Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1238: Neon charming glorious street

Later that day after the first confrontation, Ava obtained Kane's information.

Of course, it was the fake identity that Kane pretended to be.

Just a few simple glances, and Eva threw away the information that the assistant had worked very hard to put aside.

He also comforted the assistant's carefulness about the injury: "It's not your fault, it's the man who played too carelessly, and it doesn't match the actual performance. It's fake."

If Kane is here, he will most likely be very positive about this evaluation.

His personal characteristics are indeed clear, and he dislikes changing too much to play, and it is painful to tie his hands and feet, so all role-playing is just a superficial layer of skin, just like Atango turned all movie roles into Atang Brother in general.

The gossip fire of Eva ’s assistant was ignited and asked, "So, have we found our goal?"

Before she collected relevant information, she was told the real purpose of frequent clubbing during this time. Although she became aware of it later, she still felt very excited. Participated, a sense of 'I am writing a legend that will be recorded in the related history' came into being.

As a result, Ava knocked down **** from heaven in one sentence: "Since you already know, you can only act as logistics next time, and I can only act on the front line by myself."

The assistant pleaded with a bitter face, which means ‘give a chance! I will play well. ’

Eva gave her a white look and commented: "When you think of 'performance', you have failed. Immersion is not enough, even professional actors will appear fake, let alone you."

The assistant who knows Eva ’s temperament is a bit arrogant, which means ‘it ’s just saying people, just like your performance is like a movie poster! ’

Ava again understood the meaning of the assistant again, nodded, "Yes, I played a lot of flaws. Before, because of your eye-catching highlights, I probably barely passed. But next time only me, it will definitely not work again. So I have to change roles, the kind that can be interpreted by nature, then, when I encounter it, I ca n’t arrange it in a bar like that. "......

Compared with Eva's elaborate plan, Kane's attitude towards this matter is much more verbose. Mainly because of self-reliance, even if the identity is really revealed, it does not matter.

After all, if he just wanted to subvert the existing civilization and create a low-end version of the swarm system through the evil spirit cells, he was confident that he could be as long as the UPL and even the entire Star Alliance.

The reason why I chose a time-consuming and relatively rugged road, one is ability and willfulness, and the other is to guard against the black hand of the ancient god.

When he wanted to come, even the dark HP world could have been caused so many troubles by the ancient god's steps in time, so in this world designated by him, I was afraid that it would be more greasy.

The more he exposed, the greater the fear of rebound, because when he stood in the light, God knew how many types of dark arrows would come.

Because of this level of consideration, he was not in a hurry to jump to the front desk.

Not like the dark HP world, a posture of ‘Lao Tzu is to maintain the extraordinary order of the human society in this world so that it will not be disturbed by the transcendental transcendental power’ and become volatile.

But he will not stand idly by.

So I chose a relatively tortuous route.

The great man once said that the right path of the world is vicissitudes, and the surgical-style social class has been shuffled and superficial. The result is either ‘the rise and fall are common people ’s suffering’, or the masses have nothing to do with me to eat melons and look at ‘Huang Shiren vs. Zhou Paipi’.

Only when people have personally participated, have a deep feeling, and then coupled with guidance, have reversed the thoughts of most individuals, and formed a new social atmosphere, and reform can be meaningful. And such new forces are extremely difficult to be subverted. Because of common ground, everyone will consciously defend him.

In this case, the main style is partial construction, not destruction. No matter how good the mouth is, let the participants feel the superiority of the new system and new group.

Moreover, Kane was not in a hurry to invite people to buy people, large-scale income.

The specific income-collecting actions have been launched long ago, but the intensity is not great, and it is even more harsh than many peers.

Yes, Kane has peers.

However, according to his observations, his colleagues are selling dog meat under the sheep's head, under the banner of various disaster relief, and deceive people to sign their deeds of sale.

what? Already a slave of this era, sell everything you can sell?

no no! There must be some more squeezed out, as long as people live, they can still be squeezed ...

In this context, the Volunteer Group of the same order with the same name as the ‘Workers’ Mutual Aid Society ’has a very limited appeal, and it ’s not even obvious.

After all, to join this society, even if it is only a temporary rise, turn around and quit. If you want to get some real benefits, such as meals, you need to work hard.

Some of these labors can be done more efficiently with equipment, but this organization relies on manpower and ‘work is a sacred power, and labor is a virtue worth boasting about. ’It just made a sense of religious ceremony, which made many people sniff.

