Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1248: 200 years of haste

Since he wants to be the governor of the Star District in line with the current political style of the Warhammer 40K Empire, Kane has no intention of vigorously engaging in class struggle.

After all, this class struggle is mainly for the people.

The current people don’t understand it, or they don’t care, but when the social atmosphere changes, the people will wake up. At that time, they will certainly turn over the old accounts of modern history, because it involves a sense of belonging and identification with the new social system. Sense and other core issues.

Although I am afraid that many people will BB at that time: "The treatment of capitalists is too brutal, too barbaric, and too aggressive."

Even with the passage of time, it will become more memorable. Standing in the lower reaches of history, it used the silly expression of “why not eat meat” to talk about the “true insights” of Ma Houcan. A **** change, his father’s father was not even qualified to be shot on the wall.

Although the only lesson that mankind has learned from history so far is that mankind never learns from history.

However, Kane decided to use this brutality, writing as deep as possible, and letting it play a warning role for a long time.

Behind this, a little expectation is involved. It is expected that the human will of the group can jump out of the limitations of ego, even if this is a phased jump, it can bring a strong promotion as if the energy was changed from oil to controlled nuclear fusion.

This advancement will provide a cognitive foundation called ‘not using immediate interests as a driving force’ for the rapid development of science and technology, thereby giving the average life span of human beings a greater improvement.

Afterwards, on the basis of longevity, the spiritual level of human beings has gained a general improvement due to longer learning and accumulation time, which in turn enhances the humanistic atmosphere of the whole society.

This is spiritual progress, which is more important than material progress.

The key point of this process is that it must be completed by human beings in order to be meaningful. It is not meaningful to achieve it through someone or a certain force.

Or, he said that these worlds of experience are less meaningful than his hometown. He made him use it as a laboratory for social experiments to verify his ideas. And if he can successfully complete the phased experiment, such as this "spiritual sublimation" experiment, in his view, the large amount of data generated from it is very valuable.

Therefore, his ‘love’ is not without reason, nor is he suddenly full of a sense of mission to change the world for the human beings here. On the contrary, he is selfish and once again used the natives here as mice.

Now that you want to integrate with the Warhammer 40K human empire, and participate in the great cause of blazing monsters and fighting aliens, let the red be lost. The dictatorship, the only big capital in the Star District, is in line with his compulsion to the Governor of the Star District.

He wants to integrate the human power of this star zone, replace the weak coffee of the Martian mechanical god, and let this star zone become the new industrial heart of the empire. With hundreds of millions of turrets, cast hundreds of millions of glory, let the spirit race, orcs, and Taryn , Chaos Demon, in front of the battleship sea, kneelly called dad.

"Miranda, the social experiment is temporarily over. Let's implement the ‘Long High Five Hundred Wastes’ plan."

The key point of the 500-year-old stalk is to cross the group.

However, Kane's plan is to win the group.

Once this plan is launched, it can be said that there is basically no difficulty in conquering this star zone. After all, the proportion of resource allocation in this world has been exaggerated to a certain limit, more than 120 billion people, of which 120 billion hold resources only account for the total resources (including those to be developed, because the exploited people basically do not have the technology and production to develop resources More than ten percent of capital), which means throwing away the essential necessities for survival and the basic daily necessities (including damaged replacement) that can be regarded as wealth. The resources of these 120 billion people are basically close to zero.

This phenomenon can be said to be a very warhammer.

It's just that since the rebellion of the war commander Horus in the early 32nd century, the technological level of the human empire has continued to decline, so the performance is even more ugly.

This model is very similar to the Mayan civilization in Kane’s memory. The calendar of the Mayan civilization is quite well-known, and its technological level is not bad, but it almost fell overnight and disappeared. One of the main reasons is that the knowledge is only less than 10%. In the hands of the people who encountered force majeure, this handful of people with knowledge hung up, and the knowledge was severely degenerated, and they died.

It is the same now, and the existing capitals of this star zone are collectively replaced, and the authority is basically started.

Is UPL about to hold a conference? This is obviously a very good opportunity to concentrate infections and wipe out all at once...

In the blink of an eye, three years passed, and then thirty years passed.

