Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1236: Point out the branch of civilization

In addition to being daunting, powerful is also appreciated.

Ava appreciates the professional ability of this group of people who have committed evil in Hongguang City and Mine Town. Of course, it is also limited to professional ability. She regards her life style as a mustard, and she is totally different.

And Kane, who is admired and disdainful by Ava, thinks that he values ​​human life more than most rulers in this world.

Of course, Kane himself admits that some of his cognition has deviated from the scope of ordinary people's thinking and is extremely dangerous.

But even so, he feels that he can still look down on many peers with a relatively noble look in terms of comparison.

When Ava rushed to the mine town, Kane's first underground town, Letu Town, had already opened.

Considering the comprehensive qualities of this world, the construction of Letu Town took a lot of work and effort. Its construction method is like blowing a balloon under the water.

But it is not water, but lava.

In addition to the large amount of data information carried by Kane, the body itself is also equivalent to the biological version of the super MCV.

With the support of high-end biotechnology and strong and meticulous control capabilities, cells with various characteristics can synthesize primitive stem cells in the body shell. After shedding, they can complete similar mechanical manufacturing by themselves in the most common self-proliferation method in the biological world. 3. The effect of equipment production.

Therefore, Kane made it, it can be grown or ‘blowed out’.

This lava bubble is just one of many evil spirit cells with different properties.

It has similarities to the shell material of Zhelong, and it also has superconducting properties, but it has its own characteristics, that is, the nature change.

Like ordinary biological cells, it has new life and death, prosperity and aging, and the characteristics of each stage are not the same.

When it died, it eventually became a hard reef-like remains.

Letu Town was built inside this kind of remains.

The black households trapped in the mine are the first non-puppet settlers in Letu Town.

When they arrived, the town of Letu was in the ascendant and very simple.

This was also arranged by Kane deliberately.

The reason is that the black households can participate in person, so as to have a more sense of belonging.

Of course, the more critical thing is policy.

Kane gave the core rules, while Miranda perfected the details. Therefore, to the black households, although the town of Letu is newly built, the force it belongs to called the "first order" is absolutely old.

To be honest, the name 'First Order' is not very pleasant.

Slowly despotic taste can even produce bad tastes such as arrogance, restraint, high pressure and so on.

But fortunately, this is not only a world, a time, and a civilization with a lower limit than the peers, but even the peers squeeze the bottom layer.

In this context, the basic terms of the First Order are very close to the people.

For example, the basic guarantees in social welfare, medical treatment and education are free. And don't dare to do anything, the official is in charge!

As long as it does not violate the law and has civil rights, then the official will meet the four basic needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Welfare dormitory can live to death, free clothes can be worn to death, you can get food and drink at the nearby delivery point, the most basic means of transportation when going out, sharing bicycles, buses and nothing is free of charge. Identity recognition and big data networking basically eliminate malicious mischief ...

In a word, if you are satisfied with salted fish waiting to die when you eat it, no problem, the productivity is so strong that it can meet all the basic needs of citizens by relying on automated factories.

But you can't count on how good these free things are. Even compressing packed lunches is considered to be a life-improving meal only on weekends. Usually it is a nutritional cream that provides comprehensive nutrition, just like toothpaste. It is guaranteed to not be fat if you eat this every day.

Kane did not even expect anything from this first-generation resident. After all, both the body and mind are devastated, and it is enough to correct the mental state in life and consciously abide by the social order.

The rest is the responsibility of natural reproduction.

There is no problem even if you are unwilling or unable to multiply. As live props to promote the authenticity and diversity of society, this can be satisfied.

As long as you live and live in a group, you will definitely interact with the group, which is enough.

For the second and third generations, as long as there is a stable social environment, basic material security, and appropriate guidance, then the atmosphere of the entire group can be reshaped to a state and degree that satisfies Kane. Kane has this self-confidence for the corresponding material and management needs.

Therefore, the opening of Letu Town is not panic, not fierce, not hyperactive, without slogans, no propaganda, and more like ordinary post-disaster reconstruction.

Most of the black households that came after they had eaten a few days of free food began to pay attention to the relevant information. Because the information is extremely developed and everyone has a convenient terminal, it is also very convenient to query. Some people try to find a better life after understanding.

