Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1237: Encounter 1st

Eva came to the bar to catch up with the wind.

The gold content of her style is relatively high, and it is not an excuse for some people to use rotten fools.

While investigating the case, she inevitably profiled the suspect according to the information available.

She concluded that this time the suspect was the kind of arrogant, even perverted, who dared to stay on the scene after the incident happened, mingling in the crowd and listening to the follow-up.

Choosing a mid-range bar in Minkeng Town as the wind spot is naturally the result of thinking twice.

She is not the bar of the bottom people, she does not think the suspects will patronize there. The service level is not important, the key is that the people there know that the level of the news channel is too low, and their personal literacy is limited, the focus is strange, and the information distortion is too high.

Or to say ruthlessly, you ca n’t expect a group of drunken people who have been dreaming of death, who have not expected their future, can communicate with the current affairs, develop the case, that kind of bar is really to integrate color and violence into cheap drinks and spiritual hallucination Chaotic place in medicine.

The suspects are extremely capable, and even top bars have a place. But the atmosphere of the high-end bar is equally bad. The so-called high-ranking people who were chased by fame and fortune made it an alternative trading place. The eyes and mouth are full of the smell of power and profit. Those who really focus on doing things can only get embarrassed and even contemptuous.

No way, just so superficial. The so-called profoundness of those people is mostly a prepared show. Those who are really strong are either on the way to forge ahead, and can't enjoy themselves busy; or they are favored by the big brothers and accumulate contacts in top private club bars; they will not waste time in that kind of place.

Therefore, Eva felt that the suspect would not go to the high-end bar to "find abuse", and he and the people who came and went there were not on the same channel.

He was the kind of person who should have been in and out of the clubhouse and appreciated by the big brother. Even, if it were not for class solidification, the big guys in various industries would cover the top, and he would have the opportunity to become a new big guy if they were able to hit the bright and dark overlapping of capable new entrants.

It was precisely because he had no way to go that he chose to lift the table.

Therefore, even if such people look back at the explosion, they will only appear in mid-range bars.

In such bars, he naturally has a sense of overlooking. Therefore, the person she was looking for was the kind of casual guest who had a kind of arrogant hidden hidden guest.

As for the elite group, it is a group of weirdos, people who can treat reality as a virtual world and kill people like playing games.

Such people meet a good leader and can release their talents to shock the world. But if you do it yourself, its shortcomings, which are also outstanding, tend to make them die hard.

And most of these people live in their own world. Ordinary bars are too difficult to meet the same people. Various clubs are their love, or they are simply dead houses. They only indulge in the virtual world like a lunatic ... …

With such a complete set of knowledge, Ava really is a professional style. Therefore, her encounter with Kane was not accidental.

Unless Kane suddenly feels bored, quit shopping at the bar, and run back to work as a farmer, it will be inevitable to meet Eva. After all, Eva's profile of his characters is not far from complete, even if it's not enough.

Of course, it can be very far without being too far.

There is a world of difference between a simple stupid and a stupid after returning to the original, but the external performance is stupid.

And Kane couldn't afford to go back to nature in all aspects. If that was the case, he would be completely detached and completely inhuman.

He is just a soul in the process of gradual change that is too mature in some aspects and very human in some aspects.

It took him 30,000 years to figure out one thing. That was when he felt that this gradual change is a kind of sublimation, a real sublimation at the soul level, and now he knows that neither sublimation nor degeneration is the essence of gradual change, or rather the true core, but only a definition imposed by man. The core is the end.

The end of a journey.

Can also be understood as death.

The only difference between it and the death of ordinary people is the fulfillment.

If you do n’t care about the concept of ‘completeness’, it is also a definition imposed by human beings. The gap between the two can be understood as one that is really stupid, and the other is that it is really stupid ...

So, Kane did have some kind of gaze and pride looking down on everything.

At first, it was because I was a person who passed through, backed by a whole civilization, and made me succeed, not to mention that the arrival seemed to be a relatively low-dimensional world.

Later, because of most of the experience, the accumulated information capital is too thick, so there is a sense of superiority in the spirit of you who can compare with me.

But now, it has a bit of fairy flavor. ‘I ’ve seen almost all of your noble pursuit of the supreme goal, including me, and I have n’t stepped out of the barriers of humanity. I almost understand that you have n’t, so I ’m one step ahead of you. Of course, this is actually not a big deal, but it does n’t prevent me from feeling good about making a comparison ... ’

Freedom comes from success. Every time you get a big success in a field, you will have a real pastime. After all, this is not a theoretical insight, but a taste of all the tastes before and after the great success, and even the solitary defeat. So, There is a force, so it's really easy.

Such a Kane naturally has a unique charm.

Just like the line that Kane remembers so far from a movie in his hometown:

Do you think you won't be able to find you in hiding? useless!

You are a man who pulls the wind like that, no matter where it is, it is like a firefly in the dark, so bright, so outstanding!

Your melancholic eyes, the sullen Hu ballast, the miraculous knife, and the cup of DryMartine are all fascinating me!