In three years, the chain of evil spirits with Mao as the external, completed the parasitism of all the targets, and then at different times of the same day, launched the action of capturing the home, so the capitals were deities before going to sleep, and they had changed after waking up. people.

In the past three years, it is nothing more than a variety of patience and perseverance to find opportunities to complete the parasite, which is basically repeated operations over and over, and there is nothing to repeat.

The next thirty years were the time spent on power transfer.

In order to reduce the related consumption as much as possible, Kane requires a smooth transition.

As a result, Miranda designated a quiet plan for Runwu, including capital group change of directors and CEO, including UPL to gain greater real power, but was overruled by Miranda, including more thorough cyberization, whether it is the group’s private army Or, the nominal official soldiers, including non-commissioned officers, military officers, and general officers, have all been reduced to "filler" soldiers who have truly achieved the iron battle.

Thirty years, starting with the unimpressive commands, a little change was finally completed.

At this point, even the collective resurrection of those capitals is meaningless. Their wealth and authority have been completely controlled by Miranda.

Over the past thirty years, relying on advanced technology and excellent health habits, the years have hardly left marks on Ava's face. But left in her heart.

She was married, divorced, married, and divorced again, and now she is alone, and misses the night of shopping with Kane in Minepit Town.

She herself knew that the night was actually not that great, and Kane was not her good match. However, what is not available is the best, not to mention that she has so far admitted that she has yet to meet anyone who has better talent than Kane.

However, the incidents of Hongqiao Tiange and Mine Pit Town have all become noises and have now been forgotten by most people.

Kane, since the big troubles of the Grey Fish Gang and the establishment of Tacitus, never appeared again, as if this person had never existed.

Eva used authority, channels, and profile information, as well as an intuition of a near-specific function, searched every area that she thought was suspicious, and even found someone with the help of a management and monitoring big data system. .

This is of course, after all, Milan agreed to be the information manager for this star zone, and Kane did not want to see Ava. How could Ava get relevant information from this channel?

Kane disappeared, and Tacitus disappeared.

Despite the fact that through many years of normal competition, Taxi Tuo has relied on one hand to be disciplined, humane, and the other hand is fierce, ruthless, and evaporating Dafa, he has unified the waste street and became the uncrowned king of the underground kingdom of Hengguang City. In terms of that, what is it? Is the urinal inlaid with gold, is it not a urinal?

In Ava's mind, Kane is not the kind of person who just made a gold urinal.

The other three Aborigines more closely related to Kane are Adele Weining, Ella Greenhill and Cork Reiter.

Among them, Cork Reiter found his life goals, or is accustomed to today's living method, and is now the first cowboy in Hengguang City. Give the kind that the heirs of the consortium do not return.

In his own words: "I know all the sinister things behind the scenery of the seat. To be honest, I don't have much confidence to do well. And I feel very tired. And in this business, I am one of the best batch As far as the industry is concerned, I think it's more decent to betray yourself to make money and steal and steal other people's money."

Adele Weining collapsed several times, but she was kind in nature, and she still got something in exchange. Not only did Ella do her best to help her, but some people were willing to help her.

And Kane didn't really let her work in the custom industry until he paid off the debt he had set. Kane didn't look at his pitifulness, or found that it was indeed not suitable for this business, but because of his "Long Gao Hundred Hundred Wastes" plan, Adele lost home and family.

So out of compensation, and being unable to see how Adele was tortured with her family when she was unable to see the red dust mud pond, Kane terminated her punishment in advance and paid her a sum of money. .

Later, Adele invited Ella Greenhill to use the money to set up a rescue fund to help those who want to change the status of their lives through study and labor.

Interestingly, they learned how to do things smoothly, and even took the initiative to find Tacitus to seek cooperation. Because the people they want to help are often at the bottom of the society, and fall into the quagmire of all kinds of bad things, and wanting to get out of it is not something that can be done simply by normal channels.

Of course, it's really effective to smash money hard, eat, live, work, and settle relatives. But the rescue fund does not have such a strong force, nor will it give the rescued such a strong "crutch". This is what Adele and Ella have experienced in their own hard times.

In short, these two people were not tortured madly, but began to spread truth, goodness and beauty down to earth. For such a person, Kane has always been generous, including secret protection.

