Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1235: Hunt for the true sight

Ava, the dear girl of heaven, has the elegant title of ‘True Vision’.

In this world of technology, it is very difficult for such nicknames with idealistic sticks to be widely recognized. But Eva did it

This time, she was invited to investigate the truth behind the terrorist attack on the Hongqiao Tiange in the Rainbow City.

She was entrusted with the UPL (United Power Alliance) Permanent Council, which can be said to have exceeded the top level of power on the planet.

Of course, the county official is not as good as the county official, and her post is special and only has the right to investigate.

Ava spent a full five days carefully collecting information in the Ujin mine, which will include the Mashala that self-destructed after being hollowed out and the destroyed fleet of warships in the Umine mine.

After that, it summarizes and summarizes the survey information, and then enters it into a supercomputer to classify and compare it with the help of the UPL Intelligence Think Tank.

Like a researcher, she was busy in her own small world, not even paying attention to the new events that occurred in the mine town.

Her assistant couldn't help but remind her: "Inspector, over there in the mine town ..."

"I know that the behavior is cruel, eye-catching, and the similarity of the crime is high. It is likely that the same group of people did it. But, don't worry, don't be led by the other party, solve one problem, then solve the next ... "

"But ..." The assistant was depressed, and said: "According to you, can't you always only eat ash behind others' buttocks?"

Eva seemed to understand the assistant ’s mind and glanced lightly at it, as if to say: ‘So you are an assistant. ’So the assistant got 10,000 crit damages, and Yi Xinglan continued to be a caterpillar.

In fact, Ava already had some gains.

In the first harvest, she determined that this is a new type of invasion that is different from any previous model.

Only this harvest has cleared up the well-known resistance forces, resistance organizations, extremist organizations and other anti-Star alliance forces.

The second harvest, she determined that this is a hacker + confusion intrusion. The in-vehicle AI was first invaded, and completely transformed into an intruder's internal response, and then used fragmented, tricky and other low-direct violence psychological methods to divide and disintegrate the crew and capture all of them.

The third result is that the invader is extremely greedy for all resources including manpower, but is also very sensible. All that can be taken away is blown up, and all that cannot be taken away is blown up, and a trace of a certain proportion of materials is destroyed.

There are also other bits and pieces.

By analyzing this information, Eva believes that the suspect has been able to confirm at least two titles. Super hackers and super performers.

In other words, the suspects do have the most advanced computer technology. From cutting-edge to looking at the entire computer industry leader of Xingmeng, you have to be willing to take the lead.

Although this is incredible, it is infinitely close to the truth.

She explained this when she wrote the report: Or we can understand it from another angle. This is not the individual behavior of a genius, but the collective behavior of an industry leader.

A research institute has made a major breakthrough in the field of computer, especially in the field of software engineering. They did not rush to greet investors, but used this achievement for their own benefit ...

I have to say that this report by Eva has scratched to some extent the UPL permanent council, or the capitals.

The more advanced the technology, the smaller the individual's creativity becomes with the refinement of the technology branch.

The kind of legendary anecdote that someone humiliates the entire industry with their own inventions and clever brains or super luck that has been kissed by God is almost impossible.

Only an excellent team with strong division of labor and coordination ability, and every individual working hard to shine can promote the further improvement of technology.

However, there is one characteristic that has not changed since ancient times, that is, researchers must be creative enough. Creativity often comes from breaking the stereotyped, eclectic, illusory thinking, and the formation of this thinking requires enough freedom ...

Therefore, if there are any groups that the capitals do not have a very good way to control, then they must count the groups of scientists.

Fortunately, most scientists are as bright as long and short boards. The most common types are those with high professional ability and low ability to live. The capitals of this era also intend to train scientists to become such 'golden chicken independent strongmen' One of the ways is to force him to crutches and make it become a lame.

However, it should be pointed out that scientists are not stupid. Many scientists have low EQ and high IQ. They are too obsessive, and others depend on enthusiasm and energy.

But after all, there are still genius characters, even evil spirits, who have developed all aspects of virtue, intelligence, physical beauty, and labor.