There are still many attractive things provided by the government, such as paid housing, from built and renovated, can be directly checked in, to be able to design or choose the appearance, interior decoration, large and small, apartment or independent There are houses, if you are willing to borrow, then you can try to earn a down payment.

In fact, the first priority for more people is the prosthetic style.

It may be that when it is lost, it is often because of necessity. Even if the prosthesis is better in many functions, it is already used to it. Most people still miss the flesh and blood.

Therefore, after discovering that the First Order provides the flesh and blood that is nurtured based on its own DNA, people think of returning to the flesh first, which is relatively basic dignity and decentness.

If you want to fulfill your wishes, you have to make money. As for how to make money, manual labor is naturally the lowest level, and the mechanics are obviously higher.

Officials also encourage self-employment, and even have various training courses to impart various types of professional knowledge.

In short, as long as you are willing to be good and have a pursuit, then you can find a way and start thinking about your goals.

Judging from the current operating situation, the actual situation is better than Kane's estimate. Many people are actively seeking a better material life.

But Kane was not blindly optimistic. Whether people are pursuing it, or fearing the past, lack of security, being able to grasp one thing or another, or the big animals have become inertial, still need time to test.

The size of Letu Town is also determined. For Kane, this is a slightly larger social experiment point. It ’s awkward, that is, it is completely defeated, and it may not be able to count as a nifty one. After participating in it for a while, I basically became a bystander. It's not so distracting.

Of course, this is also because of a super butler like Miranda who is careful, comprehensive, stable and lasting, and does not need him to worry about it, let alone make any effort.

Considering the needs of economic operation, Letu Town is also regarded as a mining town, with the production of minerals as the main economic pillar.

The specific mineral, Kane's feelings, or evil tastes again, named Tiberium.

Tiberias, as originally set, is an artificial crop, similar to the genetically modified one.

It's just that it produces not food but rare resources.

The so-called rare resources are those materials that modern humans can understand, which are frequently sold on the periodic table of chemical elements and are expensive.

It is very difficult to collect and extract these elements in the normal way, but Tiberium makes it easy through its unique phagocytosis and transformation characteristics. And carbon-based life substances are also within the scope of their efficient transformation.

Therefore, Tiberia is ecologically devastating. Put one in the Amazon jungle. If left unattended, its lattice spores will spread, turning the entire area into a jungle of luminous crystals, and even spread to the mantle layer.

After harvesting these crystal crops, what remains is ash soil that is not as good as sand. The Gobi Desert can occasionally see some life, cacti, tumbleweeds and the like, but in the Tiberian desert, even if there is enough rain, no species will survive, the soil is too barren, and the valuables are all Taber Leah sucked up.

Tiberium's technical force is really high, and even the Sijin people (aliens) who use it are only discoverers, not creators.

During the reincarnation period, Kane had completely robbed all the technology of the command and conquer series, including the two branches of the Sijin, the traveler and the reaper, and even the mysterious Tacitus. One, but not only this kind of technology), have tried to start.

But the skills of the command and conquer series really came after Zhao Wenrui's legacy.

And it also revealed the identity of the creator of Tiberias, it was the ancient god.

So Tiberium is a sensitive concept for Kane.

Even when Zhao Wenrui was still alive, he was in a basic need to understand the strong enemy, and spent great efforts to completely break Tiberia. When Kane was still careful, he would not easily put this creation out of the cage. Especially in this world, the ancient **** arranged for the spirit of the puppet demon to send him over.

What's more, he did not feel the need to send advanced resource aggregates to the civilization of this world.

Therefore, Tiberium is only worthy of its name, it is just a low-end cottage version of Tiberia, and it is also more secure and controllable.

The specific production method is lava cavitation. You can think of it as an alternative walnut. Walnut kernels are aggregated resources including converted heat energy. Walnut shells become containers for building facilities, which is also an artificial giant structure. building.

And this kind of hollow town has a characteristic that ordinary cities do not have, that is, good disaster resistance.

The conduction of energy in the solid state, which is denser than the liquid state, is rigid, so large-scale underground blasting will always lead to disasters such as ground fissures and earthquakes.

The damage caused by this disaster to ordinary dungeons is very great, and it is not uncommon to even completely destroy them.

However, the lava cavitation is equivalent to having an outer tank and an inner tank, which is equivalent to having a buffer compartment space. As for geothermal heat, lava, and high pressure, it is not a big problem for the related technologies exposed by First Order.

