Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1243: Reaper and tracker

Ghosts have two great skills, which are frightening.

The first is that the gods are out of sight.

The second is the upper body.

The core selling points are all unknown and difficult to discern, so it attracts the most primitive terror in people's hearts.

A huge ship like this, which is often measured in kilometers, is actually a very suitable haunted environment.

Its internal complexity is one of the reasons.

Furthermore, lighting and most other convenient functions are too dependent on the normal operation of the equipment.

People in the cyber era relied too much on equipment, and once the equipment went wrong, they were basically lame, which is consistent with the saying that "the strongest point is also the weakest point."

Kane is no stranger to the thrilling horror starship adventure.

When he was a reincarnation, he participated in such actions as a rescuer and an adventurer, and confronted the strangeness including the spirit.

Now think about it, weird horror, but horrible but unpopular. The most dangerous and most impressive starship horror he has ever encountered is a man with strange powers and blackened humans.

Weird can only be ranked third, and the second is the environment. The starships that are generally haunted by spirits are like semi-natural and artificial artificial labyrinths, those abnormal passages, those access control, those unstable devices, and the outside Deadly space environments can all be traps, which can become deadly if you are not careful.

Looking back at all of them, such as some impressive routines, I also find it quite interesting, and it is almost certain to be able to pit people.

Just when Kane was thinking about whether to start such a thrilling death party on this battleship, a message ruined his 'Yaxing'. It was an internal announcement from the ship that the ship would arrive at its destination in 12 minutes. Except for the duty team, all other personnel left the ship.

"The time is too short to play." Kane wondered what the destination would be for this battleship with a total voyage of less than half an hour. If it's a high-orbit space station, it's fine. It is also very interesting to play supernatural events on the space station.

However, Kane was unlucky this time. The destination of this military battleship was a hidden base.

After learning about the situation through Miranda, Kane felt very disappointed, and finally chose to disembark with the crowd, and he took a free ride.

He was too lazy to get involved in the military ’s secret base. After all, the gangs of warriors save money and frugality and operate dark businesses. It ’s not easy to save some money. Once they are destroyed, they ca n’t use normal channels to reimburse them. , So let ’s save some private money for guys who do n’t make money.

After leaving the base, it turned out to be a large dump.

The dump here makes Kane miss the ordinary garbage dump in his hometown, which is mainly white pollution and domestic garbage.

Materials such as plastic are more valuable to people on this planet, so even if there is corresponding garbage, it will not be here.

As for the trash of rotten food, let's put it this way, the recycling rate of organic matter is too high, even if it is digested quickly, and it is still a relatively profitable business. So there won't be any.

There are mainly metal waste and electronic waste with silicon as the main material. The production of these two substances is relatively large, and the recycling is not as good as the production of the asteroid belt mining + space factory.

Of course, there are differences. For example, alloys containing high-value elements, as well as ordinary metals, still have the value of recycling, and the ones that are discarded are those with more troublesome pollution, such as radiation pollution.

When it comes to radiation, most people on earth always think of nuclear radiation, but in this world, when it comes to radiation, people's first connection is often cosmic rays, then various battery solutions and the like.

Therefore, the big dump site presented in front of Kane can be said to be a life restricted area.

However, the evil spirit cell has a forced grid, transforming all energy, and the radiant energy of the violent and violent gamma-ray burst is no problem, and the other is drizzle.

In addition to Kane, there are also workers who take life and resist radiation in this large dump.

Since these operators didn't care about the rumbling noises, Kane found them without much trouble.

Cylinder brain + non-human form of mechanical prosthesis, these workers look like a three-in-one spider, ant, and centipede, with more than one foot, long body, and a big belly, and more than one. Crammed into the stomach.

‘Communism is not allowed to become elite, turning ghosts into people. Capitalist democracy and freedom, letting people become ghosts. The scene of the operator picking up wastes reminded Kane of this sentence.

After watching them silently for a while, they left. He no longer needs such scenes to tell others how big the gap can be.

Unlike fighting the earth, there is plenty of rain here. It was even so abundant that the sky would almost never clear up.