But conversely, the viscosity of the organization's personnel is relatively high, and most of the participants have a try, or some curiosity, who want to know what tricks to play, have chosen to change from short-term to long-term.

In the words of a participant: “It ’s really tiring to work, but it ’s hard to talk about because of the hard work, because there is someone to drive the atmosphere, even to perform the show, the working atmosphere is very good, and the time is lost without knowing it. It ’s more sweet to eat and drink, not only because I ’m hungry, but also with a sense of integrity. I have paid, and I have also received. This is what I deserve, it ’s mine, not because of who ’s alms ... "

Speaking of which, the satisfaction of self-esteem is also the reason why many participants are willing to stay.

In the words of another participant: "The organizers here are not beautiful, but they are real, neat, not fooling, not ambiguous. I feel their honesty and at least respect for me."

So to put it bluntly, the current window for absorbing people is like the simple name of its "Workers' Mutual Aid Association", which is for absorbing people who are willing to work. This is the feature of Tonghuohui.

Those idle **** who are used to eating white food will not go to the door, and will stay shortly even if they come. Neither the First Order nor Kane had planned to raise such abandoned people who had been scrapped by this society in the early days.

Of course, there are also places for others.

Sometimes the world situation is like this. As a bystander, you feel that others are pitiful, but the parties may not feel it.

Or the parties themselves feel pitiful, but not the same as the pitiful ones you feel.

This also leads to what you think is good, others may not feel good. The pain points of others are commonplace in your opinion.

What is said to be ruined and hopeless, even if it is true, is defeated by its own meager family background, just like those who continue to spend their lives by selling original organs, it is also a kind of life, and there are times when it is happy, There is no need to save.

Kane sometimes likes to visit the areas where such people live. Will cause him a kind of mental phantom pain, so that he is sober, not to be lost in the state of being high.

On this day, he once again ran to the lower level to taste the phantom pain.

He wore a naturally old and torn leather coat, big-toed boots, a narrow brim hat and a broken earphone that covered his entire ear.

This kind of arrogance took some thoughts to allow him to integrate here without looking dazzling. This is what he wanted, he just came to take a look and did not intend to become a street hero.

The slums of Mine Pit Town are in keeping with cyberpunk qualities, cold, dim, always raining, and light pollution caused by colorful but vulgar neon lights.

Here, no one will look up, because it will be very disappointing. After all, I only saw the dark figures and lines that extend to the end of the line of sight of the giant structure, as well as the lights like stars, so that I can understand that I am turning around here, just like being knocked down the bottom of the well, without a name.

Ignoring these oppressive things and only chasing the bright colors, there are always things that interest people.

Even if they were dressed as homeless people like Kane, some people came and talked up, and most of them sold meat and medicine.

Here, drugs in the traditional sense have long disappeared. The mainstream of hallucinogens is electronic drugs, followed by chemical synthetic drugs. After all, the main group active in this area has flesh and blood that can use chemical synthetic drugs. few.

In addition to selling, there are also grabbing.

Here, the robbery is not limited to the alleys or corners. Generally, as long as the order is placed, someone will come over and talk, or say, those who sell it will already be responsible for collecting intelligence. While they are selling things, they will discern the target more carefully, such as whether they are flesh and blood, whether they are strange faces, what their physical condition is, how they are dressed, and so on.

After synthesizing this information, it can be judged whether it is worth robbing Kaizi, and then the news is sold, and someone who eats the robbery rice will buy it.

All in all, this is a cross-industry alliance. The whole region is a game of chess. If a person enters it, it is equivalent to jumping into an invisible pocket. What will happen to them depends largely on the cognition and mood of the people here, not Your own choice.

Kane was robbed. The pattern was quite interesting. It was not the kind that took a gun to the waist and then said: "Hey, buddy, follow me."

Instead, one followed, and two came head-on. The two oncoming people were like ordinary passers-by, holding the target's arm from left to right, making it impossible to fight back, and taking the opportunity behind thousands of times, according to the lumbar spine, a needle came.

In general, the target is directly paralyzed by this set. Then these three people will be pretending to be kind and supportive, and even have a line according to the situation: "Dude, what's wrong? It doesn't matter, come, take a rest on the edge ..." And then where is it, how to deal with it is what people say Forget it.

Kane will not be overwhelmed by this routine.