Just as there were thugs and villains in Cathay Pacific and Haiyan Heqing during the Qing Dynasty, no matter how gloomy the times were, there were human flashes. The Waste Street had street girls who tried their best to help others without asking for return. After reaching the line, and gradually becoming the manager of the society, he followed the principle of Kane's "good and evil have rewards, no matter what, I control", as far as possible to prevent the benefactors from building a bridge and paving the road without corpses.

This is to leave some seeds of truth, kindness and beauty to the world, so that it is not like ‘hell is empty, the devil is in the world’.

Miranda can also find and complete the problem of insufficient control by performing such tasks, perfecting the details, and also taking control to the grassroots.

So in the past 30 years, although the general situation is still the same, the bad atmosphere in the society has improved, and the trend of the sinking of the bottom has also stopped.

This is actually very effective. After all, the accumulation is hard to come by. The huge stalls of 120 billion people want to manage well and the workload is unimaginable.

And the middle class of society is influenced by ‘whatever is good and what is bad’, and the trend is also reversed. For them, being good and being bad are not comfortable. The most comfortable thing is to be yourself, but the society teaches them to be a man, to support their families, and to maintain a decent minimum, they must follow the trend, adapt to society, and distort themselves. If you can’t do it, you will be eliminated. This is the cruel reality.

So, a hundred and twenty-six years passed.

In a world with an average life expectancy of 90 years, 126 years ago, it was already a distant matter. Even some old people, when it was mentioned, were talking about ancient times, not to mention young people. Things are not too busy, who has the time to recall all the time?

Adele Weining and Ella Greenhill died at the end of their lives eleven years ago and seven years ago. They both lived over a hundred years old. They have a fairly happy family and satisfactory heirs.

The Weining family, the Greenhill family, had been completely dispersed for decades. On the contrary, the bailout fund established by the two of them is the Niubao Group, which is now known in Hengguang City. The key is the high IP value and very popular.

A century ago, the city was a giant structure, and a hundred years later, the city was still a giant structure, but the social atmosphere has changed a lot, the most obvious is that it is more dynamic.

There is another obvious change. From this planet, the natural ecology has basically recovered. In this regard, everyone has to admit that the official has done a good deed.

The current official, called the First Order, has been renamed for several decades. When the name was changed, it was unstoppable, and now it has been adapted for a long time.

In fact, compared with a hundred years ago, the change can be overwhelming. It's just that the time has lengthened, and no big movements have been made to make people remember deeply. Most people will not care about these contents that are not too closely related to themselves. At most, the so-called well-known big V calls for so many voices, and people usually use it after tea, and after talking more, they will spray: "A hundred years later, is it a bit unusual to change?"

But we must know that before Kane came, the world had not changed as much as it had for hundreds of years.

From Kane's perspective, over the past 100 years, what he has done is nothing more than a few things: open source and reduce expenditure, strengthen production; run the economy, enrich the people, and encourage labor and eugenics.

According to the current development rate, the entire Star District will enter the garden era after about 1800 years.

That is to say, the natural resources other than the stellar light and heat have basically been exhausted. Like non-ferrous metals, nuclear fuel, all have been turned into materials.

If you want to get it again, you can only recycle it.

In this context, the plant economy, agricultural economy, and tourism economy have become economic leaders, so it is called the garden era.

Of course, if you connect with the outside world, it will be another situation.

In general, after 126 years of continuous regulation and control, until today, Kane can say that this star zone is basically a reserve of the first order.

And his definition of the reserved land is that, I can trade things with the outside world.

Retreat, even if you self-digestion, no problem.

Therefore, the key point of his reserve is still'control'.

Mainly to prevent the vicious influence and economic plunder from the outside world.

For example, malicious mineral sales earn the difference, and for example, the refugee wave.

In short, the gap in economic volume is there. Once the trend is formed, it will cause problems and at least disrupt the inherent rhythm of development.

But now it will not. Sufficient control means that unofficial transactions are simply unprofitable. The official does not know the restrictions, it will only cause such an established fact. Specifically, it can be understood that individuals or groups capable of trading with outsiders are all avatars of Miranda.

Then there is regulation.

Obviously, this is the planned economy. It is too restrictive for normal economic development. But Kane believes that it is appropriate at this stage, and it is a kind of self-protection to the outside world.