It's just that although you are so good, there are rules, no matter what, you have to pay the overnight fee last night!

Tell women not to give money! ?

It is said that the older the state of mind, the more nostalgic.

Kane has a similar feeling, he feels that his soul is indeed a bit old-fashioned, and even somewhat perverted!

The former is because he has experienced so many wonderful experiences and possessed so much wealth, but he always misses the time of his hometown, even if it is false entertainment content. Even if he dreamed, he dreamed of an old house in his hometown. On the edge of the third-tier city, there was a single house with a total area of ​​less than 100 square meters. He spent his childhood there and grew up, so it became his roots. , And does not seem to be shifted by personal will.

As for the latter, he can now ignore the external environment, entertain himself, laugh when thinking about himself, even talk to himself, and do n’t care about the weird eyes that outsiders see, and even laugh in his heart. SB knows a fart. "

He certainly knows that this is understood from the perspective of modern psychology and is sick! And really want to get him back to that time, he is not necessarily happy, just like replaying the classic games of the FC era with nostalgic psychology, and then the **** to the explosion of the picture quality is completely engaged in no mood similar reason.

missing is better than meeting.

They all know the truth and know that it is a disease, but they do not want to cure it.

Just so capricious, are you not convinced? Who is eligible to refuse? Come on, scrabble ...

Really arrogant, isn't it?

It does have a unique temperament, doesn't it?

Then it was discovered by Ava.

A man who can drink a little wine with a moderate alcohol level and directly persuade a few young ladies who want to talk to her, successfully attracted the attention of Ava, and the more she observed, the more she felt like she was looking for The goal.

Then Eva gave her assistant a wink.

As a result, her assistant fell off the chain and was chatting with a handsome man.

This man is a natural person.

According to relevant laws, non-natural persons must be marked on the forehead.

Therefore, men and women who dare to show their foreheads and show that they are natural persons and are more handsome or beautiful are always more popular in such bars. After all, it represents a good background. And no one wants to make troublesome ghosts with chaotic lives.

It would be better if this natural person's talk was better and could hit the channel. When people come to the bar, they are looking for these kind of fresh people. Having a pleasant time with them one or more times or many times is their true desire.

However, dignitaries can cheat at any time, because dignitaries themselves represent a certain level of strength.

Aeva cheated herself and her assistant, she was ordinary, and her assistant was beautified.

The identities of the two are also interchanged, and her assistant enjoys having a face that reverses sentient beings.

Although Ava is a foil, the real veteran will notice her superb figure, so if necessary, she will show a little, and she will not be disappointed.

Now, Eva needs her assistant to try Kane's condition.

It does n’t matter whether the assistant has a pleasant interaction with Kane, Ava will not look down or look at Kane because of Kane ’s anxiety or sex-coldness, the goal she is looking for has repeatedly demonstrated its strength in a certain field For her strength, she will not seek full blame and feel that the other party must be perfect.

On the contrary, she hopes that the other party is not perfect, otherwise she is afraid that she will be in danger. Not the danger of personal safety, but the fatal attraction ...

That's right, Eva is also a human being, and has various illusions about the opposite sex. It's a pity that in reality, she really admires too little, too little, even those so-called successors and even masters of a certain valve, in her eyes, mostly use rights and benefits to gain aura, not how capable. Outstanding.

Of course she wouldn't think it was a mistake, and luck was part of her strength. Born in wealthy and wealthy people, they know how to take advantage of themselves, this is not wrong.

But she also insisted that her ability to persevere is the first source of charm, even if this ability brings destruction.

However, she has the fickleness that many women have.

For example, according to her logic, the men she admires should be found in groups such as scientists and artists.

Star Alliance is also some young talents in this area, at least on the surface.

She has also interacted with some of them, and the result has been disappointed again and again.

Then she discovered that the point of her fickleness is that the other party's ability in a certain aspect is not enough!

She also laughed at herself for this, and even tried to adjust her perception.

But in the end she failed and settled in the status quo.

She realized that she would either be lonely and die old, or she would fall in love with someone inexplicably, even if she fell with it, and even affected all her relatives and friends.

She thought to herself: "This may be the result of the desire and destruction of human nature at the same time play a role?"

But she doesn't feel that she will regret it. Extreme, there must be another side of extreme. This is her, whether society or other people can accept it, she is like this.

That's why she didn't want Kane to be perfect in several other ways. After all, those things that Kane did were already ‘sky angry.’

She felt that if she had something to do with this kind of person, it would be too **** and crazy ...

Kane is entertaining himself, but does not hinder the eyes and ears.

Eva gave her assistant a wink and failed to see it from Kane's perspective. But Eva made his eyes look fruitless, and gave the assistant a small kick, but he noticed it.

In addition, the assistant talked to the handsome man very happy. He also noticed that after all, it was a pair of handsome CPs in the bar.

Kane thought it was a bit interesting, but he didn't expect the Super Agent to come to the door.

The main reason is that I am too confident about the operations I do.