He is still a few meters away, and he has seen that the two coming on the road are not well-intentioned, although their dress is neither the Speed ​​Party nor the killing of Matt, but is very simple, like ordinary people, but unable to He concealed his observations.

So he turned in time and naturally.

So the two coming on the face and the one behind Kane followed each other's eyes and chased.

Headed by the tracker behind, because this person needs a skill to pierce the lumbar spine.

Although in this world and in this era, the so-called craftsmanship often refers to more advanced prosthetics, the judgment of the cut-in position, the judgment of the timing of the operation, etc., still need the experienced veterans to be beautiful.

So the stabbed one is indeed more capable, and is also the head of the three.

Kane entered a ‘butcher’, and first entered the door to the young ladies who were greeted: “I ’ll go to the bathroom first.”

One of the young ladies immediately laughed: "I will go with you."

"No hurry, prepare the biggest private room for me, if you can play games and sing and dance." Then she drew a small goldfish and gave it to the younger sister who was obviously headed.

This is a kind of private currency. It does not follow the mainstream credit system, but it is very popular in such places.

The younger sister took the little goldfish and recognized it slightly, then she smiled and called her sister, and gave Kane the way to the bathroom.

But Kane left the front foot, and the three looters entered the door. The younger sister changed her face. With a cold face, she pointed out Kane's way, and then flashed back to the side.

The next nine popular in the whole region should be integrated, but it is not in vain. Whose dish is it? There is a saying here, these meat sellers will not complain that the robbery is too bold and broke their business, but the benefits of eating it will not be easily spit out. If the robber does With this list, there will naturally be a share of stolen goods belonging to them.

Of course, the robber met the king of the king today, and he just opened the door to kill when he entered the bathroom.

Kane is not on the side, on the front, or even behind the door. Above the door, this position is not easy for people in this world where prostitutes generally use it.

But this is not a problem for Kane.

It's not even more difficult to grasp the timing of the shot.

Two of the three robbers entered, and one looked at the door. When the second door entered, and the door almost closed automatically, Kane shot, and the probe held the man by the neck, pulling, pulling, and separating his head, even pulling out the alloy spine.

The man at the moment was also alert. He heard a wrong voice behind him. His backhand was a blow. Unfortunately, his movements were too large and not fast enough.

Kane took his wrist directly and locked it like a hoop, so that the energy dagger in his hand could not hurt people.

Immediately after that, Kane squeezed the front of his neck with the other hand that threw his head into the side sink.

This man also knew that ‘you hit you, I hit me’ was caught in the wrist with one hand, and the other hand was inserted into Kane ’s eyes.

However, it was still not fast enough. His throat and neck had been ripped by Kane first, and blue artificial blood splattered.

Kane's footwork was slick, not splashed at all.

Immediately he threw his head into the sink, opened the door straight, and pulled a watcher into the restroom. The other party had no time to exhale the small body, and Kane took off his head. The vocal cords were naturally destroyed, too, and the call stopped before reaching the treble zone ...

Three minutes later, Kane, who had finished washing her hands, came out of the bathroom calmly. When passing the group of young ladies, the tablet said without fluctuation: "Help me entertain the three friends in the bathroom."

Then they left. The younger sisters were all speechless. Similar killing gods. They had seen them occasionally. They knew that the three guys had kicked the iron plate.

Leaving the Butcher's Shop, even 100 meters didn't go out, Kane met a man who felt very comfortable when he walked on the face.

This man not only smiled charmingly, but also showed a formal dress.

There are no suits in this world, and formal dresses are somewhat like military uniforms. They are very slick ~ ~ The fabrics are also very technological, and wearing them on the person in front of them is like wearing a fan.

When the man greeted him, he nodded and bowed slightly to Kane, then smiled and said, "I just apologized to you for the inconvenience caused by the previous incident. Welcome to Guangcai Street."

Say, with white-gloved hands, put a small plate in both hands, two private coins are placed in the inside, one is the one Kane gave to the butcher before, and the other is mine town 'S private currency is roughly equivalent to Kane's.

Kane's expressionless detective took two private coins and said lightly: "I think I will find the fun I want to find here."

The formal man still keeps smiling: "So, I wish you a pleasant play."

The two separated.

Shortly afterwards, Ava, who had seen relevant audiovisual materials in front of the screen, put down her glass, stood up, and adjusted her clothes, saying: "Then, I should play." ...

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