavy, but he still couldn't escape his keen sense of smell.

After a little thought, he walked through.

The wand pointed away, and the church door opened left and right, dark inside, but darkness did not affect Kane's view.

All the chairs in the church were erected and became hangers. They were like frozen pork in a cold store. They drained their blood, went to the head, hands and feet, offal, and skin, and hung there to dry and freeze dry ...

To be honest, the scene is not bloody, but it makes people panic.

Kane glanced a few times, and withdrew from other anomalies.

The mood is not too beautiful.

It's not just the cruel scene in the church.

But I thought of this job that is not a job, and I thought of occupational diseases. Thinking of always being exposed to such cruel content, consciousness is inevitably distorted by subtlety.

Although God ’s will is tough enough not to be easily shaken, it ca n’t stand the role of time.

He was even thinking, did the ancient **** deliberately use such things to disgust him, make him tired of the world early, and chose to end his life?

Perhaps, something like this bad guy mood, will no longer be personally done in the future, or will it let secondary avatars and the like go on?

But it feels like a flower in the greenhouse, even if you live a lifetime, it is also hypocritical, and there is not much practical experience, but it is equivalent to reading the group books and experiencing an extraordinary life ...

While contemplating, he visited several cells.

As he expected, it was indeed opened up as a meat processing plant.

He saw the bacon and roasted meat, saw the red oil, and saw the blood sausage and so on. Even the head, hands and feet are burned in a similar way to the pig's head and the pig's hand, and then added a lot of spices to stew, cook it in place and then shave off the bones, let it dry like a pig's head, and dry it. When it is pressed, it is pressed into a pot of meat, which is convenient for transportation and consumption.

He had to admit that the specific food processing organisms are indeed good students, and that humans have indeed learned how to process livestock meat. I even thought of coloring.

However, he feels that the meat processing here is not the same as those of the parasites of Rabet Nanji. Compared with the parasites of Rabet Nanji, the gang here is obviously more particular about the diet, and the parasites of Rabet Nanji are the blood beasts. .

After a round, he basically confirmed that the people of Xueling Prison, as well as the people of Sharshaq, were here. A total of more than two thousand were processed into food.

There are no living creatures, no extraordinary anomalies, no hidden secret passages, or even corpses.

This last point made him feel special. The church and a nearby prisoner can accumulate no more than two thousand people. At least more than half of them are processed into food. What about the shaved bones? I didn't see the stewed boned meat, nor the skull, where did I go?

He could only find it elsewhere, he thought about it, and maybe he could find clues for further pursuit.

When he came out of the prison, he just saw Katu confronting a group of people through Xueweizi.

His normal perceptual radius is kilometers, so when these people arrived, he noticed that they had arrived through space spells. He estimated to be an official person, probably a wand wizard of the bear house.

Then Michelle was found.

So no one walked forward to say hello, "Michelle, where can you meet you at high risk, is it overflowing with love, or is the daring of high artists, or simply unlucky?"

Michelle was stunned for a while, and then screamed in surprise: "Aaron!" Next, she met the rotten girl who had been drought for two months to see her boyfriend who was thinking about it, ran a few steps, and flew to Kane In the middle, hanging like a koala on him.

However, a quick and anxious whisper on the mouth that seemed to be a hot kiss: "I was kidnapped, take me away!"

Kane smiled and asked, "Why go?"

As he said, he pointed his wand: "All petrified!"

The group of people who came with Michelle can have more than twenty people, some are lively, but there is no lack of caution, and they are also full of vigilance. They have good eyes on the drama that Michelle made.

So Kane moved, at least three people moved faster than Kane.


"Snow wave!"

"Except your weapon!"

The effectiveness of each operation is not bad, at first glance is a good player with rich fighting experience.

Of course, in front of Kane, these are meaningless.

Kane has done countless improvements to all HP lines.

Not only is it more subtle, but also has a magical bonus. Merely a priority of the technique, it is not comparable to the general technique.

So the group's petrified mantra directly destroyed the two models of the other's spells, and the 'disarming mantra' was completely ineffective. Then, the group of people glowed with earthy gray rays at the same time. A layer of ice gray was applied, and the movement was completely stagnation.

The effect of the HP petrification spell is not so powerful. This is more like the petrification of the DND system. If it is more serious, it will be completely transformed into stone like the solidified eye of Medusa.

Michelle jumped from Kane and looked at the result of Kane's utter surprise. Although the pendant pendant left to her by Dongying Kane had made her aware of this so-called traveler, I am afraid it was not very simple, but now Kane's revealed skills are still far beyond her expectations.