Therefore, Kane seems to have fallen off lightly. The human beings involved are not even the fractions of the total population of the world ’s human population, but the pattern is quite meteorological. A style of underground civilization is created. .

This is the pivot that Kane used to pry the entire existing civilization.

However, he has recently committed ‘wild man ’s disease’ and does not love his family. Whether it is the Zhelong or Letu Town, after completing its preliminary foundation stone, or once it is fresh, it will be ignored and would rather play role-playing waves outside.

After getting rid of the dying black households in the mine area, he has been immersed in a bar in the mine town as a freeman in recent days.

Times, culture, productivity, social atmosphere, these four here are very different from Kane's hometown, so that even if it is affected by disaster, it is also different from the traditional model.

Although the miserable side is there, it is still the same.

Although Minkeng Town is called a town, it does have a city with a fixed population of more than 7 million.

Advanced scientific and technological agriculture and the external environment that kills the land determine the difference between this area and the countryside, not even the suburbs.

Only the fortress.

It is for this reason, coupled with the vast territory, that has spawned the warships such as land ships, men's romance.

Another important reason for this characteristic is the orcs.

The orcs are not indigenous, nor are they distorted by nuclear disasters, but biological and chemical weapons.

In order to make up for the shortcomings of a small population and a shortage of soldiers, one of the two camps that caused the destruction of the old world that year brought out biological and chemical weapons. Then it becomes a life, no one cares.

So the scourge of orcs is actually the pot of man, but the capitals do n’t recognize the old account of this ancestor as soon as they wipe their faces. They insist that they are orcs, as if they were indigenous species that existed originally.

What's interesting is that the orcs also know how to seek benefits and avoid harm. For places like the earth killing birds that don't shit, the orcs easily don't like to come.

But the more this is, the occasional autumn wind or something, the easier it is to succeed.

People who live here are also shaved with enough wool, which has formed the characteristics of today.

Even if a giant structure is hit by nuclear weapons, the overall framework can stand tall as a man-made spectacle.

It is 2 kilometers away from the ground, not to mention standing in the relatively flat Gobi area, even in the mountainous area, it is definitely a glance of the small mountains, and the visual impact has just been.

Mine Pit Town is such a "super bunker" with an area of ​​less than 10 square kilometers and an average height of more than 2 kilometers.

The biggest difference between it and other cities is that it has a complicated underground mining area. Even the entrance is in the city, which is completely invisible from the outside.

The disaster was caused by the earthquake that caused many collapses in the mine area. At the same time, the nearby reservoir bursting and the water caused by the ground fissures poured into the mine area. The double disaster caused the mine area to completely stop. The pillar industries that depend on it for life have collapsed, and people's lives have naturally been greatly affected.

Theoretically, with today's prosperous technology, people's ability to resist disasters will not be so crisp. However, capital exploitation is too cruel. The bottom of the country is generally debt-ridden. If you do not start a week, you will not be able to maintain the inherent lifestyle. Considering the productivity of this era, it is really worse than the ancient family without overnight food.

Kane felt that this disaster was a good push. Without it, most of the people at the bottom would rather continue to endure the squeeze, and would not walk out of the comfort zone easily, even if they know that this comfort zone is not comfortable, and it is always destroyed risk.

No tears can be seen in the coffin, and this person at the bottom is really boiled by warm frogs until the pine skin is lazy and desperate. UU reading has also listened to all kinds of beautiful promises, simply Drunk and dreamed of death, did not believe anything.

It is precisely this disaster that really kills some people's lives, and they have to die if they don't change, so his newly opened 'First Order' can only attract some people.

The thought of being mixed up with a scum, and pretending to be a holding rack, to prevent this and that, facing the choice of joining the first order, than letting Huanghua's big girl go to the nightclub to be reserved, Kane is inevitably greasy.

Therefore, the errands of recruiting people were handed over to the heartless puppets. He himself ran out for drinking and pastime, while being a listener and listening to how people talked about these recent big events.

This is really comfortable. After all, it is the uncle who spent the money, especially the bars he entered, are all a bit of a grade in the midtown area, and they can still buy some superficial courtesy.

This has been true for several days, and Kane has never been tired.

Then on this day, I met Eva at the bar ...

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