Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1247: Comment on 40,000 keywords

Kane has some special feelings about the Warhammer universe.

In his previous life, when he was a veteran reincarnation of the Death Star Lord, his level was detected at the level of doing tasks in the Warhammer 40K, Star Wars and other universes.

He also entered the Warhammer 40K universe one or two times, but it was basically a tad-no-go, so for this universe, he did not have a profound experience, but collected a lot of relevant information.

In this life, the medieval Warhammer universe was the first pot of gold after he became a god, and it was the universe that accompanied him through 30,000 years.

He knew that although the Warhammer and the Warhammer 40K have many similarities, and even once it was rumored that the Warhammer was a sub-region of the Warhammer 40K (the official later eats books), in reality, the two are not the same thing.

Speaking of the Warhammer 40K, including many reincarnations, he was ashamed of it.

For example, why is it a desperate universe? How did the four evil gods come from? What is the emperor's true origin and name, what exactly are the twenty genetic primitives made by the emperor, and what power has they lost from the emperor's hands throughout the galaxy when they were swaddled? and many more.

In Kane's eyes, these issues can be made clear in a few words.

The basic characteristics of the Warhammer universe are not much different from the ordinary extraordinary universe.

There are four characteristics of the general trend: heat, chaos, return to the ruins, and unevenness.

What does this mean? It means that all beings are suffering.

Then the Warhammer Universe added its own feature in this context-the mirror dimension.

This dimension called subspace, like the mirror and shadow of the real universe, is in an energy state. This energy mainly comes from the physical universe, but in turn affects the physical universe, just like yin and yang.

The magical eight wind system unique to the Warhammer universe is a very representative phenomenon in which subspace energy affects the physical universe.

In turn, the soul energy of life will form a projection in the subspace. As the so-called gathering axillary into a fur, the amount is measured, plus the accumulation of time, it is very impressive.

In this context, it is no surprise that the first evil **** born was fouling. Because its priesthood is depravity, decay, disease, pain...

Then there is the bloodthirsty **** of terror, war, and tyranny are its main clergy.

Then there is the **** of deception, the change, the magic is its priesthood.

Finally, there is the indescribable look of sin, indulgence and adultery are its priesthood.

On one side and two sides, if it is the other way around, then accepting fouling is life and hope; terror will be justice and courage; adultery will be wisdom and progress; and evil will be love and compassion.

This is why he chose to extinguish the stars and smooth out the stars in the Middle Warhammer, and slaughter all the people. All living beings are suffering, and the sorrowful emotions are accumulating over time, the quantity is deteriorating, the self-consciousness is awakened, and evil spirits are born. The more prosperous life is, the stronger the Evil God is, and each other is completed, and the situation is almost unsolvable.

Therefore, when life is not yet there, it is a relatively straightforward and effective way to eliminate the problem by letting the universe die early.

Among the gossip stories of Warhammer, there is a very suitable story. It is said that because there is a radiation layer similar to dry ice on the ground in a certain area, foot blisters are deeply affected by it. Years and months, not only will damage the feet, but radiation disease will also affect the health of the entire person.

How to do it?

The Warhammer practice sawed off the legs and replaced them with metal machinery.

However, the Warhammer 40K universe, using this method, is a bit painful, and the cost is too high.

In the ordinary universe, the terrible gamma-ray burst makes it difficult for humans to find friends, while in the Warhammer universe, due to the characteristics of subspace, life is extremely prosperous. It took only a few thousand years for mankind to become the de facto hegemony of the Milky Way.

What is the population? There is no exact number, but there is a detail that can be roughly estimated:

It is said that the Imperial Military Department at that time was very troubled by the difficulty of counting the exact number of the Imperial Army, because every day, the floating caused by enlistment, retirement, and war damage, etc., reached several million...

And in his view, the biggest problem is actually not a large number of people, but there is always no qualified Hades, causing problems with the reincarnation mechanism.

Speaking of which, the origin of the next emperor can be explained.