As for internal, Kane felt that as long as the people feel that society is developing upwards, that is, the so-called economic upward trend, the better the day, the better.

At this point, since the capitalists trampled the bottom of the people into the mud, at least their treatment had enough room for improvement.

In this aspect of improvement, Kane can slow down a little.

When he re-established ties with the other star regions of the empire, he believed that the people under the First Order would gain a great sense of superiority and even feel fortunate because of their colleagues.

Forty years later.

Since the advent, Kane's time in this world will soon be two hundred years.

For him, these forty years are both garbage time and indispensable savings time.

Today, the adjustment of the industrial structure of the entire Star District has been completely completed five years ago.

The preparation for the First Order is already very sufficient. As long as you get in touch with the outside world, it won't take long to surprise the intelligent life of the outside world, and even the entire galaxy.

If the subspace storm does not stop, Kane will consider building a super-large miracle project like Dyson Ball.

His plan was to wait ten years, specifically when he started calculating when he completed the adjustment of the industrial structure five years ago.

However, reality did not allow him to wait that long.

The extraordinary energy probe has reacted, which means that the shell of the closed law has a leak.

What did that sentence say: Just give me a fulcrum, I can pry up the planet.

The probe responds, and for Kane it is the fulcrum.

Crowbar is his skill in extraordinary.

"Let's send a fly first, and see if there is a certain percentage of the egg liquid seeping through this crack."

As a result, a small Alcana-class landing ship, Holy Grail III, was dispatched to the front line.

This landing ship was produced by the First Order, and has not previously appeared in any sequence of warships in the Warhammer 40K universe.

Its top view is a "work" character, and the side view is a reversed "concave" character. The part that is recessed in the middle is used to mount a standard pod.

There are more types of standard pods. The pods for this mission are MA (MobileAllRangeManeuverabilityOffenceUtility).

This weapon, in the Warhammer 40K universe, can be classified as a Titan armor. The MA, which is simply called the mobile fortress, can indeed be deformed, but it is not human.

Kane himself was a person who thought about the design of anti-humanoid mechas, and proved with countless field battles that under the same technical level, humanoid mechas are by no means the best choice, and are far from the optimal choice.

The MA carried by the Holy Grail III is called Cancer. It has crab claws, but the body is narrower than the crabs, and has a'pointed nose'. When it stows the claws, it looks like a Q version of the shuttle, the fleshy short wings and the solid body, Up to three engine-level plasma jets are injected into the tail, which is powerful and flexible.

Even in a compact state, it has a total length of 68 meters, a full width of 46 meters, and a total height of 23 meters. The weight of the entire equipment can reach 380 tons and its own weight is 254 tons.

It is equipped with one ship-level particle gun, two missile pods with two consecutive installations, four 110MM Vulcan guns, and can also hold a large beam gun or light cone.

And because it has flexible claws, it has good operational capabilities and can operate normally in the atmosphere and the deep sea, so it is called the whole field.

Since it dared to use the title of ‘fortress’, its defensive power is naturally amazing, with a battleship-level energy field generator and supporting floating defense shield.

Of course, it does not have the ability to jump.

Kane made the MA out of order not to allow some people to drive the gadget alone into the enemy ship group. But to match the conventional space warfare tactics different from the Warhammer 40K.

A simple description of such tactics can be called ‘Geat the hills and fight the fire, the king of firepower. ’

It is natural to think of refractive prisms.

That's right, MA is playing that prism, it will kill the enemy formation, refract the laser of the warship, and achieve the purpose of precisely striking the specific part of the target.

As for the king of firepower, as the name implies, the battleship takes the super firepower platform as the core, and the firepower that can be output per unit time is extremely terrifying.

Of course, the prism MA that cooperates with the battleship group is not Cancer, but Aquarius.

So there are other signs of the zodiac?

That's right, one of the reasons for choosing the zodiac as the code name is precisely because there are twelve kinds of stereotypes. For example, the Taurus specializing in stabbing the ship’s knife, the Sagittarius whose primary purpose is to kill the boat-class unit, the Virgo who can repair the battleship on the spot, the Space Fighter Leo, and so on.

As for Cancer, in addition to fighting, engineering operations are its specialty.

