Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1242: Mysterious event is being broadcast

Kane has always known how to protect himself, and this time is no exception.

The Dragon Dragon started with him, and by virtue of his special connection with Miranda as a beacon, Kane could teleport away at any time like in {Star Trek}.

In turn, combatants can be dropped into the battlefield at any time.

Kane didn't choose either.

When he passed Miranda and received the message that a third-party militant had fallen from the sky, the first thing he did was to use his special contact with Miranda to replace the observation equipment that could be received by Miranda and perform real-time data processing with his eyes. , Locked the hostage hostage present.

When the bandits guarding the hostages were attracted by the exchange of fire between their associates and the invading militants, the group transmission was completed.

The total number of less than three hundred is not a burden for the Zhelong, which has grown into more than one hundred cars and has a total length of 10,000 meters.

Yes, Kane is stubborn again, Xueguo Train, Galaxy Train 999, these are his childhood memories, perhaps because of the ignorance and superficial understanding of the year, only now can we let the thoughts be arbitrarily changed, nor What kind of profound philosophical core is pursuing, it is just like the goods, the name is the lava train Zhelong.

Of course, it is not just for fun. It is named ‘Zhe Long’, which means that it will lie dormant under the ground and wait for Fengyun Ji to rush into Jiuxiao.

Therefore, the Zhelong is equivalent to the train shell of the heavy industrial system that is full of heat and high temperature and high pressure. It can be regarded as the shell of a space warship.

After all, sturdy superconductors are themselves suitable as starship shells, and they have advantages no matter whether they are blown by a fast-spread energy beam or arranged with an energy shield.

When the savings are sufficient, we will use the characteristics of the zero gravity zone of the core to open a one-time star gate to jump. This jump is called the supercavity artificial wormhole jump.

A simple one-time star gate needs to focus on a strong energy field and a large number of Higgs bosons, as well as negative matter that counteracts strong gravity.

However, in the zero-gravity area of ​​the planet, the planet's gravitational restraint effect can be used, and negative matter is basically saved, and there are other benefits.

The performance of super-cavitation is similar to that of super-cavitation torpedo. Of course, the difficulty is not in the same level. The supercavity used for the transition is equivalent to making the transitional substance enter the high-dimensional or subspace instantly. This kind of dimension conversion can even allow the transitional substance to pass through the physical matter.

The transition technology mastered by Kane is already a great success, but now only two of the most suitable ones have been chosen. And calculated all the stellar data of this huge planet, even the transition point and the transition distance are calculated well, so there is a specific choice. It can be said to be used in quantity and fully embodies the high controllability in the background of technical cattle breaking.

As for the meaning of Leaving the Dragon. Naturally, it is to find a stellar system where the sea is wide and the birds are flying, and the birds are flying.

There are currently six candidate galaxies waiting for Kane to finalize. There will be more in the future. Because Miranda has invaded the Xingmeng quantum communication network, created several accidents of missing detectors, and even secretly controlled an automated shipyard located in the star area of ​​the border area, making detectors to detect the wider star area.

This is not just to find livable stars. There are more important anomaly detection and anomaly warning purposes.

The "abnormality" here refers to the extraordinary, more specifically, the spicy hand that the ancient **** and his lower teeth may suddenly display.

Kane never forgets how he came to this universe. Therefore, there have been some precautions, including not rushing to start farming, just to prevent the other party from shooting at a critical moment.

This operation of suddenly reaching the black hand when his initial capital is not abundant, once successful, will at least delay his development rhythm and make him weaker.

Therefore, playing back to play, Wen Qing returns to Wen Qing, serious things can not be lacking.

This time, temporarily, he temporarily rescued a bunch of unlucky eggs who were robbed and caught in dog-to-dog mess, but he has his own principle, that is, these people will not be allowed to board the dragon.

The zombie dragon first put the equipment into a certain underground dome, and then remotely controlled the equipment to absorb the unlucky eggs into the dome.

The gravity of this planet is less than 2G, and its area is much larger than that of the earth. It does not need to be specially calculated. It is known that it is a mysterious star like the underground world like Feren.

And the truth is not much different. After collecting data and analyzing Miranda, the main reason for the low gravity of this planet is its honeycomb-like deconstruction.

This deconstruction is attributed to the system called silicon lattice. The metaphor of the image is that the silicon lattice is the skeleton of the planet and forms the effect of a coral reef-like empty nest. The outermost layer is the skin-like crust and lava. The metal content is relatively low, and the core is high iron and nickel content, and its formation has a similar precipitation effect.

Moreover, the harsh environment of the planet has a certain relationship with the planet itself is dying. Next, the heat of the planet ’s core will further decrease, and due to the relatively low metal content in the lava, the electromagnetic conduction effect is worse, and the planet ’s magnetic field effect is more likely to collapse. Overflow, and then the planet is officially cool.

Of course astronomy is involved, and the scale is always amazing, including time. Without external interference, it will take nearly 100 million years for this planet to enter the death process.

Therefore, Kane is hard to expect to be a witness of destruction.

He was working with other refugees at this time to sigh at the huge vault in front of him.