In the Warhammer universe, the mother star of human civilization is called Tyra. As a transcendent world, the transcendents in the early human civilization, or the psionics that Warhammer is more accustomed to calling, are shamans, wizards, and primitive, tribal spiritual leaders.

These primitive psionicists, claim themselves as civilized navigators. And there is indeed a reason for being so proud, because they can reincarnate. From the appearance, this is a bit like a Tibetan living Buddha, but the actual effect is more sturdy.

To a certain extent, wizards are a group of people who have got rid of Shouyuan's shackles. They use wisdom and predictive energy to guide the development of civilization.

In this regard, in Kane's view, it can be said that humans in the Warhammer world are inherently disabled.

If you are interested in civilization, you will be spoiled with your child.

But the other way around, if the world of extraordinary manifestation, if it does not point out, how can humans rise?

Kane has experienced many extraordinary worlds with human civilization, and has seen all kinds of rising ways. Most of them have worked hard. From the beginning, they have no shortage of hardships or even genocide levels. Then they survived and shaped Unique population characteristics.

From this point of view, since ancient times, there have been Terra human civilizations where the wizards are dads, and the early development is a bit sweet.

The front is sweet, and the back is often bitter.

But after the development of human civilization to a certain extent, the wizards found that they could not reincarnate. The reason is that after death, the soul will inevitably go to the subspace, and more and more powerful subspace creatures will devour their souls.

Of course, it is possible to escape, but the general trend is very bad, and most wizards can not escape this robbery. After a few revolutions or a dozen revolutions, the old birds are withering away, and the younger wizards of the new awakening psionics are even more embarrassed. This is similar to the reason that most of the fallen pilots died in their first air combat during World War II.

The wizards were very melancholy, but they did not live or die for the individual. The experience of reincarnation time and again made them look very lightly at death, or the complete demise of such things, which is not what ordinary people can imagine. What they cannot put down is human civilization.

Without their refuge and guidance, ordinary people with short lives lack wisdom and vision, and will inevitably become chaotic prey.

In the end, the wizards made a major decision.

At that time, Tyra had nearly all the wizards, committed suicide collectively, and gathered her spiritual energy in one place when she was in a state of spirit.

A year later, the emperor was born, specifically in Anatolia. For many millennia afterwards, the emperor walked through the world, using his ancient wisdom to direct the world and spread hope.

Kane felt that this model was actually okay. It was equivalent to the sublimated human class and ruled the ordinary human class. Although there is a clear class gap between the two, at least the buttocks are sitting on the human side. The extraordinary is sublimated from the ordinary. The cardinal number of ordinary people is significant to the prosperity of the extraordinary, so it is impossible to give up.

However, according to his experience, such a civilization has a big problem, that is, it is too precocious.

Early civilizations, the earth has, such as ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, ancient India, ancient China, the premature rise of such civilizations, lack of sharp opponents, it is easy to sink.

This is the so-called victory over the enemy and difficulty over the self.

However, Terra's human civilization is still a natural lame, and the witch was a witch early on.

From a certain perspective, the more the wizards and later emperors did, the deeper the pits of civilization.

And there is another point, the wizards and even the emperor are only wise men, not omnipotent gods, they are also learning to grow and make mistakes at the same time.

Gene primitives can be said to be a big mistake made by the emperor.

Kane felt that he had a say in this question. Because he has seen too much, and he has experienced such problems more than once.

The more representative is the contest with the old dominators.

In the most difficult days, he did not give the old ruler's evil spirit cells the opportunity to contaminate him. Even if you are bold, you will get huge benefits.

And Black Kane, who thinks more in this regard, has indirectly proved the correctness of his wiseness and the saying that "the levees of thousands of miles are destroyed in ant's den."

The emperor did not do very well in this regard.

Of course, as the fair point says, the emperor has no more choices.

The emperor is an aboriginal of the Warhammer universe, without external intervention, even if his genius is peerless, he can not jump out of the cauldron woven by the laws of the Warhammer universe.

Whether it is the emperor, or the predecessor of the emperor, its extraordinary most representative embodiment is the use of psionic energy.