Coupled with his special origins, it is harder to find him than finding a needle in a haystack.

As for the fake identity he is using now, he believes there is no problem.

In this era of the world, disasters mean variables and chaos, which means that there have been a lot of omissions in the original meticulous management. In some people ’s eyes, it represents vitality and represents an opportunity to take advantage of, so they came at their own expense. There are not many free people in the disaster area. His current identity is one of them. Hovering like a scavenging vulture, waiting and looking for opportunities to make a fortune.

And such a person is absolutely reasonable to make a bar. The opportunity is fleeting. Of course, to gather information, you must come to the bar. It is too difficult and difficult to distinguish the true and false information of the first-hand information on the virtual network, so it is possible to analyze useful information between the lines of some people chatting in the bar.

Of course, Kane itself does not particularly rely on intelligence acquisition, he only appreciates people's reactions.

And this time, there are indeed some big events in the bar, but none of them are on point.

In other words, just using it as a gimmick to attract others ’attention and serve the horses, this kind of talk is generally very shallow, lacking dry goods, and even being full of mistakes and boring.

As a result, after Ava's small movements, the beauty almost abruptly ended the hot chat with the handsome man and ran to chat with him. This behavior caught his attention.

So in the face of a gentle and fragrant assistant who walked in the fragrant wind, Kane did not wait for him to speak, and then went back in a sentence: "I see you are very engaged in talking with that gentleman, you are also bright in the audience Eye CP, came suddenly, could it be because of a certain game? "

What Kane said was precisely the play code that Ava had temporarily arranged for her assistant.

Since she suspects that Kane is a suspect to a certain extent, she naturally knows that if the other party is a suspect, she is likely to have very strong investigation and anti-reconnaissance capabilities and is extremely vigilant. Then, there must be a reasonable reason for any kind of approach.

The reason Ava came up with the assistant was a certain bet with a low-level sense of fun. For example, how many seconds does the old lady need to allow a man to show the licking dog prototype or something. People and things that mischief others by their appearance are still common in such bars.

And Eva did not forget to cover up her small movements. The roles and dramas she arranged for herself were the girlfriends of the beauties. When the beauties talked to the men and fell down, they made suggestions and then made a bet.

This kind of plastic sister-like operation, which seems to help the beauty to release the siege, is a kind of plastic jealous and bad-hearted, which is also very common in such bars.

As for the beauty played by the assistant, having a chest and face is enough. At this point, the assistant is basically capable of performing.

Of course, the face is fake, but the chest is real.

But it must be said that Kane was completely uninterested in this kind of crumpled chest. As for the face, it is even more fake.

Therefore, although restricted by world law, and did not hear the content of Ava and her assistants whispering, but very different himself added a drama, directly to the assistant.

He pointed to Eva and smiled: "Your friend is more suitable for me, you and I can't hold it."

At that moment, the assistant was intimidating and said: "This man is a little evil! The old lady who does not follow the number of cards is also seen, but basically all think in reverse to show her own uniqueness and fundamental purpose. It still attracts the beauty to be interested in it. This kind of straightforwardly puts the words to death and points out the goal. Is it too much? "

However, although the assistant didn't know the real purpose of Ava's shopping, he could faithfully carry out Ava's orders.

She remembered that Ava had just told her to stop licking it.

So at this time, he shook the sentence aloud: "It should be a single dog for a lifetime." Then he turned around and said, "Mum, Mum".

Many people in the bar noticed this scene. After a moment of silence, the buzzing conversation suddenly became louder. Obviously, many of them took this scene for fun and discussed it.

Kane looked like a non-smiling face, playing very steadily there, waiting for the following.

Ava was thinking: "It's a little interesting, but it's not just you who wants to **** the initiative and is breathtaking, this is just the first round, we will see you again. Next time, I will change my face, how about you? ? "

So Ava chose not to move, and when the assistant came back, she simply talked a few words, and she deliberately glanced at Kane, showing a look of contempt.

By this, this round is considered to be over. In Ava's view, this is in line with a prank failure, UU reading, so each play the whole process of the play.

However, her opponent this time is really stronger. Even if the rules are restricted, Kane ’s knowledge is still there, and his eyes are quite poisonous. He not only noticed that the faces of Ava and his assistants are fake, but also noticed the unnatural look of the handsome man and Ava ’s Need for a good figure, and some small movements.

But he comes with powerful analysis functions, and has a super assistant such as Miranda, and a database that can look at the entire civilization. A large amount of deduction information ‘唰 尰 啰’ came out.

Among them, the speculation about Ava and his assistants is rich and comprehensive, far exceeding the imagination of normal people.

"The material conditions are extremely substantial, which can be understood as already financial freedom, and it is clean enough for itself to form such a natural shape. This is not the girl of ordinary people. Then the face change of the white dragon fish suit travels, playing such a poor play code, Is it interested in someone weird, or is it some other reason? Could it be a super investigator, the blind cat meets the dead mouse? Interesting! "Kane felt that if it were a real agent, this opponent play , But there can be ...

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