It is really huge and wide, with an average height of more than ten kilometers and a span of tens of kilometers. Looking at the border is like looking at a distant mountain on the surface. It is the kind of distant mountain that looks at the dead horse.

This is all due to the silicon lattice, which is said to be a honeycomb structure, but the size of ordinary people is really insignificant for the planetary honeycomb, so it is the magnificent natural spectacle in front of us.

And such a huge space has the space conditions to establish an ecosystem, and it does exist, and because there are enough cold light dances, the top of the dome can reflect the light, so it is full of gorgeous and strange sky light, so that you can see far away . The other is a montage-like effect, dreamlike.

Many unexplained fugitives asked the people around them if they were dreaming?

There are still relatively calm people in the crowd, pointing at the large-scale equipment that is artificially created and said: "There should be civilization here, most of us came here because of it."

Kane, who started the optical stealth effect of nano-armor, looked at this scene aside, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled.

He contacted Miranda and instructed: "Next, the exploration and survival story that changed from the first and second seasons of the classic American drama" Lost "can be launched. Just prepare some survival supplies. Also, the external pressure is not too high. Too often, so as to avoid their own internal turmoil, and finally, remember to use the photography skills and filters of the film and television drama. I will have time to go back and play the movie and edit it into a movie. "

"As you wish, master."

Kane felt that he had more conscience than the bandits and those of the military warships. The refugees used their real survival experience in return for his life-saving grace, which was not expensive. After all, they had to be sent to the ground. .

After the explanation, he was sent back to the bandit camp.

Compared to a group of hyper-energetic, noisy, frightened, and fleeing for a whole day, who has long been sleepy and tired, Kane believes that the bandit camp's side effects can be seen.

At least tonight, the fugitives are happy, and they have to rest after a wave before they have the energy to start a true adventure story.

Back at the bandit camp, Kane discovered the heat from both sides. Airborne raiders are well-trained and well-armed. The bandits are also absolutely elite, with accurate marksmanship, quick response, rich combat experience, flexible and fierce tactics. The most important thing is that they are armed with faith and are not afraid of death.

On the premise of fearless death, some very tough tactics can be implemented. As a bystander, Kane clearly sees that unless these airborne raiders are playing remote control, this confrontation may be over.

That is to say, it is basically no need to consider morale. These raiders showed the will to fight desperately, even if the last person and a gun had to fight.

But in fact, the Raiders obviously don't have much experience in rotten and dead fights. At least they are far from the bandits. Several small battlefields have been suppressed and even slaughtered repeatedly.

When the raiders realized that the bandits were retreating intentionally so that they could concentrate, instead of grabbing their positions from the bandits by fighting tenaciously, the casualties had been several times greater than the bandits.

From this point, we can also see the advantage of the raiders, that is, sufficient combat power.

There are air and space warships in the sky, serving as a forward command and barracks. It is less than ten kilometers away from the bandits, and it is not so close, but because they are in the sky, they let the bandits resign.

No soldiers on the ground who are remotely controlled by the raiders die. The controllers on the air and space warships will be replaced with new soldiers. They are similar to playing the game. They do n’t know how many lives.

Anyway, looking at the sky battleship that is bigger than the War Angel, it is said that there is a full set of light infantry production line inside, and Kane is not surprised.

While the tactics are sharp and not afraid of death, the source of troops is always high in fault tolerance. It really looks good. As a bystander, Kane not only watched with relish, but also pulled aside.

Because the number of bandits is relatively limited, and there are no large-scale and powerful EMP strikes, these cyber puppets are abolished, and the tactics are offensive rather than defensive types. If he does not help, the bandits may not be able to show. how long.

And his ways of helping are also various, sometimes he will play a wave of fog and smash.

For example, the Raiders dispatched elite teams twice, and in the way of special wars, they directly inserted the bandits' back line.

Kane would naturally not let it succeed. Not to mention anything else. The bandit ’s ammunition supply chain is entirely dependent on the battleship vehicle. Once it is destroyed, it ca n’t immediately launch a tough hacking tactic.

So after using the electromagnetic fog, he will kill the marching array of raiders.

This electromagnetic fog can interfere with electronic equipment to a considerable extent. Even if the cyber puppets used by the raiders have a special anti-jamming design, they have limited effects.

Although Kane itself is also a scientific side, it is a full set of biological sciences. Cult cells can be much more powerful than metal materials, polymer materials, and single-element materials.

So the elite group of the Raiders twisted his head for a few minutes, and when the head was put back, these cyber puppets had become weapons that only listened to his orders.

This is one of the strong points of the Evil God Cell, and the machine can still win.

And after winning the house, the evil spirit cell will give the mechanical equipment some additional attributes.

Or, after conversion, it is more appropriate to call it a nano-module unit-type bionic machine. Its internal structure is less than 10% similar to the past.

After the strange defeat of the two waves of elites, the Raiders did not continue to die in this direction, but began to throw heavy firepower to provide fire support for the light infantry.

This kind of weapon, similar to an air gunboat, can hover like a helicopter, and then fire miniature missiles according to the guidance of the sight of the light infantry.