One of the main uses of psionic energy is to control subspace energy and achieve different degrees of interference with things in the physical universe.

Terra human civilization in 2011, the second new era began.

About a hundred years later, Terra humans began a Terra-like transformation of Mars.

After about another hundred years, immigration to Mars began.

In the third millennium, humans discovered subspace,

It wasn't until the 170th century that the colonization of exoplanets started.

In the 220th century, subspace navigation was invented, and colonial efficiency increased.

In the 230th century, encounter alien race orc and spirit race.

In the 250th century, genetic modification was basically mature.

In the 260th century, the Iron Man rebellion, to put it bluntly, is the battle between humans and cyber robots.

In the 290th century, the emperor couldn't help but created the earliest batch of genetically modified people, the Thunder Warrior, to assist him in destroying and ruining the unification of Tyra.

In the 310th century, the emperor began to make the most important preparations for the reunification of human colonists scattered throughout the galaxy due to subspace storms, to create stronger genetically modified people.

This time, he made a bolder attempt based on the Thunder Warrior.

The physical aspect is based on the gene coding of the emperor's own body. This is not his narcissism, but after 30,000 years of tempering and practice, his body can indeed represent a phase peak of the human population.

But the body alone can't do it, so the emperor challenges the realm, the soul, that God can't easily touch. The emperor dared to do this, there are two major reliance.

1. The psionicist's technique includes creating a spiritual creature similar to a magical servant, and the emperor is the first person of the human psionicist.

2. The emperor knew his origins, and also basically understood the reason for the birth of the four evil gods.

Taken together, the emperor, through the birth of the evil spirit, determined the feasibility of the'bed of souls'. And because it is the soul of the souls, not only is the soul strong, but also brings together the advantages of the souls, just a part of it can form an independent and distinctive bed for the birth of souls.

In this case, is it possible to use a special and reduced-scale version of the Soul Soul gameplay? He thinks it works.

From Kane's perspective, it really works. The four evil gods and the emperor themselves are products of this line. The four evil spirits are the most powerful four types of negative emotions in subspace. The emperor is the crystallization of the will of the wizards. As the so-called powerful bricks fly, the quantitative changes pile up, and then the qualitative changes can be piled up.

But Kane must point out that the emperor's technique was too rough.

The emperor had the ability to do good work only after he created the creator.

Among them, arrogance is an important point worth mentioning.

It is precisely because of arrogance that he despised the nature of one body and two sides. It is believed that these heirs cultivated by his will bedrock can act as the guardian of human civilization as he is unwavering.

But in fact, even the emperor himself cannot guarantee loyalty as a guardian of humanity.

To say this, let alone the humans of the Terra universe, as many high-dimensional bystanders, I am afraid that they will all say: "Too conspiracy theory".

Kane felt that this was not speculation and nonsense. Rather, it is very likely that the conclusions drawn by others and others will be in the future.

Among them, it involves the limitations of human nature that he only realized in recent years.

Unilateral contributions will not last long, and nothing should be. Can the emperor always rely on love to generate electricity? He doesn't think so.

Enthusiasm will diminish, preference will shift, and thoughts will change. The more intense, the more transient. The genetic primitives that ultimately betrayed the emperor and humans are typical representatives.

The emperor has not yet, just because he has more positive emotions to consume. After all, he is the heir to the guardian obsession of thousands of wizards.

The gene precursor is much worse in this respect. Because of the intervention of the Four Evil Gods, they have tasted the misery of the world since they were young, and have also seen the darkness of the human heart.

Why should we protect these lives? Weak and reasonable? Or is that my fault? I don’t need their shallow gratitude and respect. I have seen too much Sheng Mien, Dou Mihou, too many selfish and selfish people, such a stupid life full of bad habits, even so A little bit of sparkle, why is it worth me to sacrifice everything to protect?

This is the problem caused by changes in values ​​and unilateral efforts. Admired and embraced by all people, to a certain extent, like Jin Yi returning home, he has satisfied his own vanity, or positively speaking, he has completed the staged realization of self-worth and has a sense of accomplishment.