It is very difficult for capitals to manage such people. Coupled with the desire for excellent scientific research talents generated by competition between capitals, it further increases the uncontrollable characteristics of scientific research personnel.

Because of this, the statement made by Eva made the permanent council members willing to believe that this is probably the truth.

Inevitably, a group of capital gangsters secretly flooded the topic of "scientists are assholes".

What kind of social environment and what style of people are cultivated.

The ivory tower can still hide dirt and dirt.

Scientists of this era, there are many people who can't do moral integrity.

There is nothing to be said about seniority, suppressing newcomers, favoritism and misappropriation, and squandering private money. It is not uncommon to cleverly set up names, concocted gimmicks, and defraud research funding.

After being smashed by the evidence, you can still use the similar literati ‘reader’ thing, how much do you know? "'S claims come to the fore.

Things like ‘scientist thing, what do you know! ? Do you know how difficult it is to invent now? Do you know the probability of geometric multiples? Do you know what the exhaustive method is? I have n’t given you any professional terminology. Try to explain it in human terms that you can understand. A more straightforward sentence: What kind of research do you invest in if you ca n’t afford to burn? Find a violent madman who is not afraid of death, or simply offer a high price reward on the deep net, pick peach chant, that is cheap ... ’

Speaking of this violent madman, UPL's permanent council members also noticed the concept of 'super-executors' mentioned in the Ava report.

Ava used a lot of rigorous data and even a special dynamic presentation to illustrate how difficult it is to get the Maserara into the bag without errors, even if it is implemented in practice.

Ava pointed out that the more clever the strategy, the lower the fault tolerance rate.

The group of people who fell on the Maserah faced this situation of extreme fault tolerance. If there is a problem in one area, it is very likely to cause a total loss.

Ava also pointed out that the capture of the Marsala is not possible by one person, but it will not be too much.

Judging from the traces left on the scene, she judged that there were more than five people and less than ten people.

The head of the board also asked a detailed question in this regard: "More than one professional investigation team pointed out that there are almost no traces available at the scene. The reason for using" almost "is that even if there is a little, the self-destruction process is The representative series of blasting was destroyed. "

Ava's answer to this is: "Think from another angle, there is no trace, but it is actually a trace ..."

Well, "True Viewer" is so nagging, no doubt about his use, and the big brother is not good to say anything.

Eva explained briefly: "The more master, the more has its own unique form style. In the specific survey, I mainly saw two styles, but considering a series of comprehensive factors, I will summarize them It ’s a solo style for the super strong, and there are two small team styles for the super elite group. "

Eva is actually right.

The super strong solo is naturally Kane.

The super team is a puppet controlled by Miranda. After the puppets are brainwashed, there is only one AI style of ‘Miranda’.

It's just that Eva's thinking has its limitations.

The set of confusion control methods used by Kane are so godly, the level of cleverness has exceeded the level of technology in this world by more than two levels, so it is incomprehensible.

And Ava still understands from the perspective of scientific explanation, and the invasion of higher civilizations other than human civilization, which has caused the limitation of thinking.

When she thinks about it, the '3G' mode of control that is immediately captured, immediately puppetized, and immediately put into use is pure bragging, and it is not scientific at all.

She was reluctant to believe this possibility and considered it nonsense.

So she virtualized a super elite group.

She pointed out in the report that the super elite group cannot be cultivated by simple simulation training. It must be many trials of life and death, and surpassing oneself over and over again can create this kind of ability to make the super level play like a routine.

And such a person, the veterans of a hundred battles are not enough to describe their excellence, so there must be a provenance, not a rock popping out.

Therefore, this is a clue that can be traced. But this requires the sincere cooperation of various power groups, which is a bit difficult.

More than a little big?

It is simply taboo.

Generally, this kind of top-level force is related to the last retreat of a family.

People have a good day and a bad day, and the family has a prosperity and decline, but a reliable retreat can ensure that even if the scepter is lost, it will not be completely destroyed, but there is a possibility of a comeback.

The top force is closely related to this kind of layout to a large extent. How could it be allowed to be checked by outsiders?