The Raider Infantry only needs to target a series of targets by themselves through the sights, and then the small missiles will swarm out of the nest and explode.

The bandits side used the onboard weapons of the warship vehicle to fight back, and then these air gunboats were hung up by the air and space warships. The regional force field they established can reduce the power of the energy weapon to a considerable extent. Beam scattering.

Other people's air gunboats play with miniature missiles, which are not affected by the force field effect.

Battleship vehicles naturally also have live ammunition, but whether it is an orbital gun or a missile, it is a cannon to fight mosquitoes against air gunboats. It is difficult to hit with the mobility and flexibility of air gunboats.

And the force field of the air-to-sky battleship also has an impact on the sighting equipment. The air gunboat uses the light infantry's sight locking, which is equivalent to a strong signal relay to ensure the trajectory. The bandits have no such equipment, so the hit rate is scary.

Kane looked at this, and immediately cooperated with Miranda, who gave the coordinates. Miranda dropped the bomb from the dragon to the interior of the air gunboat.

‘Boom! ‘Among the gorgeous fireworks, the four gunboats have crushed their bones one after another. The air and space warships said that their carrying capacity is also limited, and they have not survived to continue this support tactic.

Kane continued to watch the play quietly after ensuring that the contest was a direct fight between light infantry.

In the end, the Raiders didn't win, but they couldn't talk about defeat. When the time was up, they started the self-destruction process, exploded all the cyber puppets that could still be controlled, and the air-space battleship slipped.

Soon after, another air-to-sky battleship arrived, which was the military. The interaction between the personnel of the battleship and the bandits proved that the relationship between the two sides was very close.

Kane does n’t think much about the bandit family.

But it was actually caused by the armed forces of unknown origin, but obviously with a strong backstage, which made people think.

Could it be that the military has been trying to seize the barrel of the gun and is slamming the capitals?

Among them, the bandits are not only a strategy for the military to raise its own weight, but also a means to support the family, and a way out?

Kane couldn't understand these hidden reasons, mainly because the access to information was restricted.

Although Miranda is powerful, the technology possessed by human civilization in this world is not weak. More critically, they are very good at using information relay devices and intranets.

Both of them lead to the difficulty of pure network intrusion. Often, a physical connection needs to be established before it can be cracked.

This means that if you want to know the intelligence of this world, you must first have a thief, and personally dive into various security agencies to complete a wave of physical operations.

This step has not yet been completed, so Miranda is not so omniscient, otherwise it will not be possible to find out where the raider used by the raiders, as long as the information is in place, even if there is no black ship The exact information and attribution can be determined indirectly through personnel and even material information.

If you ca n’t find it, you ca n’t find it first. Sometimes the unknown can be fun.

Kane was not in a hurry.

Although the Raiders were cautious enough, none of the Cyber ​​Puppets were recovered, and the air gunboats were also blown up. But he still completed the information parasitism.

Even bombing air gunboats is precisely a cover-up, in order to let people on the air and space warships relax their vigilance.

Air gunboats and even cyber puppets, when they are manipulated in real time, have information interaction with air and space warships, which is a channel that can parasitize information.

When he twisted the cyber puppet head of the elite group before, he implemented information parasitism. These parasitic messages are meaningless individually, but they can multiply. Once the amount reaches a certain level, they will qualitatively change and become a carrier program, with wisdom similar to life consciousness.

This is a technology in the field of electronic life. The technology he has mastered in this field perfectly crushes the relevant technologies of human civilization in this world.

Therefore, it is really only necessary to wait for the electronic spy to take shape, and then achieve the goal step by step.

The bandits and even the military with whom they are close are simpler. When he took the battleship, he had left a physical back door to facilitate Miranda's invasion.

Not long ago, he was not merely a spectator or a deflector. He also took advantage of the opportunity to fight on the bandit ’s battleship vehicle.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time to understand their situation, and it does not need to wait too long.

As for him.

It can only be said that cooperating with bandits, or simply the same crew of people with different responsibilities on the newly arrived air and space battleship, was a little arrogant, a bit stupid, and unbelievable.

They actually organized a fairly meticulous search, trying to find the escape signs of the meat tickets kidnapped by them after so long.

If it is changed to Kane ~ ~ encounters a "spooky event", even if it is only considered with scientific thinking, it will never take the risk of investigating. But according to the other party's technology in a certain field is two levels higher than one's own, it is already 'unintelligible' so it is 'singular' to be treated with caution, the first priority is defensive preservation, so as not to lose more, and then try to find out The other party ’s roots and intentions.

Kane didn't mean that he was absolutely correct. But this is after all the reincarnation of the previous life.

It is precisely because I have experienced such opponents or neutrals who are far better than the current one in a certain field, so I have the idea of ​​coping first rather than blindly. And this idea has been compared horizontally with other ideas. At least according to his experience, it is a relatively correct approach.

So what happens if it is incorrect?

One of the situations is just like now, he silently replaced a searcher and boarded the air and space battleship, so after the first episode of "The Missing Group", the supernatural event staged the second episode of "Introducing Ghosts into the Door".

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