But for many ordinary people, this long-cherished wish is hard to realize in a lifetime, but it will also cause aesthetic fatigue due to too much, and even make people feel bored.

There was a certain genetic protozoan, and in the face of a big victory, the people shouted in a tsunami-like'long live' voice, and there was no lack of jokingly saying: "Whether their cheers are more for us or for them More yourself?"

Not to mention whether this mind of care seems to be a little belly, but only to say his state. Facing the grand scene that makes people **** and even tearful, it is already very indifferent. The passionate emotions of all people will not let him touch, then the people still What can you do to impress his heart?

There is also a fairly common fact that, once the Astra monk is apostasy, it is often more demonized than ordinary people.

Some people say that this is because when the emperor created 20 genetic primitives, he said that the subspace power used involved the four evil spirits of Chaos. Although clever, he still planted the seeds of evil.

Therefore, the demigod genetic primitive is actually a chaotic devil who has lifted the time limit, and the intergalactic warriors whose genetic template is the source of transformation are naturally also demons.

This argument has some truth, but it is still too materialistic. The main point that Kane wants to say is thought, cognition, values ​​and will.

The emotions of most interstellar warriors are sincere and fierce, and their determination to protect humanity is also firm. Not so, not enough to write so many achievements.

Especially before the rebellion of the 320th-century war hero Horus (in fact, including the thousands of years afterwards), the fashion of the empire was not a later **** stick, religious brainwashing, and supervision by political commissars, because the emperor himself advocated science and free speech. Non-personal worship, deification.

In this context, the courage of the Star Warriors stems from a sense of mission, dedication, and love.

It is for this reason that Kane believes that the aggression of the Star Warrior is mainly due to the sequelae of the "fake big sky" brought about by the too fierce "Wei Guangzheng" theory.

Just like a human sperm has an upper brain, color is not good, but once the physiological release is completed, it will enter a'sage state'. Sometimes the distance between one extreme and the other is thinner than paper.

All in all, although the emperor actually lived longer than Kane, Kane felt that when it comes to insights, the emperor is really a younger brother.

Of course, not every aspect is the same, at least he has not enjoyed the worship of hundreds of millions of people. To be more specific, when he cares about this, there is no such condition, and he is afraid of being lost in vanity, and when he has that condition, his will is firm enough, but he has no interest in it.

Knowing that it was the Warhammer 40K universe, Kane quickly diminished his interest in returning to politics and gradually reddening.

Too untimely.

If this is achieved, wait until this star zone regains contact with the empire. Humans in this star zone will inevitably fail to accept the empire's apparently civilized production relationship.

Then the next step is to fight.

The increasingly serious problem of religious brainwashing, the former Astral Army, the current Imperial Defence Force, and the weakened and weakened Astrat Brotherhood of the Second Construction, will run loyally and stupidly to eliminate heresy. The result is human consumption.

Of course, this does not mean that he will always endure the imperial feudal monarchy + **** stick religion + political bureaucratic system. After all, this system is simply a poorly deteriorated version of the world’s capital on this side.

Although the capital of this world is not a thing, at least the productivity is there, even if it is not as good as the treatment of its own pets, at least it allows the people at the bottom to escape the hard work and salty fish to death.

The empire is in the name of loyalty and patriotism. UU reading allows most people at the bottom to overdraw themselves to the maximum extent, while those at the top are hedonistic.

There is also a demon mechanism, which blocks the normal development of science and technology for its own selfish desires, deification of machinery, occupation of knowledge, cooperating with those in power to engage in a policy of fooling the people, and putting knowledge in the hands of a few people. This level of replacement parts technology can only be held in their hands. Ordinary people only need to be big animals and two-legged sheep.

How can such a rotten rule agree?

However, Kane is also an extremely experienced person in the ruler. He knew very well that the Empire had at least one contribution recognized, that is, to maintain stability.

Regardless of whether it is cruel exploitation, terror rule, or **** worship, the empire has combined humanity into at least superficially unified superpowers. It is also the greatest manifestation of its value.

"So, let's start by becoming the governor of the Empire's Star District."...


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