This is also part of the manifestation of natural disasters caused by human disasters.

Kane walked, and it began to rain, and the rain was getting bigger, and the misty mist gradually blurred the horizon.

With Miranda's guidance, Kane won't get lost, so the garbage town also looked around shortly after the rain.

Garbage town is no better than mine town, where there is no capital to settle in, and the waste picking industry cannot afford the livelihood needs of too many people. This makes it more in line with Kane's aesthetic.

There are no giant structures, nor gorgeous neon signs and projection advertisements. The light here is not displayed in the form of light pollution, but like a symbol of civilization. Against the backdrop of the bleak and lonely scrap iron mountains, it brings soul to people. warm.

However, the people here are obviously not very friendly to outsiders.

"Why, it's not good intentions to think that I'm here, is there a conspiracy? What if I'm just a passer-by?" Kane drank the wine and glanced at the various forms of prostitutes presenting like flurry of demons.

This is the garbage town bar.

The functional facilities like bars are simply soul buildings in this world. They are all towns, and the poorer the place, the more I need such a place to be anesthetized.

At this moment, none of the people in the bar had a good look at Kane.

Perhaps, Kane ’s decent normal form has already stabbed them deeply, making them think that he ca n’t think of him as us, but can be seen as another class, and they are opposites, exploiting them. That class.

Even the bartender said politely: "There is only one way out here, that is, there will be a garbage flying boat every three days."

"Well, what if my aircraft crashes nearby? Pouring wine will not cost you money."

"We won't do your business!" One of the bartenders roared, and the bargain hunter took the lead for the bartender.

The bartender didn't speak, and the other drunk drinker shouted with a broken voice with more electronic sounds than normal vocals: "Go!"

Kane snapped his fingers. An eight-person cyber puppet turned off the optical camouflage and showed his shape. The bar suddenly seemed crowded, but silent.

After all, cyber puppets are the elite of the raiders who had torn the bandits before. It is said that they are armed to the teeth. It is no exaggeration. Even if they have never seen the market, they can be tasted from the fierce feelings of the shop The power of these puppets.

"Now?" Kane had neither arrogant arrogance nor contemptuous jokes, a calm and normal idiom.

"You are really uneasy and kind, come here and quarrel with grandpa to fight here, anyway, grandpa has long enough to live!" A drinker howled quite angrily.

'boom! ‘The drunkard was half-bombed out of the gunshots.

The shot was from Kane, using a modified hunting elephant rifle with the nickname of "handgun" and a caliber of 50 points.

This kind of live ammunition belongs to antiques in this era, and it has a lot of fandom. Kane is also the theology of the famous Jim Rey. Of course, as usual, no one understands this stalk.

With the gun back in the holster around his waist, Kane asked: "Did the wine wake up?"

"Ah ... don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"It seems to be awake." Kane ignored the bartender who was sparking, and turned to ask the bartender: "What about my wine?"

The bartender poured Kane blankly.

Some of the following drinkers gasped for breath, while others were sad and angry, and tried their best to restrain themselves.

No way, he was pointed at the muzzle of the black hole, and it was loaded with a hundred-shot Gauss rifle. One such weapon was enough to sweep over everyone present, and there are eight here.

Kane took a sip of moonshine wine, which is private brew. It was unexpectedly good, and he praised it. Then turned back to the public wine guest:

"To be honest, I don't understand your mentality. I know that your days are very miserable and miserable, and you can only use alcohol to anesthetize yourself. And this is mostly the fault of those black-hearted businessmen or tax officials. You can hate this kind of people. I can understand, but why is this a reason to exclude outsiders? Do n’t you know that the more closed you are, the less chance you have? "

"Aliens are scammers!" Some drinkers could not help but roar.

"Well, it ’s okay for you to understand it this way. But even the scammers give you some channels of convenience. Even being scammed is also a skill to master, which is a disguised tuition fee. When you become smart, outsiders If you want to make money from you again, you have to take the past dry goods that can be said. But if you do n’t let people like you who come to your ghost place take advantage of this, you can only pick up wasteland for generations and generations. The situation that most people want to see. "

No one speaks now.