You should know that UPL is a democratic parliament, which talks about personal privacy. (Only capitalists who enjoy democratic authority) this bottom line is the foundation of UPL's existence, and it is a red line that cannot be touched.

Although the current table-lifting incident has also crossed the red line, but because the opponent crossed the line first, the problem is solved through more crossing lines. This idea is not recognized by the UPL Council.

So the big brother of the council can only say: there is more than one road to the destination, change the direction of the investigation.

Ava ’s IQ and EQ are all online, so naturally, she wo n’t do anything about it, so change your direction! So dug out the sand bug.

Here all have to mention the sorrow of not having the air control.

Fortunately, Kane took into account this problem and used the sandworm as a bait, so that he didn't fall into the passive.

Ava discovered the Sandworm, too, by reading satellite monitoring information.

Of course, this is not **** luck.

First of all, Eva already has an intention.

She analyzes the process of the marshalling of the Masala, and inevitably studies its route.

The Maserara departs from Hengguang City, and the first big station is Aurora City.

From Hengguang City to Mine Pit Town, if you pass through Hongguang City, it is not too round, just a circle of about 40 degrees.

The reason for this trip to a neutral city is that some philanthropists in Hongguang City spontaneously organized disaster relief activities and prepared to invest in the disaster area in the form of materials needed in the disaster area. So UA International, the host family, personally sent people to thank them and invited them to go with them.

In fact, it is for a series of show purposes. For charity events, the bigger the movement, the bigger the number, but the excessive self-promotion and embarrassment appear awkward, so they come up with some names. In short, celebrities and celebrities often play this way.

Eva knows but does not care about this. She cares about the route of the Maserati, which is meticulous to every day, every hour, where and how to pass.

Then I discovered the delay in time when the Maserati shelled the Sandworm.

In fact, the investigation team of Hongguang City, such as the official and the investigators hired by the families of the victims of the Hongqiao Tiange, also found this anomaly.

However, these investigative teams and investigators do not have the authority to call up all relevant equipment, including space-based weapons and various satellites.

They also went to the corresponding area to check.

But Kane paid attention to the traces, so these people did not find valuable information.

However, Eva showed her the authority of the UPL permanent council to appoint a search officer and the speciality of the "real person".

Although most orbiters such as satellites in the world, like the past store monitoring, the aerial data in the information storage device will be cleaned once in a while, but Ava just obtained the operation right of the information storage device and carried out After data recovery, I finally found a video with the same frame as the Marsala and Sandworm.

At that time, it was the section where the Marsala was robbed and drove to the sand bug near the nest, using its own car repair shop to help the sand bug repair.

The bombardment of the Sandworm by the Marsala was a temporary intent. It was Cork Reiter and Adele Weining, telling her that it was this kind of business-to-business bandit-carrying warship vehicle, which made disasters and made money. Buying and selling rescuing materials ...

Adele begged the captain or the captain, Ella Greenhill, Ella was not good because of this matter, which swept Adele ’s interest, but after all, she did not follow the normal procedures, did not investigate, and even did not even pronounce the sentence. It was bombarded privately, so let alone record in the captain ’s log, even the people on the battleship vehicle, most of them did not know what happened. I only knew that there was one bombardment, and I did not know whether it was an exercise or something.

Ella even asked Adele for help on the grounds of causing a lot of red tape ~ ~. Afterwards, he used his special authority to order the car AI to clean the relevant records.

Later, the self-destruction system set by Kane added a heavy insurance for it.

However, the eyes in the sky did not belong to him. During that time, after all, there were "passers" who saw some valuable information.

In this way, Sandworm entered Ava's vision.

As rulers, the capital monitors everywhere, and the most common is to install a back door in the products they sell.

So even if it is a retired second-hand privately modified warship vehicle like Sandworm, as long as the capital is determined, it will be able to know its location by activating the hidden positioning system.

Ava used this to lock in the position of the Sandworm. Near the mine town, the caravan of UA International was robbed and the world was fermented and noisy in the massacres of innocent people. Generally, kill the past ...

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