Holy Grail III jumped directly to the destination area with the active transition technology that Zhao Wenrui obtained from the {Alien: Contract} world.

The entire star zone has already been surveyed and mapped. Except for the semi-permanent stealth probes scattered everywhere, there is no patrol ship in the whole star zone.

Of course, if needed, in any area, within a half hour, there will be one hundred, one thousand or more starships.

This is one of the effects Kane pursues, rich but frugal.

The captain of the Holy Grail III, Klein Moser, was the chief officer of a tattered space transport ship seventy-six years ago.

Before that, he had more than 700 years of experience in ship control. That's right, he was a monk Astarte, in theory he should wear power armor until the battlefield.

But in fact, for various reasons, Monk Astarte can also raise pigs, as long as there is a need.

However, it also depends on which warrior Astarte is. The core philosophy of the warfare often determines their words and deeds.

Klein had to use a prosthesis because his body could not be repaired. When the ship was secured, the first officer was promoted step by step, but this was the end. After all, this star zone is really lacking the reason for a transport ship captain to die. After the normal death of the captain, it is often the new captain of the airborne, which is also a major feature of the capital. It is a routine operation to appoint one person and arrange for the men to occupy the important positions.

And now, Klein looked at his big hand, the nearly perfect combination of bionic machinery + biochemical cells, inorganic matter and organic matter. This body gives Klein a sound five sense and extraordinary ability. With this body, he can easily defeat the soldiers of the Terminator Company (the strongest company of the team, composed of elite veterans, generally a company), but this It is not a new type of fighting body called "war body" for short, but only a comprehensive strengthening type.

"Captain, our ship has arrived in the designated area." AI lieutenant reminded with a cold electronic sound.

This is how Klein adapted in recent decades. According to the stipulations of the empire, all non-cylinder brains (human brains) are souls. This rule is said to have been implemented throughout the empire since the Iron Man rebellion.

"Began to explore and launch Cancer 07 and 08."

"Putting Cancer 07 and 08, the order is being executed..."

The standard pod door was opened, just like a rocket launch, the two MAs launched, the initial velocity was extremely high, and then accelerated to 60,000 kilometers per second in 3 seconds, which is 20% of the speed of light.

The two MAs then flew to their destinations at this speed.

A few minutes later, Kane got the data report.

After reviewing, he touched his jaw and said: "It's necessary to walk by myself."

Soon after, Miranda informed him that the portal had been dropped.

This door is a standing ring. Its front ring is made of transparent crystal. However, after charging, this wall is no longer transparent, but becomes black.

When the portal is opened, the black door wall will be divided into six, the spiral opens, and the speed is very fast.

Look at this time, the destination is already behind the door.

The principle of this portal is similar to that of a certain type of star gate. Kane also came to this world, and after seeing the star gates used in this world, he perfected the technology of this type of portal to the present level.

The device on the other side of the portal was dropped by Cancer. After Kane passed the star gate, he extended his hand and closed his eyes. He actively consumed the extraordinary power originally carried in the body and tried his best to perceive the law around him.

The cold ice, lack of oxygen, and no air pressure in the deep space can have no effect on him. This is not only because his flesh is strong enough, but also because of the protection of the extraordinary power with the film as the boundary.

"It turns out this way..."

About half an hour later, Kane opened his eyes. understood.

This star zone was blocked by the subspace force field. This kind of blockade is very much like magnetically constrained and controlled nuclear fusion. It is based on the law and uses sub-space energy as a filler to form a special isolated field and make the interior a world without demons.

However, a shell of a giant macro cannon that did not know how long it had wandered in the universe, shattered the eggshell of the law.

Compared to nowhere to start inside, this subspace position is relatively fragile on the outside. This is the main reason for the success of that shell.

Although this crack is insignificant, it can recover in up to 12 hours. Then during this time, Kane sensed the rule structure and obtained the external coordinates. What is not restored is basically meaningless.

No, it also makes sense, it can keep the world in the force field continuing to be in the devilless state for thousands of years. It couldn't stop Kane from leaving. This means that the former cage has now become a mountain barrier to hide and protect Taoyuan Township.

This result is actually better for Kane, a solid rear, without direct interaction with the empire.

He only needs to reapply his old skills and choose a star system to occupy as a bridgehead to the outside...


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