Kane did not care about the cold field, and ordered Miranda: "All the non-scavengers in the garbage town will be killed."

Those are just clerks, errands. Well, it seems that sin is not going to die, but Kane has no mercy. He wants to express an attitude both to the inherent exploiters and the exploited here.

So on this cold and rainy afternoon, more than a dozen people ran dead in the rain.

Whatever happened, he became numb when he saw more, and the dead were the same.

The scavengers in the garbage town are indifferent to the death of more than a dozen people themselves, but they are terrified that Kane killed the exploiter's representative in one fell swoop.

Kane's sentence: "Since I killed them, it means that I will not kill you easily." The explanation makes them wonder whether the generation should be happy.

But Kane's other sentence made them determine something.

Kane said: "This place belongs to me, you all have to listen to me in the future."

There is no condition for escape, and you have to die if you ca n’t walk out of Junk Mountain.

The battle could not be beaten again. Kane had sixteen cyber puppets armed to his teeth, and the scavengers' homemade weapons, even if they did not consider ammunition, would lose their heads 30 meters away.

As for death, these people's will to survive is relatively tenacious. Habits can be a kind of power. In the eyes of ordinary people, life patterns are better than death. For these people, they can still live with patience. Many people who grew up in the garbage town even regarded the lives of ordinary people as a good pursuit.

The tenacity of the will is precisely the wealth that Kane is looking for.

As for the roughened temperament, the state of not learning inexperience, and various maladies, Kane is confident to tune in.

and then?

Then these people will be used as ‘cloning primitives’, thus active in various types of scavenging fields.

This set of technology is derived from the SC (StarCraft) universe. Of course, the specific version has not been the one sent back by the secondary avatar Kane Zhao.

Kane thought it was more suitable for this world, so he adopted it.

The disadvantage of this clone-based war worm system is that it requires constant fine-tuning and high maintenance costs. Even so, about a hundred years later, it will inevitably awaken itself, and it is no longer what it means.

The advantage is that they are not afraid of anti-puppet systems.

This is also regarded as Kane's mind.

He believed that the **** knew his attainments about puppet warfare.

The principle of "the strongest is also the weakest" also applies to him.

If the ancient **** lays a foreshadowing in this world against his longevity, and at the critical moment dislikes the tide of rebellion, then he is likely to sit there.

But with the cloning system, it is difficult to be turned over by one stroke.

In the previous life, he chose the puppet system, mainly due to limited energy, so he avoided all kinds of problems caused by free will by responding to insects.

But he now has the ability and experience to deal with a large number of problems at the same time, and with the assistance of Miranda, managing a real civilization, technically mature.

Then, by this opportunity, it will be on.

Of course, it's a coincidence. For example, the cultivation and shaping of these types of clones.

These clones will be leaders in all walks of life and cultivate the basic atmosphere of the industry.

This way of guidance is softer, and the resistance of the ruled is less. In many ways, it is better than restraint management to achieve the goal.

Therefore, occupying the garbage town is both frank and deliberate. It seems to be doing things in the east and in the west, but they have not jumped out of the scope of the big plan, and this behavior is very fascinating to his enemies. Without any concept, how does his opponent predict?

Eva did not predict, she was at a loss again at this moment.

Relying on the inspiration of the near-specific function, she just found Kane who changed the shape again.

Naturally, it quickly traced its whereabouts.

She even found the temporary camp of bandits, even the secret base of the military, and the high-orbit space warfare of the raiders.

However, in the face of the collective disappearance of the meat ticket that the bandits did not explain clearly, she had no choice.

Her interrogation was more efficient than a polygraph, so she soon determined that the bandits had not lied.

The two sides of the military and the bandits and the secret base were discovered, and even the torture of a group company with the bandits and the military is also a gain for the big brothers of the UPL Standing Council. These handles work properly and can be settled with benefits.

However, the big brothers still thought about Kane, and asked Eva not to be distracted by other affairs, and to focus on Kane.