Kane walked towards the crowd and said: "This kind of ghost weather, it's already very uncomfortable to run to this kind of ghost place. The prison becomes a meat processing factory, which makes me more uncomfortable, and then you ..."

Just for a little while, Kane already knew the general situation through delicate perception and speculation.

Most of them are Maozi style, lack of manpower to grasp the strong, and coerce colleagues to investigate all cases.

But what about that, he is very upset now, and he will send out evil fire.

"Soul grabbing!"


As if lighting a sky lantern, a group of people were all luminous above them, forming a beam of equal body, and then in this beam, the complete soul of human form floated out of the body shell.

"Secret of Chaofa!"

A beam of light flew out of the wand, and then turned into more than 20 light spots, respectively hitting the soul, and then like a tree root, the spirit body was released as a bright extension in all directions, forming a complex network of veins and veins. Stereo light map.

Waving his cane again, "Into the wits and undoing the curse!"

The soul ‘sing’ all returned to the flesh, and then the petrification effect on the body quickly retreated, and the wizards recovered their ability to move.

But the atmosphere is repressive and silent.

Some wizards could not help glaring at Kane, but instinctively avoided his gaze. The rest was even more embarrassing, basically the face of a dead father and mother.

Only two were quite calm and seemed calm.

Kane directly and brutally named: "You, and you, from now on, you two are the new leader, one person with a group of people, you can go to prison first."

Between the speeches, the magic lights of red and blue rose in their eyes.

Needless to say, the shamans who have been given the super-spell seal will naturally understand that their lives and deaths are no longer under their control. Even if they commit suicide, Kane still has the ability to target their souls.

Moreover, they also knew that the two named by Kane were given temporary powers. Although they did not have the authority to kill them, they were able to make them extremely painful by moving their thoughts.

At this time, Kane once again said: "All come up with some professional qualities, quickly split up, and then go to visit, giving you a quarter of an hour."

Next, the gang of wizards did show a good professional quality, quickly divided into two teams in silence, and then jumped over the prison gate and went to the inside to investigate.

It was n’t until everyone was gone that Michelle murmured: "There are new friends I have made ..."

Kane shrugged: "If I used to make you misunderstand as a righteous person, then I have to say that I was disappointed. This is the way I am. I don't know the rest, I am in a bad mood, why should I Patience is good to them? "

Although Kane's remarks were a bit of a mess, Michelle was very helpful. After all, she is not a righteous person, and Kane's two sets of standards that are obvious to her and others make her feel very useful and even emotional.

So she directly tweeted the lines of the soap opera: "Where have you been mixing with which woman during these two months?"

Kane shook his head secretly and said: "Look, this is the woman's brain circuit. You shouldn't ask me why I appear here?"

However, the crow is smiling and the pig is black. Michelle really wants to ask him this, he is afraid that he will only be more disappointed.

So the next step is to stage a bunch of dogs and men and women to perform a reunion similar to the wedding of little victories, and there is no lack of rhetoric in the language.

The main reason is that Mi Xueer can talk, and the specific content is naturally based on complaint. And in Kane, it sounds like eating or not, plus no brains.

He was almost killed in Dongying. The reason why he had to survive the whole tail, he is estimated to be the mortal situation that Mi Xueer said. After activating the life-saving device, the correct and tangible effect was seen by the intentional people, thinking that Mi Xueer followed There is a connection between a strong man and the ancient forces, so he hasn't repeatedly pitted into the dead.

Michelle was frightened, and she dared not run into the muddy water. However, she was not smart enough when she met someone, and she knew she was in a mixed environment of dragons and snakes, but she was again persuaded by the wealthy insurance to seek such a bad reason and faced the grass, thinking that she was taking advantage of the chaos of the old Maozi family. , Can fish in muddy water to pick up some leaks.

The result was missed and caught by the Ministry of Magic.

The nickname of the gray animal is not called white ~ ~ When black, everyone uses them as animals, not to mention the outsiders who hold the handle? So he was taken as a coolie. Before coming here, he has participated in several fights, including riots, and internal fighting. If he is not met here, even if he can survive in the end, he may be killed.

Michelle himself was faintly aware of this, and only then met and wanted to make him escape from here, and then talk about lifting control.

Kane just glanced at it, and he cast the spell "All Mantras End!"

His method was more compelling than Newt's "All Mantras" that they put on when they suppressed the raging fire in Paris. The magical spells on Michelle's body were directly resolved.

Michelle felt that the upper body was loose, and the hidden sense of control disappeared completely. I couldn't help being overjoyed and kissed Kane's "boom" kiss.

Kane glanced at the direction of the prison and said, "Walking and walking will become a sightseeing group. Fortunately, there are witnesses. In the future, the news will spread out to help the wizards maintain awe." ...

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