In the background of the interruption of the clue, Ava naturally began to 'circle circle'.

The bandit's temporary camp is the core point of a circle.

The high-orbit space station of a group company is also the core point of a circle.

The secret base of the military is still the core of a circle.

Based on this, the search radius is continuously expanded to explore new clues.

Eva has a high estimate of Kane's strength.

Therefore, she prioritized the investigation of the space station, including the shuttles and space ships that traveled to and from the space station during this time.

This naturally has high requirements for information channels, human resources, etc., but Ava is a special search officer for UPL, with powerful hardware and professional algorithms, and can mobilize a professional search team when needed. Therefore, the operation was carried out quickly and efficiently.

The military ’s secret base is her secondary investigation target. She feels that according to Kane's personality, it is more likely to pass through the two channels to get through the new destination.

As for the missing hostages, she thinks it has fallen into the hands of Kane's group. As for how to do it, she explained this to the UPL gangsters:

"I don't know, but this group has created so many" miracles "so far, and it's not surprising that there is one more, isn't it?"

To be honest, UPL bosses are not satisfied with this explanation.

But they are still willing to give Ava enough trust and power.

They believe that Eva is on the right path so far.

And there is no better option.

For anyone else, it is impossible to dig Kane out of all living beings, but Ava did it, and from the information currently available, Kane is indeed most like a suspect.

Ava's professional personality sparkles because of this, and it is worth betting on.

Then Eva found the garbage town.

The exploiters who happened to be in the garbage town were annoyed by the loss of contact. Similar to ‘Dare you not answer my phone! I don't think you want to do it! ’

Before the exploiter put the idea of ​​'inspecting with armed forces' into action, Ava appeared.

Then the exploiter's idea continued to be implemented, but it was added.

Eva did not play any zero-distance contact this time, but arranged a powerful capture operation.

The special forces that carry out the operations are not too much to say that UPL has the strongest fighting power. The run-in All-Star lineup and equipment are also of laboratory level.

However, the garbage town has very powerful detection equipment, which attracts positively with the exploiter as a bait. The secret attack of the capture team and the fatal tactics of the one-hit attack have failed. Strengthened protection and was still killed on the spot.

As a result, the sneak attack became a raid.

Watching the captive team win victoriously, advancing rapidly, a nuclear explosion suddenly occurred.

And it is a controllable nuclear explosion that professionals have never seen before. The electromagnetic binding force field makes the energy of the nuclear explosion shock wave bound, that is, there is no secondary damage, only the plasma fireball with a radius increased by more than 50% .

What shocked the professionals even more was that even light radiation was controllable. The effect is like a flowing cloud, blocking the light radiation that should be highlighted, making the explosion look like a soot shell is flowing. The color is dark red and purple, and I don't know what to add.

Also, the duration and power of the explosion have been further improved. After the explosion, the two semi-scrap iron mountains in the area were melted into super huge iron tusks.

The personnel of the captive team are naturally lost. This technology of human civilization in the universe has not been a plasma fireball.

Even so, Ava still analyzed some valuable intelligence.

She believes that the garbage collectors in the garbage town have already been transferred by the Kane gang, UU reading www. fought against the captive team by posing as scavengers. Although their acting skills are not bad, they have not been able to leave a corpse to see if there is a brain in their heads for various reasons. This is itself a loophole.

Ava also pointed out that Kane's group's removal of waste pickers is not simply a matter of absorbing population. But very targeted screening.

This means that the disappearance case over the mine town is by no means simple. And even if it is checked now, it is not too late, professional miners, and willing to work hard to improve their lives, regardless of the kind of person who rides on the head, is the goal of the Kane group.

Ava suggested that instead, passively wait to be absorbed, don't play smart, the other party may have anti-reconnaissance, anti-communication and other technologies beyond their own.

Therefore, the agent first lurks, and then the agent himself manufactures the locator to complete the confirmation of the location of the target base and communicate, if possible.

In this way, the Workers ’Mutual Aid Association and the town behind Letu began to surface ...

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